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      • KCI등재

        자유주의 식량안보론의 비판적 고찰

        유종선 한국동북아학회 2013 한국동북아논총 Vol.18 No.1

        식량안보는 오늘날 국제관계에서 가장 중요한 비전통적 안보 주제 가운데 하나이다. 특히 한국의 입장에서 식량은 말 그대로 국가안보적 중요성을 지닌다. 오늘날 식량안보의 개념과 이에 대한 논의는 다분히 1980년대 이후 세계정치와 무역을 압도하고 있는 자유주의적 - 또는 신자유주의적 – 시각과 이론의 토대 위에 서 있다. 그러나 식량의 자유무역을 주장하는 자유주의 식량안보론은 식량의 안보적 의미를 훼손하고 현실의 식량안보상황을 왜곡함으로써 결과적으로 한국과 같은 식량안보 취약국가들의 식량안보 상황을 악화시킬 위험이 있다. 이러한 문제의식 하에 본 연구는 자유주의 식량안보 개념의 역사, 내용, 그리고 이를 이론화한 식량안보지수 논의에 대한 비판적 검토를 통해 자유주의 식량안보론의 이론적·현실적 한계를 밝히고, 한국의 식량안보 상황에 적실한 새로운 현실주의적 식량안보의 개념을 모색할 필요성과 이의 큰 틀을 제시하고자 했다. Food security is one of the most important non-traditional security concerns in contemporary world politics and economy. For Korea, food security is nothing but a matter of national security. The concept of, and discourse on, food security has been dominated by certain liberal–or neo-liberal–perspectives and theories that have served as a dominant paradigm in world politics and economy since 1980’s. The liberal theory of food security, however, by arguing for a free trade of food, is likely to depreciate the significance of food as a security issue and distort the actual realities of food security of many food-insecure countries, with the possible result of aggravating their food security situation. With these considerations, this article will critically review the history of the liberal concept of food security, its theory, and the discourse on the so-called food security index, thus revealing the theoretical and practical limitations of the liberal concept of food security. To conclude, this article will argue that a new ‘realist’ concept and theory of food security is needed that is relevant for the food security situation of Korea, and propose a framework for such a new concept of food security.

      • Policy Engagement for Enhancing Local Food Security Plan in Ileje District, Tanzania

        Francis Mwaijande,Festo Maro 연세대학교 빈곤문제국제개발연구원 2012 Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International D Vol.3 No.2

        This policy engagement study was carried out in April, 2012 as a follow-up to the situational assessment of food security study conducted in Ileje district in May, 2011. The study collected information at two focus group discussions (FGDs) in Ilulu and Mbebe villages of Ileje district as well as from key informants at the District Finance and Planning Committee. The study question is: how policy engagement for local food security is guided in Ileje district. The study combines the findings of the FS report, a desk review of current local government planning process, district planning guidelines 2011, district development plan, district agriculture development plan, district agricultural planning processes, and focus group discussions with relevant stakeholders in the district development plan planning process. The first part of the paper revisits the district budget and how the District Agriculture Development Plan (DADP) accommodates the concept of food security. The second part of the paper looks at the policy engagement and the decision making process regarding District Development Plan (DDP) by answering questions of who is involved in the local food security planning, how local food security is attained, and how best policy engagement can ensure food security at the district level.

      • KCI등재후보

        Agrobiodiversity and Food Security Among Smallholder Farmers In Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania

        J. S. Mbwambo,E. A. Mwageni 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2008 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.23 No.-

        The study was done in Uluguru Mountains to determine the linkage between agrobiodiversity and household food security among smallholder farmers. This objective was based on the fact that, while there are adequate information and corresponding policies on conservation and management of wild biodiversity in Tanzania, few exists on agrobiodiversity and its role in providing food security of the smallholder farmers. Specifically the study sought to; determine household food security status and coping strategies among smallholder farmers in the study area; analyze factors influencing household food security in the study area and determine the diversity of crops (farmers varieties, local varieties or traditional varieties) maintained by smallholder farmer. Using questionnaire surveys and diversity inventory from four villages and 120 randomly selected households, the study found that food security in the study area depends largely on the diversity of crops maintained by the households. The study showed further that food security as a concept is locally perceived and therefore what constitutes food security may be something that goes beyond conventional thinking. The study concludes that communities have inherent abilities to deal effectively with vulnerabilities based on their past experiences and anticipated outcomes. Such experiences and outcomes bring, among other things, agrobiodiversity for household food security. While food security perceptions and food preferences may be quite localized, they point to the fact that interventions to solve problems of food insecurity may only succeed when local perceptions and preferences are put on board. The study draws a number of policy and research implications including the: development of policies and strategies away from mono cropping to diversity as a means for sustainable food and the overall livelihood security of the smallholder farmers in the study area and areas with similar conditions; development of policies for awareness raising in terms of the value of agrobiodiversity for sustainable agricultural production; need to protect potentially useful crops and the value of agrobiodiversity as a cultural heritage or a combination of these points. Awareness needs to be raised on the importance of minor, semi cultivated and wild crops as sources of food and genetic resources for future food security options and the importance of women in the management of agrobiodiversity at the community level particularly in relation to the minor, semi cultivated and wild crops. The study ends by proposing areas for further research including the establishment of the level of genetic diversity needed for ecologically sound and economically sustainable agriculture; documentation of seed exchange systems and minor and less known crops and their contribution to household food security. Genetic mapping and the role of market integration on agrobiodiversity are also proposed as areas for further research.

      • KCI등재

        Trade Regulation for Food Security under the World Trade Organization System

        Seung Hwan Choi(최승환) 대한국제법학회 2003 國際法學會論叢 Vol.48 No.3

        일반적으로 식량안보는 이용가능성, 접근성, 신뢰성, 지속성 등을 필수 구성요소로 한다. 식량안보는 국가안보, 식량주권, 인권 등과 관련하여 다의적으로 이해되기도 하는데, WTO 체제상 ‘비교역적 관심사항’(NTCs)의 하나로 논의되는 식량안보는 일반적으로 ⅰ) 최소한의 국내생산, ⅱ)수입확보(자유무역), ⅲ) 식량원조 또는 공공재고비축이라는 3가지 정책수단이 적절히 조합될 때 보장된다. WTO 체제상 식량안보는 매우 좁은 의미로 사용되고 있으며 주로 자유무역을 통한 회원국간의 충분한 식량공급에 관련되어 있다. 따라서 시장접근의 실질적 개선(관세의 실질적 삭감), 국내보조 및 수출보조의 실질적 감축에 입각한 현 ‘농업협정’은 식량안보 문제를 근본적으로 해결할 수 없다. 특히 자유무역확대와 식량원조에 의존한 식량안보 정책은 식량수입 의존도를 높이고 국내생산을 증가시키기 위한 노력을 좌절시킴으로써 중ㆍ장기적으로는 농촌빈곤과 불평등 및 농촌고용감소 등을 초래하고 식량안보 증진에 부정적인 효과를 초래할 것이다. 또한 기후변화와 국제곡물가격의 불안정 및 국제정치상황의 불안정 등을 고려해 볼 때 자유무역과 식량원조는 신뢰할 수 없는 불확실한 식량안보 정책수단이다. 따라서 국내생산과 자유무역 및 식량원조 세 가지를 개별국가의 여건에 따라 적절히 배합하는 것이 중요하며, 기후변화와 질병에 취약하고 경작장소가 한정된 농업활동의 특성상 ‘일정수준의 국내생산력 유지’가 식량안보정책의 핵심요소가 되어야 할 것이다. 이 글에서 제안한 ‘Food Security Box’의 취지와 기준은 개도국과 식량수입국에게 식량안보 목적을 위한 정책집행에 신축성(flexibility)을 인정하여 각국의 ‘식량안보 핵심주곡’에 대해서는 관세감축 및 국내보조 삭감 대상에서 제외하거나 기타 무역자유화 대상에서 제외하자는 것이다. With the launch of new negotiations on international trade called 'Doha Development Agenda' (DDA), agriculture is once again expected to be a central and difficult issue. As a solution to the problems associated with food security in the DDA negotiation on agriculture, this article suggested a creation of a food security box. The basic idea of the food security box is, (ⅰ) to allow, like other existing exemptions (such as Green and Blue Boxes), a series of exemptions to the AoA for members whose agriculture was not meeting basic food security needs (hereinafter the members); (ⅱ) to allow the members to protect and enhance their domestic production capacity under certain conditions; (ⅲ) to provide flexibility to the members so as to increase domestic support for agriculture until they have achieved a certain level of food self-reliance; (ⅳ) to obligate developed countries to give to developing countries technical assistance for improvement in the productivity; (ⅴ) to balance the rights and duties between food-exporting countries and food-importing countries. Free trade alone cannot solve the global food security problems, since free trade may have both positive and negative effects on food security. It should be noted that the policy to achieve food security based only on food aid and trade liberalization is too risky in terms of long term public policy. Given the instability of agricultural production and food aid, it is in the special interests of many food-importing countries such as the Republic of Korea and Japan to increase domestic agricultural production to ensure food security.

      • KCI등재

        식량자급률은 식량안보를 강화시키는가?

        김태화,김원용,양승룡 한국농촌경제연구원 2019 농촌경제 Vol.42 No.4

        The concept of food security has gained increasing attention in the recent ten years. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defines that food security exists when all people can access food needed for a healthy and active life at all times. Achieving food security means the situation where sufficient food is available, food supply is relatively stable, and those in need of food can afford food at a reasonable cost. However, there are conflicting opinions about how to achieve food security. Agricultural exporting countries insist that the diversification of food sources and domestic self-reliance as well contributes to enhancing food security. On the other hand, agricultural importing countries emphasize food self-sufficiency for major crops, especially after experiencing the major food crises across the globe during the agflation period between 2006 and 2011. This study investigates whether domestic agricultural production contributes to strengthening food security. Using the panel data for food self-sufficiency rate, we analyzed domestic grain price and food riots, the effect of domestic food production on food security or the probability of food riots. The results show that the increase in food self-sufficiency strengthens food security and reduces the probability of food riots, while lower import tariffs do not. WTO 체제하에서 식량안보 확보를 위한 접근방식은 식량 수출국과 수입국 간 극명한 입장 차이를 보이고 있다. 식량 수출국들은 시장개방을 통한 식량의 자유로운 교역을 통해 식량안보를 확보할 수 있다고 주장하는 반면, 식량 수입국들은 국내생산을 통한 안정적인 식량자급률 확보가 식량안보를 개선할 수 있다고 주장한다. 본 연구는 ‘식량자급률은 식량안보를 강화시키는가?’라는 질문에 대해 세 가지 가설을 설정한 후 이에 대한 통계적 검정을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 자유무역 확대 내지는 관세율 인하와 관련하여 사용된 1차 산물의 평균 관세율 변수는 식량위기 상황 및 안정적 식량안보 형성에 있어 별다른 영향력이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 식량자급률이 높아지면 식량 폭동 발생 가능성 및 식량 가격 변동성이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI우수등재

        Toward a Regional Level of Food Security in East Asia

        Dong-Yeob Kim(김동엽) 한국정치학회 2011 한국정치학회보 Vol.45 No.3

        동아시아 국가들은 개별적으로 자국의 식량안보 문제에 대해 전적인 책임을 감당해 왔다. 개별국가들은 식량안보를 확보하기 위한 유일한 방안으로 자급자족 상태의 구현을 상정한다. 그러나 식량안보의 위협은 점점 더 다양해지고 또한 예기치 않은 곳에서 나타남에 따라 개별국가 단위의 접근이 더욱 어려워지고 있다는 현실을 깨닫기 시작했다. 특히 2007-08년 동아시아에 불어 닥친 쌀값 파동은 식량안보문제에 대한 기존의 개별적 접근방법이 오히려 전반적인 상황을 악화시킬 수 있다는 교훈을 남겼다. 이러한 교훈에 입각하여 동아시아 국가들의 지도자들은 식량안보를 확보하기 위한 지역단위의 체계를 모색하기 시작했다. APTERR의 제도화는 지역단위의 식량안보 확보를 위한 진일보한 움직임으로 평가된다. 시작단계에 있는 APTERR 은 지역국가들 간의 상호 신뢰를 구축한다는 의미가 강하다. 일단 지역 국가들 간에 동아시아 지역단위의 식량안보체계가 신뢰할 만한 것이라는 확신을 심어주게 되면, 그 동안 개별적으로 추구하던 자급자족 정책을 내려놓음으로써 개별국가들의 식량안보에 대한 부담을 줄일 수 있게 될 것이다. Prior to the 2007-08 rice crisis individual countries in East Asia took full responsibility for their own food security problems and felt obliged to consider self-sufficiency the only option to insure food security. However, food security threats became increasingly varied and originated from unexpected sources, making it difficult for individual countries to tackle with a unilateral approach. The 2007-08 rice crisis in East Asia revealed that the conventional approach to dealing with food security problems, via unilateral action, could make the situation worse. Taking this revelation seriously, leaders of East Asian countries took the initiative to establish a capable regional mechanism to insure food security. The institutionalization of the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR) is an encouraging movement to achieve the goal. APTERR’s principle aim is to build confidence among regional countries vis-a-vis the regional level of their food security and thus lessen the food security burden on each of the member countries, and in the process draw them away from damaging policies centered on self-sufficiency.

      • KCI등재

        Examining the Policy Agenda on Food Security: A Question of Food Availability in Malaysia

        ( Mohamed,Ahmad Martadha ),( Damin,Zahrul Akmal ),( Kim,Pan Suk ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2015 東南亞硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        Food security implies the ability of the country to ensure a stable supply for domestic consumption. To achieve that, the Malaysian Federal Government has to allocate a certain percentage of the national budget for food production. Within this framework, this article attempts to examine policies regarding food security in Malaysia. Since the Malaysian government initiated agricultural policies to provide sustainable food production, the percentage of budgetary allocation for food has varied substantially over the years. Prior to the establishment of the industrial policy, the budgetary allocation for food related policies was quite high. However, the influence of global warming as well as a series of catastrophic events in food producing nations such as Thailand and Australia has forced Malaysia to relook at its food security agenda. Using a content analysis method, based on the documents of the Malaysia economic development plans, this paper first explores government policies on food and agriculture. Then, the paper examines how these policies affect the balance of trade in regards to food availability in terms of three major commodities (rice, fruit, and vegetables). Finally, the researchers analyze the future direction of Malaysia in regards to the food security agenda focusing on food availability. It is hopeful that the recommendations will help policymakers formulate agricultural policies which can help the country to sustain its food production and at the same time protect the country from any unforeseen circumstances relating to food security issues.

      • KCI등재

        개발도상국가의 식량안보와 무역과의 관계 분석

        강현수(Hyun-Soo Kang) 한국무역연구원 2017 무역연구 Vol.13 No.1

        OECD-FAO (2015) argues that environmental issue on the agricultural sector, inequality on global food security, and international trade issues are critical aspects influencing the world economy. In particular, less developed countries (LDCs) still suffer from poverty and hunger even if world food security situations have improved since the 1990s. Amidst world food security scenario, this paper aims to analyze the relationship between international trade and food security in LDCs. This paper investigates the positive or negative aspects of international trade on food security with respect to income and local levels. Moreover, economic procedures based on the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis, dynamic panel analysis, and Granger causality between international trade and food security are conducted in this study. Results show that international trade and food security have positive, N-shaped relationships and this implies that the initial point of international trade improves food security, but beyond a certain threshold, food security conditions worsen. Income levels and environmental pollutions of LDCs turn out to be important factors that affect food security. Finally, international cooperation is vital to decrease food insecurity as well as agricultural investment.

      • KCI등재후보

        Role of Food Security Groups in Improving Vegetable Production in Tanzania: A Case study of Chalinze village, in Chamwino District, Dodoma Region

        Madaha Rasel 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2008 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.24 No.-

        Organizing the rural poor into groups provides a voice and forum, which enable them to become conscious of their situation and conditions. It can provide the opportunity to explore the possibilities of various situations to their problems so as to improve their standard of living. This suggests that it is easier to induce social change by involving groups of people rather than attempting it through individual contact. Before the current economic trauma in Zimbabwe, there was evidence that farmers groups which sprung up all over had a significant impact on agricultural production. In 1983 maize production rose over 50% thanks to the labour sharing arrangement. This means that pooling together resources for example labours will help farmers achieve what they could not achieve individually. Extension systems have also adopted the use of farmers groups so as to reach a greater number of its intended beneficiaries. For example, the food security group members in Chalinze village grow vegetable for food and cash. There are several reasons for growth vegetables, but the most important one is for food. Currently the World is in severe food shortage resulting from the rising use of food for fuel, global warming, and sky rocketing prices of oil in the world market. For the same reasons Tanzania is facing the same crisis. The extent of the severeness of the food shortage is further increased in rural areas of Tanzania where by a lot of energetic young people migrate to urban area in search of a secure employment at the expense of agricultural production in rural areas. Tanzania of which economy depends on peasant agriculture is busy finding ways to feed its people supposedly to be producers. Under those circumstances farmer groups will provide sustainable solution to food insecurity. The practice of providing intensive assistance to a small number of progressive farmers and expecting that the effect of such assistance will reach other farmers directly by autonomous diffusion processes is not realistic and leads to increased social and economic inequality. On the other hand, emphasis on promoting self-reliant local groupings appears to be in conformity with the growing opinion in the world that the main constraints crippling agriculture in the developing countries are man-made. In other words there is no way one can achieve sustainable agricultural development in rural area without organizing peasants into formal groups. The overall objective of the study was to assess the role of Food Security Groups in improving vegetable production in Chalinze village. The design of the study was a cross-sectional survey. Primary data were collected by using questionnaire. A sample size of respondents was randomly drawn by using a table of random numbers. Food Security Groups play a significant role in improving both vegetable production and food security for the household members. Food Security Groups allow group members to communicate and exchange ideas with other group members. Furthermore the groups can easily be reached by development agents. The findings of this study highlighted the role of food security groups in improving food security. Furthermore the findings shed light and provide strategies, which will be used by policy makers, local and regional planners as well as other development partners who are interested in improving the situation of food security and Food Security Groups. The conclusions and recommendations emanating from the study are presented in the full paper.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대두산업의 식량안보수준에 관한 연구 -국제경쟁력과 산업통제력을 중심으로-

        양리리 ( Yang Lili ),왕효봉 ( Wang Xiaofeng ),김수현 ( Kim Su-hyeon ) 한국식품유통학회 2021 食品流通硏究 Vol.38 No.4

        Korea's soybean export volume is extremely low, while the import, highly concentrated in the United States, Brazil, China and other countries, has been maintained at a high level for a long time. What is the impact of this imbalance on the food security level of the Korean soybean industry. In this paper, two types of indicators, international competitiveness and industrial control, are selected to reflect the food security level of the soybean industry. Its soybean industry, between 1998 and 2019, is quantified and analyzed by setting alarm limits for the food security level of the soybean industry, using the mapping method to calculate the food security level scores of each indicator of the soybean industry security. Then weighting the comprehensive index of food security level in the soybean industry. The results show that the food security level of the soybean industry in Korea has been in a state of crisis since 1998, and the composite index of security level has been above 98 in most years, except for some years. Comparative analysis with Japan, which rolled out food security policies 10 years earlier than South Korea, offered further improvement solutions:(1) Expand soybean planting area and enhance food security;(2) Increase soybean productivity per unit area and double soybean industrial R&D investment;(3) Shift the government and the public's understanding of food security.

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