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      • KCI등재후보

        한국 사회의 이주민, 대안적 정체성 그리고 성경 해석

        박흥순 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2007 선교와 신학 Vol.20 No.-

        In this paper I focus on three important issues such as migrants, an alternative identity, and biblical interpretation. As I biblical interpreter I would like to look at migrants in Korean society in the light of biblical as well as postcolonial perspective. Korean society is now going to enter into multicultural society which should coexist with people who come from different cultures, religions, races and experiences. It is important to point out that we should look at migrants such as migrant workers, migrants with marriage, migrating people from North Korea in the light of the term ‘multiculturalism’. In this paper firstly, I look at migrants and their identities in Korea. It is important note that migrants have faced with identity crisis when they are struggling to adapt themselves to new circumstances in Korea. We should pay attention that migrants such as migrant workers, migrants with marriage, migrating people from North Korea strive to coexist with Korean people. Secondly I would like to focus on the term ‘multiculturalism’ related to migrants’ identities issues. We should pay attention that term ‘multiculturalism’ is floating and flexible concept. It is important note that the term ‘multiculturlalism’ emerged from western countries which try to resolve a conflict among people who have lived different cultural, ethnical, religious backgrounds in their societies. Thirdly, I pay attention to migrants in Korea with regard to ‘identity’ issue in the light of biblical interpretation. In the New Testament early Christians identified themselves not only as ‘aliens and strangers’(2 Peter 2:11), but also as ‘members of God’s household’(Ephesians 2:14). Therefore we should pay attention to migrants in Korea in the light of early Christians’ identities as ‘aliens, strangers and members of God’s household’. In this paper I would like to pay attention to coexistence and integrity between Korean people and migrants in Korean society.

      • Uzbek Migrant Workers in Korea: The Impact of Remittances on Uzbekistan Trade and Economic Growth

        Min-Kyoung Shin,Ho Kim 한국무역연구원 2022 The International Academy of Global Business and T Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of Uzbekistan migrant remittances to their origin country and suggest policy implications. Design/Methodology/Approach – This paper reviews previous research. Based on the understanding of the status of and challenges to labor migrants, this paper examines the effects of remittances of labor migrants from Korea to Uzbekistan. Findings – This paper draws some findings. Most migrants crossed the border for better nutrition for the family in the developing world. For Uzbek migrant workers in Korea, a majority are from rural areas of Uzbekistan. Migrant families need remittances for their poor households. In particular, household consumption, schooling, healthcare, vital necessities, expenditure on own and children’s marriages, real estate, and other basic services are reliant on money from Korea to Uzbekistan by labor migrants. Research Implications – Based on the findings of the paper, this paper gives implications that both the governments of Korea and Uzbekistan should acknowledge migrant problems and try to solve the challenges faced by Uzbek labor migrants. Additionally, this paper found that a better migration policy is necessary. Through a better migration policy, the data quality and quantity can be achieved for the future monitoring of migration. Organizations in charge need to perform more surveys or investigations with administrative support to households to publicize difficulties related to migrants or remittances. This paper also emphasizes the control of illegal migration and money transfers to reduce human trafficking and financial crimes by recording proper official remittance inflows. This paper will help researchers in the future find better immigration policies to protect labor migrants and to promote development of their origin countries.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 이주자와 범죄 : 잠재적 범죄자 인식과 다문화 수용도

        김정규 대한범죄학회 2019 한국범죄학 Vol.13 No.1

        This study analyzes what factors affect the recognition of foreign migrants as potential criminals. And in connection with this, it is analyzed by what factors influence the discrimination against foreign migrants and the double punishment for them. The factors affecting attitude toward accepting foreign migrants are also examined. Furthermore, this study analyzes whether the recognition of foreign migrants as potential criminals independently influences the attitude toward accepting migrants. The data in this study are based on a questionnaire survey of 800 people conducted in Daegu, Korea in 2018. The Results showed that higher educated people had a more generous attitude toward accepting migrants. The social class variable had no significant influence on discrimination factors and attitude toward accepting migrants. Economic satisfaction had a significant influence only on the recognition of foreign migrants as potential criminals controlling other variables. Political propensity showed a significant influence on the recognition of foreign migrants as potential criminals, but did not show any significant influence on the double punishment and discrimination variables. Competitive consciousness, dominant class consciousness, and ethnic identity had significant independent effects on all dependent variables that measured discriminatory attitudes toward foreign migrants. The recognition of foreign migrants as potential criminals were influenced by factors such as economic satisfaction, political propensity, competitive consciousness, contact with migrants, dominant class consciousness, and ethnic identity. The recognition of foreign migrants as potential criminals independently affected the double punishment, discrimination against migrants, and attitude toward accepting foreign migrants. The independent influence of recognition of foreign migrants as potential criminals on the attitude toward accepting foreign migrants, even though controlling major variables such as ethnic identity and discrimination, shows that it is possible to cause serious social problems by defining foreign migrants as deviant ones. 이 연구는 외국인 이주자들에 대한 잠재적 범죄자 인식에 영향을 미치는 요인들이 무엇인지 그리고 이것과 연결하여 외국인 이주자에 대한 차별인식과 이중처벌의 요구는 어떠한 요인들에 의해영향을 받는지 살펴보기 위한 것이다. 더 나아가서 외국인 이주자의 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 살펴보고 잠재적 범죄자 인식이 이주자 수용도에 독립적으로 영향을 미치는지를 분석하였다. 분석을 위한 자료로는 2018년 대구지역에서 수행된 800명의 설문자료를 바탕으로 하였다. 주요한 분석결과를 살펴보면, 교육수준이 높을수록 이주자 수용도에는 관용적인 태도를 보였다. 사회계층은 이주자들에 대한 차별요인들과 수용도에도 전혀 유의미한 영향력이 없었다. 경제적 만족도는 다른 변인들을 통제한 후에는 잠재적 범죄자 인식에만 의미 있는 영향력을 보였다. 정치적성향은 잠재적 범죄자 인식에는 유의미한 독립적인 영향력을 보였지만 이중처벌과 차별의식에는 의미 있는 영향력이 나타나지 않았다. 경쟁의식, 지배계급의식, 민족정체성은 이주자들에 대해서 차별적 태도를 측정한 모든 종속변수에 유의미한 독립적 영향력이 발견되었다. 잠재적 범죄자 인식은경제적 만족도, 정치적 성향, 경쟁의식, 이주자 접촉, 지배계급의식, 그리고 민족정체성 등과 같은요인들로부터 영향을 받았다. 더 나아가 잠재적 범죄자 인식은 이중처벌, 차별의식 그리고 이주자수용도에도 모두 유의미한 독립적인 영향력을 미쳤다. 민족정체성, 차별의식 등의 주요 변인들을 통제하고도 이주자 수용도에 대해서 잠재적 범죄자인식의 독립적인 영향력이 나타난 것은 이주자를일탈자로 규정하는 것이 상당히 심각한 사회문제를 일으킬 여지가 있음을 보여주는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        본국으로 귀환한 아프리카 이주 노동자의 사회문화적 적응과 정체성에 관한 연구 : 가나와 나이지리아 노동자를 중심으로

        한건수(Han Geon-Soo) 한국아프리카학회 2008 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper analyzes return migration of African migrants in Korea. Most of African migrants are non-registered status in Korea because they are not allowed in the program of 'industrial trainee' or 'employment permit' policies. African migrants adjust in Korea through their various associations organized based on countries, ethnic groups or communities of origin. However, muslim migrants organize joint association of West African muslim countries because the majority of African migrants are Christians in Korea. Among the African migrants, Nigerians and Ghnaians are major group. African migrants work in the small factories, poultry and nursery farms, and junkyard Their basic life experiences are similar with other migrant workers. However they tend to identify themselves as business men instead of factory workers. Their purpose of migration is pursuing business career based on entrepreneurship. They spend their time to research new products in Korea to develop their own future trade business in weekend and after work. In this regard, African migrants develop different strategies to accomplish their migration careers from other Asian migrants. This paper explores the way of constructing identity of African migrant workers and pursuing their career of entrepreneur or trader. African migrants' efforts to create trade networks illustrates transnational feature by connecting relatives in Africa and other countries. These features confirm the fact that African migrants' migration into Korea should be analyzed in the context of globalization and transnational shift of contemporary world. This paper also describes returned African migrants' life in Nigeria and Ghana. Most of African workers return to their homeland with containers loaded up various Korean products such as embroidery clothes, accessary, used clothes, used car and automobile spear parts to start or expand their own business. However, returned migrant workers face to neoliberal market competition in the globalized world. They compete with not only African merchants but also Chinese, Indian, Korean, and Lebanese traders. In these situations, they utilize their experiences of Korea in re-adjusting homeland as well as reconstructing their identity of transnational migrants and traders. This paper illustrates the process of globalization from the below using African migrant workers' experiences.

      • KCI등재

        이스라엘의 이주노동자 유입과 도시공간의 변화 -텔아비브 네베셰아난의 이주민 엔클레이브 형성-

        임안나 ( An Na Lim ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2015 지중해지역연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This article examines the ways in which a distinct migrant enclave for temporary labor migrants is developed in a particular context of Israel. Although enclaves are indeed neither a new phenomenon nor one occurring exclusively with any particular group, the patterns and conditions of formation vary dramatically by contexts. Through the case study of Filipino migrants, this article explores how the Neve Sha``anan neighborhood of Tel Aviv, which is known as the ``capital of the foreign workers (Kara 2001),`` is dynamically shaped and sustained as the greatest migrant settlement in the country. Under the Israeli migration regime, which aims to sustain its character as an immigration country for Jews only, the migrant workers are constantly in demand yet never permitted to live permanently. Nonetheless, Filipino migrants, whose presence is legitimated solely by their laboring function as live-in care-givers, constitute the majority of the foreign populations in the neighborhood and struggle to build their own space through a variety of activities as well as their ongoing presence. This article attempts to delineate the formation of a migrant enclave, drawing the historical and economic contexts, labor policies both at state and municipality levels, migrant networks, geographical conditions, and the work conditions as well as the migrants`` social status in Israel. As the economic hub of the country, Tel Aviv city provides not only greater job opportunities for the foreign residents but the basic social rights such as education and health on the basis of corporation policy that bypasses the national system. Particularly, Neve Sha``anan neighborhood is the dominant absorber of foreign migrants due to the cheap housing, easy access, and the development of social and economic services that meet the migrants`` distinct needs. Significantly, the shared flat which sprouted out the neighborhood plays a pivotal role in attracting the migrants by providing a key site for community formation and a shelter space for the live-in care-givers with marginal status and vulnerable work conditions. Through this examination, this article reveals that the combined effects of these conditions listed above result in sustaining the influx of migrants into the neighborhood and characterizing the urban periphery as a social and economic center for the migrants.

      • KCI등재

        한국 이주노동자의 위치인식에 따른 정체성 변화

        이춘호 ( Lee Chun Ho ) 아시아문화학술원 2017 인문사회 21 Vol.8 No.3

        한국은 이주노동자와 결혼이주여성을 구분하여 이주자 정책을 추진하였다. 이러한 현실에서 한국 내 이주자들은 조직결성과 집회를 통해 자신들의 처우 개선을 요구하고 있다. 이를 통해 이주자는 자신의 위치성을 새롭게 인식하는 한편 정체성의 변화를 경험하고 있다. 이 연구에서는 이러한 변화를 주목하여 이주자가 인식하는 위치인식을 바탕으로 정체성을 재구성해 나가는 일련의 과정을 분석하고 한국의 이주자 사회통합정책 추진의 문제점과 방향을 검토했다. 사회적 위치는 일련의 변화하는 과정으로서 고정되어 있는 사회적 지위가 아니라 계급, 세대, 젠더 등 다양한 요인들에 의해 끊임없이 움직이는 개인의 사회적 자리매김의 과정이라고 할 수 있다. 한국 내 이주노동자는 거주국이 설정해 놓은 제도와 관습, 인식 등에 의해 자신을 재위치화 한다. 이러한 과정에서 이주노동자들은 국적과 종족을 초월한 새로운 정체성을 통해 동질감을 형성해 나가고 있다. 그 결과 이주노동자들의 초기에는 한국의 이주자 정책에 따라 국적별, 종족별 분화되는 양상을 보이지만 이후 상호간에 교류와 연대를 통해 한국 사회 내 `이주자`라는 집합적 정체성을 형성한다. 이들의 주장 또한 기본권 보장에서 점차 한국 사회의 구성원으로서의 인정을 요구하는 모습으로 변화하고 있다. Korea promotes separate migrant policy for migrant workers and married migrant women. From these realities, migrants in Korea are demanding improvement of their treatment through forming organization and meeting. Because of this, migrants are experiencing a change of identity that recognized their new position. This study analyses a serious of process of forming identity based on the recognized position awareness of migrants through these changes and reviews the problem and trend of promotion of migrants` social integration in Korea. Social position can be described as a series of changing the process of fixed social status as well as the process of establishment of social position of individual continually moving by various factor such as class, age, gender etc. The resident migrants workers in Korea set institutions and customs in re-localization due to their recognition. In the process, migrant workers transcends nationality and race through forming new identity. As a result, the initial of migrant workers of Korea in accordance with the migration policies by nationality, but specific aspects that differentiate to form the identity of migrants in Korean society as a collective identity through exchanges and solidarity to each other since. Their claims are also increasingly recognized that require changes in appearance as a member of the Korea Society in the fundamental rights guaranteed. This migrants are showing changes in the demand from the country of residence and cultural institutions.

      • KCI등재

        한국에서 귀환한 네팔 이주자의 노동과 건강 경험

        김경학 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2024 남아시아연구 Vol.29 No.4

        Nepalese migrant workers work in the 3D industry, which is shunned by the Korean labor force, and face various health problems, especially due to precarious working conditions. This is a qualitative study that explores the factors that influence the physical and mental health of Nepali migrant workers in various work environments in Korea over a period of 5 to 10 years, both during their stay in Korea and after their return to Nepal, using narratives of migrants' personal experiences with health rather than medical indicators. In fact, the health of migrant workers is influenced by multiple factors that occur during all stages of migration, from the pre-migration stage to the stay in Korea and the return stage. The Nepali return migrants in this study experienced varying degrees of health problems, including musculoskeletal, digestive, and respiratory, in Korea and in Nepal after returning home. Social determinants affecting the physical and mental health of Nepali migrant workers included factors arising from migration itself, such as racial and ethnic discrimination against migrants, limited length of stay and insecurity of stay, limited Korean language proficiency, systems that prevent free movement, working conditions such as long hours, and limited access to healthcare. Of the 11 total migrants, two undocumented migrants experienced a health crisis due to limited social protection and risk of exploitation due to their legal status. Some migrants who returned to Nepal sought to recover physically and mentally through a combination of local and global practices, including yoga, Ayurvedic medicines, and Ceragem thermal massage, in addition to medication. Given the lack of a national health insurance system in Nepal and the financial resources required to access high-quality private healthcare, the 'migrant labor effect' of accumulating assets in a short period of time through migrant labor in Korea may lead to improved health in midlife for these returnees in the long run. 네팔 이주노동자들은 한국 노동력이 기피하는 3D 업종에서 일하며, 특히 불안정한 노동 조건으로 다양한 건강 문제에 직면한다. 이 연구는 한국의 다양한 작업 환경 속에서 네팔 이주노동자의 5~10년여 기간의 노동 경험이 한국 체류 기간과 네팔 귀환 이후 이주자의 신체·정신적 건강에 영향을 주는 요인들을 의학적 지표가 아닌 이주자의 건강 관련 개인적 경험의 서술자료에서 모색하는 질적 연구이다. 사실 이주노동자들의 건강은 이주 전 단계부터 한국 체류 단계 및 귀환단계에 이르는 모든 이주 단계에서 발생하는 여러 요인의 영향을 받는다. 이 연구의 네팔 귀환 이주자는 한국과 귀국 후 네팔에서 근골격계, 소화계통, 호흡기 등 건강상 문제를 다양한 수준으로 경험하였다. 이주 자체로 발생 되는 요인들, 즉 이주민에 대한 인종·민족적 차별, 제한된 체류 기간과 체류 불안정, 한국어 구사력의 한계 외에도, 자유로운 이직을 막는 제도, 장시간 근무 등의 근무 환경, 제한적인 의료서비스 접근성 등은 네팔 이주노동자들의 신체적, 정신적 건강에 영향을 미치는 사회적 결정 요인들로 작용하였다. 11명의 전체 이주자 가운데 미등록 이주자 두 명은 법적 지위로 인한 제한적인 사회적 보호와 착취 위험으로 건강 위기를 경험했다. 네팔로 귀환한 이주자 일부는 약물 치료 외에 요가, 아유르베다 약, 세라젬 온열 마사지 등의 로컬과 글로벌 병합 방식으로 신체적, 정신적 회복을 위해 노력하고 있다. 전 국민 대상 국가건강보험이 정착되지 않아 수준 높은 민간 의료서비스를 받기 위해 필요한 재원이 요구되는 네팔 현실을 감안하면, 한국 이주 노동으로 단기간에 자산을 축적한 ‘이주 노동의 효과’는 장기적으로 볼 때 이들 귀환자 중년기의 건강 개선으로 이어질 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 이주자정책이 여성이주에 미치는 영향: 출입국관리정책, 이주노동자정책, 통합정책을 중심으로

        이지영 한국국제정치학회 2012 國際政治論叢 Vol.52 No.2

        This paper attempts to explain the impact of migrant policies on women's migration and female migrants in Japan. Migrant policies consist of three sub-policy sector: immigration control, migrant labor, and integration policy. First, restrictive immigration control policy has not permitted to entrance of domestic and unskilled workers from abroad. But it has induced women's migration from Asia as entertainers and foreign wives in the interest of men. According to international blame on Asian entertainers and wives in situation of human trafficking, Japan made policy reinforcing control of migration, limiting entrance of entertainers and arresting illegal international marriage rather than protecting them or securing their human rights. consequentially the number of Asian entertainers and wives has decreased in Japan. Second, migrant labor policy has maintained closed for unskilled workers. Since the economic recovery has created a large demand for foreign labors, Japan established technical trainees policy for serving as unskilled labors. But technical trainees are not full wage labor, but in long time work and low wage level. A result of controling entrance of Asian entertainers and wives, Asian women migrate to Japan as technical trainees and work in manufacturing industry. But female trainees are in worse labor condition than male trainees because of sexism. One side, the falling birthrate and the aging of society has been under gone, the problem of lack of care generated. It made Japan change migrant labor policy to accept care workers in EPA with Asian nations. However it could not considered as opening the labor market, in reason of acceptance few care workers and rigid conditions for their residence in Japan. Third, integration policy has changed from system integration to social integration. Japan has protected female migrant and secured their human rights under social integration: multiculural coexistence policy. But its protection and securing is based on not individual female migrant but foreign wives and multicultural families. Japanese migrant policies has induced women's migration for its intersets to specified pattern and layed burden upon female migrants. Now Japan is required gendering its migrant policies and integrating female migrant to mainstream. 본 글은 일본의 이주자정책을 출입국관리정책, 이주노동자정책, 통합정책의 3가지 정책영역으로 구성된 거시적인 정책프레임으로 정의하고 각각이 여성이주와 이주여성에 미치는 영향을 고찰한 것이다. 출입국관리정책과 이주노동자정책은 단일민족주의와 혈통주의를 원칙으로 단순취로와 거주를 인정하지 않았고 통합정책은 체제통합을 중시하며 동화와 배제를 정책방향으로 추진되었다. 일본의 장기 활황에 따른 일본으로의 국제이주의 증가, 인권보장과 차별철폐에 대한 국제사회의 요구와 국내 운동의 연대로 일본의 이주자정책은 점차 단일민족주의와 혈통주의에서 부분적으로 벗어나 국제기준과 규범을 정책화하면서 배제와 차별에서 형식적 평등주의로 전환하게 된다. 그러나 이러한 변화는 중앙차원의 이주자정책 추진체계가 부재한 가운데 지자체별로 이주자의 증가와 이주자의 정주화, 집주화를 소극적으로 추인하는 수준에 머무르고 있다. 폐쇄성과 소극성을 특징으로 하는 이러한 일본의 이주자정책은 여성이주와 이주여성에게도 영향을 미쳤다. 단순취로와 거주를 인정하지 않는 이주노동자정책은 서구와는 달리 여성의 단순노동과 가족결합, 돌봄노동 이주를 허용하지 않으면서도 한편으로 남성들의 필요에 따라 출입국관리정책을 수립하고 아시아로부터 국제결혼과 흥행자격으로의 여성이주를 유인했다. 일본에서도 여성이주자 수가 남성이주자 수를 초월하는 이주의 여성화가 진행하고 있으나 이주여성은 인권과 사회적 지위를 보장받지 못하고 있다. 이주여성에 대한 처우 개선을 요구하는 국제적인 압력이 증대하자 일본은 국경관리를 강화하여 입국을 양적으로 통제하는 정책수단을 동원하였고 그 결과 국제결혼과 흥행자격으로의 여성이주 유인은 약화되었다. 그러나 국제결혼과 흥행자격에 대한 출입국관리 강화는 아시아 여성의 산업연수생, 기능실습생으로의 이주를 유인하고 있다. 제조업에서 단순노동을 하는 이주여성 산업연수생, 기능실습생이 증가하여 남성을 능가하고 있는 것이다. 이들의 노동조건은 열악하여 국제적으로 개선 요구가 높지만 정책적 대응은 미흡하다. 그러나 일본의 이주자정책에 있어 이주여성에 대한 지원과 보호가 부재한 것은 아니다. 이주여성에 대한 지원과 보호를 시행하고 있는 것은 통합정책 영역에서 이다. 이주자의 증가와 정주화에 따라 통합정책은 체제통합에서 사회통합으로 전환을 시도하고 있다. 일본은 사회통합의 매개로서 결혼이주여성의 중요성을 인식하면서 사회통합의 수단인 다문화공생정책을 추진하고 다문화공생정책 하에 이주여성을 지원, 보호하고 있다. 그러나 다문화공생정책은 전체 이주여성 보다는 결혼이주여성을 대상으로 개인단위가 아닌 가족단위, 자녀중심으로 시행되고 있어 일부 선진 지자체를 제외하고는 이주여성 개인의 인권과 사회적 지위를 보장하지 못하고 있다. 필요에 따라 이주여성을 선별하고 여성이주를 특정 유형으로 유인해온 일본의 이주자정책은 젠더적 관점이 결여되어 있어 일본 국내에서 이주여성은 이주자로서, 여성으로서 이중의 부담을 안고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Role of Heritage and Migrants in Social Capital: The Case of Rural South Korean Villages

        Sung, Minki(성민기),Ki, Junghoon(기정훈) 한국지역개발학회 2024 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.36 No.1

        Previous studies highlighted that heritage can positively impact social capital among residents. However, the effect of cultural heritage varies based on residents’ economic, social, and cultural statuses. This study examines how heritage and migrants affect social capital in South Korean rural villages. It categorizes migrants into domestic rural migrants, international marriage migrants, and foreign labor migrants. A total of 145 questionnaires were collected from adult residents in five selected villages, and hierarchical regression analysis was performed, complemented by open-structured interviews with each village head. The study reveals that natural heritage positively influences trust and networking, while tangible cultural heritage negatively affects participation. Domestic rural migrants play a crucial role in enhancing social capital, but international migrant groups show varied effects, with both negatively linked to trust. Specifically, foreign labor migrants negatively influence networking, while international marriage migrants do not. The findings highlight the importance of leveraging natural heritage and domestic rural migrant populations for social capital, concurrently critiquing the suboptimal mobilization of international migrants and cultural heritage in their current contributions to social capital enrichment within South Korean rural settings.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성의 수행적 시민권: 익산시장 이주민 비하 발언 규탄 시위의 경험

        김철효,신민주,고재훈 한양대학교 평화연구소 2021 문화와 정치 Vol.8 No.1

        이 연구는 2019년 6월에 발생한 정치인의 이주민 비하 발언과 그에 저항하는 규탄시위 과정에 주목하여 한국 사회 결혼이주여성의 수행적 시민권 제정 과정에 대한 분석을 시도한 것이다. 이를 위해 우선 관련 언론 보도와 당시 시위에 참여한 당사자(결혼이주여성 단체 활동가, 비이주민 활동가) 인터뷰를 통해 사건의 전개를 재구성하여 기록하였다. 그리고 인터뷰 내용 가운데 시위의 조직과 참가 이유, 시위 참여 이후 인식의 변화 내용을 수행적 시민권의 특징에 초점을 맞추어 분석하여, 결혼이주여성이 한국 사회구성원으로서 자격, 권리, 책무를 어떻게 새로이 확장하여 인식하게 되었는지를 확인할 수 있었다. 연구진들은 이러한 과정을 통해 결혼이주여성들이 수행적 시민권을 제정해내는 과정 중에 있으며, 이를 통해 귀화를 통해 획득하는 법적·제도적 시민권을 넘어서 정치적·사회적 시민권을포함한 완전한 시민권을 확보해내고 있다고 주장한다. 이러한 2019년 6월에 결혼이주여성들이 보여준 이주민 비하 발언 규탄시위는 이들이 주체적시민권 수행을 통해 완전한 시민권을 획득해나가는 경로를 개척한 것으로보아야 할 것이다. This paper analyzes the process of marriage migrant’s enacting performative citizenship in South Korea with focus on their protest against a politician’s disparaging remarks about migrants in June 2019. Authors reconstitute the process of the marriage migrant’s protest, by analyzing media reports and interview of the protest participants (marriage migrant activists and non-migrant activists). With the lens of performative citizenship, authors find how the marriage migrants recognize their entitlement, rights and responsibility as member of South Korean society in an expansive manner by analyzing the reasons of organizing and participating in the protest and the changes in their perspectives afterwards. Authors argue the marriage migrants are in the process of enacting performative citizenship through this process. Their efforts reach the realization of full political and social citizenship beyond legal citizenship of naturalization. The marriage migrants protest is an initial and exemplary case of migrant’s performative citizenship in South Korea.

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