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      • 논 잡초 올챙이고랭이의 화학적 방제

        노영덕,이민호,이봉근 경희대학교식량자원개발연구소 2006 硏究論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        우리나라의 벼 재배지역에서 최근 그 발생량이 증가 하여, 문제잡초로 되고 있는 올챙이고래이의 효과적인 방제를 위하여, 토양처리 및 경엽처리제초제들의 효과를 시험하였던 바, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. Sulfonylurea계 토양저리 제초제들은 Azimsulforon을 제외하고는 그 방제효과가 우수하였는데, 이들 제초제들은 올챙이고랭이 3~4엽기까지 훌륭한 방제 효과를 나타내었다. 기타 토양처리 제초제들의 경우, Simetryn을 제외하고는 그 방제효과가 미흡하거나, Pretilachlor나 Mefenacet와 같이 발아초기에만 효과가 인정되는 것들이었다. Simetryn의 경우에는 올챙이고랭이 3~4엽기 때까지 효과적인 방제가 가능하였다. 경엽처리의 경우 2,4-D나 graminicide들은 방제효과가 낮았고, Bentazone과 Bentazone 합제들은 우수한 방제효과를 나타내었다. Scirpus juncoides Roxb. is a quite recent problem paddy weed in Korea, but is rapidly wide spreading around the country, especially because it is one of the sedges which are hard to control chemically. For the reason, wide spectrum of paddy herbicides, both soil and foliar applied, were evaluated for the effective control of the problem weed. The most of the sulfonylurea herbicides tested have been effective when treated until 2 to 4 leaf stages except Azimsulfuron. In the other group of soil applied herbicides, other than sulfonylureas, only Simertryn was found effective for the control. Pretilachlor and Mefenacet were also good in the case of pre-emergence treatments, but they could not control the weeds when they were already germinated. Among the foliar applied herbicides, Bentazone and Bentazone mixed formulations appeared effective for the control of problem weed, Scripus juncoides.

      • 논 雜草 가막살이의 Bensulfuron-Methyl에 대한 反應差異에 關한 生理的硏究

        盧泳德,李炅換 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1994 硏究論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        논 雜草의 防除가 주로 除草劑에 의존하게 됨에따라 그 發生이 많아지고있는 가막살이와 미국가막살이를 대상으로, Bensulfuron-Methyl(BSM)에 대한 耐性의 程度를 檢定하고, 그 耐性의 發現器作을 究明하기 위하여 實驗을 수행하였던바, 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 沙耕栽培한 植物體를 BSM溶液에 24시간 浸池後 生育反應을 본 결과 가막살이(Bidens)屬 雜草들은 이 除草劑에 상당한 耐性을 보였는데, 가막살이는 피보다 强한, 그리고 미국가막살이는 피보다 다소 弱한 耐性이 있는것으로 나타났다. 2. 莖葉浸池處理에 의한 除草劑의 吸收는 1, 24, 24시간의 모든 처리시간에 있어 미국가막살이에서 가막살이보다 혀저히 많았다. 3. ¹⁴C-BSM의 葉 表面處理 後의 Autoradiogramph을 보면, 이 除草劑는 本葉을 통한 吸收는 어려우며, 子葉에 있어서도 가막살이에서만 일어나, 이 除草劑에 대한 耐性의 差異가 吸收의 差異에 基因될 수 있음을 보였다. The tolerance of Bidens species, newly emerging problem weeds in Korea and Japan, to Bensulfuron-Methyl (BSM) and the mechanism of tolerance of the species to the herbicide were studied. The response of sand cultured plants to various concentrations of BSM showed both of the species tested had some tolerance to the herbicide comparable or even better than E. crus-galli. Comparing the two species, Bidens tripartita had better tolerance than Bidens frondosa. When absorption of the herbicide was compared by dipping plant tops to ^(14)C-BSM solution, B. frondosa absorbed more herbicide than B. tripartita. Autoradiograph, taken from upper leaf surface treatment of ^(14)C-BSM, showed that the herbicide is absorption through cotyledones was quite restricted in the case of more tolerant B. tritartita. The results imply that leaf surface structure which determines permeability of herbicides could be one mechanism of tolerance to BSM in Bidens species.

      • Sulfonylurea계 除草劑에 대한 Bidens屬 雜草의 反應硏究

        盧泳德,李炅渙 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1995 硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Sulfonylurea系 除草劑에 대한 Bidens屬의 두 種 가막사리(Bidens tripartita L.)와 미국가막사리(Bidens frondosa L.)의 反應을 多樣한 處理方法을 통해 調査하여 種間 耐性差異를 究明하기 위해 實驗을 수행하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 논土壤 條件에서, 公試한 5종의 Sulfonylurea梁 除草劑의 Bidens屬 잡초에 대한 제초제 효과는 Cyclosulfamuron이 가장 優秀하였고 Imazosulfron은 공시약제 중 가장 微弱한 효과를 보였다. 그러나 공시약제 5종 모두 방제가 미흡하여, Bidens屬 잡초의 完全防除는 어려운 것으로 나타났다. 2. 논土壤 條件에서 Bidens 두 種 中, 가막사리는 Bensulfron-methyl처리에서, 미국가막사리는 Azimsulfron과 Imazosulfron에서 耐性을 보였다. 3. 灌漑水深 增加에 의하여 除草劑 처리 效果가 향상되었는데, 공시약제 2종 중 Cinosulfron에서 수심증가 효과가 크게 나타났다. 4. 界面 活性劑 添加는 공시약제 2종 Bensulfron-methyl과 Cinosulfron처리구에서 모두 효과적이었으며, 특히 Cinosulfron 처리시 가막사리에서 크게 나타났다. Experiments were carried out to investigate the efficacy of Sulfonylurea herbicides for the control of Bidens species occurring in paddy field, B. tripartita and B. frondosa. Deep irrigation and addition of surfactants were also tested for the improvement of the herbicide efficacy. The results could be summarized as follows: 1. Among 5 Sulfonylurea herbicides tested, Cyclosulfamuron appeared to be more effective in controling Bidens in paddy conditions. Although all the herbicides were incomplete for the control of the weeds. 2. Differential response of the two Bidens species to several herbicides were observed. In the case of Bensulfuron-methyl, B. frondosa suffered more, but B. tripartita suffered more to Cinosulfuron and Azimsulfuron than the other. 3. The increase of irrigation depth appeared to be effective for the improvements of the herbicide efficacy, and it was apparent for Cinosulfuron. 4. Addition of surfactant 'Silwet' was also effective for the improvement of the herbicide efficacy, especially for Cinosulfuron for the control of B. tripartita.

      • 인증기관 구성 및 운영정책 요구사항 분석

        김영덕,정재수,최용락 대전대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        This study purposes to analyze the configuration of CAs(Certification Authorities) and the operating policy of CAs for cross-trusted authentication services. The CA is an authority trusted by one or more users to create and assign certificates being used to user authentication in the network. In this paper, each country's law related to Electronic Commerce and the requirement of PKI(Public Key Infrastructure) components are analyzed, and the guideline to organize CA mechanism in the domestic is mentioned

      • Sulfonylurea계 제초제를 이용한 올방개 방제 효과 증진 연구

        노영덕,이민호,김영채,김현철 경희대학교 생명자원과학연구원 2000 硏究論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        본 실험은 수도에서 문제 잡초로 대두되는 올방개의 효과적인 방제법을 구명하고자 sulfonylurea계 제초제를 각각의 약제간, 시기별로 구분하여 처리하였고, 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1 약제처리시기에 따른 올방개 방제효과는 이앙 후 10일 처리에서 Bensulfuron-methyl, Pyrazosulfurone-thyl, Azimsulfuron, Imazosulfuron, Halosulfuron, Cinosulfuron, Cyclosulfamuron 이상 7종이 올방개 방제효과가 우수했고, 이중 Bensulfuron-methyl, Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, Azimsulfuron, Imazosulfuron은 이앙 후 20일 처리에서도 방제효과가 우수했다. 2 Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + Mefenacet 합제를 시기별로 처리한 결과 이앙 후 14일과 21일 처리에서 90%이상의 방제가를 보여 우수한 방제효과를 보였던 반면, 이앙 후 7일과 28일 처리에서는 방제효과가 떨어졌다. 3. Befurasate는 Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl과 Azumsulfuron을 혼합사용하였을 때, Cyclosulfamuron은 Azimsulfuron과 혼합사용하였을 때 올방개의 방제가 증대되는 상승적 작용이 관찰되었다. 4. 이앙 동시처리제인 Imazosulfuron + Fentrazamude 합제, Imazosulfuron + Oxaziclo mefone + Dymron 합제, Bensulfuron-methyl + Fentrazamide합제의 경우 올방개의 방제가가 각각 68%, 76% 66%로, 이앙 후 10일에 처리한 Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + Mefenacet 합제보다 방제가가 낮아, 올방개가 우점된 논에서의 이앙 동시처리제에 의한 올방개 방제는 어려운 것으로 판단되었다. Sulfonylureas are quite recent low dosage and wide spectrum herbicides, popularly used in paddy rice field. The acetolactate synthase inhibitors are effective for the control of broad leaf and perennial paddy weeds, however for the control of Eleocharis Kuroguwal Ohwi has been reported less than satisfactory. Therefore, present commercial sulfonylureas were evaluated for the control efficacy of Eleocharis Kuroguwal Ohwi and the time of application was studied for the better control. Among the tested sulfonylureas, Bensulfron-methyl, Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, Azimsulfuron and Imazosulfuron exhibited 80% or better control efficacy at both treatments of 10 and 20 days after transplanting (DAT). While Halosulfuron, Cinosulfuron, and Cyclosulfamuron showed good weed control from 10 DAT treatment, but showed less than desirable results at 20 DAT treatment. Ethoxysulfuron showed low control efficacy at both of the time applied. Benfurasate, alone, appeared not effective for the control of Eleocharis kuroguwal Ohwi. Evaluation for the timing of the herbicide application showed that 14 to 21 DAT treatments appeared appropriate. When applied before the period, the weed regrowth became problematic. On the other hand, when applied the later, the weed outgrew to be controlled with the herbicide. For labor saving for herbicide application, herbicide application at transplanting was sought. However, Elevcharis kuroguwal Ohwi was difficult to control from the earlier application, the herbicide application at transplanting appeared impractical where Elevcharis kuroguwai Ohwi is dominant.

      • 인증서의 상호인증을 위한 모델 체크리스트 분석

        김영덕,신동명,최용락 대전대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.10 No.2

        The Certification Authority in each country is briskly in progress to get the reliability of Electronic Commerce. One Certification Authority can not authenticate the reliability of Electronic Commerce spreading itself to the world rapidly. Therefore, Each country is constructing the base of Electronic Commerce Authority System and trying to provide cross connection with compatibility through the Cross-Authentication. This paper analysed the requirements of Cross-Authentication Mechanism on researching internationally and proposed the check-list of Cross-Authentication Model. The paper could be a guidance to organize domestic Cross-Authentication System Models.

      • 숨은 변수 모델에서의 모순에 관한 연구

        한영덕 又石大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        Bell's inequalities can be regarded as an expressions of the positivity conditions for the measures of hidden variable sets. For non-maximally entangle states, we show that the measures can be determined exactly, and also show that some of the measures must be negative. We give a simplified version of Hardy's non-locality proof, By examining its logical aspects, we show that quantum mechanical propositions lead to contradictions when the ordinary logical deduction processes are applied to them.

      • 水稻 障害型冷害에 미치는 氣象條件의 影響

        盧永德 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1985 硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Phytotron experiments were carried out to investigate the deleterious effects of 15℃ to 17℃ of cooling treatments upon reproductive growth stages of rice plants, as affected by the growth stages and duration of cooling and shading during the cooling periods. The two very sensitve stages to cooling in fertility of grains were meiotic stage and heading time, when the middle date of cooling was 10 days before heading and when the cooling started from the initiation of flowering. Duration of cooling treatments had the greater effects in the increase of spikelet sterility when cooled at heading time than at meiotic stage. In addition, significant spikelet reductions were observed especially when the middle dates of cooling were 13 to 7 days before heading. Cooling from heading time significantly reduced panicle exertion for both varieties tested, but there were varietial differences in panicle exertion from the earlier cooling treatments. Shading to 25% of natural sunlight during meiotic stage reduced the number of spikelets per panicle under natural temperature conditions, but had no significant effects in spikelet number, spikelet fertility or panicle exertion when it was accompanied with cooling treatment.

      • KCI등재

        소나무와 리기다소나무의 수간류 및 수관통과우의 화학적 성질

        이상덕,이명종,주영특 강원대학교 삼림과학연구소 2001 Journal of Forest Science Vol.17 No.-

        수간류, 수관통과우의 화학적 성질변화에 미치는 수종간 차이의 영향을 비교하기 위하여 강원대학교 구내의 소나무림과 리기다소나무림을 대상으로 하여 조사, 분석하였다. 임의우의 평균 pH는 6.2였으며, 소나무의 수관통과우>소나무의 수간류>리기다소나무의 수관통과우>리기다소나무의 수간류 순의 평균 pH값을 보였다. 또한 6월을 제외한 대부분의 조사기간 동안 임의우의 pH가 수간류와 수관통과우의 pH보다 높게 나타났다. 다른 원소에 비하여 양이온은 Ca2+과 K+이, 음이온은 NO3-과 SO42-이 타원소에 비하여 높게 나타났으며, 특히 11월에 K+, Mg2+, Na+이 증가하였다. 한편, 소나무와 리기다소나무의 수간류와 수관통과우에 있어서의 용존원소 농도는 임외우 보다 높게 나타났다. This research was carried out to investigate the effects of the different tree species (Pinus densiflora and Pinus rigida) about the chemical properties of stemflow and throughfall at Chuncheon city in Kangwon province. The water quality of the rainfall, stemflow and throughfall in each forest stands were analyzed chemically. The pH average of precipitation was pH 6.2 and pH averages were throughfall of P. densiflora> throughfall of P. rigida> stemflow of P. rigida during the study period. During the all period, the pH of precipitation was higher than the pH of stemflow and throughfall except on June. The concentration of cation(Ca2+ and K+) and anion(NO3- and SO42-) were higher than others. Especially on November, the concentration of K+, Mg2+, Na+ were increased. The concentration of dissolved elements of stemflow and throughfall (Pinus densiflora and Pinus rigida) were higher than precipitation. Key words : precipitation, stemflow, throughful, Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida,

      • 브로드캐스트 암호화를 이용한 콘텐츠 제공에 관한 연구

        이덕규,이임영 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2004 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.10 No.2

        The method of broadcast encryption has been applied to the transmission of digital information such as multimedia, software, and paid TV on the open network. In this broadcast encryption method, only previously authorized users can gain access to digital information. When broadcast message is transmitted, authorized users can first decode the session key using the previously given private key and get digital information using this session key. This way, users retrieve a message or a session key using the key transmitted by broadcasters. For their part, broadcasters need to generate and distribute keys. Broadcasters should also carry out efficient key renewal when users subscribe or un-subscriver. In this paper use a broadcast, and present the DRM model, using that look into the requirement about the contents and apply also the concept of a broadcast encryption. We offer the authority to copy as the number of reproduction to want to the user, and the low so that we were convenient because we used.

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