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      • KCI등재

        포크(Foulk)의 일기에 기록된 전라감영의 접대문화

        송영애 한국콘텐츠학회 2019 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.19 No.12

        본 연구는 1884년 11월 10일, 12시 10분에 전주에 도착하여 2박 3일간 머문 죠지 클레이턴 포크의 일기를 바탕으로 하였다. 머무는 동안 감사로부터 대접받은 음식, 술, 연회, 선물 등으로 당시 전라감영의 문화를 알 수 있었다. 특히 포크는 기록으로 부족한 내용을 그림으로 그리고 설명을 더했는데, 11월 11일 아침 10시에 전라감사로부터 특별히 대접받은 아침밥상의 반배도를 그려두었다. 이는 음식과 관련된 고문헌이 전무한 전주에서는 조선시대의 음식문화를 알 수 있는 최고(最古)이자 최초(最初)의 자료로 매우 가치가 있다. 또한 본 연구는 다른 학자들이 발표한 포크 일기와 관련된 연구에서 오류를 바로 잡고자 하였다. 따라서 포크의 일기를 당시 조선을 다녀간 많은 외국인들의 기록을 바탕으로 재해석하였으며, 다른 연구 분야와 통섭하여 전라감영 전체의 접대 문화를 살펴보았다. 이는 135년 전 외국인의 눈에 비친 전라감영의 문화를 객관적으로 이해하는 데 큰 의미를 둔 연구결과다. This study was based on the diary of George Clayton Fork, who arrived in Jeonju at 12:10 p.m. on November 10, 1884 and stayed for two nights and three days. During his stay, he was able to learn about the culture of Jeollagamyoung at that time through food, alcohol, banquets and gifts that he was treated to by gratitude. In particular, Fork added pictures and explanations of the deficiencies to its records, drawing half the breakfast table specially served by the Jeollagamyoung at 10 a.m. on Nov. 11. This is very valuable as the best and first source of knowledge of the food culture of the Joseon Dynasty in Jeonju, where no torture related to food was found. This is the result of a study that put great significance on objectively understanding the culture of Jeollagamyoung in the eyes of foreigners 135 years ago.

      • KCI등재

        1884년 미국 외교무관 포크기록에 나타난 전라감영 자료검토

        조법종 전북사학회 2020 전북사학 Vol.0 No.60

        George Clayton Foulk visited Jeonju from November 10 to 12, 1884. He was the first US diplomat to visit Jeolla Gamyeong in Jeonju, leaving photographs and important records. This record was used as data to restore Jeolla Gamyeong. In the data left by Foulk, the contents of the conversation with Jeolla-Gamsa at the time, the appearance of Jeolla Gam-young, the purpose of his visit, and the overall appearance of Jeonju are recorded. Of particular note is the detailed description of Seonhwadang in Jeollagamyeong. That is, the scale and structure, various objects, and ceremonial tools related to gratitude are recorded in detail. In addition, the auditor Jeolla talked about the international situation at the time, and through this, the level and content of the international low-recognition of the first local leaders was shown. Meanwhile, Folk photographed Jeolla gamyeong through a dry plate camera, a modern image recording device. The two remaining dry glass plate photos show the specific situation of Jeolla gamyeong at the time. In particular, it showed well detailed data such as the clothing of the screens and deukgi inside Seonhwadang, and the clothes of related people. Through this, the folding screen with tigers and dragons could be restored. In the future, it is required to systematically study Jeollagamyeong and the local situation of Joseon at that time through research on the facts identified through folk records and review of related facts. 1884년 11월 10일에서 12일까지 조선주재 미국 외교관으로서 최초로 전라감영을 방문해 기록을 남긴 조지 클레이튼 포크의 기록은 조선후기 근대문물을 접하기 시작한 전라감영의 생생한 현장기록이자 외국인이 기록한 전라감영에 대한 최초 사료로서 매우 중요한 가치를 담고 있다. 포크는 조선에 대한 정확한 정보 확보를 위한 조사활동으로 1차 서울,경기북부권, 2차 충청, 전라, 경상 지역에 대한 조사를 진행하였고 놀라울 정도의 묘사력과 다방면에 걸친 조사활동을 일기기록과 사진으로 남겨 놓았다. 이 가운데 금번 논고는 전라감영 복원을 위한 기초자료 차원의 조사를 위한 부분에 한정하여 정리한 연구이다. 포크기록에 나타난 내용 가운데 먼저 주목되는 것은 전라감영의 공간 구조에 대한 세밀한 묘사와 스케치자료 및 선화당 내부의 유리 건판 사진 자료들이다. 특히, 이 자료는 기록과 그림뿐만 아니라 사진이라는 과학적 이미지 기록 매체까지 활용된 근대 최초의 전라감영 종합 정리자료라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        조지 포크가 경험한 1884년 조선의 음식문화

        박채린 한국식생활문화학회 2020 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.35 No.2

        This research is the first known to introduce and analyze food-related content among the records left by George Clayton Foulk (1856-1893), a naval attaché dispatched as part of a U.S. delegation to Korea during the Joseon dynasty in the 19th century. Sketches and memos by Foulk provide important clues in understanding the food culture during the late Joseon dynasty. By analyzing the types of foods, table composition, and intervals between serving the nine rounds of food from the rural government office, which Foulk ate during his local trip, he was able to confirm that there was a starter (‘preliminary table’ or ‘hors d’oeuvre’) before the main table and that it was served before the main dish.

      • KCI등재

        구한말 주한 미국공사들의 활동과 개인문서 현황

        손정숙 이화사학연구소 2003 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.30

        This study is to examine historical significance of official American representatives in Korea during the years 1983-1905 and survey the present conditions of their personal papers. The first United Slates representatives to Korea arrived in Seoul in 1893. In 1905 Korea lost control of her foreign affairs to Japan and the United States withdrew it legation from Korea. It is characteristic that American ministers who had taken charge of the United States legation during the twenty-two years showed pro-Korean attitudes and were very active in the politics of modem Korea despite the non-involvement policy of the Washington government. American policy in eastern Asia was marked by a desire to maintain a position of impartial neutrality toward the international struggle far control of the Korean peninsula. The King of Korea, however, maintained his strong and persistent pro-American orientation and looked upon the United States representative in Seoul as the symbol of a friendly and beneficient power capable of protecting his kingdom from multiple external pressures. The most important factor of his pro-Americanism orientation was the friendly and benevolent attitudes displayed by American diplomatic agents in Korea. Beginning with Foote and continuing with George C. Foulk, Hugh Dinsmore, John M, B. Sill, and Horace N. Allen, all American agents made substantial contributions to development of a friendly attitude by the Korean government toward the United States. This is why the American legation in Seoul enjoyed the confidence of the King of Korea and the Korean government Also, American representatives with their deep sympathy of King Kojong's efforts for Korea's modernization and independence believed that American government was responsible for Korea's territorial integrity as well as it development according to the regulations of the American-Korean treaty concluded in 1882. Therefore, they frequently ignored the stated policy of home government by embroiling themselves in palace politics, generally resisting Chinese claims of suzerainty over Korea, and from the year 1895 many who had previously preferred Japan over China became highly critical of Japanese policy. As for the papers of the United Slates ministers, Foots's papers were burnt down because of the San francisco big fire in 1905 and those of Foulk, Sill, Rockhill, Allen are preserved. Such individual papers are invaluable historical sources for the research of Korean-American relations of the modem era. But there are several problems in relation to those materials. First, they are not easily accessible in Korea because of most of them are kept in the States. Secondly, they are still in manuscript which gave Korean who are as foreigners much difficulties reading them. The work of organizing historical materials in manuscript, such as transforming handwritings to typed fonts, is necessary in order to promote Korean scholars' study in the field of diplomatic relations between Korea and the United Slates.

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