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      • KCI등재

        고려시대 경남지역의 군현 편제와 지역문화

        김광철 한국중세사학회 2012 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.34

        There were 9 main Eups(邑) where chiefs were dispatched and under their control 45 subsidiary Eups affiliated to main Eups in Geongnam area in the Goryeo dynasty. Among them Jinjumok, Hapju, Geumju, and Milseong-gun made their influence felt. They had already held the same status in the reorganization of Gun-Hyeon system in the King Gyeongdeok’s regime of the Shilla dynasty and they still maintained their position or got stronger power in the Goryeo dynasty. On the contrary 8 regions such as Dongrae, Changyeong, Euian, Hadong, Gangseong, Haman, Geochang, and Hamyang had been main in the Shilla dynasty, and were reorganized into subsidiary Eups in the Goryeo dynasty. This was caused by the adoption of the wide area system in the Goryeo Gun-Hyeon organization, and also by the difference of ways how each region coped with in the social fluctuation in the late Shilla and the early Goryeo dynasty. Meanwhile there were about 133 Bugoks(部曲) affiliated to 54 Guns and Hyeons in the Gyeongnam area of the Goryeo dynasty. In particular, 16 Bugoks belonged to Goseong-Hyeon, and even though it was main Eup, it had only Bugoks without any subsidiary Eups. In general many Bugoks were in the main Eups, but it was remarkable that Haman-Gun and Gonmyeong-Hyeon had many Bugoks even though both were subsidiary Eups. Changes appeared in the Gun-Hyeon organizing system due to the internal and external reasons of social fluctuation in the Gyeongnam area of the Goryeo dynasty. There was a change that Guns and Hyeons of Geoje-Hyeon and Namhae-Hyeon were moved into another regions due to Sambyeolcho’s resistance and the Japanese invasion, and the status of Milseong-Gun was degraded into a lower rank, Bugok for a short while. In the meantime Gammus were dispatched to half of subsidiary Eups until the end of the Goryeo dynasty, which later formed the basis of independent administrative unit. Among them 6 Guns and Hyeonssuchas Euian-Hyeon, Happo-Hyeon, Haman-Hyeon, Cheongdo- Hyeon, and Chogye-Hyeon including Dongrae-Hyeon were raised to the status of main Eups. Their upgrade was indebted to those who performed meritorious military services for the subjugation of Japanese soldiers or those who played an active role in their native place as in Euian-Gun. Cultural properties related to Buddhism exceed others among cultural heritage in the Gyeongnam area of the Goryeo dynasty in number. This proves that the Buddhist culture was leading the local culture of Gyeongnam. As for fortifications, the percentage of cultural properties related to castle walls and beacons was high. Mountain fortress walls including castle walls functioning as the seat of a provincial office existed in the Gyeongnam area of the Goryeo dynasty. In particular the region well-equipped with all kinds of defensive facilities including castle walls showed their true characteristics of the local culture as the Gyeongnam coastal area became an important strategic point as national defence line from the Japanese invasion in the end of the Goryeo dynasty. The Gyeongnam local culture has formed and developed in the natural environment in harmony with mountains, rivers, fields, isles and seas accumulating the historical experience for a long time. The Gyeongnam area was not only the fore-front in wartime but also a passage into the outside world. In addition the area showed its independent and active posture to overcome the social conflicts when they got more deeply involved. Therefore, it is believed that hereafter the excavation and investigation of the local properties should be conducted based upon the identification of the Gyeongnam area after due consideration for the regional culture of the Gyeongnam area vividly reflects its local characteristics. There were 9 main Eups(邑) where chiefs were dispatched and under their control 45 subsidiary Eups affiliated to main Eups in Geongnam area in the Goryeo dynasty. Among them Jinjumok, Hapju, Geumju, and Milseong-gun made their influence felt. They had already held the same status in the reorganization of Gun-Hyeon system in the King Gyeongdeok’s regime of the Shilla dynasty and they still maintained their position or got stronger power in the Goryeo dynasty. On the contrary 8 regions such as Dongrae, Changyeong, Euian, Hadong, Gangseong, Haman, Geochang, and Hamyang had been main in the Shilla dynasty, and were reorganized into subsidiary Eups in the Goryeo dynasty. This was caused by the adoption of the wide area system in the Goryeo Gun-Hyeon organization, and also by the difference of ways how each region coped with in the social fluctuation in the late Shilla and the early Goryeo dynasty. Meanwhile there were about 133 Bugoks(部曲) affiliated to 54 Guns and Hyeons in the Gyeongnam area of the Goryeo dynasty. In particular, 16 Bugoks belonged to Goseong-Hyeon, and even though it was main Eup, it had only Bugoks without any subsidiary Eups. In general many Bugoks were in the main Eups, but it was remarkable that Haman-Gun and Gonmyeong-Hyeon had many Bugoks even though both were subsidiary Eups. Changes appeared in the Gun-Hyeon organizing system due to the internal and external reasons of social fluctuation in the Gyeongnam area of the Goryeo dynasty. There was a change that Guns and Hyeons of Geoje-Hyeon and Namhae-Hyeon were moved into another regions due to Sambyeolcho’s resistance and the Japanese invasion, and the status of Milseong-Gun was degraded into a lower rank, Bugok for a short while. In the meantime Gammus were dispatched to half of subsidiary Eups until the end of the Goryeo dynasty, which later formed the basis of independent administrative unit. Among them 6 Guns and Hyeonssuchas Euian-Hyeon, Happo-Hyeon, Haman-Hyeon, Cheongdo- Hyeon, and Chogye-Hyeon including Dongrae-Hyeon were raised to the status of main Eups. Their upgrade was indebted to those who performed meritorious military services for the subjugation of Japanese soldiers or those who played an active role in their native place as in Euian-Gun. Cultural properties related to Buddhism exceed others among cultural heritage in the Gyeongnam area of the Goryeo dynasty in number. This proves that the Buddhist culture was leading the local culture of Gyeongnam. As for fortifications, the percentage of cultural properties related to castle walls and beacons was high. Mountain fortress walls including castle walls functioning as the seat of a provincial office existed in the Gyeongnam area of the Goryeo dynasty. In particular the region well-equipped with all kinds of defensive facilities including castle walls showed their true characteristics of the local culture as the Gyeongnam coastal area became an important strategic point as national defence line from the Japanese invasion in the end of the Goryeo dynasty. The Gyeongnam local culture has formed and developed in the natural environment in harmony with mountains, rivers, fields, isles and seas accumulating the historical experience for a long time. The Gyeongnam area was not only the fore-front in wartime but also a passage into the outside world. In addition the area showed its independent and active posture to overcome the social conflicts when they got more deeply involved. Therefore, it is believed that hereafter the excavation and investigation of the local properties should be conducted based upon the identification of the Gyeongnam area after due consideration for the regional culture of the Gyeongnam area vividly reflects its local characteristics.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선시대 圃隱 후손의 경남 서부지역 정착과 활동

        김준형(Kim, Jun-hyeong) 포은학회 2011 포은학연구 Vol.7 No.-

        圃隱 후손의 경남 서부지역 정착은 그의 장손인 鄭保가 세조 때 단성현에서 유배생활을 한 것을 계기로 시작되었다. 이중 정보의 증손인 林軒 鄭世弼의 후손, 즉 임헌공파가 단성ㆍ합천ㆍ진주에 세거하게 된다. 정보의 단성 유배를 전후해서 그의 종질인 道菴 鄭智忠이 진주에 들어와 정착한다. 그의 후손은 도암공파라 하는데, 이들중 일부는 다른 지방으로 이동하고 일부는 하동과 진주에 세거한다. 경남 서부지역의 단성ㆍ합천ㆍ진주ㆍ하동 등지에 정착한 영일정씨는 이후 해당 고을의 명망있는 가문으로 자리잡게 된다. 경남 서부지역에 정착한 영일정씨 인물 중 남명을 사숙한 인물은 적지 않았다. 한때 來菴 鄭仁弘 문하에 들어가 있었던 鄭暄은 朴絪ㆍ河弘度등 남명학파 내의 유명 인물과 교유하였고, 주위의 중망을 받았다. 이런 위치에 있었기 때문에 조정 관료들의 천거로 여러 관직에 제수되었지만 벼슬에 나아가지 않았다. 도암공파 계열에도 남명 사숙인이 있었다. 鄭頠도 일찍부터 하홍도를 종유하였고, 허목 등 유명 인물과 친교를 맺고 있었다. 정기나 정위의 아들 鄭欐도 하홍도 문하에 들어가 학문을 연마하였다. 인조반정 이후 경남 서부지역 사림들은 대거 남인화해 갔지만, 그들이 모두 남인화해 갔던 것은 아니다. 『남명집』 임술본 훼판사건, 무신난 등을 거치면서 서인 가문들도 늘어갔다. 같은 가문 내에서도 남인과 서인으로 갈라지는 경우도 적지 않았다. 이런 상황은 경남 서부지역에 정착한 영일정씨도 마찬가지였다. 물론 남인 입장을 취하는 경우가 훨씬 많았지만, 적지 않은 인물이 노론계 유명 인물의 문하에 들거나 종유하였다. 노론계 인물 중에는 생원ㆍ진사시에 합격한 자도 있었고, 무과에 급제해 관직에 진출한 경우도 적지 않았다. 경남 서부지역에 세거하던 영일정씨는 계파에 따라 가문의 번성과 침체의 양상이 달랐고 집거하는 지역도 달랐지만, 1820년 이들은 계파를 초월하여 진주 정수리에 선조를 모시는 세덕사를 건립하였고, 이후 이것은 옥산서원으로 승격되었다. 이외에 포은을 새롭게 기리기 위해 그의 문집을 중간하는 작업도 진행하였다. Settlement in the West area of Gyeongnam of descendants of Poeun began from banishment life of Jeong Bo(鄭保), the eldest grandson of Poeun in Danseon-hyun in King Sejo in Chosun Dynasty. Among them, Yimheon Jeong Se-pil(林軒 鄭世弼), the great-grandson of Jeong Bo, that is, Yimheongong clan lived together in Danseong, Hapcheon, and Jinju. Around the time of Jeong Bo’s banishment in Danseong, Doam Jeong Ji-choong(道菴 鄭智忠), Jeong Bo’s male cousin’s son settled in Jinju. His descendants are called Doamgong clan and some of them moved to other areas while some lived together in Hadong and Jinju. Yeongil Jeong family settled in Danseong, Hapcheon, Jinju, Hadong etc. in the West areas of Gyeongnam and since then, became a family of high reputation. Some of figures among Yeongil Jeong family in the West areas of Gyeongnam were admirers of Nammyung. Jeong Hwon(鄭暄) who once studied under Naeam Jeong In-hong(來菴 鄭仁弘) had social intercourse with famous figures of Nammyung(南冥) school such as Park In(朴絪), Ha Hong-do(河弘度) etc. and received popular expectations. By this position, he was recommended from several government court officials and some positions were given. But he did not accept. There were admerers of Nammyung from Doamgong clan. Jeong Wi(鄭頠) had academic exchange with Ha Hong-do from his early times and had social interchange with Heo Mok(許穆) etc. Jeong Gi(鄭山夔), Jeong Ryeo(鄭欐) who is the son of Jeong Wi had academic studies under Ha Hong-do. After coup for Injo, Confucian scholars in the West areas of Gyeongnam largely became the Southern faction but not all the Confucian scholars. As the accident of damaging Yimsul virsion of Nammyung collection , riot of military officials etc. occurred, the Western faction increased. There were not a few that even in a same family splitted into the Southern faction and the Western faction. This was same for Yeongil Jeong family settled in the West areas of Gyeongnam. Of course, to support position of the Southern faction were far many while some figures studied under famous figures of Noron or had academic exchange with them. Among figures from Noron, there were many to pass examination for Saengwon and Jinsa. Some passed military service examination and became public official. Yeongil Jeong family settled in the West areas of Gyeongnam showed different aspects of family’s prosperity and depression according to faction. And the residential location was different. But they, beyond faction, founded Sedeoksa(世德祠) in Jeongsu-ri, Jinju in 1820 where their ancestors were remembered. After then, it was grown to Oksan lecture hall(玉山書院). Besides, the work to republish Poeun’s collection to newly admire him.

      • KCI등재

        경남지역 폐교의 활용실태에 관한 연구

        양금석 한국농촌건축학회 2018 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to present the basic data for the active use of closed schools by analyzing the actual conditions of closed schools in Gyeongnam area. As a method of this study, we examined the population change in Gyeongnam area through the literature survey and the internet site survey, and grasped the characteristics of the policies related to the closed school. Through the homepage survey of the local education financial alerts, we analyzed the contents, location, period after the closure, land area, and total floor area of the closed schools that have been in use or invaluable as of March 2017. As the results, In the case of self-utilization, the utilization rate of educational facilities was overwhelmingly high. In the case of lease utilization, the utilization ratio was higher in the order of education facilities, income increase facilities, and cultural facilities. Overall, 62.8% of the closed schools are located in the base towns (urban areas). The average of the period after the closure was 16.2 years, the land area average was 9,291.1㎡, and the total area average was 1,153.8 ㎡. 본 연구는 경남지역 폐교의 경남지역을 대상으로 하여 보유폐교의 구체적인 실태를 분석하여 폐교의 적극적인 활용을 위한 기초자료를 제시함을 목적으로 하고 있다. 연구방법으로 문헌조사와 인테넛조사를 통하여 를 통하여 경남지역 인구의 변화와 폐교정책에 대해 고찰하였다. 또한, 2017년3월 기준의 지방교육재정알리미의 폐교정보에 대해 활용내용, 폐교의 입지, 폐교이후의 경과기간, 대지면적, 연면적 등을 분석하였다. 결론으로서 자체활용의 경우 교육시설로의 이용이 대부분을 차지하며, 임대(대부) 활용인 경우는 교육시설,속득증대시설, 문화시설의 순으로 비율이 높게 나타났다. 전체적으로 입지측면에서 거점마을(시가지)내 위치하는 폐교가 62.8%를 차지하며, 폐교 이후 경과기간은 평균 16.2년으로 나타났으며, 대지면적 평균은 9,291.1㎡, 연면적 평균은 1,153.8㎡로 나타났다.

      • 경남지역 4대전략산업과 인적자원개발 방안

        강한균,채두병 인제대학교 2010 仁濟論叢 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze four strategic industries of Gyeongnam area and to find the plan of human resource development. We discussed the effect of four strategic industries of Gyeongnam area on the human resource development. The implications of this paper are as follows: First, it is very important to avoid the overlapping of the government's educational training for four strategic industries in Gyeongnam area. Second, Opportunities of the educational training and various tax breaks for the employers of small and medium companies should be provided, Third, We should introduce a training that cut down retraining cost as well as the existing training like the improvement training for the employed and the training for the unemployed. Finally, Gyeongnam province have to develope training jobs and support the training program for the college graduate in Gyeongnam area.

      • KCI등재

        남성 호칭 접미사 `-샌`의 지리적 분포 및 사용 양상 -섬진강 유역 방언을 중심으로-

        강희숙 ( Kang Hui-suk ) 한민족어문학회 2017 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.77

        이 연구는 한국어 방언의 지리적 분포와 관련하여 경남방언과 전남방언이 교차하여 두 방언이 서로 영향을 주고받는 이른바 전이 지역에 속하는 섬진강 유역의 방언들이 보여주는 여러 가지 특징들 가운데 남성 호칭 접미사 `-샌`의 지리적 분포와 사용 양상을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. `-샌`은 서남방언, 특히 전남의 동부 지역어에서 남성에 대한 호칭으로 비교적 활발하게 사용되어 왔으며, 현재도 70대 이상의 노년층 세대에서 그 잔영이 남아 있는 호칭 형태이다. 문제는 `-샌`이 전남방언에서만 고립적으로 출현하는 것이 아니라 본 연구의 조사 지점인 섬진강 유역의 전이 지역에서도 공통으로 사용되고 있다는 것이다. 이러한 언어적 사실에 착안하여 본 연구에서는 `-샌`형 호칭이 전남의 동부 지역어에서 발생하여 방언접촉에 의해 하동이나 함양과 같은 경남의 일부 지역으로 확산되었으며, 결과적으로 `-샌`형 호칭이 섬진강 유역 전이 지역 방언의 특성으로 자리 잡게 되었음을 확인하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 오늘날 전통적 성격의 호칭들이 거의 사라지고 새로운 호칭으로 대체되고 있는 가운데서도 섬진강 유역에서 `-샌`형 호칭이 공통으로 사용되고 있으며, 이러한 언어 사용의 모습 또한 한국어 방언들에서 나타나는 전이 지역의 특성 가운데 하나로 자리 매김되어야 할 필요가 있음을 제시하였다는 데 그 의의가 있다고 할 것이다. In relation to Korean dialects, this research aims to examine the geographic distribution and the usage of the suffix form `-sen` to address males, one of the many characteristics of dialects around the Seomjingang river area, a transitional area where two dialects―Jeonnam and Gyeongnam―cross and interact with each other. `-sen` has been frequently used as a suffix to address males in southwestern dialects, especially in eastern regional dialects in the Jeonnam area, and this is still the case among elderly people in their 70s and older. A question arises from the fact that `-sen` appears not only in the Jeonnam dialect but also commonly in the Seomjingang river area, which is the point of inquiry in this study. It appears that the suffix `-sen` occurred beginning in eastern regional dialects in the Jeonnam area and spread to some Gyeongnam regions such as Hadong and Hamyang as the result of dialect contact. It is confirmed that `-sen` settled as a characteristic of the regional dialect of the transitional Seomjinggang river basin area. The significance of this study is in that whereas other traditional address forms are disappearing and being substituted with new ones, the suffix `-sen` is still commonly being used in the Seomjingang river area, and this pattern of language usage should be considered a characteristic of Korean dialects in transitional areas.

      • KCI등재

        이산선택모형을 이용한 경남지역 청년의 취업상태 결정요인 분석

        신정우(Jungwoo Shin),김태현(Taehyun Kim),이미숙(Misuk Lee) 한국산업경제학회 2017 산업경제연구 Vol.30 No.5

        본 연구에서는 청년패널조사 자료와 이산선택모형을 이용하여 경남지역 청년의 취업상태에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하였으며, 경남지역 청년 취업자가 중요하게 생각하는 업무능력과 이에 대한 최종 학력의 기여도를 함께 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과, 경남지역 청년의 개인특성이나 가구특성은 취업 여부에 유의한 영향을 미치고 있지만, 청년의 취업준비활동은 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 효율적인 취업준비에 필요한 정보를 도출하기 위해 경남지역 청년 취업자를 대상으로 업무능력 중요도를 식별한 결과, 산업 특성에 따라 필요한 업무능력을 파악할 수 있었다. 하지만 이러한 업무능력의 향상에 대한 최종학교의 기여도를 분석한 결과, 경남지역 청년 취업자들은 스스로 배우는 능력, 변화적응능력, 전문지식 등을 제외한 업무능력 향상에 최종학교가 기여하는 바가 낮은 것으로 평가하고 있다. 본 연구는 경남지역 청년의 특성을 고려한 연구로서 청년의 취업준비활동에 유용한 정보를 제공하며, 나아가 경남지역 청년실업 관련 정책 수립에 필요한 기초자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the employment status of young people in Gyeongnam area using the youth panel survey data and the discrete choice model. The empirical analysis shows that the personal and household characteristics have a significant effect on the employment status of young people in Gyeongnam area, but their employment preparation activities have no statistically significant effect. To enhance the effectiveness of employment preparation activities, we investigated the work ability which is required by each industry. However, the contribution of the final education to the improvement of the work ability was evaluated to be low or not significant, except for the ability of self-learning, change adaptation ability, and expert knowledge. The results of this study can provide useful information for young people"s job preparation activities and policies on youth unemployment, by considering the characteristics of Gyeongnam area.

      • KCI등재

        경남 함안지역의 목활자본 문집 간행양상

        송정숙 한국서지학회 2020 서지학연구 Vol.84 No.-

        이 연구는 경상남도 함안지역에서 간행된 68종의 목활자본 문집을 대상으로 문집 간행의 구체적인 양상과 출판문화사적 의미를 파악하였다. 우선 함안의 역사, 함안의 인물, 함안의 서원과 책판 조사를 통해 목활자본 문집 간행의 사회ㆍ문화적 배경을 살펴보고, 목활자본 문집 68종을 대상으로 문집의 유형, 저자사항, 간행사항을 분석하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 사실이 밝혀졌다. (1) 문집의 유형을 분석한 결과, 전체 문집 68종 가운데 문집은 41종(60.3%), 유집은 16종(23.5%), 실기는 11종(16.2%)이다. 전체 68종의 문집 가운데 1인의 시문집인 별집(別集)은 67종(98.5%)이고, 2인 이상의 시문집인 합집은 1종(1.5%)으로 『모암송계합고』가 유일하다. (2) 목활자본 문집 68종 가운데 출생연도가 파악된 저자 66인의 출생연도를 분석해 보면, 저자 66인은 모두 조선 시대 인물로서 15세기 전반인 1436년에 출생한 『매헌선생실기(梅軒先生實記)』의 이인형(李仁亨)부터 19세기 후반인 1893년에 출생한 『금계집(琴溪集)』의 조우식(趙祐植)까지 457년의 간극이 있다. 함안지역의 목활자본 문집 저자 66인의 출생연도 분포를 100년 단위로 분석해 보면, 15세기 5인(7.5%), 16세기 14인(21.2%), 17세기 ․18세기 9인(13.6%), 19세기 29인(43.9%)으로 19세기 인물이 가장 많고, 다음이 16세기이며, 17세기․18세기, 15세기의 순이다. (3) 목활자본 문집 68종을 간행한 저자 68인의 성관은 모두 21성씨이다. 이 가운데 가장 많은 목활자본 문집을 간행한 성관은 15종을 간행한 함안조씨이고, 다음은 10종을 간행한 순흥안씨, 다음은 7종을 간행한 창원황씨, 다음은 5종을 간행한 재령이씨와 성산이씨, 다음은 4종을 간행한 광주안씨와 김해김씨, 다음은 3종을 간행한 인천이씨, 다음은 2종을 간행한 경주박씨와 장수이씨이며, 1종의 목활자본 문집을 간행한 성관은 경주김씨 등 11성씨이다. (4) 경남 함안지역에서 간행된 목활자본 문집 68종은 모두 19세기 이후에 간행되었는데, 이 가운데에서도 20세기 전반부인 1900년~1949년까지의 50년 동안에 전체 68종 가운데 75%에 해당하는 51종이 간행되고 20세기 후반부인 1950년~1973년 까지 11종이 간행되어 20세기에 62종(91.2%)이 간행되었고, 19세기에 5종(7.4%)이 간행되어 함안에서 대부분의 목활자본 문집이 20세기에 발행되었음을 알 수 있다. (5) 경남 함안지역에서 간행된 68종의 목활자본 문집은 저자 사후 2년부터 사후 492년까지 문집이 간행되었다. 전체 문집 68종 가운데 100년 단위로 보면, 목활자본 문집은 저자 사후 1-100년 사이에 32종(47.1%)이 간행되었으며, 저자 사후 101-200년 사이에 11종(16.2%), 저자 사후 201-300년 사이에 13종(19.1%), 저자 사후 301-400년과 401-500년 사이에 4종(5.9%)이 간행되었다. (6) 문집 68종 가운데 문집의 간행소를 파악할 수 있는 문집은 34종이다. 함안지역에서 간행된 목활자본 문집의 발생소를 분석한 결과 재실(齋室)이 14종으로 가장 많은 비율을 차지하고, 그 다음으로 누정(9종), 서당(4종), 서원(2종) 순이다. (7) 함안지역의 목활자본 문집 68종 가운데 권말의 판권지가 있는 책은 16종으로 인쇄자, 즉 각수는 함안의 이장호, 이현량, 국진호, 이의갑, 임기후, 진기술 등 6인, 고령의 전해택, 합 7인이다. 이 연구의 결과를 진주, 의령 등 인근 지역의 연구와 비교하면 함안지역 목활자본 문집간행의 독자성이 더욱 명료하게 드러날 것으로 기대한다. The aim of this thesis is to explore some aspects of the publication and the historical meaning of the publishing and cultural history of 68 volumes of collections of works printed by wooden movable-type at Haman county area in Gyeongnam Province. First of all, the history of Haman, the figures of Haman, the Confucian Academy and the printing woodblocks of Haman were investigated to examine the social and cultural background of the publishing. The author analyzed type of collections of works, their birth year and the family name of the author, the place and the year of the publication, and the printers of these different 68 kinds of the collections of works. The results are as follows: The collections of works demonstrate their forefathers’ academic competencies. The types of collections of works were divided into 3 types, Munjip(文集), Yujip(遺集), and Silgi(實記). Of the collections of works 60% were Munjip. The authors were local intellectuals. Of these authors 44% of authors were born in the 19th century. Twenty-one lineage groups published collections of works at Hamam area. Seventy-five percent of the publications were published from 1900 to 1949. In terms of place, most collections of works were published in the worshipping halls for their ancestors. Forty-seven percent of the collections of works were published within 100 years after the author had died. Of these 86% of the book printers were from Haman area. If the results of this study are compared with studies in nearby areas such as Uiryeong, Jinjoo, it is expected that the uniqueness of the Haman area will be revealed more clearly.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지역 고등학교의 운영방식 변화와 공간 재구성의 특징 연구

        양금석 한국농촌건축학회 2014 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.16 No.4

        This study is to clarify the actual condition of the plan of high schools in the rural area. Recently, many high schools are remodeling the buildings and facilities based on departmental system. This study, through analyzing on 5 remodeling cases of high school in gyeongnam area. This article discuses about the basic characteristics of the plan composition and the education program of 5 high schools. This study is showing the variation before and after remodeling and space organization types. The results of this study are summarized as follows;We studied 5 high schools in 2012∼ 2013 of them, which located in the rural area. We studied the location of department classrooms, teachers' labs and home bases of them. 1) Most of them take horizontal zoning system in the department classrooms. 2) The number of teachers' labs were increased in most of floors. On the other hand, most of Labs' area were decreased. Every department classroom zone has one teachers' lab. 3) Sample schools took much more spaces of home-base and media-space than before.

      • KCI등재

        임상영양서비스에 대한 부산,경남지역 의료진과 영양사의 인식 차이

        최지영 ( Ji Young Choi ),박은주 ( Eun Ju Park ) 대한영양사협회 2013 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the difference in perception of clinical nutrition service (CNS) between doctors and dietitians working in hospitals in Busan and the Gyeongnam area. Research was performed through questionnaires (from November to December 2011) at over 100 beds. 73.3% of dietitians were aware of the Nutrition Support Team (NST), while only 15.6% of doctors were aware of it. Due to heavy work and lack of medical staff, doctors didn`t participate in NST, although most of them recognized the necessity of NST. 61.7% of dietitians screened and managed malnourished patients, whereas only 29.8% of doctors did. The main reason dietitians didn`t treat malnourished patients was the absence of a treatment system in the hospital. Less than 50% of dietitians participated in the doctor`s round to malnourished patients. As for why dietitians didn`t participate in doctor`s rounds, 71% of doctors chose understaffed dietitians and 38.1% of dietitians chose the doctors` unawareness of the importance of the dietitian in doctor`s rounds. For the lower rate of nutrition counseling in provincial regions, compared to the capital region, 46.8% of doctors cited a lack of connection between doctors and clinical dietitians, while 43.3% of dietitians cited the lack of doctors` awareness on the importance of nutrition counseling. Although 87.3% of the doctors and 91.6% of the dietitians answered that CNS is important for treatment, the perception of onsite performance status on CNS was found to be low in both groups. 48.9% of doctors and 50.0% of dietitians regarded dietitians in the hospital as personnel in charge of food services, rather a member of the medical team. To improve the awareness of the importance of the CNS, and the image of clinical dietitians, 31.2% of doctors answered "to introduce a professional dietitian license for each disease" and 26.7% of dietitians answered "to change the system in the hospital". Most subjects found that a separation of clinical nutrition services from the food service part is needed. These results suggest that it is important to narrow the difference in perceptions of clinical nutrition services between doctors and dietitians for an organized clinical nutrition management of patients in hospitals in Busan and the Gyeongnam area.

      • KCI등재

        경남지역 요양병원 임상영양관리에 대한 중요도와 실행도 분석

        이선전 ( Seon Jeon Lee ),박은주 ( Eunju Park ) 대한영양사협회 2016 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.22 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the importance-performance of clinical nutrition management in convalescent hospitals. The research was carried out based on questionnaires administered from March to April, 2015 to 73 dietitians at 40 convalescent hospitals in the Gyeongnam area. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores for importance (4.01/5.00) and performance (2.95/5.00) of clinical nutrition management. The importance and performance grid analysis showed that participation in a nutritional management committee, administration of patients using a cooperation program among hospital departments,cooperation with a medical team on patient’s nutrition status, nutrition initial assessment, nutrition care process for patients showing malnutrition, nutrition care process for tube feeding patients, management of a therapeutic diet, meal management using dietary slip instructions including a therapeutic diet, and explication of a therapeutic diet for patients scored high regarding importance and performance (doing great area). Medical records on patient’s nutrition management, and nutrition counseling for requested patient scored low regarding the importance and high regarding performance (overdone area). Participation in medical rounds, personal nutrition education for patients, group nutrition education for patients, nutrition education for medical teams, development of a menu for therapeutic diet and standardized recipes, and provision of information on diet therapy for patients after discharge scored low regarding importance and performance (low priority area). Accreditation of convalescent hospitals and interest of medical professionals in clinical nutrition management were effective variables for the importance-performance gap of clinical nutrition management. In conclusion, the accreditation process and positive awareness of medical professionals with regard to clinical nutrition management had positive effects on reduction of the importance-performance gap in clinical nutrition management at convalescent hospitals. The strength of clinical nutrition management in the accreditation and development of an education program for increasing medical team or administrator interest in clinical nutrition management could lead to improvement of clinical nutrition management for elderly patients in convalescent hospitals.

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