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      • KCI등재

        전원구성비율 예측을 위한 System Dynamics 모형 개발

        홍정석,곽상만,나기룡,박문희,최기련 한국시스템다이내믹스학회 2003 한국시스템다이내믹스 연구 Vol.4 No.1

        How to maintain the optimal electric power generation mix is one of the important problems in electric power industry. The objective of this study is to develop a computer model which can be used to forecast the investment in power generation unit by the plant owners after restructuring of electric power industry. Restructuring of electric power industry will make difference in decision making process of investment in power generation unit. After Privatiazation of Power Industry, Gencos will think that profit is the most important factor among all others attracting the investment in the industry. Coal power generation is better than LNG CCGT in terms of profit. However, many studies show that LNG CCGT will be main electric power generation source because the rest factors other than profit in LNG CCGT are superior than Coal power generation. Because the rest of factors other than profit in LNG CCGT are superior than Coal power generation. The impacts of the various government policies can be analyzed using the computer model, thus the government can formulate effective policies for achieving the desired electric power generation mix.

      • KCI등재

        자가용LNG발전소와 주변지역지원제도

        이헌석(Heon-Seok Lee) 한국토지공법학회 2022 土地公法硏究 Vol.100 No.-

        LNG발전은 석탄발전보다 미세먼지 배출량이 10%에 그치고 시설관리 등의 효율성이 뛰어나 환경적․경제적으로 주목받고 있다. 이에 정부도 화력발전소를 LNG발전소로 대체하도록 정책기조를 전환했으며, 이를 계기로 민간발전사뿐만 아니라 공공발전사들도 LNG발전소로 시설을 바꾸거나 신설을 모색하고 있다. 특히 최근에는 그동안 전기의 최대소비자였던 대기업들도 독자적으로 전력을 생산·소비를 하겠다며 LNG발전소 건설을 추진하고 있다. 물론 LNG발전이 기존의 화력발전에 비하여 환경성과 경제성이 뛰어나다는 점에서 LNG발전소 확대를 긍정적으로 생각한다. 그러나 한편으로 그 발전소가 입지하는 지역주민의 입장에서는 환경피해와 그 밖에 직․간접적인 손실을 입을 수밖에 없는 것이 현실이다. 이런 이유로 인해 전국적으로 많은 LNG발전소들이 주민과의 갈등에 직면해 난항을 겪고 있다. 따라서 LNG발전소가 지역주민들로부터 환영받는 시설이 될 수 있도록 현행 발전소주변지원법의 문제점을 검토하고, 입법적 불비를 시정하는 법적·제도적 노력이 있어야 할 것이다. 주민들은 환경피해 이외에도, 발전소주변지원법의 지원내용이 불명확하고 지원수준도 매우 낮아서 다른 손실보상에 비해 차별적이라고 분노한다. 특히 기업의 자가용LNG발전소의 경우는 현행 발전소주변지원법의 적용을 받지 않기 때문에 최소한의 지원도 받지 못할 것을 우려하고 있다. 따라서 이런 문제를 해결하기 위하여 현행 발전소주변지원법의 개정이 요구되고 있다. 개정 방향으로는 첫째, 발전소의 유형에 LNG발전소를 추가하고, 사업용발전소뿐만 아니라 자가용발전소도 포함해야 한다. 그리고 기업의 자가용발전소도 기금적립 책무와 지원사업 시행 의무가 있음을 명시한다. 둘째, 갈등의 핵심 쟁점인 환경피해 여부를 조사하고 감시하는 독립적·상설적 기구를 구성한다. 이 기구에는 발전사업자(자가용발전소 포함), 정부, 주민대표 및 환경전문가를 포함하도록 하여 명실상부한 거버넌스 기구의 초석이 되도록 해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 기존의 발전소주변지원법의 불합리한 규정을 보완해야 한다. 주변지역의 범위를 기존의 거리 기준에서 생활권을 중심으로 변경하고, 법령상의 ‘주변지역지원사업심의위원회’와 ‘주변지역지원사업심의지역위원회’가 형식적인 역할에 그치지 않고 실질적으로 주민의 의사를 반영하고 주민 참여성을 강화할 수 있도록 위원회 구성과 기능을 민주적 원리가 지배하도록 보강해야 할 것이다. 발전소의 건설은 시민들의 안전은 물론 삶의 질과 직결되는 공공 프로젝트이며 동시에 국가의 에너지 안보와 직결되는 중차대한 문제라는 점을 인식하고 발전소주변지원법의 개정을 통해 주민들로부터 환영받는 지속가능한 LNG발전소가 되기를 희망한다. LNG power generation is emerging as a new alternative. LNG power generation is said to have many environmental and economic advantages, with only 10% emission (emissions : urine output) and excellent efficiency such as facility management compared to thermal power generation such as coal. Accordingly, the government has also changed its policy stance in the direction of converting thermoelectric power plants into LNG power plants and has been providing various benefits to LNG power generation. For this reason, not only private enterprise operators but also public power generation companies are planning to change their facilities to LNG power plants or build new ones. Particularly noteworthy is that major companies, which have been consumers of electricity, are pushing for plans to build LNG power plants by themselves to produce and consume LNG power plants independently. Of course, since LNG power generation is environmentally and economically superior to existing thermal power generation, there is no need to oppose the expansion of LNG power plants. However, the reality is that they are not welcomed by the residents where the power plants are located. Nevertheless, many LNG power plants are already under construction across the country, and almost all of them are facing conflicts with residents. Therefore, in order for LNG power plants to become environmentally, socially, and economically useful and sustainable power generation facilities, legal and institutional measures should be prepared to correct the legislative deficiencies of the current ‘Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants - Neighboring Areas’ to dispel residents' concerns and opposition. Therefore, legislative adjustments should be made, such as significantly improving the current ‘Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants’. First of all, it should specify that LNG power plants are included in the current legislation, stipulate not only commercial power plants(utility generation power plants), but also isolated power plants(non-utility generation power plants), and clearly support corporate funding and obligations for their own isolated power plants. Second, it is to improve the unreasonable regulations of the existing Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants. For example, the scope of the surrounding area should be set around the living area based on the distance from the existing power generation facilities, and sufficient compensation and support should be provided according to the degree of damage to residents. Third, the most important thing is to form an independent and a permanent scheme that jointly investigates and monitors environmental damage, which can be said to be the core of the conflict. This should be the cornerstone of a governance organization, including a producer utility generation(including private power plants), government, resident, representatives, and environmental experts. We hope to become a sustainable power plant that is welcomed by residents through the revision of the Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants - Neighboring Areas.

      • Electric power generation strategy based on model predictive control for conventional internal combustion engine vehicles

        Seungwoo Hong,Inseok Park,Jeongwon Sohn,Yeongseop Park,Kangyoon Lee,Myoungho Sunwoo 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2010 No.11

        With the increasing demand for fuel efficient vehicles, an electric power generation strategy is required in order to generate electric energy efficiently in conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. The electric power generation strategy is available with a voltage controlled alternator, and it determines the amount of the generated electric energy. In this paper, the power generation strategy for ICE vehicles is proposed with the model predictive control (MPC) method in order to improve fuel efficiency of vehicles. The proposed MPC based approach is composed of two parts: prediction of battery states and optimization of the electric power generation. In the first part, the battery state of charge (SOC) is predicted with the powertrain model. Based on this predicted information, the optimal trajectory of the alternator command input is obtained by using the quadratic programming (QP) optimization method. The proposed algorithm is validated through simulation and compared with other conventional strategies used in commercial software. It is proven that the MPC based electric power generation strategy can improve the fuel efficiency.

      • Solar Power Generation for Compact Hydroponic Plant Cultivation System

        Ryo UCHIYAMA,Satoru YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiko TAKAHASHI 제어로봇시스템학회 2019 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.10

        In light of recent trends related to global population growth and climate change, our team took on a task of developing a compact hydroponic plant cultivation system in order to provide a stable food supply. The system we are developing uses sustainable energy and does not rely on traditional methods of fossil fuel power. With our system, plants grow utilizing sunlight and when it becomes unavailable, conserved energy stored on-site is used to assist plant growth with an LED lighting system. Energy conservation patterns and amounts are calculated by assessing meteorological data by obtaining data from JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency). In this paper the process of estimating the appropriate amounts of conserved energy using weather data, data obtained from solar power generation experiments, assessment of weather forecast reliability and compatibility with solar power generation results are described.

      • KCI등재

        Optimizing the Electricity Price Revenue of Wind Power Generation Captures in the South Korean Electricity Market

        Eamon Byrne(에먼 번),Kim Hyun-Goo(김현구),Kang Yong-Heack(강용혁),Yun Chang-Yeol(윤창열) 한국태양에너지학회 2016 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.36 No.1

        How effectively a wind farm captures high market prices can greatly influence a wind farm’s viability. This research identifies and creates an understanding of the effects that result in various capture prices (average revenue earned per unit of generation) that can be seen among different wind farms, in the current and future competitive SMP (System Marginal Price) market in South Korea. Through the use of a neural network to simulate changes in SMP caused by increased renewables, based on the Korea Institute of Energy Research’s extensive wind resource database for South Korea, the variances in current and future capture prices are modelled and analyzed for both onshore and offshore wind power generation. Simulation results shows a spread in capture price of 5.5% for the year 2035 that depends on both a locations wind characteristics and the generations’ correlation with other wind power generation. Wind characteristics include the generations’ correlation with SMP price, diurnal profile shape, and capacity factor. The wind revenue cannibalization effect reduces the capture price obtained by wind power generation that is located close to a substantial amount of other wind power generation. In onshore locations wind characteristics can differ significantly/ Hence it is recommended that possible wind development sites have suitable diurnal profiles that effectively capture high SMP prices. Also, as increasing wind power capacity becomes installed in South Korea, it is recommended that wind power generation be located in regions far from the expected wind power generation ‘hotspots’ in the future. Hence, a suitable site along the east mountain ridges of South Korea is predicted to be extremely effective in attaining high SMP capture prices. Attention to these factors will increase the revenues obtained by wind power generation in a competitive electricity market.

      • Development and experimental investigation of a 500-W class ultra-micro gas turbine power generator

        Seo, JeongMin,Lim, Hyung-Soo,Park, JunYoung,Park, Moo Ryong,Choi, Bum Seog Elsevier 2017 ENERGY Vol.124 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We experimentally investigate the feasibility of a 500-W class ultra-micro gas turbine power generator. System specifications include a design rotational speed of 400,000 rpm, a compressor ratio of 3:1, and a turbine inlet temperature of 1200 K. In a previous study, we used an integrated test rig to examine the feasibility of start-up and self-sustaining capabilities. Here, we describe our development and testing of a new integrated test rig to measure the performance of electric-power generation during self-sustaining and boosting operations. We controlled a motor-generator using an electric controller in fixed speed mode and guided the rotational speed according to the start-up sequence. We employed a radial-thrust integral metal-mesh bumper air foil bearing with which we obtained the design rotational speed of 400,000 rpm in a standalone motoring test. In the combustor, we used liquefied petroleum gas as the main fuel and kerosene as the ignition fuel and partially as the main fuel during the boost operation. The integrated test rig achieved electric power generation of 30 W at 200,000 rpm, 50% of the design rotational speed.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We developed integrated test equipment for a 500-W ultra-micro gas turbine power generator. </LI> <LI> The tests were conducted in self-sustaining and boosting modes. </LI> <LI> In the self-sustaining operation, the test rig worked stably and produced 5 W of electric power. </LI> <LI> In the boost operation, the test rig produced 30 W of electric power. </LI> <LI> We verified the feasibility of a 500-W UMGT power generator for electric-power generation. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Analysis on the Operational Characteristics of the Combined Generation System with Power Storage Apparatus that Apply Microcontroller

        Lim, Jung-Yeol,Yoon, Seok-Am,Cha, In-Su The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2002 KIEE International Transactions on Electrical Mach Vol.b2 No.1

        The developments of the solar and the wind power energy are necessary since the future alternative, energies that have no pollution and no limitation are restricted. Currently power generation system of MW scale has been developed, but it still has a flew faults with the weather condition. In order to solve these existing problem combined generation system of photovoltaic(400W) and wind power generation system(400W) was suggested. It combines wind power and solar energy to have the supporting effect from each other. However, since even combined generation system cannot always generate stable output with ever-changing weather condition, power storage apparatus that uses elastic energy of spiral spring to combined generation system was also added far the present study. In an experiment, when output of combined generation system gets lower than 12V(charging voltage), power was continuously supplied to load through the inverter by charging energy obtained from generating rotary energy of spiral spring operates in small scale generator.

      • KCI우수등재

        마산화력발전소의 건설 과정과 매연[飛灰] 문제

        정대훈 한국사연구회 2023 한국사연구 Vol.- No.201

        With the construction of thermal power plants with a total capacity of 100,000 kW in Masan, Dangin-ri, and Samcheok in 1956, Korea’s electricity shortage was largely resolved. The Masan Thermal Power Plant, which was the largest scale among them in terms of scale, used domestic anthracite coal as fuel for power generation, contrary to the original plan. This was a reflection of the Korean government’s intention to reduce the cost of importing bituminous coal for power generation. Since the 1940s, it has been pointed out that domestic anthracite is not suitable for power generation due to its low quality, but this was not taken seriously due to the need to secure power immediately. As a result, the problem of air pollution(fly ash) emerged from the beginning of operation of the Masan power plant. Residents near the power plant suffered greatly, but the government was lukewarm in solving the problem. The Masan Power Plant contributed greatly to relieving Korea’s power shortage, but the social costs of power generation had to be borne by the residents of an underdeveloped area in Masan.

      • KCI등재

        가변속 발전기 적용에 따른 컨테이너선박 에너지 효율성 비교

        이헌석,오진석 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2019 한국마린엔지니어링학회지 Vol.43 No.7

        In this paper, when the variable speed generation (VGS) system is applied by replacing the constant velocity generator of the container line, the fuel consumption is compared. The ship’s electric power system has an independent power system that differs from the land power system. Therefore, power generators will be installed inside the ship to supply power on their own. The power generation system of the vessel consists of a prime mover and an alternator. Most ship power systems currently in operation have alternating current power of 60 Hz or 50 Hz. The ship uses a generator that rotates at constant speed to produce alternating current power at a fixed frequency. In the case of constant speed generators, the efficiency decreases owing to the low load operation of the prime mover. To solve the problem of low efficiency due to the independent power system of the constant speed generator, the VSG system was applied and energy efficiency was compared. The differences in energy efficiency were predicted through simulation using the power data of container ships operated at low load rates. Simulation results showed that the energy efficiency of the VGS increased energy efficiency by approximately 7% compared with the constant speed generator. 본 논문에서는 컨테이너선의 정속도 발전기를 대체하여 가변속도 발전기를 적용하였을 때, 연료소모량을 비교하고자 한다. 선박의 전력 계통은 육상의 전력 계통과 달리 독립 전력시스템의 형태를 갖추고 있다. 이에 선박 내부에 발전기를 탑재하여 자체적으로 선내 전력을 공급하게 된다. 선박에 탑재되는 발전기는 원동기와 교류발전기로 이루어져 있으며, 현재 운행되어지고 있는 대부분의 선박의 전력시스템은 60Hz 또는 50Hz의 교류전력을 적용하고 있다. 선박에서는고정 주파수의 교류전력 생산을 위해 정속도로 회전하는 발전기를 적용하고 있으며, 이러한 정속도 발전기의 경우 원동기의 저부하 운전에 따라 효율이 낮아지게 된다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 정속도 발전기 적용에 따른 효율 저하 문제를해결하기 위하여 가변속도 발전기를 적용하여 에너지 효율을 비교하였다. 통상적으로 낮은 부하율에서 운전되어지고 있는 컨테이너 선박의 전력데이터를 이용하여 가변속도 발전기를 적용하였을 시 에너지 효율 변화를 시뮬레이션을 통하여예측하였다. 시뮬레이션 결과 가변속도 발전기를 적용하였을 때 정속도발전기에 비하여 약 7%의 에너지 효율이 증가함을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • Use of a piezo-composite generating element for harvesting wind energy in an urban region

        Tien, Cam Minh Tri,Goo, Nam Seo Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010 Aircraft engineering and aerospace technology Vol.82 No.6

        <B>Purpose</B> - Current technology uses large windmills that operate in remote regions and have complex generating mechanisms such as towers, blades gears, speed controls, magnets, and coils. In a city, wind energy that would otherwise be wasted can be claimed and stored for later use. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a small-scale windmill that can work in urban areas. <B>Design/methodology/approach</B> - The device uses a piezo-composite generating element (PCGE) to generate the electric power. The PCGE is composed of layers of carbon/epoxy, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramic, and glass/epoxy cured at an elevated temperature. Previous work by the authors had proved that the PCGE can produce high performance energy harvesting. <B>Findings</B> - In the prototype, the PCGE performed as a secondary beam element. One end of the PCGE is attached to the frame of the device. Additionally, the fan blade rotates in the direction of the wind and hits the other end of the PCGE. When the PCGE is excited, the effects of the beam's deformation enable it to generate electric power. The power generation and battery charging capabilities of the proposed device were tested, and the results show that the prototype can harvest energy in urban regions using minor wind movement. <B>Originality/value</B> - The paper presents a prototype that uses a PCGE for harvesting wind energy in urban areas. The PCGE has the potential of being used as a generator for harvesting energy from sources such as machine vibration, body motion, wind, and ocean waves. The PCGE design is flexible: the ply orientation and the size of the prepreg layers can be changed. Generating elements with a specific stacking sequence can be used for scavenging energy in a wide range of applications such as network sensors, portable electronics, and microelectromechanical systems.

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