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      • KCI등재

        『위대한 유산』, 동양철학으로 다시읽기* - 신사와 군자의 개념을 중심으로

        김철수 한국비교문학회 2011 比較文學 Vol.0 No.55

        Great Expectations, Charles Dickens' thirteenth novel, is a record of a boy's coming of age, during which he aspires to become a gentleman. The novel helps the reader reconsider human nature through a diverse and detailed description of the life of Pip as a hero of the novel. This paper aims to observe the snobbism that the young hero experiences in the course of his education to become a gentleman. Pip happens to receive the "great expectation", from an unknown patron, who is later known as Magwitch, an expelled culprit. This paper also intends to compare the concept of true gentlemanship implied in the work with that of the great man or a gentleman in the Eastern philosophy of Confucianism. The gentlemanship pursued by Pip is an ideal of the lower class in his days, but it is one of the results of the mammonism of the Victorian England. This work describes in detail diverse people's aspiration for the gentlemanship, which was one of the greatest prides of the time, and then it bitterly criticizes and satirizes its negative aspects. Nevertheless, with his own expectation and hope for the possibility of social changes through the awareness and change of each individual person, Dickens presents his own ideal of a gentleman through the process of self-awareness happening in Pip. Pip grows up in body and in spirit after learning lessons from all kinds of experiences in the course of his life. The faith in the goodness of human nature culminates in Joe, who is entitled "a gentle Christian man," having never discarded his conscience and consideration for others in any situation, and in a sincere girl named Biddy, who is provided with a new happy life, having kept her love and kindness, and finally in the young selfish Pip, who is transformed into 'a gentleman in a real sense' after the great lessons in life. The concept of a gentleman in the west and that of a great man in the east have similar origin in their intention and meaning. For the two concepts, which both designate one's attitudes towards self, others and the society, and share the value of honor and responsibility, can be achieved in the course of diverse and sometimes hard lessons, experiences and self-discipline even in adverse situations. When the novel with such a plot and contents is re-read in the light of some major concepts of Eastern philosophy, whose intention is to bring up 'a great man(君子)' in a premise that 'all men were born good,' it can be understood that the ideals of a western writer and some eastern philosophers, although their worlds apart, are not so different in context.

      • KCI등재

        『위대한 유산』, 동양철학으로 다시읽기 -신사와 군자의 개념을 중심으로

        김철수 ( Cheol Soo Kim ) 한국비교문학회 2011 比較文學 Vol.55 No.-

        Great Expectations, Charles Dickens` thirteenth novel, is a record of a boy`s coming of age, during which he aspires to become a gentleman. The novel helps the reader reconsider human nature through a diverse and detailed description of the life of Pip as a hero of the novel. This paper aims to observe the snobbism that the young hero experiences in the course of his education to become a gentleman. Pip happens to receive the "great expectation", from an unknown patron, who is later known as Magwitch, an expelled culprit. This paper also intends to compare the concept of true gentlemanship implied in the work with that of the great man or a gentleman in the Eastern philosophy of Confucianism. The gentlemanship pursued by Pip is an ideal of the lower class in his days, but it is one of the results of the mammonism of the Victorian England. This work describes in detail diverse people`s aspiration for the gentlemanship, which was one of the greatest prides of the time, and then it bitterly criticizes and satirizes its negative aspects. Nevertheless, with his own expectation and hope for the possibility of social changes through the awareness and change of each individual person, Dickens presents his own ideal of a gentleman through the process of self-awareness happening in Pip. Pip grows up in body and in spirit after learning lessons from all kinds of experiences in the course of his life. The faith in the goodness of human nature culminates in Joe, who is entitled "a gentle Christian man," having never discarded his conscience and consideration for others in any situation, and in a sincere girl named Biddy, who is provided with a new happy life, having kept her love and kindness, and finally in the young selfish Pip, who is transformed into ``a gentleman in a real sense`` after the great lessons in life. The concept of a gentleman in the west and that of a great man in the east have similar origin in their intention and meaning. For the two concepts, which both designate one`s attitudes towards self, others and the society, and share the value of honor and responsibility, can be achieved in the course of diverse and sometimes hard lessons, experiences and self-discipline even in adverse situations. When the novel with such a plot and contents is re-read in the light of some major concepts of Eastern philosophy, whose intention is to bring up ``a great man(君子)`` in a premise that ``all men were born good,`` it can be understood that the ideals of a western writer and some eastern philosophers, although their worlds apart, are not so different in context.

      • KCI등재

        Great Expectations‘as if’ 구문의 한국어 번역 연구

        신혜정 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2013 통번역학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        As a great master of figurative language, Charles Dickens frequently used similes and metaphors in his works. Among his repertoire of rhetorical expressions, Mahlberg (2007b) identified as if constructions as high-frequency expressions in Great Expectations, using corpus software WordSmith Tools. In Great Expectations, 266 instances of as if are found. Mahlberg asserts that this frequently occurring expression serves local textual functions in the text. The three main functions identified are a) description of atmosphere, b) characterization, and c) clues to the plot. Focusing on as if constructions, this study compares Korean translations of Great Expectations (ST) by different translators. Using WordSmith's cluster analysis, this study examines how as if similes are translated in each TT and whether each translator shows his/her own distinctive pattern in their translations. And finally, if and how as if constructions' local textual functions in the ST are translated in the TTs will be discussed.

      • KCI등재

        『막대한 유산』 다시 읽기

        장남수 현대영미어문학회 2008 현대영미어문학 Vol.26 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to examine Dickens's Great Expectations from the standpoint of the modern subject and its postcolonial criticism. We can identify two typical views of the modern subject: one is the liberal humanist view and the other is the poststructuralist view. Each one highlights respectively the autonomy and independence of the self and its constructedness. Pip's genuine development and growth, however, witness the brittleness of both these views. Pip might be said to comprise, in a sense, the 'best' modern subject, but definitely he cannot meet such problems as the suffering of 'the other' whom the modern history deliberately excludes and represses. Hence the necessity of the so-called 'global' subject. Carey's Jack Maggs comes under a postcolonial attempt to re-read Dickens's Great Expectations. He throws light on the criminality and meanness of the British society more ruthlessly than Dickens. Yet his criticism on the English snobbery doesn't make a qualitative difference, which is established by the total absence of an Australian Aborigine in Jack Maggs. Carey's interest in the Western other turns out not to extend its hand to the native Australian. Our comparison of Dickens's work with its postcolonial re-readings such as Jack Maggs and Magwitch seems to request an objective appraisal of the modern achievement and an urgent demand for the true postmodernity.

      • KCI등재후보

        디킨즈의 신사되기: 『위대한 유산』에 나타난 핍의 사회적 성장 분석

        문상화 ( Sang Wha Moon ) 조선대학교 인문학연구소 2012 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.43

        이 논문은 빅토리아 중기의 사회적 변혁 속에서 성장에 대한 대중의 시각이 한개인의 삶을 어떻게 바꾸었는지를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 디킨즈는 『위대한 유산』을 통해서 순진한 시골 소년 핍이 어떻게 속물로 바뀌었다가 본래 자신의 정체성을 다시 찾는 과정을 그리고 있다. 핍의 성장에 가장 중요한 역할을 하는 것은 신사라는 사회적 개념에 대한 사회적 동의인데 디킨즈가 『위대한 유산』에서 지적하고자 하는 것은 신사라는 가치관은 물질적인 것이 아닌 정신적인 것에 기초하고 있으며 그러한 가치관은 자신의 잘못을 겸허히 받아들이고 자신의 태생의 가치를 인정할 때 비로소 찾아온다는 것을 핍, 매그위치, 조, 에스텔라 그리고 비디라는 인물을 통해 우리에게 보여주고 있다. This paper focuses on the fact that how the social attitude towards the gentlemanship changes a boy`s life in the middle of the Victorian Era. Charles Dickens depicts the process of the growth of a naive country boy whose life is affected by the notion of the gentlemanship in Great Expectations. The most important thing affecting Pip is the social consensus on the gentlemanship in the middle of the Victorian Era, which was completely changed from the one in the early period of the Victorian Era. Dickens emphasizes in Great Expectations that the gentlemanship depends on the spiritual values rather than on the material values. With the progress of the growth- from a county boy to a gentleman in a metropolitan city and the reverse progress of the growth - Dickens shows that the most important power making men gentlemen is the love for others and modesty through Pip, Magwitch, Estella, Joe and Biddy.

      • KCI등재

        여성과 남성의 신분상승 비교: 『제인 에어』와 『위대한 유산』을 중심으로

        송은영 ( Eun Yong Song ) 한국비교문학회 2014 比較文學 Vol.0 No.62

        This paper discusses the attitude to the class consciousness in the 19th century novels through Charlotte Bronte`s Jane Eyre and Charles Dickens`s Great Expectations. There was a changing social attitude about the class over the society at large. Many people in lower class aspired to be higher in the social class, and if they, mostly men, achieved economic success, his social rank could be higher. However, women were difficult to have upward opportunities. Many women wanted to be high class through the marriage, but economic value was more important than marriage. In this respect, Bronte and Dickens show desire about upper class and process of the rise of the social class at that time. In Jane Eyre, Jane as a governess was neither a maid nor the working-class. Jane as a low middle-class married an upper class man. However she achieved higher social rank with a legacy from her uncle before marriage, and her legacy was an opportunity to enable her to marry Rochester who was the gentry. Bronte shows that economic power is more important than marriage in woman`s rise of the social class. In Great Expectations, Pip was affected by the notion of the gentlemanship at that time. Traditionally gentleman was regarded as the gentry but self-made men could become a gentleman in the mid 19th century. Expectations Pip received was the money from the convict, and unsuitable for a noble gentleman. Dickens shows that true gentleman have to possess the spiritual values as well as the material values through the growth of Pip. Eventually, Pip realized his wrong desire to be a gentleman and acquired the value of the true gentlemanship. Bronte and Dickens reveal a prevalent view about desire and process of the rise of the social class in their novel, but at the same time, they emphasize that hierarchical structure by succession can be changed, depending on material condition and education.

      • KCI등재

        찰스 디킨스의 『위대한 유산』에서 조의 역할: 신사, 가정의 천사

        김택중 ( Kim Tag Jung ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2014 현대영어영문학 Vol.58 No.3

        Great Expectations is one of the most representative works of Charles Dickens. Many critics have approached the novel with their focus on the growth of Pip as a gentleman. In the meantime they seem to ignore, if slightly, the role of Joe, the blacksmith, as a simple moral touchstone of the novel or the background of the main character``s moral growth. However, Joe plays a greater role in the novel than mentioned above. He represents the true qualities of a gentleman, except the quality of education, and even Dickens``s Christian morality. In addition, his reversed role as the household angel shows an enlarged role than expected as a simple background. He is not given a feminized role in his household; rather he voluntarily chooses the role in consideration of his and his wife``s character and for the peace of his household, which is very important to consider his meaning in the novel. As some critics mention, Dickens``s treatment of the concept of a gentleman in the novel is somewhat ambiguous, and it is because of the enlarged role of Joe. Joe is in fact a voice that tells of the true gentleman being not made on the basis of money or birth but on the moral quality, and of that moral quality being started and educated at home

      • KCI등재

        영화로 보는 찰스 디킨즈의 위대한 유산

        이인규(Lee In Kyu) 영상영어교육학회 2004 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.5 No.2

        There are many film adaptations of Dickens' Great Expectations. The most famous one of them is David Lean's black-and-white movie, which was made in 1946. This classical movie of Lean's succeeds in representing the dark atmosphere of the original novel, but it concentrates so much on Pip and Estella and Magwitch that it fails to make the audience experience the rich aspects of Dickensian world. Dean's movie has had a lot of influence on the later adaptations of this novel, and Joseph Hardy's 1974 color movie is a distinct example. Hardy's movie, however, does not show very much achievement beyond Lean's--except for the Pumblechook part--in terms of creativity as well as faithfulness in its representation of the original text. But the most recent adaptation, made by Julian Jarrold in 1999, deserves a high praise because of its creative efforts to revitalize the fictional world of Dickens's. With the good casting and its modern cinematography and creative adaptation, this movie catches the rich vision of the classical story successfully. In an English Novel class, these movie adaptations can be very helpful to appreciating the original text if they are used in proper ways.

      • KCI등재

        찰스 디킨즈의 『위대한 유산』에 나타난 우정의 아포리아

        구승본 국제언어문학회 2023 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.56

        This paper examines aporia of friendship in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations. Aporia, which signifies the paradoxical impasse, can be used to describe the aspects of an undecidable contradiction in Pip’s close relationships with Joe and Abel Magwitch. Beyond Aristotle’s idea of friendship which emphasizes the importance of constancy as the apex of virtues, Jacques Derrida highlights the aporetic nature of friendship with regard to both the possibility and the impossibility of constant friendship by projecting the ideal image of the self onto one’s friend as the other. Gill Deleuze’s concept of limit-situations and secrets can help embrace a variety of friendship by understanding the unrealizable conflicts between the friends as one of the key components to contribute to the formation of friendship. Rather than the absolute truth like the transcendental signified of essence, friendship can be conceived of as an invaluable virtue transformed into the concept of faith in the passage of time. This paper explores the logics of self-destruction and of self-preservation embedded in the predicaments of friendship both between Pip and Joe, and Pip and Magwitch, as their friendships can persist through communion in the interconnectedness of the self and the other. 본 논문은 찰스 디킨즈의 『위대한 유산』에서 핍과 조, 핍과 매그위치의 관계를 중심으로 우정의 양상을 고찰하고 우정이 갖는 상호 모순적이고 이율배반적인 성격을 아포리아의 개념을 이용해 탐색한다. 아포리아는 해결될 수 없는 모순을 뜻한다. 우정의 불변성을 최고의 미덕으로 판단한 아리스토텔레스의 주장을 바탕으로 쟈크 데리다는 불변의 우정은 자아의 이상적 이미지가 타자에 투영되는 것으로 실현 불가능하면서 동시에 성립 가능하다고 주장한다. 질 들뢰즈는 한계 상황들과 비밀들이란 친구 간에 존재하는 갈등이 억압된 것을 의미하는 데, 이러한 불안한 우정의 관계가 역설적이게도 우정을 지속가능하게 만드는 중요한 요인으로 작용한다고 강조한다. 우정은 초월적 기의와 같은 진리라기보다는 시간의 변화 속에서 믿음의 차원으로 이행되면서 그 가치를 인정받게 된다. 자아의 개인적 욕망으로서 우정의 개념은 자아가 아닌 타자를 통해 교감의 형태로 보존되고 영속화된다는 우정의 자아 파괴적이며 자아 보존적 모순의 논리를 핍과 조, 그리고 핍과 매그위치의 관계를 통해서 고찰하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        원주민 소녀, 백인 소년을 만나다: 해체적 상상력으로 로이드 존스의 『미스터 핍』 읽기

        차희정 미래영어영문학회 2014 영어영문학 Vol.19 No.1

        This paper explores New Zealand writer Lloyd Jones‘s Mister Pip, winner of the Commonwealth Writers' Overall Prize for Best Book, in terms of a coming-of-age story and a subversive allegory. The novel weaves the developmental process which through 13-year-old Matilda Laimo went with rebellions and disillusionment on a copper-rich tropical island shattered by war in the early 1990s. In such the ravaged place, all whites have fled, and all native villagers including children are unified in their efforts for daily survival. Only one white staying behind with his native wife Grace is the eccentric Mr. Watts who is asked to fill in as the children's schoolteacher. He (re)reads to the children each day from Charles Dickens’s classic Great Expectations. The precocious Matilda and her peers, even though stuck in the ruined schoolhouse, are fascinated by the adventures of a young orphan named Pip which takes them to the 19th century London. Mr. Watts and the children deconstruct and reconstruct the western classic as their own story. On one hand, indeed, literary imagination empowers the children to escape their own blighted landscape and subversively transform their lives against an ominous backdrop of war. On the other hand, the novel illustrates that amid the chaos and extreme violence, imagination can be dangerous. Matilda witnesses and graphically remembers her mother and teacher being brutally murdered. While on the island, Mr. Watts claims Pip's identity as his own, later on, in Australia, Matilda reclaims emigrant Pip's story as her own. After all, throughout the tense interactions between Matilda, her mother Dolores, and Mr. Watts, while criticizing a catastrophic and split world by colonial legacy and neocolonial economic hegemony, Jones's Mister Pip in the intertextual relation to Dickens's Great Expectations comes to celebrate the meaning of pure sacrifice for others and the resilience of the human spirit as well as the power of literary imagination.

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