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      • KCI등재

        태국 북부 커피산지의 분포와 특성에 대한 연구-태국 치앙라이(州) 중심으로-

        김홍길 ( Kim Hong-kil ) 한국사진지리학회 2018 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구는 커피문화가 빠르게 성숙해 지고 있는 사회에서 커피원두의 관심과 지식의 욕구가 다양 해 짐으로서 커피농장 체험활동에 필요한 프로그램이 다양하게 개발되고 있다. 커피는 인류가 가장 즐겨 마시는 음료 중 하나지만 커피나무와 커피콩을 직접 본 사람은 1%도 채 되지 않는다. 우리가 마시는 커피, 즉 원두는 생산 국가, 지역, 농장, 커피 등급, 품종의 조합으로 인하여 커피 벨트지역에서 재배 생산되어지고 있다. 브라질, 콜롬비아, 중남미가 아니어도 아시아 지역에도 우수한 커피원두를 생산하는 커피 농장이 있다는 소비자는 그리 많지 않다. 베트남을 비롯하여 태국, 인도네시아, 인도, 라오스 등 지역에서 재배되는 커피는 세계적으로 품질과 맛을 인정받고 있으며, 이러한 커피재배의 산지 분포와 특성에 대하여 체험과 경험을 위한 일정한 프로그램에 참여 하고 싶은 사업가 및 마니아들에 대한 욕구가 강하게 확산되고 있다. 커피체험프로그램의 조건은 기존의 단순한 커피농장의 견학을 벗어나 직접적인 체험 할 수 있는 지리적 여건과 환경이 갖추어져야 한다. 아시아 커피 산지 중 품질로 인정받고 있는 태국 북부지역 커피산지 분포와 특성에 대한 프로그램개발의 가장 큰 목적지이다. 커피 농장에서 이루어지는 재배, 생산과정의 공정, 마케팅, 판매 등 농장 체험 등이 주요 프로그램이다. 커피농장에서 일정기간동안 체험을 통하여 산지의 분포와 특성 그리고 커피상품과정을 직접 체험하는 체험관광투어 프로그램이다. 태국 북부지역의 농장을 대상으로 커피산지의 분포와 특성에 대한 연구는 향후 체계적이고 다양한 커피농장 체험학습 활동과 커피 전문가 교육에 많은 도움이 될 것으로 사료된다. This study explores a situation that people’s interests and knowledge toward coffee beans are growing in the society where coffee drinking culture is spreading rapidly. As a result, diverse programs essential in experiencing coffee farms are being developed. Although coffee is one of the world’s most popular drinks, less than 1% of them have seen coffee trees and beans. Currently, coffee beans consumed as a drink have been producing in coffee belt areas based on a production country, region, farm, quality grade of coffee, and type of coffee. Except Brazil, Columbia, and Latin America, there are only few owners of coffee farms producing high quality coffee beans in Asia. Coffee beans have been produced in regions including Thailand, Indonesia, India, and Laos besides Vietnam. The beans from the regions have been highly evaluated in the world in terms of quality and taste. Simultaneously, the desire to participate in a certain experience program is spreading widely among business owners and maniacs to obtain experience and knowledge on the distribution and features of coffee production regions. Conditions that a coffee experience program must fulfill include a certain level of geological conditions and environments to allow these people to obtain direct experience on coffee farms, different from a simple tour on such farms. In this respect, the largest goal for developing a coffee experience program on the distribution and characteristics of coffee production areas in the northern parts of Thailand globally renowned for its high quality coffee in Asia, which is relatively close to South Korea compared to other regions such as South America. Major programs offer diverse programs as follows: how coffee beans are produced; how they are processed; what are the marketing strategies; and how beans are sold to consumers. Fundamentally, participants are able to gain experience and knowledge on the distribution and features of coffee farms as well as on the manufacturing process of coffee beans via those programs for a certain period of time. This study is meaningful since it deals with real coffee production sites. Thus, the research will be helpful for the coffee industry and training on coffee education in the near future based on well-organized and various programs taking place in the real sites.

      • KCI등재

        Strengthening Partnerships in Fair Trade Alternative Distribution Channels: A Case Study of Beautiful Coffee

        Soeun Kim,김지영 한국유통과학회 2016 유통과학연구 Vol.14 No.12

        Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss success factors behind ATO distribution channels by examining successful partnerships between producers and alternative trading organizations (ATOs). Research design, data, and methodology – This is a case study, an analytical approach, which illustrates how the partnership between producers and ATOs has strengthened the fair trade and the performance of participants in the trade based on the example of the trading relationship between Beautiful Coffee, an alternative trading organization dealing coffee related products, and the coffee cooperative union (CCU), a coffee producing cooperative in Gulmi, Nepal. Results – Beautiful Coffee in the partnership with HELVETAS empowered small coffee farmers by a successful institutionalization of CCU that consolidated the distribution channel to be more efficient. Also, Beautiful Coffee and its partnership with KOICA have tried to increase productivity and quality of coffee beans. Conclusions – The case of Beautiful Coffee demonstrates that the partnership between producers and alternative trading organizations (ATOs) has benefited the fair trade partners. In other words, Beautiful Coffee's partnerships with a NGO working in the local producing area, HELVETAS, and a government aid agency, KOICA could strengthen the relationship between the producers and the ATO, and thus contributes to the whole distribution channel.

      • KCI등재

        Predicting Consumers’ Repurchase Intention of Ready-to-Drink Coffee: A Supply Chain from Thai Producers to Retailers

        Naruecha PUTITHANARAK,Worasak KLONGTHONG,Jakkrit THAVORN,Chittipa NGAMKROECKJOTI 한국유통과학회 2022 유통과학연구 Vol.20 No.5

        Purpose: This research investigates ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee. Although the RTD coffee market is growing competitively, few studies have examined behavioral re-intention or repurchase intention in the context of this industry. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore factors affecting the behavioral re-intention to purchase RTD coffee. Research design, data and methodology: Using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as the underpinning theoretical framework, this study hypothesized that behavioral re-intention to purchase RTD coffee is influenced by the variables of the TPB and additional variables. A mixed-method research design was applied, starting with qualitative in-depth interviews and followed by a quantitative method. Data were collected using an online survey of coffee lovers. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to assess the hypothesized relationships in the proposed conceptual framework. Results: The results reveal that content sensory attribute beliefs are the strongest positive predictor of behavioral re-intention in Thailand, followed by perceived utilitarian value. In contrast, price signaling was negatively related to behavioral re-intention. Conclusions: The findings can help food and beverage companies to develop new coffee product lines to gain more market share, create integrated marketing communications to build brand awareness, and manage distribution channels and the supply chain.

      • KCI등재후보

        원두커피의 선택속성이 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 유통경로를 중심으로

        조명근,강민정 한국비즈니스학회 2022 비즈니스융복합연구 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of coffee taste, price, brand, convenience, and customization on the intention to buy coffee beans for consumers with experience in purchasing coffee beans, and to find out how the influence relationship between coffee selection attribute and purchase intention differs depending on the distribution route. This study used the questionnaire survey method and verified it through statistical analysis using SPSS 22.0. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to investigate the influence of the coffee beans selection attribute on purchase intention. The results of this study are as follows. Price and brand were found to have a significant influence on coffee beans purchase intention at large discount stores, and coffee taste and customization were found to have a significant influence on coffee beans purchase intention at coffee shops. Coffee taste, price, brand, and convenience were found to have a significant influence on the intention to purchase coffee beans at franchise coffee shops. As a result, the influence of the selection attribute of coffee beans on purchase intention was different depending on the distribution channel. It is hoped that this study will help research on coffee beans consumers and be used as basic data for establishing more efficient marketing strategies to revitalize the coffee beans market and help successful management of companies and small business owners. 본 연구는 원두커피 구매 경험이 있는 소비자들을 대상으로 커피 맛, 가격, 브랜드, 편의성, 맞춤화의 선택속성이 원두커피 구매의도에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고 유통경로에 따른 차이를 규명하고자 하였다. 본 논문에서는 선택 속성 요인 등의 선행 연구를 바탕으로 원두커피 선택속성(커피 맛, 가격, 브랜드, 편의성, 맞춤화)이 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 가설을 설정하였다. 연구 방법은 설문지 조사법으로 진행하였으며 106부의 유효한 데이터를 통해 SPSS 22.0 프로그램을 이용해 통계분석을 검증하였다. 원두커피 선택 속성이 구매의도에 미치는 영향 관계를 규명하기 위해 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 원두커피의 가격과 브랜드는 대형마트에서의 원두커피 구매의도에 유의한 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 커피 맛, 맞춤화는 커피전문점에서의 원두커피 구매의도에 유의한 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 커피 맛, 가격, 브랜드, 편의성은 프랜차이즈 커피전문점에서의 원두커피 구매의도에 유의한 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 원두커피의 선택속성이 구매의도에 미치는 영향은 유통경로에 따라 상이하게 나타났다. 본 연구가 다양화, 세분화되고 있는 원두커피 시장의 소비자 관련 연구에 도움을 주고 보다 효율적인 마케팅 전략 수립을 위한 기초자료로 활용되어 커피시장의 활성화와 기업 및 소상공인의 성공적인 경영에 도움이 되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        커피전문점 생존 및 폐업 분포의 군집 유형별 생멸 특성

        박소현 ( Sohyun Park ),어정민 ( Jeongmin Eo ),이금숙 ( Keumsook Lee ) 한국경제지리학회 2020 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 커피전문점 소재지별 지가 속성을 토대로 생존하여 영업 중인 커피전문점과 폐업한 커피전문점을 대상으로 공간 군집화를 시도하고, 군집 유형별 토지 특성(지가 및 필지 정보), 교통 요인(물리적 접근성)과 점포 속성(프랜차이즈 정보, 소재지별 동종업종의 개·폐업 경험), 공간 밀집도(커널 밀도 추정) 등 다양한 입지특성을 통해 커피전문점의 생멸 분포에서 나타나는 특징을 파악한다. 이를 위해 영업 중 및 폐업한 커피전문점의 공간 군집은 일반적 입지분포형, 주거지역의 상업화형, 상업중심지 입지형 등으로 유형 구분하고, 군집 유형별 입지 특성을 비교 분석한다. 군집 결과, 영업 중 및 폐업한 커피전문점의 입지는 같은 유형으로 분류되더라도 서로 다른 공간 분포 양상을 나타내고, 입지 유형이 달라도 특정 핫스폿에서는 모두 높은 밀집도를 나타낸다. 본 연구의 분석 결과는 커피전문점 창업을 비롯해 지역별 상권정보를 파악하는데 기초자료로 제공될 수 있다. This study attempts to analyze the spatial clustering of survived and closed coffee shops based on the land price and land use for each coffee shop location. The locational characteristics of survived and closed coffee shops for each cluster type are identified through various locational properties such as transport factors (physical accessibility), shop properties (franchise information, newly open/closed business experience), and spatial density (kernel density estimation). To this end, we categorize the clusters of survived and closed coffee shops into three types (general locational distribution type, commercialization type of residential area and location type of commercial center), and then analyze their locational characteristics. As the result, we found that the locations of newly open and closed coffee shops show different distribution characteristics, even though they are classified into the same type due to the double sidedness of new open and closed locations. The results of this study can be provided as basic data for planning the location of coffee shop as well as regional commercial district.

      • 저관여 상품구매의 소비자 행동특성에 관한 연구

        김문정,조윤기 한국유통과학회 2008 유통과학연구 Vol.6 No.2

        This paper has analyzed the factors and purchasing places affecting the purchasing caned coffee which is classified into low involvement goods. As the result of research, it was discovered that affected factor has arisen out of distribution or recognition other than satisfaction of goods. Consumers who have low satisfaction level switch but this occasion happen at a much lesser rate than expected and on the contrary, even customers who were lesser satisfied expressed that they would buy the same brand again. Although this paper demonstrates the importance of the distribution and recognition factors (publicity), among other marketing mixes, that play a greater role than the product when purchasing the product, it has not taken the effects of promotion into consideration. In the future, the consequences of promotions should be explored and simultaneously look into how each of the factors influence direct sales and weigh how much impact each factor has.

      • 한국기업의 베트남시장 진출 전략에 관한 탐색적 연구 -사이공 꼼 마트와 쭝 웅웬의 사례를 중심으로-

        ( Jong Ho Lee ) 한국유통경영학회(구 한국유통정보학회) 2012 유통정보학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        글로벌화와 더불어, 현재 아시아에서 떠오르는 시장인 베트남과의 무역을 희망하는 한국 기업이 점차 증가하고 있다. 한국과 베트남의 경우, 교역량이 증대하고 있으며, 2011년에는 양국간의 무역 규모가 전년대비 약 43.5% 증가한 186조 달러에 이르렀다. 이 과정에서 양국은 상호 윈-윈 전략을 추구하여, 한국은 대베트남 수출 물량을 증가시켰고 이를 통해 베트남은 고용을 통한 큰 규모의 경제 성장을 도모하였다. 그 결과 베트남에서는 유통소매시장이 크게 성장하였는데, 1995년 - 2002년의 8년 동안에는 연평균 8%, 2003년 - 2007년의 5년 동안에는 13.4%의 놀라운 성장을 이룩하였다. 2008년에는 세계 경제의 침체 속에서도 6.5% 성장을 하였다. 특히 베트남의 유통시장의 성장을 주도한 2 개의 기업, 즉 사이공 꼼 마트(SAIGON CO-OP)와 쭝 웅웬 커피 프랜차이즈(Trung Nguyen Corporation)의 사례를 벤치마킹함으로써 한국 기업이 베트남 시장에 진출하기 위한 중요 정보 및 교훈을 획득할 수 있다. 요약하면, 사이공 꼼 마트는 고객의 접근성과 편리성에 초점을 맞춘 고객지향적인 고객만족 전략을 시행하였다. 더욱이 부족한 자금, 물류 시스템의 미비, 기술의 열세를 극복하고 지역적으로 최적화된 마케팅 전략을 구사하여 성공을 거두었다. 쭝 웅웬 커피 프랜차이즈는 고객의 요구를 충족시키는 다양한 메뉴를 개발하여, 친환경 경영을 표방하면서도 고급스러운 품격으로 기업의 이미지를 개선시켰다. 사이공 꼼 마트와 쭝 웅웬 커피 프랜차이즈를 대상으로 세밀하게 성공 요인을 분석하고 벤치마킹함으로써 한국의 유통기업은 베트남 시장 진출 전략 수립에 큰 시사점을 얻을 수 있다. Undoubtedly, globalization has been providing many opportunities to enter global markets for companies around the world. Many Korean companies especially wanted to enter Vietnamese markets with its rapid economic growth and increase in trrade volume. However, it is not simple matter to trade with foreign countries because of fundamental differences of economy, regulation, culture, consumer environment and reciprocal interests. In general, most Korean companies` objective is not to simply increase the foreign branches but to improve the self-competitiveness in boundless world with their foreign entry strategies. Especially between Korean and Vietnam, trading size and amounts are gradually increasing. In 2011, bilateral trade volume reached at US$18.6 billions, approximately increased 43.5% point as compared with the corresponding period of last year. In addition, Korean companies greatly contributed to Vietnamese economic growth by hiring Vietnamese workers and exporting their products to major foreign countries. In Vietnam, retail markets are growing steadily, and average increasing rate was 8% during the year of 1995 - 2002, 13.4% from 2003 to 2007. In 2008, it reached at 6.5% in spite of the world economy decline. There are two famous Vietnamese local distribution companies as benchmarking models for Korean companies` launching into Vietnamese markets. One is SAIGON CO-OP and the other is Trung Nguyen Corporation. SAIGON CO-OP established many supermarkets through close networks with relatively poor distribution companies in both downtown and suburbs, focuing on customer contiguity and convenience. It selected the satisfactory strategies to meet customers` needs. More important was that it chose the locally optimized marketing strategies in spite of the poor condition like lack of funds and business know-hows in physical distribution system and technologies. In case of Trung Nguyen Corporation, it developed diversified kinds of menu suitable for its customers considering their different favorable tastes. Furthermore, its environmental-friendly management helped to improve its corporate image and people viewed it more deluxe and friendly company.

      • KCI등재

        An Exploratory Study on the Entry Strategies of Korean Companies to Vietnamese Markets- Focused on the cases of SAIGON CO-OP and Trung Nguyen Corporation -

        이종호 한국유통경영학회 2012 유통경영학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Undoubtedly, globalization has been providing many opportunities to enter global markets for companies around the world. Many Korean companies especially wanted to enter Vietnamese markets with its rapid economic growth and increase in trrade volume. However, it is not simple matter to trade with foreign countries because of fundamental differences of economy, regulation, culture, consumer environment and reciprocal interests. In general, most Korean companies’ objective is not to simply increase the foreign branches but to improve the self-competitiveness in boundless world with their foreign entry strategies. Especially between Korean and Vietnam, trading size and amounts are gradually increasing. In 2011, bilateral trade volume reached at US$18.6 billions, approximately increased 43.5% point as compared with the corresponding period of last year. In addition, Korean companies greatly contributed to Vietnamese economic growth by hiring Vietnamese workers and exporting their products to major foreign countries. In Vietnam, retail markets are growing steadily, and average increasing rate was 8% during the year of 1995 - 2002, 13.4% from 2003 to 2007. In 2008, it reached at 6.5% in spite of the world economy decline. There are two famous Vietnamese local distribution companies as benchmarking models for Korean companies' launching into Vietnamese markets. One is SAIGON CO-OP and the other is Trung Nguyen Corporation. SAIGON CO-OP established many supermarkets through close networks with relatively poor distribution companies in both downtown and suburbs, focuing on customer contiguity and convenience. It selected the satisfactory strategies to meet customers' needs. More important was that it chose the locally optimized marketing strategies in spite of the poor condition like lack of funds and business know-hows in physical distribution system and technologies. In case of Trung Nguyen Corporation, it developed diversified kinds of menu suitable for its customers considering their different favorable tastes. Furthermore, its environmental-friendly management helped to improve its corporate image and people viewed it more deluxe and friendly company.

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