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      • KCI등재

        송국리문화 재래기원설에 대한 재검토

        이홍종 ( Hong Jong Lee ),허의행 ( Ui Haeng Heo ) 한국고대학회 2013 先史와 古代 Vol.39 No.-

        송국리문화의 등장이 기존의 청동기시대 문화와 차별된다는 점은 많은 연구자들이 인정하는 바이다. 따라서 이 시점을 기준으로 연구자에 따라 전기와 후기 또는 중기라는 시대 구분이 이루어지는 것은 당연하다. 하지만 후기의 시작을 전기문화 계승의 결과로 보는지, 아니면 새로운 문화 요소들의 급작스러운 등장에 의한 것으로 보는지에 대해서 는 여전히 합의를 이루지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 필자들은 아직까지도 송국리문화가 점진적으로 이루어진 것이 아니라 관개수로 등 완비된 수전농경을 영위했던 외부의 영향에 의하여 출현한 것으로 이해하고 있다. 그러나 재래기원설을 주장하는 연구자들 의 견해도 여전하며 그에 대한 근거 등도 다양하게 제시되었다. 여기서 다시 그들이 주장하는 논리와 근거에 대해 살펴보고, 새로 추가된 자료를 정리 및 분석하여 재래기원 설의 문제점을 살펴보고자 한다. It becomes a norm that the emergence of Songgukri Culture had fundamentally changed the previously existing Early Bronze Age culture either slowly or rapidly. Thus the commencement of Songgukri Culture has been regarded as a crucial point to distinguish early and late Bronze Age periods. But there has been an resolved controversy over its formation process whether it was in line with gradual succession of early Bronze Age culture or initiated by the external cultural influence with various new cultural traits. In my opinion, it is more plausible that the Songgukri culture was formed, resulting from adoption of external cultural traits. On the other hand scholars favouring the indigenous emergence standpoint have fiercely advocated while suggesting supporting evidence. Thus their assertions on the indigenous emergence and their different interpretative perspectives are reviewed in this paper. We would like to argue for the extraneous origin of the Songgukri culture, pointing out serious reasoning faults in their assumptions in the limelight of new excavation data.

      • KCI등재

        송국리유형 발생설의 학사적 검토

        송만영 한국고고학회 2015 한국고고학보 Vol.95 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the various arguments that have been set forth regarding the origins of the Songgukri assemblage, and attempts to supplement the theory that it originated from the indigenous Garakdong culture. The theories regarding the origins of the Songgukri assemblage can be divided into those that propose an indigenous origin and those that argue for a foreign origin. The former can be further subdivided into the position that it developed out of the Yeoksamdong culture and the view that its origins lie in the Garakdong culture. However, the issue of the origins of the Songgukri assemblage is much more complex, with widely differing opinions regarding the genealogy and area of origin of the Songgukri assemblage, as well as its chronology, and the interpretation of the material culture and sites of the ‘pre-Songgukri assemblage’ stage. A difference in opinion of these detailed matters can be observed amongst studies that adopt the same hypothesis of commencement. The different commencement hypotheses were clearly revealed in the perception and chronological understanding of the site of Songgukri, in Buyeo. In cases where preeminence was given to the uniformity of the bronze culture of southern Korea, the Songgukri site was attributed to the latter part of the Middle Bronze Age, around the time of the completion of this cultural assemblage. On the other hand, when the regionality of the Geum River Basin was given preeminence, the Songgukri site can be seen to reflect the formative period of the Songgukri assemblage. The author adopts the latter view, with focus on the fact that the Geum River Basin was formerly the area of distribution of the Garakdong assemblage, as well as the existence of rectangular dwellings, Garakdong-style ware, and notched-rim ware at Songgukri contexts. Utilizing the radiocarbon dating results, the hypothesis that the Songgukri assemblage originated indigenously from the Yeoksamdong culture (in which square Songgukri-style dwellings are seen to have preceded round Songgukri-style dwellings) was critically examined. As a result, it was possible to observe that the early measured values of the radiocarbon dates of the Geum River Basin were earlier than those of the square Songgukri-style dwellings of other areas, and that they were associated with Songgukri-style round dwellings. Some sites found north of the Charyeong Mountain Range, located close to the western coastal region, have been recognized as pre-Songgukri assemblage sites or Songgukri assemblage sites of the formative period. However, an examination of the chronology of the Yeoksamdong-style pottery from these sites revealed that the sites were much later in date than then early Songgukri assemblage sites of the Geum River region. Thus, they were seen to have been formed as a result of cultural assimilation following the diffusion of the Songgukri assemblage. Finally, this paper also aims to inquire into criticisms of the hypothesis that the Songgukri assemblage originated indigenously from the Garakdong assemblage. The Yeoksamdong assemblage (found north of the Charyeong Mountain Range) and the Garakdong assemblage of the Geum River Basin (found south of this mountain range) represent separate cultural traditions that emerged during the Early Bronze Age and were maintained into the Middle Bronze Age. A gradual transition from the Garakdong assemblage to the Songgukri assemblage can be observed in the Geum River Basin, not only according to the radiocarbon dates, but also in terms of the archaeological features and artifacts. It appears that Songgukri-style pottery and dwellings appeared at 2700 BP at the latest, after which these elements spread into the surrounding regions. As a result of this spread, cultural assimilation between the Songgukri cultural elements and the Yeoksamdong assemblage took place. The nature and time period of this assimilation, however, varied according to locality.

      • KCI등재

        松菊里文化의 石器 編年

        손준호 호서고고학회 2015 호서고고학 Vol.0 No.32

        This paper aims at complimenting and re-examining the chronology of the Songguk-ri Culture which has been established mainly based on pottery and dwelling pits, rather focusing on stone tools. Firstly, I classified these stone tools using the attributes which are discussed in previous studies as reflecting the time difference. Secondly, transition of combinations of these materials were examined in the Hoseo, Honam and Yeongnam areas. As a result, although there are some parallels between the types of stone tools, basically they show the similar changes with time both in cemetery and settlement sites. The chronological periods are established by the appearance of grooved axes and triangle harvesting knives, which divide the phase Ⅰ from Ⅱ, and Ⅱ from Ⅲ, respectively. This way of changing can be explained by development of function and labor-saving in production, being raised from development of food acquisition such as crop cultivation and hunting/gathering, increase of armed conflicts, establish of stone tool mass production. According to this chronology, the stone tools in the Late Bronze Age seem to be gradually changed from that of the Early Bronze Age, without any simultaneous appearance of new stone tool kits. Possibly it supports the indigenous development theory as to the origin of Songguk-ri culture. However, only by this study on stone tool analysis, it is quite difficult to lead a definitive conclusion to this controversy as the opposing diffusion theory has been advocated based on the other materials such as pottery and subsistence patterns. 본고에서는 토기 연구에 있어 어느 정도 한계에 봉착한 송국리문화의 편년에 대하여, 기존의 주거형을 중심으로 한 분류를 보완할 수있는 새로운 대안으로서 석기의 분석을 시도하였다. 먼저 기존의 연구에서 공통적으로 지목되었던 시간성을 반영하는 속성들을 추출하여, 송국리문화 석기를 기종별로 형식 분류하였다. 그리고 다음으로분류된 석기 형식들이 송국리문화의 주요 분포 지역인 호서, 호남, 영남에서 어떻게 변화하는지를 형식 간 공반 관계를 통해 살펴보았다. 분묘 부장품과 주거지 출토품을 나누어 분석한 결과 형식 간의공존 기간은 인정되지만, 어느 정도의 일정한 변화 방향을 경향성으로서 확인할 수 있었다. 석기 변화의 획기는 새로운 형식의 출현을기준으로 삼았는데, 유구석부 등장 이전의 1단계, 유구석부 등장 이후의 2단계, 삼각형석도가 등장하는 3단계로 구분하였다. 대체로 석기는 기능이 발달하고 제작이 간략해지는 방향으로 변화하는데, 이는 농경이나 수렵 등에 있어서 생계 방식의 발전, 전쟁의 증가, 석기대량 생산 체제의 확립 등과 관련된 현상으로 이해하였다. 또, 형식학적으로나 공반 관계를 통해 볼 때 전기 형식으로부터 점진적으로진행되었으며, 새로운 기종의 등장이나 새로운 형식이 일시에 나타나는 현상은 관찰되지 않았다. 이러한 석기의 변화상은 전기로부터의 계기적 발전을 주장하는 송국리문화 자체발생설을 지지하는 결과로도 해석할 수 있다. 그러나 석기와 같은 특정 유물의 분석만으로해당 문화의 기원 문제를 단정하기는 어렵기 때문에, 관련 유구와 유물의 세밀한 분석과 함께 기원지로 추정되는 지역의 고고학적 상황등을 종합적으로 살펴볼 필요가 있다.

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