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      • 산업화 관점에서 본 한국 조경 태동의 특징과 정체성

        ( Se Hwan Cho ),( Yo Seob Kim ),( Joon Teack Rho ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2012 Journal of Korean Institute of Traditional Landsca Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 한국에 조경이라는 전문용어가 처음 나타난 1970년부터 조경 태동의 산파 역할을 했던 청와대 조경담당 비서관이 존속했던 1980년까지 한국 조경의 태동기를 미국 조경 태동의 경우와 비교하여 고찰함으로써 한국 조경 태동의 정체성을 분석할 목적으로 수행되었다. 본 연구의 결과, 첫째, 산업문명은 그 시대에 유사 이래 인류 역사에서 가장 진보된 문명으로 인식되고 있었고, 조경의 태동은 산업화와 산업문명의 켤레로서 출현한 근대화의 새로운 전문분야였다. 둘째, 한국 조경의 태동기의 정체성 파악은 미국의 경우와 마찬가지로 산업화 관점에서 논의되어야 할 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 한국 조경 태동의 중심에는 산업화를 이루고 각별한 자연애호 사상을 가진 박정희 전 대통령(이하 박대통령)과 한국 최초의 조경가이자 대통령 조경·건설담당비서관이었던 오휘영의 역할이 있었다. 넷째, 한국 조경의 태동에 대한 기존 연구에서 ``박대통령의 개발 독재’-``박정희 조경관’-``개발 환부에 대한 눈속임’-``화장술 조경’-``친일 행적 가리기용’ 등이 오늘날 한국 조경 문제의 근원이라는 부정적 시각은 ‘산업문명’-‘자연 개발’-‘국토 인프라 구축’-‘박대통령의 자연관’-‘국토 훼손 치유’-경제 원리-결과론적 후속 민주화-라는 새로운 관점의 긍정적 축으로 논의될 수 있었다. 다섯째, 미국 조경의 태동이 농업문명에서 산업문명으로의 전환과정에서 정원 또는 조원, 정원건축, 조경 간의 치열한 경쟁을 거쳐 조경으로 진화한 것처럼 한국 조경의 태동 국면에서도 농업화 사회에서 일제 강점기, 해방기를 거치며 산업화 사회로 전환되는 시대적 변화 과정에서 미약하지만 그 이전에 있어 왔던 조원과 경쟁을 거치며 정착되는 과정을 거쳤다. 여섯째, 한국 조경은 한국의 근세 역사에서 산업화를 통해 세계 문명국으로 진입하는 과정에서 태동되고 전개되어온 전문 분야인바, 오늘날 한국 조경의 문제는 동시대 지식창조사회의 새로운 패러다임에 적응하고자 하는 노력에서 그 해결책을 찾아야 할 것이 논의되었다. The study aims to identify the fetal movement of the Korean Landscape Architecture from the year of 1970 that the word, Landscape Architecture, is emergent till the year of 1980 that the presidential secretary of Landscape Architecture that had lasted in government since year of 1972 by the comparison with the beginning of American Landscape Architecture. The conclusion of the research were as follows. The first, the industrial civilization has been recognized as the most evolved civilization at climax in the those days and the fetal movement of Landscape Architecture as a new professional was the subjected to the industrial civilization. In America. The second, it also was analysed that identifying the fetal movement of Korean Landscape Architecture would be discussed in the view of industrialization as like America. The third, there were two peoples, the one was the former president of Korea, Jung-Hee, Park(PresidentPark) who launched the radical industrialization, decided the decision of introduction of Landscape Architecture in Korea and had deeply nature-loving world view, the other was Whee-Young, Oh, the former presidential secretary of Landscape Architecture who was the first Korean landscape architect educated in America. The forth, the negative point of views as like President Park`s the view of Landscape Architecture to deceive the citizens` eyes on the destructions of national nature`, ``the pursuing of decoration-oriented Landscape Architecture``, ``the introducing of Landscape Architecture to screen the past Japanese-friendly behavior of President Park, ``the peremptory introduction of Landscape Architecture by government that have been the roots of the all modern Korean problems`` etc. in a former research on the fetal movement in Korea in a series of negative image conceiving President Park the dictator could be retransfer to the positive points of view of ``introduction of industrialization civilization for nation wealth``, ``anavoidable nature development to the construction of national land infrastructure, ``the world view of nature-loving of President Park, ``the trying to restore and conserve the nature and national land``, ``the national economic success leading to the democratization`` in Korea, there after. The fifth, the Korean Landscape Architecture has been also settled down in self-organization process through the competition with the gardening based on the Japanese colonial periods of Korea as like America did during the transformation process from agricultural society to industrialization society in the varies professional names of Gardening, Landscape Gardening, Garden Architecture. The sixth, as the fetal movement of Korean Landscape Architecture was introduced in the era of industrialization process to be the advanced world civilization country in modern history of Korea, the problems that the Korean Landscape Archi tecture is confronting now-a-days would be searched in a new way of trying to adapt to the new paradigm of the knowledge-creative society of 21st century.

      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國)의 문화(文化) : 시대와 장르를 초월한 윌트 휘트먼의 “열린 장소”

        심진호 ( Jin Ho Sbim ) 한국사상문화학회 2014 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.74 No.-

        휘트먼은 시인이 되기 전부터 저널리스트로 활동하며 도시에서 “더 많은 공원?더 많은 열린 장소”의 중요성을 지속적으로 역설했다. 『뉴욕 오로라』, 『브루클린 데일리 이글』 등 여러 신문의 사설을 통해 휘트먼은 불평등하고 무분별한 도시계획에 대해 신랄하게 비판했다. 19세기 근대 공원의 대명사로 간주되는 센트럴 파크가 “대중과 함께”하는 “열린 장소”가 아니라 “장식”으로 가득한 상류층만을 위한 공간이라는 휘트먼의 예리한 통찰은 동시대 조경가인 옴스테드의 한계를 초월하고 있다. 사회적 접촉, 문화적 교류를 제공하는 도시 공원의 필요성을 강조한 휘트먼의 비전은 문명과 자연, 도시와 공원이라는 옴스테드식 이분법적 구도를 뛰어넘고 있다. 휘트먼이 구현하고자 했던 “열린 장소”는 “공원에서 도시는 존재해서는 안된다”라는 옴스테드의 이분법적 시각을 뛰어넘어 자연뿐만 아니라 문화가 살아있는 21세기 도시 공원을 강하게 연상시킨다. 요컨대 휘트먼의 “열린 장소”는 해체주의 건축 미학의 정수인 츄미의 라 빌레뜨 파크에 더욱 부합하고 있다. 츄미는 근대 건축에서 상실되었던 프로그램, 사람들의 행위 및 이벤트 등을 역설하고 있는데, 이것은 휘트먼이 언급한 “문화 프로그램”으로 충만한 “열린 장소”의 현대적 변용이라 할 수 있다. 도시 공원을 열린 대중 문화공간으로 간주하고 있는 휘트먼의 탈근대적 비전은 건축과 조경뿐 아니라 문학, 철학, 미술, 영화 등 다양한 장르의 경계를 무너뜨리며 상호텍스트적 연구를 촉진시키는 원동력이 되고 있다. Before becoming a poet, Walt Whitman as a journalist invariably asserts the importance of “more parks?more open places” in the city. Through lots of articles and editorials in nineteenth century newspapers such as New York Aurora, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Whitman strongly criticizes unequal and thoughtless city planning. Whitman believes that Central Park, which is synonymous with nineteenth century park, would not be a “open place” with the general public because it uses only for the privileged class. His sharp insight on the “open place” surpasses his contemporary landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted`s perspective. Whitman`s vision suggesting the urban park of social contacts and cultural exchanges transcends the limit of Olmsted`s dichotomous thinking of civilization versus nature, park versus the city. Most of all, the “open place” Whitman desires to embody resists Olmsted`s statement that “in the park, the city is not supposed to exist.” Whitman`s “open place” corresponds with a modern urban park like La Villette Park by Bernard Tschumi as it suggests the indivisible interaction between park and the city. La Villette Park based on Tschumi`s aesthetics of de-constructivist architecture aims at a new model in which programme, people`s activity and events all play integral roles. This new model has an intimate relationship with Whitman`s concept of a “programme of culture.” In this sense, La Villette Park is the modern transformation of Whitman`s vision which emphasizes a “programme of culture” suggestive of twenty-first century cultural park. Whitman`s “open place” moving toward the sustainable city facilitates interdisciplinary approaches, transcending time and genres.

      • KCI등재

        시대와 장르를 초월한 윌트 휘트먼의 “열린 장소”

        심진호 한국사상문화학회 2014 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.74 No.-

        Before becoming a poet, Walt Whitman as a journalist invariably asserts the importance of “more parks—more open places” in the city. Through lots of articles and editorials in nineteenth century newspapers such as New York Aurora, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Whitman strongly criticizes unequal and thoughtless city planning. Whitman believes that Central Park, which is synonymous with nineteenth century park, would not be a “open place” with the general public because it uses only for the privileged class. His sharp insight on the “open place” surpasses his contemporary landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted's perspective. Whitman's vision suggesting the urban park of social contacts and cultural exchanges transcends the limit of Olmsted's dichotomous thinking of civilization versus nature, park versus the city. Most of all, the “open place” Whitman desires to embody resists Olmsted's statement that “in the park, the city is not supposed to exist.” Whitman's “open place” corresponds with a modern urban park like La Villette Park by Bernard Tschumi as it suggests the indivisible interaction between park and the city. La Villette Park based on Tschumi's aesthetics of de-constructivist architecture aims at a new model in which programme, people's activity and events all play integral roles. This new model has an intimate relationship with Whitman's concept of a “programme of culture.” In this sense, La Villette Park is the modern transformation of Whitman's vision which emphasizes a “programme of culture” suggestive of twenty-first century cultural park. Whitman's “open place” moving toward the sustainable city facilitates interdisciplinary approaches, transcending time and genres. 휘트먼은 시인이 되기 전부터 저널리스트로 활동하며 도시에서 “더 많은 공원—더 많은 열린 장소”의 중요성을 지속적으로 역설했다. 『뉴욕 오로라』, 『브루클린 데일리 이글』 등 여러 신문의 사설을 통해 휘트먼은 불평등하고 무분별한 도시계획에 대해 신랄하게 비판했다. 19세기 근대 공원의 대명사로 간주되는 센트럴 파크가 “대중과 함께”하는 “열린 장소”가 아니라 “장식”으로 가득한 상류층만을 위한 공간이라는 휘트먼의 예리한 통찰은 동시대 조경가인 옴스테드의 한계를 초월하고 있다. 사회적 접촉, 문화적 교류를 제공하는 도시 공원의 필요성을 강조한 휘트먼의 비전은 문명과 자연, 도시와 공원이라는 옴스테드식 이분법적 구도를 뛰어넘고 있다. 휘트먼이 구현하고자 했던 “열린 장소”는 “공원에서 도시는 존재해서는 안된다”라는 옴스테드의 이분법적 시각을 뛰어넘어 자연뿐만 아니라 문화가 살아있는 21세기 도시 공원을 강하게 연상시킨다. 요컨대 휘트먼의 “열린 장소”는 해체주의 건축 미학의 정수인 츄미의 라 빌레뜨 파크에 더욱 부합하고 있다. 츄미는 근대 건축에서 상실되었던 프로그램, 사람들의 행위 및 이벤트 등을 역설하고 있는데, 이것은 휘트먼이 언급한 “문화 프로그램”으로 충만한 “열린 장소”의 현대적 변용이라 할 수 있다. 도시 공원을 열린 대중 문화공간으로 간주하고 있는 휘트먼의 탈근대적 비전은 건축과 조경뿐 아니라 문학, 철학, 미술, 영화 등 다양한 장르의 경계를 무너뜨리며 상호텍스트적 연구를 촉진시키는 원동력이 되고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        “민주적” 공간: 월트 휘트먼과 랜드스케이프 건축 미학

        심진호 한국중앙영어영문학회 2014 영어영문학연구 Vol.56 No.1

        As a journalist before becoming a poet, Whitman has a consistent interest in creating the new democratic space in American cities. Living in Manhattan and Brooklyn through his entire life, Whitman recognizes the emerging problems of urbanization in nineteenth- century American cities. In addition to merely praising the cities, Whitman has invariably emphasized the necessity of “more parks—more open places” in the cities so that the sustainable city can be embodied. Frequently visiting the urban parks such as Central Park and Prospect Park, the poet perceptively notes the fundamental importance of ideal urban parks. Through his poetry and prose, Whitman claims the necessity of artificial urban parks by regarding them as the democratic space where all classes of people communicate and the social problems of urbanization are healed. In this respect, Whitman’s vision can be compared with his contemporary landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted. Olmsted’s landscape architecture aesthetics considering the urban park as “a democratic development of the highest significance” exactly corresponds with Whitman’s vision. Unlike Manhattan representing the civilization of technology, Whitman’s ideal city “Manahatta” strongly evokes Olmsted’s Prospect Park where idyllic scenery and democratic freedom are embodied. The urban park as an essence of landscape architecture aesthetics acts as a common denominator connecting Whitman and Olmsted, transcending the bounds of genre and media.

      • KCI등재

        The Characteristics and Identity of Emergence of Korean Landscape that is seen From Perspective of Industrialization

        조세환,김요섭,노준택 한국전통조경학회 2012 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.10 No.-

        The study aims to identify the fetal movement of the Korean Landscape Architecture from the year of 1970 that the word ,Landscape Architecture, is emergent till the year of 1980 that the presidential secretary of Landscape Architecture that had lasted in government since year of 1972 by the comparison with the beginning of American Landscape Architecture. The conclusion of the research were as follows. The first, the industrial civilization has been recognized as the most evolved civilization at climax in the those days and the fetal movement of Landscape Architecture as a new professional was the subjected to the industrial civilization. in America. The second, it also was analysed that identifying the fetal movement of Korean Landscape Architecture would be discussed in the view of industrialization as like America. The third, there were two peoples, the one was the former president of Korea, Jung-Hee, Park(President Park) who launched the radical industrialization, decided the decision of introduction of Landscape Architecture in Korea and had deeply nature-loving world view, the other was Whee-Young, Oh, the former presidential secretary of Landscape Architecture who was the first Korean landscape architect educated in America. The forth, the negative point of views as like President Park's the view of Landscape Architecture to deceive the citizens' eyes on the destructions of national nature', ‘the pursuing of decoration-oriented Landscape Architecture', ‘the introducing of Landscape Architecture to screen the past Japanese-friendly behavior of President Park, ‘the peremptory introduction of Landscape Architecture by government that have been the roots of the all modern Korean problems' etc. in a former research on the fetal movement in Korea in a series of negative image conceiving President Park the dictator could be retransfer to the positive points of view of ‘introduction of industrialization civilization for nation wealth', ‘anavoidable nature development to the construction of national land infrastructure, ‘the world view of nature-loving of President Park, ‘the trying to restore and conserve the nature and national land', ‘the national economic success leading to the democratization' in Korea, there after. The fifth, the Korean Landscape Architecture has been also settled down in self-organization process through the competition with the gardening based on the Japanese colonial periods of Korea as like America did during the transformation process from agricultural society to industrialization society in the varies professional names of Gardening, Landscape Gardening, Garden Architecture. The sixth, as the fetal movement of Korean Landscape Architecture was introduced in the era of industrialization process to be the advanced world civilization country in modern history of Korea, the problems that the Korean Landscape Architecture is confronting now-a-days would be searched in a new way of trying to adapt to the new paradigm of the knowledge-creative society of 21st century.

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