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      • KCI등재

        중국에서의 재만 조선인 항일투쟁사 서술 - 국공내전·한국전쟁기에 진행된 선전 및 서술을 중심으로 -

        염인호 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2016 한국학논총 Vol.45 No.-

        중국에서는 國共內戰․韓國戰爭(1945~1953) 때부터 在滿 朝鮮人 抗日鬪爭에 대한 歷史가 敍述되고 普及되었다. 中國共産黨은 국공내전기에는 더 많은 朝鮮人들을 動員하기 위해 그리고 後方基地 役割을 하는 北韓과의 友好 增進을 爲해 在滿 朝鮮人의 항일투쟁사를 浮刻시켰다. 그리고 한국전쟁기에는 중국의 人民과 支援軍 兵士들에게 왜 韓半島에서 피를 흘려야 하는가를 說得하기 위해 조선인들의 항일투쟁사를 浮刻시키고 普及하였다. 국공내전․한국전쟁기에 서술되거나 보급된 재만 조선인 항일투쟁사는 다음과 같은 特徵을 지녔다. 첫째, 국공내전기에는 중국인과 재만 조선인 兩側에서 모두 재만 조선인 항일투쟁사를 서술하였는데 이들 서술에서는 항일투쟁을 했던 재만 조선인은 중국인으로서의 朝鮮族이 아니라 外國人인 朝鮮人이었고 그들의 주된 關心은 朝鮮獨立이었으며 그들의 중국인과의 連帶鬪爭은 國際主義 實踐으로 描寫되었다. 둘째, 국공내전기에는 北朝鮮勞動黨 幹部가 執筆한 항일투쟁사가 만주 조선인 사회에서 널리 보급되었다. 北韓은 이를 통해 金日成의 影響力을 만주 조선인 사회에서 擴大시키려 했다. 중국공산당은 이를 沮止하기 보다는 오히려 獎勵하였다. 중국공산당은 김일성이 조선인 사회에서 갖고 있는 影響力을 活用해 더 많은 조선인을 內戰에 動員하고자 했기 때문이다. 셋째, 한국전쟁기의 서술에서는 재만 조선인들이 중국의 항일투쟁에 크게 貢獻했으며 투쟁 過程에서 조선인들이 피를 많이 흘렸다는 점, 그리고 이제 중국인들이 한반도의 전쟁에서 조선인을 위해 피를 흘려야 한다는 점 등이 强調되고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        관동대지진 이후 조선 지식인들의 일본에서의 삶

        오혜진(Oh, Hey-Jine) 우리문학회 2018 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.58

        관동대지진은 일본인들에게는 자연재해였지만 조선인들에게는 그 자연재해에 더해 이어진 학살로 인해 더 큰 고통을 겪어야 했다. 일본인들의 조선인에 대한 차별과 멸시가 더 심해진 것은 이때를 기점이라 봐도 무방할 것이다. 1930년에 발표된 유진오의「귀향」과 1926년에 발표된 염상섭의「숙박기」는 지진이 일어나던 상황이나 그 이후의 삶에 관해 다루고 있어 관심이 집중된다. 두 작가 모두 관동대지진을 직접 경험한 것은 아니지만 객관적인 시각으로 작품에 접근한다. 유진오는 사회주의적 시각에 입각, 조·일 간의 연대와 노동운동에 초점을 맞춘다.「귀향」의 큰 강점은 관동대지진이 일어났을 당시를 구체적으로 묘사, 지진으로 인한 혼란과 조선인대학살을 개인의 눈을 통해 보여주고 있다는 것 자체가 큰 의미이다. 재난을 겪은 작가들이 입을 다물고 있었던 상황에서 당시의 정황을 소설화했다는 것은 유진오 나름대로의 사실주의적 소설에 대한 자신감의 표현이었다고 여겨진다. 대중적 첨가물인 사랑과 연애를 가미한 점도 눈에 띤다. 조선인과 일본인의 사랑이라는 점에서 나라에 구애받지 않았던 ‘붉은 연애’의 색깔도 띠고 있다. 연애나 노동운동에 대한 지향점들이 소설의 많은 부분을 차지하다 보니 실제로 관동대지진 이후 벌어진 조선인 학살이나 피해자들에 대한 동향이 거의 나오지 않고 있는 점은 아쉽다. 염상섭의「숙박기」는 대지진을 직접적으로 언급하지는 않지만 재난 이후 재일조선인들의 삶과 지식인들이 받아야 했던 수모를 보여주고 있다. 하숙집을 구해야 하는 사건을 중심으로, 대학살 이후 더해진 조선인들에 대한 차별과 배제가 만연한 것을 그려나간다. 지식인인 주인공이 받는 어려움이 이 정도라면 일용직이나 육체노동을 하는 조선인들의 일상이 어떠했을지는 미루어 짐작이 가능하다. 주인공은 이러한 상황을 통해 조선인으로서의 주체성을 선명하게 자각하는 계기가 되고 이 현실을 그대로 받아들이는 자세를 취한다. 이는 곧 작가 염상섭이 대지진 이후 급속하게 회복된 도쿄 등이 조선 착취를 기반으로 하였음을 깨닫는 과정에서 얻은 결론이었다는 점에서 그 빛을 발한다. 재일조선인에게는 관동대지진이나 조선인대학살과 같은 선연하게 눈에 띠는 재난뿐 아니라 멸시와 차별 등과 같이 하루하루 살아가는 것이 살얼음판이자 재난과 같음을 보여주고 있는 셈이다. The Japanese had been struck by The great Kanto earthquake but the Korean was suffered by a natural disaster besides Korean massacre. After then the Japanese furthermore discriminate Korean. Yojino’s novel ‘The Homecoming’(announced 1930th) and Yeomsangseop’s novel ‘An accommodation’(announced 1926th) were showed the making a living in Japan of Korean intellectual after disaster. Two artists had not experienced disaster, however presented a balanced view through the works. Yojino emphasized solidarity of Korean and Japanese socialists and a labor movement. He wrote ‘The Homecoming’ with direct description of the great Kanto earthquake and Korean massacre. Also he showed confidence from realism novel power by this novel in a situation that experienced disaster writers kept silence. ‘The Homecoming’ was added to popular element, love and romance. The romance with korean man between Japanese woman expressed ‘socialistic feminity’. Yet it was sorry that ‘The Homecoming’ had not taken up the Korean’s pains by the disaster and Korean massacre. Yeomsangseop’s ‘An accommodation’ described daily Korean residents and intellectual personal indignity. That novel reflected on the focused looking for boarding that discrimination and exclusion spread out Korean by Japanese after disaster. Korean intellectual were indignity situation by Japanese, maybe Korean labor were in a lot of pain. The hero faced up to the reality in the process of noticing national identity. That conclusion was showed that Yeomsangseop realized very fast rebuilding of Tokyo after disaster stood on the exploitation from Korean. Korean residence in Japan had been daily disaster done by the Japanese discrimination and exclusion additionally disaster.

      • KCI등재

        의열단의 對日 거사계획과 박열의 의열투쟁

        김명섭(Kim, Myung-Seob)(金明燮) 한일민족문제학회 2020 한일민족문제연구 Vol.38 No.-

        Founded on Nov. 9, 1919, Chosun Euiyeoldan(義烈團) steadily waged a righteous struggle. In the wake of the failure of the first general attack plan in Korea, the Euiyeoldan reorganized its departments into classified, executive, and propaganda departments from the first half of 1922, establishing a command system, and promoting the second plan through the operation of a number of the first half of 1922. The Euiyeoldan held a secret general meeting in June 1923 and a group of members in October to publicize the Japanese attack at home and abroad. The event in Japan was planned to be carried out in October when the wedding of the Japanese crown prince is scheduled. As a result, Kim Won-bong(金元鳳) dispatched his members to Taiwan, Tokyo, Kobe, Osaka, and Yoko Hama from the first half of the year. The practice of living in Tokyo was left to a group of Park Yeol(朴烈). In the spring of 1922, Park Yeol met Choe Hyok-jin(崔爀鎭), a member of the Euiyeoldan, and signed an agreement with Kim Han(金翰) in Seoul around the fall to deliver the bombs to Tokyo. Park Yeol negotiated the purchase of the bomb through the Shanghai Euiyeol Group and is believed to have succeeded in bringing the bomb safely to somewhere in Tokyo. However, he planned to go on a grand march in October, but he was frustrated when the unexpected September 1 earthquake in Kanto occurred and was arrested during the Korean massacre. Despite the failure, the Euiyeoldan’s plan to move to Japan continued. The attack against Japan, which was carried out by Kim Ji-seob on January 5, 1924, was followed by the “Gyeongbuk Uyoldan Incident” in which 11 members of Beijing’s Euiyeoldan unit were arrested after being smuggled into Korea to collect funds for bomb purchases aimed at attacking Tokyo. In the heart of imperialism, the righteous army’s plan to stage a massive Euiyeoldan struggle against Japan Empire was steadily pursued until the winter of 1922 and 1925. 1919年11月9日に創団された朝鮮義烈団は絶えずに義烈闘争を続けた。第 1次国内総攻撃計画の失敗を切っ掛けとして義烈団は1922年上半期から機密 部や實行部·宣傳部等に部署を再編、指揮体系を打ち立てた。また多數の 爆弾工場を運営しながら、第2次投彈計画を進めた。 義烈団は1923年6月、秘密總會を、10月には団員慰労会等を開催し、日 本国内攻撃を対内外に公表した。日本總攻擊計画は皇太子の結婚式が予 定された10月の中執行に移るつもりだった。団長金元鳳は上半期から臺灣を含 め、東京と神戸·大阪·横浜等の日本各地に団員を派遣、準備に着手し た。東京での計画執行は朴烈を中心とする不逞社に委ねられた。朴烈は1922 年、春、義烈団員崔爀鎭を会ったし、秋頃にはソウルの金翰と協約して、密 かに爆弾を東京に運ぶ用意をした。 また、朴烈は上海にある義烈団体を通じて、爆弾購入を協議し、無事に東 京の或所まで爆弾を運ばれたと思われる。だだ、10月中実行に移る積もりだっ たが関東大震災の朝鮮人虐殺のなかで、朴烈が逮捕され、計画の実行はや むをえず中止された。 失敗にも関わらず義烈団の対日本總攻擊計画は続けた。此れによって展開 された攻撃が1924年一月5日の金祉燮の義擧であり、また、北京の義烈団 員 11名が、東京攻撃を目標し、爆弾購入の資金を募集するため国内に密派されたが、逮捕されてしまった、‘慶北 義烈団事件’がその例である。帝国主義 の心臓部で大規模の義烈闘争を展開しようとした義烈団の対日本總攻擊計画 は1922年から1925年、冬まで、絶えずに推進されたのである。

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 한일(韓日) 민중 희생의 표상 연구 ― <3.1독립운동> 전후에 불린 노래를 중심으로 ―

        김경인 ( Kim Kyoung-in ) 한국일본어교육학회 2020 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.94

        By comparing and examining of the songs of Korea and Japan which had been sung between 1918 and 1923 of Japan colonial era, I tried to confirm that how to present the sacrifice of Korean and Japanese people that had been forced by Japanese empire. As a result, I could confirm that the anger and resentment of Japanese pelple against the Japanese government, which has turned a blind eye to the hunger and impoverished lives of the people since 1918 when World War I ended, and devoted itself to the expansion of monopolistic capital and empire, were reflected in Enkas. Meanwhile, Korean people had sung songs expressing antipathy against Japan and willingness for independence due to similar events during the same period, and the most impressive was the fact that there were songs that expressed resentment and revenge for the genocides against Koreans which took place in 1920 and 1923. I could confirm that those songs are showing us the role of literature as historical evidence for proving the historical facts and sorrows of the lives of ordinary people at that time.

      • KCI등재

        제노사이드 기억의 재현방식과 재일한인의 정체성

        윤정화(Jeong Hwa Yun) 한국현대소설학회 2011 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.46

        Even though it is obvious that Korean-Japanese, in particular, themselves should have had attention for their survival in the history of genocide, they are excluded in the target of such a study on genocide. Memory that had not been discussed has already been deleted and is disqualified for being narrated. In the meantime, paying attention to the memory of genocide discovered in the works of Yangji Lee is a prerequisite process to define the identities of Korean-Japanese. Shaping of genocide memory and the degree of its intensity reflected from his works are attaining the distinction of other writers in the dramatic attraction and the development of the works. It is because that his works shape the memory of ``Great Kanto Earthquake Korean Massacre`` in most detail, which has been a few managed so far even as a target of study. <Female Diver> reproduces, in most detail, the memory of Great Kanto Earthquake Korean Massacre. What makes one focuses on itself as an objective view is memory, and this point in the case of Yanji Lee is the moment when memorizing the genocide. Yanji Lee, ``a minority who can`t talk to,`` is shaped as a ``voice`` that is ``the very memory and fear of the genocide.`` Meanwhile, the voices of Korean-Japanese, the protagonists of the memory in the whole works of Yanji Lee is reproduced in the form of a deleted silence. The characters of the whole works including <The Sound of Stone> his posthumous work stress that ``the memory of painful genocide`` should be kept through recording, a discontinuous repeated implementation. Discussion on the memory of the genocide reproduced in his works can function as another proof that the minor Korean-Japanese are not a lethargic entity that are sacrificed and occupied but are able to re-defined as a practical entity that interprets the structure of their environment and identities around them, memorizes the history and devises a writing strategy of resistance.

      • KCI등재후보

        1920년 "경신년반토벌전"을 논함

        오천석(O Cheon Seok) 효원사학회 2011 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.40

        After the movement of "March 13th" anti-Japanese demonstration, the Korean anti-Japanese communities which were active around Yanbian in China set up to build up anti-Japanese arms respectively and embarked on the path of resisting Japanese imperialism with their own arm force. This was regarded as a severe problem by the Japanese Imperial who tried to use Yanbian as a stronghold to take control of the whole Northeast China and then carry out its "invading policy of the mainland China". After the trick of using the Chinese army in Northeast to control Korean people failed, Japan sent more the 20thousand regular forces to attack Yanbian on the excuse of "Hunchun Event", making the "Gengshen tragedy" which astonished people from home and abroad. The cruel invasion of Japanese Army did not defeat the anti-Japanese forces. Quite on the contrary, it greatly strengthened their resolution to fight back. Anti-Japanese army organized "Counterattack War of the Gengsheng year" actively, gravely smarting the Japanese army in both the eastern and western fronts.

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