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        전업주부 결혼이주여성의 엄마되기 경험: * 강화군 지역을 중심으로

        이국진(Lee, Gukjin),정가윤(Chung, Kayoun),배성아(Bae, Sungah) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.15

        The purpose of this study it to explore becoming mothers of married immigrant women serving as housewives in the relationship with new Korean society, culture, and language while raising young children. Participants were eight housewives immigrated from China, Vietnam, and Philippine and raise children with less than six years old living in Ganghwa-gun, Incheon. Snowball sampling was carried out from them through a multicultural family support center in Ganghwa-gun and collecting data for major qualitative study was performed by participating observation in a variety of fields where in-depth interview and raising information are shared from June to December 2013. The study showed that this study found that participants determined to “drop anchors in new life” in South Korea because of their children and described the difficulty of communication in Korean language as they strongly feel that “I am a foreigner mother” while their children join an organizational life such as daycare centers for the first time. Nevertheless, this difficulty acted as a driving force to practice becoming “strong mother and great mother” and they ultimately wanted to show a model as a working woman to their children. In addition, they began to identify their strong points as “transnational mothers” as they visit their motherlands after marriage or their relative stay in South Korea. This study focused on married immigrant women as housewives who leap social discourse as “inadequate mothers,” identify their strong points, and recognized themselves again as their experience of becoming mothers through young children parenting. 본 연구는 전업주부 결혼이주여성이 새로운 한국사회의 사회·문화·언어 관계 속에서 유아기 자녀를 양육하면서 경험하는 엄마되기를 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 참여자는 인천광역시 강화군에 거주하는 전업주부로서 만6세 미만의 자녀를 양육하고 있는 중국, 베트남, 필리핀 출신으로 8명이다. 연구참여자들은 강화군 다문화가족 지원센터를 통해 눈덩이 표집을 했으며, 주요한 질적연구 자료수집은 심층면담과 양육 정보가 소통되는 다양한 현장에서의 참여관찰로 2013년 6월부터 12월까지 이루 어졌다. 연구결과, 연구참여자들은 자녀로 인해 한국의 ‘새로운 삶에 닻(anchoring) 내리기’를 결심했고, 자녀가 어린이집 등 기관생활을 하게 되면서는 ‘나는 외국인 엄마 ’임을 더욱 실감하며 한국어 소통의 어려움을 이야기 했다. 그러나 그러한 어려 움은 도리어 ‘강한 엄마, 훌륭한 엄마’ 되기를 실천할 수 있는 원동력이 되어 궁극에는 자녀에게 일하는 여성으로서의 모델을 보여주기를 원했다. 또한 결혼 후 모국을 방문하거나 모국의 친인척이 한국에 체류하게 되면서 ‘초국적(transnational) 엄마’로서 자신의 강점을 발견해 가고 있었다. 본 연구는 전업주부 결혼이주여성의 유아기 자녀양육을 통한 엄마되기 경험으로 ‘부족한 어머니’라는 사회적 담론을 넘어서서 자신의 강점을 발견하고 재인식하는 모습을 조명하였다.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성 전통식문화 인식 및 교육방안

        강윤주 ( Yoon Joo Kang ),정희선 ( Hee Sun Jeong ) 한국식생활문화학회 2013 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구는 결혼이주여성의 전통식문화 이해를 돕기 위해 필요한 교육 방안을 마련하고자 다문화가정을 이루고 있는 결혼이주여성의 설문을 통해 전통행사 및 전통음식에 대한인식과 선호, 전통 식문화 교육 경험과 교육 방안에 대한 조사를 하였다.우리나라 전통행사 가운데 인식도에서는 설(2.82점), 추석(2.75점)순으로 나타났고, 선호도에서는 삼복(2.57점), 추석(2.56점) 순으로 나타났다. 설날, 정월대보름, 삼복, 추석, 동지에 먹는 대표적인 절기 음식에 대한 인식도는 삼계탕(2.86점), 떡국(2.75점), 오곡밥(2.57점) 순이었으며, 선호도는 삼계탕(2.67점), 떡국(2.37점), 팥죽(2.30점) 순으로 나타났다.한국 전통식문화교육 경험여부는 20대에서 40.2%, 결혼기간 1년미만에서 56.3%가 교육경험이 없는 것으로 나타나 결혼 초기 식문화에 대한 교육지원은 아주 미흡한 것으로 추정되었다. 과거 전통 식문화교육이 식문화 이해에 도움을 주었냐는 질문에 5점 만점에 4.16점으로 교육은 꼭 필요한 것으로 조사되었다. 교육받기를 원하는 전통식문화 분야는 전통음식 조리법(53.5%), 상차림과 예절(16.5%), 전통음식 영양(15%) 순으로 조사되었고, 가장 배우고 싶은 음식으로는 생활가정 음식이 69.5%로 조사되어 일상식에 대한 관심이 높았으며, 적절한 교육방법으로는 강의+조리실습(48.0%), 조리실습위주(34.5%)로 대부분 실습을 통한 식문화교육을 희망하는 것으로 조사되었다. 전통식문화교육을 받았거나 받을 경우 어려운 점에 대한 조사결과, 언어의 어려움, 제철식품 및 재료구분의 어려움, 전통문화 이해 부족, 조리방법의 어려움 순으로 나타났다. 선호하는 교육매체로는 직접강의가 71.5%로 가장 높았고, 다음은 책, 신문 등 10.5%, 인터넷9.5% 순이었다. 전통식문화 활성화 방안으로 다양한 교육 자료의 개발이 31.5%, 교육접근의 용이성 25%, 문화간 이질감해소 22%, 교육환경 개선이 21.5%로 조사되었다.다문화 지원센타 등에서 한국 문화와 관련된 상당히 다양한 프로그램을 통해 결혼이주여성의 교육을 실시하고 있으나 시간적?공간적 제약이 많아 교육접근성이 낮게 나타나는 경향을 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 이해하기 쉽게 작성된 이론교재 보급 및 실습을 위한 동영상을 제작하여 이들이 자주이용하는 포털에 등재시킴으로써 이용확대를 모색해야 할 것이다. 맞춤형 교육 방안으로, 결혼이주여성들이 선호하는 전통음식을 우선적으로 개발 보급하고, 그들이 이러한 교육을 통해서 전통음식 조리법을 습득한다면 결혼초기 서로 다른식문화로 어려움을 겪는 다문화가정의 화합에도 일조를 할수 있을 것이다. 이밖에 본 연구에서 심도 있게 제시하지 못한 전통 식문화에 대한 맞춤형 교육 방안은 선행 연구와 더불어 지속되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. This study examines the awareness of traditional Korean food culture among immigrant housewives in multicultural families, with the aim of introducing educational plans suitably designed for them. Our survey shows that Korean traditional holidays most well-known to the immigrant housewives are New Year`s Day and Chusuk. Sambok and Chusuk are at the top in terms of preference. Samgyetang, Ddukguk, and Ogokbab are among the best known festive food to immigrant housewives for holidays such as New Year`s Day, Jeongwol Daeboreum, Sambok, Chusuk, and Dongji; Samgyetang is the most preferred food, followed by Ddukguk and Patjuk. In addition, a vast majority of immigrant housewives who have ever attended Korean traditional cuisine education programs found the need for such an experience, with the score of 4.16 out of 5. In addition, the survey shows the order in which the immigrant housewives want to learn: the recipe of Korean food (53.5%), followed by table setting and manners (16.5%) and then nutrition (15%). The recipe of interest for most respondents is the one concerning daily food (69.5%). And more than half of the respondents prefer cooking practice as a desirable educational method. The difficulties that they have when attending such an educational course are usually inability to understand the language, difficulty in identifying the ingredients (seasonal), and lack of cultural understanding. The most preferred educational method is direct lecture (71.5%), followed by written materials such as books and newspaper (10.5%) and the Internet (9.5%). Finally, strategies for promoting traditional food culture are suggested as following: developing educational resources (31.5%), making various educational programs more available (25%), narrowing the cultural gap (22%), and improving the educational environment (21.5%). Therefore, this study proposes that there is a need to develop and diffuse Korean traditional food culture first, and then provide many immigrant housewives with a variety of educational programs. It is expected that these efforts will solve the problems caused by cultural differences in the early stage of international marriages and eventually contribute to the harmony in multicultural families.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 결혼이민자 주부의 이유식에 대한 지식 및 인지도 조사

        민경애 ( Kyung Ae Min ),강정민 ( Jung Min Kang ),정희선 ( Hee Sun Jeong ) 한국식생활문화학회 2011 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.26 No.1

        As the public is already aware, baby food has a significant effect on a baby`s physical and mental health. It is also very important because choice of baby food forms proper eating habits, which will affect health in the future. In particular, recognition of appropriate baby food by the mother or the primary care provider is even more important. Although many studies have been conducted on this matter for domestic housewives, no studies have been conducted on married immigrant housewives whose numbers are increasing every year. A survey was conducted on the recognition and current situation of baby food preparation by mothers living in Gangwon Province with children 6 to 36-months-old. The purpose of the study was to research the level of understanding of baby food by immigrant housewives given that they were raised in different environments with different eating habits and child raising norms. And additional purpose was to provide proper educational material and direction for choosing appropriate baby food. The results showed significant differences depending on the nationality and age of the mother. Moreover, the results showed an insufficient understanding of baby food but a high desire for education, as mothers did not receive enough support from society. Therefore, necessary education should be provided systematically after mothers fully learn to communicate in Korean. These mothers need continuous attention and support, so they can settle in this country as wives, daughters-in-law, and mothers. Moreover, the needed professional education should be provided so that the mothers can learn traditional Korean eating habits and understand differences in the culture and environment between countries. As the selection of baby food forms the basis of future eating habits and the foundation for good health, proper education should be available to establish healthy intercultural families.


        A study on multi-cultural family wives adapting to Korean cuisine and dietary patterns

        Park, Young-Il,Jeong, Hee-Sun,Joo, Na-Mi The Korean Nutrition Society 2010 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol. No.

        With the increase in multi-cultural families, Korea is seeing a rapid increase in immigrated housewives, who are closely related to food culture. However, studies for the diet of multi-cultural families, which is most closely related to our lives have not been sufficiently researched. With this background, this study conducted research for immigrated women nationwide about food cultures to provide the possibility which Korean food culture would be developed harmoniously with various foreign food cultures. In this study, the immigrated women seemed to have adapted to Korean food culture quickly, but they showed differences according to some conditions like countries they are from and the time they have been in Korea. To achieve this, we need to conduct consistent and in depth studies for food cultures in multi-cultural families so that we can make healthy development in food culture, harmonious with traditional Korean culture.


        A study on multi-cultural family wives adapting to Korean cuisine and dietary patterns

        Youngil Park,Hee Sun Jeong,Nami Joo 한국영양학회 2010 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.4 No.5

        With the increase in multi-cultural families, Korea is seeing a rapid increase in immigrated housewives, who are closely related to food culture. However, studies for the diet of multi-cultural families, which is most closely related to our lives have not been sufficiently researched. With this background, this study conducted research for immigrated women nationwide about food cultures to provide the possibility which Korean food culture would be developed harmoniously with various foreign food cultures. In this study, the immigrated women seemed to have adapted to Korean food culture quickly, but they showed differences according to some conditions like countries they are from and the time they have been in Korea. To achieve this, we need to conduct consistent and in depth studies for food cultures in multi-cultural families so that we can make healthy development in food culture, harmonious with traditional Korean culture.

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