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        韓国語母語話者の接客行動に対する日本語母語話者の情意認識に関する一考察 -韓国での日本語を使用した接客場面を中心に-

        오오이케 신 한국일본어학회 2014 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.42

        This research aimed at exploring the tendency of perception by Japanese native speakers, who felt unpleasant about the customer-reception behavior of Korean native speakers by using the Japanese language. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, this research conducted a survey, and asked the perception of 88 Japanese tourists who visited Korea. Those tourists could not speak the Korean language. The main findings of the research are as follows. Firstly, over 80% of respondents appeared to have goodwill on the whole with regard to the use of the Japanese language by Korean native speakers while they receive customers. In contrast, over 40% of respondents had unpleasant experience about the customer-reception behavior. Secondly, the study further investigated the detailed response of 38 respondents who answered that they had unpleasant experience about the customer-reception behavior, and found that they appeared to have a higher tendency to feel more unpleasant about the non-verbal language behavior than language behavior, and the kinds of unpleasant non-verbal behavior appeared to be diverse. The unpleasant non-verbal language behaviors are divided into the following two kinds: First is 'active reception behavior' which actively receives customers while they (customers) do not want the reception, and second is 'passive reception behavior' which passively receives customers when they (customers) want the reception. The 'passive reception behavior' is further divided into two subcategories: one is 'direct influence' which causes the unpleasant feeling of customers by deteriorating goods and service receipt; and the other is 'indirect influence' which causes the unpleasant feeling of customers by the customer-reception behavior, though goods and service receipt is not deteriorated. On the basis of these divisions, the study derived the result that the respondents showed a high tendency to have unpleasant experiences about 'passive customer-reception behavior', particularly about 'indirect influence'. Also, female respondents appeared to show a higher response rate than male respondents against the unpleasant experience, the customer-reception behavior, and the various customer-reception situations on the whole across this research.

      • KCI등재


        大池森(오오이케 신) 한국일본어학회 2014 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.42

        본 연구는 한국 내 한국어 모어 화자에 의한 일본어 활용 접객 행동에 대하여 불쾌감을 느낀 일본어 모어 화자의 심리·인식의 경향을 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 일본어 모어 화자 중 한국어 회화가 불가능한 한국 방문 여행객 88명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사 결과를 토대로 도출된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 접객 시 사용되는 한국어 모어 화자의 일본어에 대해서는 응답자의 80%이상이 전반적으로 호의적으로 느끼고 있는 것으로 나타난 반면, 접객 행동에 대해서는 응답자의 40% 이상이 불쾌감을 느낀 경험이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 접객 행동에 불쾌감을 느낀 경험이 있다고 답변한 응답자 38명의 세부 응답을 살펴본 결과 언어 행동에 비해 비언어 행동에 불쾌감을 느끼는 경향이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 불쾌감을 느낀 비언어 행동의 종류도 다양한 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 응답자가 불쾌함을 느끼는 비언어 행동으로는 첫째, 접객을 원하지 않은 상황에서 접객측이 적극적인 고객 응대를 하는 ‘적극적 접객 행동’, 둘째, 접객을 원하는 상황에서 접객측이 고객에게 적극적인 고객 응대를 하지 않는 ‘소극적 접객 행동’의 두 종류로 분류되었다. 이 중 ‘소극적 접객 행동’은 두 가지 하위 범주로 분류되며, 첫째, 상품 및 서비스 수수의 저해가 원인으로 작용하여 불쾌감을 느낀 ‘직접적 영향’, 둘째, 상품 및 서비스 수수는 저해되지 않았으나 접객측의 행동에 기인하여 불쾌감을 느낀 ‘간접적 영향’으로 분류되었다. 본 조사를 토대로 응답자들은 ‘소극적 접객 행위’ 중에서도 특히 ‘간접적 영향’에 대한 불쾌감을 느낀 경험의 경향이 높다는 결론을 도출할 수 있었다. 아울러 본 연구 전반에 걸쳐, 불쾌감을 느낀 경험, 접객 행위, 다양한 접객 상황 전체에 대한 여성 응답이 남성에 비해 많은 것으로 나타났다. This research aimed at exploring the tendency of perception by Japanese native speakers, who felt unpleasant about the customer-reception behavior of Korean native speakers by using the Japanese language. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, this research conducted a survey, and asked the perception of 88 Japanese tourists who visited Korea. Those tourists could not speak the Korean language. The main findings of the research are as follows. Firstly, over 80% of respondents appeared to have goodwill on the whole with regard to the use of the Japanese language by Korean native speakers while they receive customers. In contrast, over 40% of respondents had unpleasant experience about the customer-reception behavior. Secondly, the study further investigated the detailed response of 38 respondents who answered that they had unpleasant experience about the customer-reception behavior, and found that they appeared to have a higher tendency to feel more unpleasant about the non-verbal language behavior than language behavior, and the kinds of unpleasant non-verbal behavior appeared to be diverse. The unpleasant non-verbal language behaviors are divided into the following two kinds: First is "active reception behavior" which actively receives customers while they (customers) do not want the reception, and second is "passive reception behavior" which passively receives customers when they (customers) want the reception. The "passive reception behavior" is further divided into two subcategories: one is "direct influence" which causes the unpleasant feeling of customers by deteriorating goods and service receipt; and the other is "indirect influence" which causes the unpleasant feeling of customers by the customer-reception behavior, though goods and service receipt is not deteriorated. On the basis of these divisions, the study derived the result that the respondents showed a high tendency to have unpleasant experiences about "passive customer-reception behavior", particularly about "indirect influence". Also, female respondents appeared to show a higher response rate than male respondents against the unpleasant experience, the customer-reception behavior, and the various customer-reception situations on the whole across this research.

      • KCI등재

        쉐마(신 6: 4-9)의 수용사(Reception History) 연구

        이은우 한국구약학회 2011 구약논단 Vol.17 No.2

        The reception theory advanced by Jauss proposes the sublation of the established dominant author-text centered formal-aesthetic literary research method and suggests a new way of research focused on reader-oriented reading and receiving literary works. Traditional literary approaches - whether they be foramlist, new critical, or Marxist-have tended to focus on ‘writer’ and ‘text.’ The audience for whom the literature was destined plays a limited role. Thus, reception theory tries to change the direction of literary research climate from existing author-text based study into reader oriented literary understanding. Literature and its reading are products of society at particular historical moments. Over the course of history, a discourse concerning the meaning and significance of a text grows, develops, and evolves. To properly understand the meaning and significance of a text at any particular historical moment, we have to understand its place in a continually evolving discourse of reception. A text must be studied in the perspective of reception history which have interpreted it. The purpose of this study is to explore the reception history of shema which has played an important role in the tradition of Judaism and Cristianity for ages until now. There has been long controversy on the time setting and the range of the text. This article pursues the reception history of Shema in the history of Israel and Christian community. For this purpose, the writer interprets shema in connection with vassal treaty of neo-Assyrian empire in ancient Old Testament Period, and studies the understanding of shema in the Septuagint, in the synoptic Gospel, in the Pauline letters, in the Rabinic Judaism, of ancient church fathers, and of Protestant reformers. 이 연구의 목적은 신앙 공동체의 역사 속에서 오랫동안 중요한 본문으로 여겨져왔고, 현재도 핵심적인 기능을 하는 신 6장 4-9절(쉐마)의 수용사(Reception History)를 탐구하는 것이다. 이 논문에서 저자는 신앙 공동체가 비교적 공통된 성경 해석을 했던 시기를 중심으로 본문의 수용사를 연구한다. 이 과정에서 저자는 구약 시대 신 앗수르 제국의 봉신 조약과의 관계 속에서 쉐마를 해석하며, 칠십인역(LXX)의 쉐마 이해, 신약성경 복음서와 바울 서신에서의 쉐마 이해, 랍비적 유대교의 쉐마 이해, 고대 교부들의 쉐마 이해, 종교개혁자들의 쉐마 이해를 탐구한다.

      • KCI등재

        도자사 연구에서 '수용(受容)'의 문제

        장남원 한국미술사교육학회 2007 美術史學 Vol.21 No.-

        The idea of ‘reception’ was adopted from ‘reception-aesthetics Rezeptionsasthetik.’ It refers to the act of reading, understanding and perceiving a work of literature. It is a criticism against traditional artist-centered or formalist perspective and description in art history, through which started the study in literature based on centrality of the reader, who would understand the historical character of art in a reception-aesthetical way. According to reception-aesthetics, a work of literature as a text is only completed through a communicative process of reception by the reader, and has as its objective the analysis of the process of reception, which is the final stage in completing a piece of literature. The history of ceramics is categorized as ‘industrial art’ within art history, but at the same time, it has attained a somewhat meaningful sphere due to the abundance of material and the development of particular research methodology specific to the genre of ceramics. In addition to the accumulation of original material attained through excavation, the increase of relics that are worthy of analysis and that have been gained from descent through generations and collections, is faster and broader than any other area in art history. Therefore, chronological work is being done as well as primary archeological categorization and interpretation, and it has become a general trend to also study the detailed form and production technology. However, in the study of ceramics history, we have now passed the stage whereby one would consider ceramics simply as artwork for sentimental appreciation or work of one particular artist–work that delivers a fixed meaning or an object for formative or aesthetic observation. It is a well known fact that, since long ago, in the study of ceramics history, only a multilateral approach will allow a three-dimensional interpretation. Recently, quite a few researchers have expressed their agreement to this perspective. However, in the study of ceramics history, the matter of ‘reception’ is difficult to be dealt as an independent research method, and is instead adopted as a complementary methodology. This thesis proposes the expansion of research area from the perspective of ‘reception,’ as follows: (1) Consumption and circulation–The rebirth of the user / (2) Reflection in the production process: The receptive perspective of the producer / (3) The tradition formed by the recipient: The usage and labelling of ceramics / (4) Collection and appreciation. Of course, in the study of ceramics history, basic matters such as chronology and form have not been solved and remain debatable. Moreover, materials that need to be solved continuously accumulate. Therefore, there is still a lot to be done in terms of traditional research centered on the production site or producer, such as the study of kilns, workshops, sedimentary layers, artisans, materials, technology and chronology. However, a multilateral and an in-depth approach to the content can be possible when research centered on the producer is done together with the study from the perspective of the recipient. The wild enthusiasm for the Full Moon Jar during late Chosun period, or the masterpiece exhibitions that expanded this enthusiasm were new traditions made by recipients. Understanding of ceramics focusing on masterpieces made ceramics, which were everyday goods for thousands of years, become ‘creation’ and ‘art work.’ Therefore, an approach to texts such as artifacts that have been handed down across generations and fragments, and to general recipients who circulated and used these ceramics, are very much needed in study of ceramics history.

      • 延享五年の朝鮮通信使と福岡藩(前編)

        吉田 智史 조선통신사학회 2017 조선통신사연구 Vol.24 No.-

        12 times of Korean envoys who visited Japan during the Edo period were important diplomatic missions. When the Korean envoys came, the Edo shogunate ordered the lords in various places to host them. Fukuoka-Han hosted 11 times of envoys at Ainoshima(currently Shingu Town, Kasuya gun, Fukuoka prefecture) except for the 12th envoy in 1811. The reception of the Fukuoka-Han was subject to research from the Taisho period. The five times record of the reception is finely remained from the 7th(1682) to the 11th(1763). We must refer to these studies that were made by Mr. Hidetoshi Miyake and Mr. Shigehiro Takada. As a result of them, the receptions were elucidated in the 7th and 9th(1719), 11th. 1 have elucidated the 8th (1711). For the 1 Oth( 1748) reception, in this manuscript 1 clarified as follows. Fukuoka-Han got informations that the envoys were coming to Japan in 1746, picked officials in charge, collected informations on reception. It was important to obtain accurate informations from the Edo shogunate, the Tsushima-Han, and many Hans that were in charge of reception. The most important things that 1 want to say are that the Fukuoka-Han made intimate relationships with the chief retainer of the Tsushima-Han and obtained informations , and sent emissaries to Tsushima for collecting informations. 1 think that the purpose was to reduce the burden of the Tsushima-Han and obtain accurate informations. However ih the llth(1 763), Fukuoka-Han did not gathered informations. These are the future issues. Messengers of many Hans went to Tsushima to collect informations before the 9th. Tsushima - Han has refused them. So 1 have to study how the messengers were getting the imformations for Tsushima-Han. Fukuoka-Han was ordered to reduce wasteful expenses from the Edo shogunate, and was also receiving advice from the chief retainer of Tsushima-Han. For about half a year, Fukuoka - Han had prepared the harbor and lodgings of Ainoshima since May 1747. They also gathered high quality foods from the territory but they were not enough. In addition, the Fukuoka-Han mobilized a large number of citizens. About 3 ,300 people were mobilized to the sailor, and about 500 ships were mobilized. Many people also mobilized for construction of facilities in Ainoshima. Reception of the 10th, the financial situation of the Fukuoka-Han was bad , so the burden on the people increased. In this way , the Fukuoka-Han prepared for reception with reference to the results of the previous reception and the information contents. This tendency continued to the 11th, so the reception for the 10th is said that the structure of the Fukuoka-Han was maturing. The correspondence of the Fukuoka-Han in the reception of the envoy of 10th will be posted as the second part in the next draft.

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기 일본사신 접대를 통해 본 朝日관계 - 差倭제도와 접대규정 변화를 중심으로 -

        심민정 부산경남사학회 2015 역사와 경계 Vol.96 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine how Chawae(差倭), the representative diplomatic envoying during late Joseon, was established and institutionalized and how the reception rules changed. Chawae system was established along with the enforcement of Gyeomdaeje(兼帶制). Enforcing this system, they could reduce cost to receive envoys considerably as they had to receive Songsa(送使) nine times a year (later reduced to eight times) only from then. In the process that Gukwangsa(國王使) disappeared and Teuksongsa(特送使) was changed to trading envoys, however, Japan came up with new envoys exclusively in charge of diplomatic affairs, which offset reduced reception. The diplomatic envoys they came up with in this way were Byeolchawae(別差倭). Byeolchawae was dispatched under the name of treating all different diplomatic affairs and induced reception from Joseon. But on Joseon, it was a severe burden to receive all of them officially as diplomatic envoys. This is why they divided them into two kinds in consideration of the members, purpose of dispatch, or characteristics of envoying. In other words, Hyangjeopwigwan(鄕接慰官) built a system to receive diplomatic envoys having roles and functions similar to those of previous Teuksongsa while Gyeongjeopwigwan(京接慰官) did so for Byeolchawae corresponding to Gukwangsa. Meanwhile, centering around Waegwan, Chawae appeared to be exclusively in charge of diplomatic affairs, and they were Gwansuchawae(館守差倭). In the incident of adapting national document, Gwansuchawae was dispatched to be fully in charge of managing Waein in Waegwan. Later, Joseon came to recognize Gwansu and conclude treaties dealing with managing Waegwan or such. Until then, Gwansu was strongly diplomatic as the name of Gwansuchawae tells us, and Jeopwigwan was being received. In the process of moving Waegwan to Choryang, however, Gwansu came to be a practical manager of Waegwan and became received by Dongraebusa and Busancheomsa just like Yeonryesongsa. Tongsinsa dispatched in 1682 which was first after the move to Choryangwaegwan concluded treaties to reduce and reorganize existing Byeolchawae. In this process, the name of Jaepanchawae(裁判差倭) fully and generally in charge of diplomatic affairs started, and existing Byeolchawae were divided into Daechawae and Sochawae to reorganize the members and reception rules. But this kind of attempt was not very successful in reducing the burden. Therefore, Joseon tried to revise its reception system in connection to its policy to sweep away old abuses and led to concluding Yipye-treaty as Yeokjitongsin was right there at the moment. As a result, they could discontinue Jungjeoloseon(中絶五船) and abolish reception for Dojugohwanchawae and later even see fruition to reduce the days of reception for Daechawae. 본고에서는 조선 후기 대표적인 외교사행이라 할 수 있는 差倭가 성립되어 제도화되는 과정과 접대규정이 어떻게 변화하였는지를 살펴보았다. 차왜제도는 兼帶制 시행과 맞물려 성립되었다. 이 제도의 시행은 1년에 9차례 혹은 8차례의 送使船만 접대하면 되었기 때문에 사신 접대비용이 상당히 줄어들었다. 하지만 國王使가 사라지고, 特送使가 무역 사신으로 변하는 과정에서 일본측은 외교 문제를 전담하는 사신을 새로 만들어 내어 축소된 접대를 상쇄하였다. 이렇게 생성된 외교사신이 別差倭이다. 별차왜는 각종 외교현안을 명목으로 파견되어 조선측의 접대를 이끌어 내었다. 하지만 조선은 이들을 모두 공식적인 외교사행으로 접대하기에는 상당한 부담이었다. 때문에 사신의 구성과 파견 목적, 성격 등을 고려하여 두 부류로 구분하였다. 즉 기존에 특송사의 역할과 비슷한 성격을 지니는 외교사신은 鄕接慰官이, 국왕사에 준하는 성격의 별차왜는 京接慰官이 접대하는 제도를 마련한 것이다. 또 한편으로는 왜관을 중심으로 외교업무를 전담하는 차왜가 등장했는데, 館守差倭이다. 관수차왜는 국서개작사건 과정에서 왜관 내 왜인들의 관리가 제대로 이뤄지지 않아 이를 전담하기 위해 파견되었다. 조선은 이후 館守를 인정해 주면서 왜관 관리 등의 내용을 담은 약조들을 체결하기에 이르렀다. 이때까지만 해도 관수는 관수차왜라는 명칭에서도 드러나듯 외교적 성격이 강했고, 接慰官의 접대가 이루어지고 있었다. 하지만 초량으로 倭館이 이전하는 과정에서 관수는 왜관의 실무관리자로 성격이 변화되면서 年例送使처럼 동래부사와 부산첨사의 접대를 받는 존재가 되었다. 초량왜관으로 이전한 후 처음으로 파견된 1682년 通信使는 기존의 별차왜를 축소ㆍ재정비하는 약조를 체결하였다. 이 과정에서 외교업무를 총괄하여 전담하는 裁判差倭의 명칭이 시작되었고, 기존의 별차왜도 大ㆍ小差倭로 구분하여 구성원, 접대규정도 재정비하였다. 하지만 이런 시도가 부담을 크게 완화시키지는 못하였다. 때문에 조선 내의 구폐를 시정하는 정책과 연계하여 접대 제도를 개편하고자 하였고, 마침 易地通信 과정과 맞물려 釐弊約條의 체결로까지 이어졌다. 결과 中絶五船의 중단 및 島主告還差倭의 접대가 폐지되었고 이후 대차왜의 접대일수를 줄이는 결과도 이루어 냈다.

      • KCI등재

        두모포왜관시기 差倭 接待例 변화와 정비

        심민정(Shim, Min-Jung) 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.46

        The purpose of this study is to examine the cases of Chawae(Japanese Envoys) reception during the period Dumopo Waegwan which have not been considered much by researchers before focusing on 『Jeopwaesikrye』. Based on each individual case, this author has arranged the contents as below: First, this researcher includes Duwae(頭倭) in the category of Chawae during the period of Dumopo Waegwan. This is because Chawae originated from Duwae. Second, the subjects in charge of Chawae reception can be largely divided into Jeopwigwan(接慰官) and Dongraebu(東萊府). Third, about the manners of Chawae reception, they adopted the manners of Yeonryesongsaseon(年例送使) reception mainly as its reference, and it can be largely divided into ‘1 Teuksongsarye(1特送例), Segyeon 1 Seonrye(歲遣1船例), Segyeon 4 Seonrye(歲遣4船例), SujikㆍSudoseoseonrye(受職ㆍ受圖書船例), Darye(茶禮), disapproved reception’. In general, Chawae reception was more prosperous in Dumopo Waegwan than in Choryang Waegwan. This is also associated with the situation that Chawae reception raised a lot of evil effects afterwards in terms of its cost and so on. Therefore, the cases of Chawae reception arranged in 『Jeopwaesikrye』 worked as a reference to reorganize Byeolchawae during the period of Choryang Waegwan and revise the manners of reception.

      • KCI등재

        부성회복 리얼리티 프로그램 〈아빠!어디가?〉(MBC)수용 연구

        한희정(Han, Hee Jeong) 경성대학교 사회과학연구소 2013 社會科學硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        이 논문은 부성회복을 모토로 부성애 키워드의 중심에 서 있는 리얼리티 TV프로그램 〈아빠!어디가?〉를 어떻게 수용하고 있는지, 수용자들이 바람직하게 여기는 부성은 어떤 모습이며 어떤 사회적 함의가 있는지 살펴 본 것이다. 방송국 공식 홈페이지 시청자 게시판의 의견 글을 분석텍스트로 삼아 캐롤린 미쉘(2007)의 통합적 수용방식의 모델로 분석한 결과, 수용자들은 의미의 외연적 수준에서 ‘명백한 수용(transparent mode of reception)’, ‘준거적 수용(referential mode of reception)’, ’미디어 매개 수용(mediated mode of reception)’을 하며 의미의 내연적 수준에서는 선호된 해독으로 ‘친구나 삼촌 같은 부성’을 추구하며 프로그램 출연아동들의 캐릭터의 매력(똑똑함, 의외성, 자유분방함, 순진성)에 매료되어 부성에 대한 환상을 갖고 있었다.또한 여러 수용방식을 오가는 ‘복합적 수용(commuting reception)’ 을 하더라도 비판적인 담론적 수용(discursive mode of reception)은 하지 못했다. 수용자들은 억압과 훈육의 가부장적 부성보다 친구같이 놀아주는 부성을 바람직하다고 여기며 성차별적 자막이나 리얼리티 TV기제인 관음적 요소 등을 오히려 재미 요소로 받아들이고 있다. 그리고 프로그램의 모티브인 ‘아빠와 자녀와의 여행’자체를 부성애 발현의 이벤트로 삼는다. 시청자 게시판의 수용자들은 리얼리티 장르답게 더욱 ‘현실 그대로의 자연스러움’을 제작진에게 요구하면서도, 텍스트의 “비현실성(자녀와 여행하며 놀아주는 아빠의 모습을 바람직한 부성으로 재현하는 한편 일상 속의 지난한 육아 문제는 외면함)”을 깨닫지 못하기에 반헤게모니적인 담론적 해독을 하지 못하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. Daddy! Where Are We Going? is a reality TV program intended to revitalize fatherhood in Korean society. This study examines how the audience encodes this program and what they wish to see represented as desirable fatherhood in the media. It also explores how the representation of fatherhood has social implications today. Viewers’ opinions were analyzed from the show’s official bulletin board on the basis of a composite multi-dimensional model of audience reception (Michelle, 2007). It was found that most audiences encode the text by one of three modes of reception: “transparent,” “referential,” or “mediated.” The audience accepted Hall’s the preferred reading. Most viewers’ desirable image of fatherhood included viewing “fathers as friends or uncles”; and participants believe that they earn consolation and healing from the children’s qualities, such as intelligence, unexpectedness, dearness or creativity. Though participants demonstrated “‘commuting reception’”- they did not oppose the hegemonic thrust of the text. Meanwhile, even though “fathers as friends or uncles” was considered the desirable image of fatherhood, the audiences also found sexist subtitles or voyeuristic elements to be enjoyable or funny. They did not comprehend the “unreality” of the text, in which real fatherhood - parenting in reality- was not accurately represented. Finally anti-hegemonic discursive reception did not manifest in the audiences because they exhibited no understanding that the text isolates motherhood as well as fatherhood.

      • 해석과 수용의 거리와 접점 - 이조년의 시조를 대상으로 -

        최홍원 개신어문학회 2012 개신어문연구 Vol.0 No.35

        This study aims at clarifying the importance of reception through discrepancies between interpretation and reception. At the same time, I want to suggest how interpretation should play the role in the process the learner appreciates the work in general. Lee Jonyeon(李兆年)’s Sijo functions as the materials to show the various facets of aspects of reception historically because the work has shown the complex appearances of reception for a long time. That’s because the meaning of the text is not fixed on only one. Rather, it always comes with a new meaning. Also, it is accepted as various dimensions in that. More specifically, I historically took a look at the appearances of reception and awareness in the late of Chosun Dynasty through Shin Wi(申緯)’s 『Soakbu(小樂府)』 and then reviewed the context of containing of Lee Jonyeon’s Sijo targeting literature textbooks according to 2009 Revised curriculum. Furthermore, I progressed analysing the outcomes of the appreciation by contemporary readers. Based on the study, I confirmed that the ambiguity of emotion which is turned out in the work falls into the task which the learner should construct and accordingly the positive constructing of meaning should be emphasized. In addition, I proposed that the experience of another dimension which goes beyond the cognition horizon of the subject should be required in order to get over the experience of the individual’s dimension. Therefore, I demand that adequate materials and theory should be provided in the process of interpretation of readers and the process that the different interpretations result in collision and competition be involved in the process of reception.

      • 쇼스타코비치 교향곡 4번의 서구권 수용에 관한 연구

        김지현(Kim Ji Hyun) 낭만음악사 2009 낭만음악 Vol.22 No.1

        본 논문은 쇼스타코비치(Dmitry Shostakovich, 1906-1975)의 교향곡 4번이 서구권 국가에서 수용되는 양상을 제시하고 여기에 작용한 정치적 정체성 논쟁을 비롯한 여러 맥락적 요인들을 고찰한 것이다. 1970년대까지 서구권에서의 쇼스타코비치 이해는 ‘헌신된 공산주의자’로 대체적으로 일치했다. 1979년 『증언: 드미트리 쇼스타코비치 회상록(Testimony: the Memories of Dmitri Shostakovich)』의 발간으로 그를 ‘숨겨진 반대자’로 보는 주장이 등장하면서 시작된 정치적 정체성 논쟁은 이후 약 30년간 지속되었다. 이는 쇼스타코비치에 대한 관심을 증가시켰고, 4번 교향곡을 포함한 작품의 연주와 연구의 폭발적 증가로 이어지며 쇼스타코비치 수용 과정에서 확실한 하나의 기점이 되었다. 이전 시기의 4번 교향곡 서술에서 주로 부정적인 평가와 주변적 언급들이 주를 이루던 것과 달리, 다양한 방향의 접근과 서술의 문헌들이 등장했다. 특히 『증언』의 발간과 함께 등장한 ‘반대자’ 이미지를 교향곡 4번 내에서 찾으려고 하거나, 1930년대 작곡과 초연 취소의 맥락에서 정치적 메시지의 존재에 대한 기대가 서술에 반영되었다. 분석적 접근에서도 작곡가의 정치적 정체성과 관련한 언급이 빠지지 않는 등, 논쟁은 이 작품에 대한 더 풍성한 논의를 가능케 하는 원인이 되었다. 이와 함께 ‘양면적 쇼스타코비치(the Two Shostakoviches)현상’, 쉽게 정의되지 않는 1악장의 형식 구조를 통해서 본 음악적 다층성, 초연 취소 이유에 관한 논의와 같은 것들이 4번 교향곡의 수용 양상에 관계하는 또 다른 맥락적 요인임을 밝히는 것이 이 글의 요지이다. 여기에 소비에트 연합의 해체로 인한 국제 정세의 변화, 음악학 전반에 일었던 해석적 요구의 증가와 같은 외부적인 맥락들 역시 작용하고 있음을 제시하였다. 이러한 논의의 과정을 통해 본 논문은 시기와 주체를 중심으로 이루어지던 기존의 쇼스타코비치 수용 연구로부터 구체적인 한 작품, 4번 교향곡을 중심으로 논의를 펼침으로써 보다 입체적인 조망을 가능케 했다. This thesis introduces the aspects of reception of Dmitry Shostakovich(1906-1975)’s Symphony No. 4 in the Western nations and studies various contextual factors - including the political identity dispute - which influenced the reception. Until the 1970s, Shostakovich was accepted as a ‘devoted communist’ by most of the Western scholars. However, triggered by the publication of Testimony: the Memories of Dmitri Shostakovich in 1979, many started to assert that Shostakovich was a ‘hidden dissident,’ and the grand debate over the interpretation of the composer went on for almost 30 years. Because of this dispute about the composer’s political identity, the interest for Shostakovich had grown, thus resulted in an explosive increase of performances and studies of Shostakovich’s works including Symphony No. 4. This was the one of the important starting points in the reception history of Shostakovich. Indeed, studies about Symphony No. 4 began to show various angles of approach and manners of writing, deviating from negative evaluation and marginal mention. The controversy about the composer’s political identity was the direct cause of this change of attitude. For example, due to the newly revealed backgrounds of the composition of the work in the 1930s and the premiere in the 1960s, the expectation to interpret Symphony No. 4 as a political message was reflected in many writings. The substances of this thesis are to show that ‘the Two Shostakoviches Phenomenon’, multilayered construction of the music, which can be found through the complicated formal structure of the first movement, and the discussions about the withdrawal of the premiere are some of the contextual factors related to the reception of Symphony No. 4. The international situation due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the increased hermeneutic demands in the field of musicology were also suggested as external contexts of the reception. While former studies of the reception of Shostakovich are focused on the time and the location in which the reception took place, this thesis adds another dimension by including a particular work - Symphony No. 4 - in the discussion. The significance of this thesis is that, through this process, it made possible a more actual and specific outlook.

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