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        음식쓰레기메 관한 실태조사 (Ⅱ)

        장원(Won Jang),김미경(Mikyeong Kim),강창민(Changmin Kang),박영숙(Youngsuk Park) 유기성자원학회 1997 유기물자원화 Vol.5 No.1

        쓰레기문제해결을 위한 기초 자료를 마련하기 위해 주부틀을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 가정쓰레기 중 음식물쓰레기가 차지하는 비율은 평균 24.8% 이며, 발생 형태별로는 재료를 다듬는 과정>과일껍질>음식찌꺼기>상해서 버리는 쓰레기의 순이었다. 또 주부들의 연령이 낮을 수록 음식물쓰레기의 발생비율이 높았고,식후 가장 많이 남기는 음식찌꺼기는 국과 찌개였다. 음식물쓰레기 발생의 가장 큰 원인은 필요량 이상으후 조리하기 때문이였다. 88.8%의 응답자가 계획적 식단작성이 음식물쓰레기 감량에 도웅이 된다고 생각했으나 실천율은 39.8%로 낮았다. 음식물쓰레기 처리에서는 87.3%의 주부가 물기를 제거한 후, 비닐봉투에 담고 다시 종량제봉투에 담는 것으로 나타났다. 84.1%의 응답자가 음식물쓰레기의 재활용이 필요하다고 느끼나,실천 중인 주부는 전체의 2.1%로 매우 미약했다. 올바른 처리를 위해서는 정부의 일관성있는 정책마련과 지속적 홍보가 필수적이며,TV 또는 라디오의 공익 광고가 가장 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 음식물쓰레기 재활용에의 참여 의사는 공동퇴비화 벚 개별퇴비화 모두 긍정적 탑변을 나타냈으며가정용퇴비화 용기를 설치할 경우 구입 가격,설치공간,위생상 · 미관상의 문제 해결 벚 생산 퇴비의 수거가 원활하게 이루어져야 성공할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. This study was conducted to analysis citizen's attitude and style to the foodwaste from 10th Sept. to 30th Sept. in 1996. The research was used questionare method and analysis was used prequency analysis and cross table method by SPSS (scientific statistics). The foodwaste of householdwaste account for 24.8%, and the magnitude by the kinds of garbage were waste from pre-cocking stage, fruitshell, foodwaste remained after eating, septic foodwaste during storage. The more the housewives’age are young, foodwaste volumne were much. Most remained foodwaste after eating were soup and pot stew. The main cause of foodwaste production was overvolumne cooking. 88.8% of answers think that a menu can be useful to reduce foodwaste. The survey showed that 87.3% of answers put into the meter-rate bag after removed wetness of garbage. 84.1% of answers thought that the recycling of foodwaste needed, but the practical housewife was only 21%. For the suitable treatment of foodwaste, Survey showed that the consistent policy of goverment and continuous publicity was needed essentially, and that the public notice of TV or radio was effective. All of answers would like to participate in recycling of foodwastes whether publicposting or personal-postìng. To set up vessel of posting at household, the proper purchase price and space of institution are needed, also the solution of sanitory &aesthetic problem and the collection of composting-product must be achieved smoothly.

      • Development of Foodwaste Drying Technology using Natural Gas Heat Source

        ( Jaehee Lee ),( Jangwook Choi ),( Shinmook Choi ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회(구 한국폐기물학회) 2019 ISSE 초록집 Vol.2019 No.-

        Since 2013, the whole foodwaste 5 million ton per annum had to be processed inland of the South Korea without any dumping in ocean whatsoever, and as a result of it the foodwaste processing and recycling cost has been increasing constantly which the cost is 1.25 trillion won (250,000 Won per ton, approx. USD1.13 billion per annum and USD225/ton-foodwaste) per annum. This is a tremendous expense, but most importantly illegal disposal such as illegally burying in land somewhere pollutes the environment, which is now recognized as a national problem to be resolved. It is each municipality’s to properly process and recycle the foodwaste. There is a substantial debate where Ministry of Environment tempts to expand the disposal bin equipped with RFID (Radio- Frequency Identification) as well as disposer (Discharge foodwaste to the sewage line after grinding), which the municipalities have very much low recycling rates. In fact, the disposer creates greater problems such as pipe blockage and huge overload on the final sewage treatment plant. The best solution for the problems abovementioned is the foodwaste dryer to be installed wherever the foodwaste is produced, then the problems can be easily resolved. On the other hand, the electricity cost for the electric heat source dryer is a burden, and GHG (Greenhouse gas) emission is burden too. It is the importance and the necessity to develop the dryer in other to use the gas heat source of dryer that is a clean energy and reducing the GHG emission at the same time1). In order to secure the reliability of the drying performance of the dryer with the vapor closed-loop recirculation drying process, the automatic cooling and termination program using the vapor temperature difference was applied. As a result, compared with the electric heat source dryer, the operation cost of the gas heat source dryer was reduced by 41%, and the GHG (Greenhouse gas) emission was reduced by 57%. In addition, the performance of the gas heat source dryer (SMER, Specific Moisture Evaporation Rate, 0.88 kg-water/Mcal) improved to 75.2% of the electric heat source dryer (SMER, 1.17 kgwater/ Mcal).

      • 음식물쓰레기의 물리적 파쇄처리 강도와 화학적 처리에 의한 유기물 및 NH_4^+-용출 특성

        김미화,박태주 부산대학교 환경문제연구소 2002 環境硏究報 Vol.20 No.-

        The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of organic and NH4+-N release in relation to physical crushing degrees and chemical treatment of foodwaste. Foodwaste crushed for 1 minute with mixer and NaOH(50%, w/w) of 5g and 10g based on wet weight of the crushed foodwaste was added. After physical pretreatment, the TCOD was increased in proportion to increasing crushing degrees and the TCODs after settling for 10 minutes was increased to 28.4% based on raw foodwaste. In the case of chemical treatment, the amount of added NaOH did not affect to organic release rates. The appropriate condition of chemical treatment was NaOH 5g(50%, w/w) on 100g wet weight of the crushed foodwaste and 60rpm for 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Also, the NH4+-N stripping was observed at the crushing C by increasing pH(>13).

      • KCI등재후보

        혐기성 소화를 위한 음식물쓰레기 전처리 방안에 관한 기초연구

        김종오(Jong-Oh Kim),조경환(Kyong-Hwan Cho),이창호(Chang-Ho Lee) 유기성자원학회 2003 유기물자원화 Vol.11 No.3

        본 연구는 혐기성 소화를 이용한 음식물쓰레기와 하수슬러지 병합처리 를 위한 음식물쓰레기 전처리 공정 방안을 모색하기 위하여 수행되었다. 음식물쓰레기 전처리 공정에 따른 음식물쓰레기 단위 공정별 성상 변화와 산발효조 적정 투여 기초조사 및 음식물쓰레기와 하수슬러지 흔합비 특성변회를 통한 산발효조의 효율 향상방안을 검토하였다. 연구결과, 음식물쓰레기의 구성성분은 대부분이 곡류와 채소류로 산발효 공정에서 유기산으로 전환될 가능성이 충분한 것으로 판단되며 , 산발효조 투입시 TS 의 적정한 범위를 위한 음식물쓰레기와 희석수의 비율은 1:5가 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 음식물쓰레기 분쇄 후 입도 분포 특성을 고려할 때 약 8mm이하의 입자가 적합하며, 음식물쓰레기와 하수슬러지 슬러지의 혼합비는 3:7 이하가 적합한 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was ro investigate the effective pretreatment of foodwaste for the anaerobic digestion. Considering the foodwaste generation and the anaerobic digester for municipal wastewater sludges, the some pretreatment procε'sses were performed such as the grinding of foodwastes with the addition of water, the mixing with sludges, and thε hydrolysis with the addition ofNaOH. The results were as followings; 1. As the stagε of feasibility test in laborarory scale, the foodwaste grinding using a household garbage disposer was performed with three different water mixing ratios of 1:1, 1:5 and 1:9 as weight base. The physicochemical charactεristics of grinded foodwaste were analyzεd and thε effective conditions was recommended as the 1:5 mixing ratio of foodwaste and water and the below 8mm particle size 2. And the mixing of foodwaste and municipal wastewater sludge was studied with three different mixing racios of 1:9, 3:7 and 5:5 as weight base. The physicochemical characteristics of the mixed foodwaste and sludges werε analyzed and the effective mixing ratio was r.εcommended as 3:7 of foodwaste and sludge.

      • KCI등재

        음폐수의 하수와의 생물학적 병합처리에 관한 연구

        문태섭 ( Tae-sup Moon ),하재홍 ( Jae-hong Ha ),최명원 ( Myoung-won Choi ),박해식 ( Hae-sik Park ),조현길 ( Hyun-gil Cho ),강동효 ( Dong-hyo Kang ) 한국환경기술학회 2009 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구에서는 2013년 음식물폐기물의 해양투기가 금지됨에 따라 적정 처리방안 검토의 일환으로 부산시 민간업체 P사와 S사에서 발생되는 음식물폐기물 탈리액(이하 음폐수)의 녹산하수처리장에서 하수와 병합처리시 생물학적 처리 가능성을 평가하고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 호흡율 분석을 통해 음폐수의 생분해도가 평가되었고, 녹산 하수처리장과 유사한 운전모드로 회분식 실험 수행을 통해, 음폐수가 유출수에 미치는 영향이 평가되었다. 호흡율 분석 결과, P사와 S사의 음폐수 내 용존성 난분해성 유기물 함량은 2.1%, 2.9%로 확인되었고, 그 결과 음폐수 유입 시 유출 COD<sub>Mn</sub> 농도는 약 2.2mg/L 증가될 것으로 예상되었으며, 회분식 실험 결과 음폐수 유입으로 인해 실제 현장에 비해 COD<sub>Mn</sub>과 T-N 농도는 1.12mg/L, 1.37mg/L 증가가 되고, T-P 농도는 0.10mg/L 감소한다는 것이 확인되었다. 그리고, 음폐수 병합 처리시 예상되는 염분농도는 문헌에서 제시하는 저해농도보다 상당히 낮은 값으로 생물학적 처리공정의 저해는 발생하지 않을 것으로 판단되었다. The Ocean dumping of foodwaste will be prohibited from 2013. At this point, as one of method to treat the foodwaste, the possibility was estimated if the supernatant of foodwaste from P & S company after separation of solid and liquid could be biologically treated with sewage in Noksan WWTP of Busan in this study. First of all, biodegradability of supenatant of foodwaste fro, P & S company was estimated through OUR test. And then, the effect of supernatant from foodwaste on effluent of Noksan WWTP was estimated therough the operation of bacth reactor by similar operation mode with Noksan WWTP. As result of OUR test, it was observed that the percentage of soluble inert substrate among COD was 2.1% for P company`s supernatant and 2.9% for S company`s supernatant. Based on this, it was expected that the supernatant from foodwaste would increase the effluent COD<sub>Mn</sub> of Noksan WWTP by about 2.2mg/L. As result of batch experiment, due to the enter of supernatant from foodwaste, it was observed effluent COD<sub>Mn</sub> and T-N woluld be increased by 1.12mg/L and 1.37mg/L, effluent T-P would be decreased by 0.10 mg/L as compared to the Noksan WWTP that supernatant was not entered.

      • KCI등재

        음식물류폐기물 건조처리방식별 운영비용과 온실가스 배출량 비교를 통한 대안공정 제시

        이재희,최장욱,최신묵 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2018 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.35 No.5

        Renewable energy resources from foodwaste have attracted significant interest and, consequently, many alternatives are considered for large-scale biogas treatment processes and small-scale onsite drying processes (heat source: electricity, gas, and dried foodwaste by-product). The pre-treatment process for foodwaste consists of the following sequential steps: collection, transportation, shredding, segregation, and dehydration. After this pre-treatment, the dried foodwaste by-product is recycled into (among others) animal feed, fertilizer/compost or biomass solid fuel. In addition, the leachate?liquid generated by squeezing the foodwaste is used for bio-gasification, achieved through an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) process associated with a sewage co-digestion treatment. In this study, the operation cost and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of an improved and simplified small-scale onsite drying treatment are compared with those of a large-scale biogas treatment. The pre-treatment can be improved and simplified via this drying treatment. Through this treatment, operationcost reductions of 45.4%, 50.5%, and 89.6% are achieved when electricity, liquified natural gas (LNG), and biomass solid fuel (dried foodwaste by-product), respectively, are employed as drying heat sources. Furthermore, if the annual amount of foodwaste (5 million ton) is recycled into biomass solid fuel, then significant reductions (7.5 million tCO2-e per annum) in GHG emissions can be realized. Therefore, this study demonstrates that improvement and simplification of the smallscale drying process (i) reduces the operation cost as well as GHG emission levels (to levels lower than those achieved via the large-scale biogas treatment process) and (ii) offers a practical solution for foodwaste treatment and a renewable energy resource.

      • KCI등재후보

        음식폐기물과 하수슬러지 병합처리를 위한 전처리시설에 관한 연구

        김종오(Jong-Oh Kim),이창호(Chang-Ho Lee),김지영(Ji-Young Kim) 유기성자원학회 2003 유기물자원화 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구는 음식폐기물과 하수슬러 지의 병합처리 를 위한 음식폐기물 전처리 시설을 평가하고 그 활용방안을 모색하기 위 하여 수행되었다. 본 연구에서 이용한 음식폐기물 전처리시 설은 저장, 선별분쇄,농축의 순으로 구성되어 있으며, 히수처 리장 방류수를 희석수로 이용하여 선별분쇄시 파쇄를 용이하게 하고 염분농도의 희석효과도 가져올 수 있었다. 파쇄된 음 식폐기물의 입자는 대부분 2mm 이하로 하수슬러지 와 혼합하여 혐기성소화시 효율이 높은 것으로 조사되었다 기존 하수 슬러지 처리시 발생되는 가스발생량은 0.8톤/일(메탄 0. 5톤/일)로 매우 낮았으나 음식폐기물과의 병합처리후에는 35톤/ 일(메탄 23톤/일)의 소화가스가 발생히는 것으로 조사되었다 탈수슬러지의 발생량 또한 기존 11. 2톤/일에 비해 21. 2톤/일 로 증가하지만 하수슬러지 에 비해 유기물 함량이 높으므로 재활용 가치가 높을 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 음식 폐기물 전처 리시 설의 적절한활용을통해 기존하수처리시설과의 연계 처리가가능할것으로판단된다 The purpose of this study was to evaluate and improve the pre-treatment facility for foodwaste and sewage sIudge mixture treatment. The process of foodwaste pre-treatment consists of storage, classifìcation with crushing, and thickening. The effiuent of sewage treatment facility was used as the diluting and washing water. The particle size of foodwaste after pre-treatment was almost under 2mm, the mixture of foodwastes and sewage sIudge showed an advantage to the anaerobic digestion. The amount of gas production increased from O.8ton/day (CH, : O.5ton/day) to 3.5ton/day (CH. : 2.3ton/day) after the anaerobic digestion of the foodwastes and sewage sIudge mixture. The amount of sIudge cake increased from 11.2ton/day to 21.2ton/day. Thεrefore, the proper operation of the foodwaste pre-treatment facility was contributed to the efficient anaerobic digestion of foodwaste and sewage sIudge mixture treatment.

      • KCI등재

        마이크로버블을 이용한 음폐수의 외부탄소원으로서의 재활용 가능성 연구

        임지영,박수영,김진한 대한토목학회 2016 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.36 No.4

        The purpose of this research was to examine the possibility on the recycling of foodwaste leachate as external carbon sources using microbubble. The following operating conditions were selected: pressurizing tank 3 bar, circulation flow rate 3.65 LPM, and air flow rate 0.3 LPM with batch type. Microbubble contact time of 18 hours is optimal time to satisfy the recycling of foodwaste leachate as external carbon sources with batch type. HRT 18 hours came up to standard for external carbon sources, except for T-P concentration with continuous type. Coagulants need to be used for removal of dissolved phosphorus concentration by more than 88.5% of the total phosphorus concentration. The VFA was influenced by the organic decomposition rate and the concentration in the aerobic condition. It was considered that the VFA was needed for selection the optimal HRT or the addition of acid fermentation process in order to meet recycling standard of foodwaste leachate. 본 연구의 목적은 마이크로버블을 이용하여 외부탄소원으로서 음폐수의 재활용 가능성을 검토해 보고자 하였다. 가압탱크 압력 3 bar, 순환유량3.65 LPM, 공기주입량 0.3 LPM의 회분식으로 진행된 실험에서 마이크로버블 접촉시간의 경우 18시간이 음폐수 외부탄소원의 재활용 기준을만족하는 적정 시간임을 확인하였다. 회분식 실험 결과를 바탕으로 체류시간을 12, 14, 16, 18시간으로 설정하여 연속식 실험을 하였다. 연속식실험에서도 체류시간 18시간에서 T-P를 제외한 SS, T-N, n-Hexane 추출물질, VFA 항목에서 외부탄소원 재활용기준을 만족하였다. 음폐수원수 중 용존성 인의 농도가 전체 인 농도 중 약 88.5% 이상으로 용존성 인의 제거를 위해서는 응집제 사용이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 또한, VFA 의 경우 호기성 조건에서 유기물의 분해속도 및 농도에 따라 크게 영향을 받기 때문에 외부탄소원 재활용기준을 만족하기 위해서는 적절한 체류시간 선정 또는 산발효조 공정의 추가가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        음식쓰레기에 관한 실태조사(1)

        장원(Won Jang),김미경(Mikyeong Kim),강창민(Changmin Kang),박영숙(Youngsuk Park) 유기성자원학회 1997 유기물자원화 Vol.5 No.1

        서울거주 주부 825 명을 대상으로 해서 음식쓰레기문제에 대한 의식 빚 행태를 설문지법으로 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 염었다. 가장 심각한 환경문제로 쓰레기문제를 꼽았으며, 쓰레기문제의 해결을 위한 가장 좋은 방법은 발생량 자체를 줄이는 것이라고 응답하였다. 또 환경문제 해결을 위해 개인생활태도의 변화가 가장 중요하다고 응답하였다. 90.5%의 응답자가 물품구입시 환경문제를 고려한다고 응탑하였으나,장바구니 사용 비율은 매우 낮아 환경의식과 구체적인 실천에는 큰 차이가 있으며,젊은주부틀얼수록 또 전업주부일수록 실천 비율이 낮았다. 가정쓰레기중 음식물쓰레기의 발생비율이 가장높아,음식물쓰레기는 쓰레기문제 해결에 있어서 가장 최우선적과제라고 할 수 있다. 쓰레기를 소각하기 위해서는 정확한 분리 수거가 필수적이나 응탑자의 29.7%만이 가연성쓰레기와 불연성쓰레기를 구분할 수 있다고 응답하였다. 재활용이 확실히 되고 있는 종이류 (97.3%) ,유리병류 (96.5%) 등의 품목은 분리배출 비율이 매우높고,재활용 여부가 명확치 않은 음식물쓰레기 (68.9%), 폐건전지 (59.9%) 등의 품목은 상대적으로 분리배출의 비율이 낮게 나타났다. 그러므로 어떤 품목이든 정부의 확실한 재활용 대책이 나온다면 주부틀의 분리배출 호응도는 매우 높을 것으로 판단된다. 각 가정에서 배출하는 쓰레기량은 가족수와 정비례하지는 않았다. 응답자의 70.7%가 구입한 식품을 가게에서 주는 비닐 등의 포장 용기에 담아셔 운반하고 있었으므로, 식품 구업시에 비닐 등의 포장용기 쓰레기가 다수 발생하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 장바구니 사용을 늘리고,같은 비닐을 반복 사용할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. This study was conducted to analysis citizen’s attitude and style to the foodwaste from 10th Sept. to 30th Sept. in 1996. The research was used questionare method and the analysis was used prequency analysis and cross table method by SPSS (scientific statistics). they answered that the most serious environment problem was waste problem and the best way to settle waste problem was to reduce waste production itself. And they answered that to settIe environment problems, it was most important for us to change our life style. But It was not agreed between consciousness and action(execution). Because most of the food-related waste was among household waste, it’s settlement was the most importment thing than any other. Nevertheless the seperation of waste was essential to effective incineration, the seperation process was not actually conducted and only a few housewife knew the difference of incinerable and nonincinerable waste. The recycling for the disused dry-cells and garbage is not completly. But we think that if the effective government’s recycling counterplan for wastes, foodwaste or wasted dry cell, etc., is estabilished, rates of seperation and collection was increasing. Much usuage of onetime vinyl bag for shopping was become the one of the main cause in increasing the package waste, and so it was needed to use the longlife shopping basket.

      • KCI등재후보

        디스포저(부엌용 오물분쇄기)-배수 전처리 방식 별 수질기준

        장호남,정창문,강종원,최진달래,박영숙,구자공 유기성자원학회 2011 유기물자원화 Vol.19 No.2

        수분함량이 많은 음식물 쓰레기의 특성상 아파트에서는 디스포저를 사용하여서 음식물 쓰레기를 처리하여야한다. 쾌적한 아파트 생활을 위해 배수전처리시설을 설치하여 집단적으로 잉여 오염물을 경제적으로 처리하되, 지나친 BOD 제거 기준 등은 도시하수 종말치리장에서 질소·인의 처리에 지장이 없도록 BOD/N의 비율을 5이상으로 유지하여야 한다. 배수전처리시설의 관리 및 규제는 배관방식에 따라 다양한 방법이 개발될 수 있으며 BOD/N을 동시에 전처리시설에서 함께 처리하는 것은 win-win 전략이라고 할 수 있다. 스크린 혹은 침전 방식에 의하여 분리된 입자는 메탄발효로 바이오가스를 발생시켜 혐기조보온용으로 사용하거나 혹은 탈질용 휘발성유기산(volatile fatty acids, VFAs)으로 만들어 탈질용 electron donor로 활용하는 것이 타당하다. 정부는 서울시 시범사업과 같은 사업을 약 5년간 기한을 정하여 디스포저 음식물쓰레기 기술개발업체와 아파트 건설업체가 공동으로 기술개발/활용하도록 한다. Use of disposer at the kitchens of Korean apartments is inevitable in treating their foodwaste having a water content of more than 80%. Also we have to ensure that this extra disposer-foodwaste BOD loadings be treated properly by installing/operating a pre-treatment system before this wastewater enters public sewer system. However, the degree of BOD removal should not be excessive since a BOD/N ratio higher than 5 is required for removing N/P at a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The removal of BOD/N in the pretreatment system rather than BOD alone can be an alternative solution in solving this problem. The particles separated by sedimentation, screen or packed-bed can be anaerobically digested at apartment sites to generate biogas that can be used for simple digester heating and to generate volatile fatty acids (VFAs) for nitrogen removal. We suggest that Korean government grants a temporary license (say for 5 years) to foodwaste treatment companies in collaboration with apartment construction companies which may do business and develop various kinds of disposer-foodwaste treatment systems in diverse wastewater discharge systems of Korean apartments.

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