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        원행을묘정리의궤 중 조리면에서 본 죽상 . 미음상 및 현륭원에서의 상차림고

        김상보,이성우,한복진 한국식생활문화학회 1989 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.4 No.4

        To analyze dialy meal of royal meal, studied Jook Soora Sang (Rice Gruel), Mieum Sang (Thin Gruel) and Bankwa Sang, Soora Sang in Hyun Neung Won were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae (1795). Historic book "Jungri Euigwae" described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb "Hyun Neung Won", during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd king of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. Rice Gruel (Jook Soora Sang), taken before breakfast, was arranged the same as the Soora Sang. The table for thin gruel (Mieum) was arranged in three kinds of sets; one for thin gruel, the others for stewed meat (Goem) and sugared fruit (Jeong Kwa). The diet seems to have been quit scientific and restorative. Bankwa Sang and Soora Sang in Hyun Neung Won was arranged the same as the other Bankwa Sang and Soora Sang. Therefore setting the table of royal meal had a rule.

      • 高麗中期의 民族敍事詩 : 東明王篇과 帝王韻紀의 硏究 A Study of old Korean Gests Dong-Myung-Pyun and Je-Wang-Woon-Ki

        李佑成 成均館大學校 1962 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        Korean literature reaped a precious harvest of two splendid and long epic poems during the one century period from the late 12th to the late 13th century. These are Dong-Myung-Wang-Pyun (東明王篇), the Geste of King Dong-Myung by Yi, Kyu-Bo (1168-1241), and Je-Wang-Woon-Ki (帝王韻紀), the Geste of the Kings by Yi, Sung Hyoo (1224-1300). The Geste of King Dong-Myung clarifies in the opening chapters the remote genealogy of King Dong-Myung, hero and the founder of Koguryo; and in the main chapters, it depicts the King's history from the birth to his great work of foundation; and finally in the closing chapters, his history up to the coronation of King Luri who succeeded to his heroic works and also the impressing comments expressed by the poet. The Geste is written in Chinese poetry, composed of the main part of a little over two hundred and eighty lines and of the descriptive part of four hundred and thirty some lines. Each being a five-word line, the total Chinese word-characters used in the Geste amount to a length of three thousand six hundred (3,600). Je-Wang-Woon-Ki, the Geste of the Kings,(hereafter referred to as simply the Kings), consists of two volumes. The first volume carols the history of the ancient Chinese dynasties, from Bango (盤古) to Kum (金) and in the second volume, the history of Korea. The second volume is of two parts. The first part deals with the rise and fall of the Korean dynasties, starting from Dan-Goon (檀君), the remotes founder of Korea, to the dynasties of Wiman (衛滿), Sagoon (四群), Samhan (三韓) (Three-Kingdoms), Silla (新羅), Koguryo (高句麗), Bekje (百濟), later Koguryo, later Bekje and Balhe (渤海). The first part consists of two hundred and ten (210) seven-word lines, total character-words amounting to one thousand four hundred and sixty. The second part deals with the history of the period from the foundation of Koryo (高麗) down to the reign of King Choongyul (忠烈王) under which the poet lived. The second part is of seven hundred character-words in total, in one hundred and twenty (120) lines, each containing five words. The Geste and The Kings have attracted the attention of the scholar historians, both domestic and foreign, as the historical documents since much earlier days, but it is quite recently that they have come to be considered valuable from the viewpoint of literature. In fatc, they began to be revaluated as "folk epic" when the present author of this thesis published "A Study of the Generation of Yi, Kyu-Bo and Yi, Sung-Hyoo", at Pusan in 1956, and in the following year, Professor Chang, Duk-Soon made his thesis public under the title of "King Dong-Myung, an Epic", which found its place later in his "General Survey of Korean Literature". Quite recently, Professor Yi, Byung-gi presented a new viewpoint, in his "Complete History of Korean Literautre", that the Geste and the Kings are the truthful origin of "Kasa" (歌辭), the ancient folk poetry. About this new theory, however, the author would refrain from mentioning because it has no direct relation with the following thesis of the present author. The present author's interest lies rather in that these two poems in Chinese style should find a position with importance in the system of Korean literature, which has been so far neglected by the Korean literary scholars. A word about the thesis of Professor Chang, Duk-Soon. The thesis is sufficient enough to give the readers a profound understanding of the "Geste of King Dong-Myung" through his structural analysis of the narrative of King Dong-Myung and its detailed comparison with the western getse, which are done in his fluent, rich style. To the regret of the present writer, however, Professor Chang's studies on the Geste ended only in the field of said "analysis" and said "comparison", largely destitute of the due historical background of it. As the result, he ventured to ascribe the motive of the creation to a "nostalgic fidelity" of a Koryo-man to the prceeding Dynasty, Koguryo, and also to determine that the epic poem of the Koryo era was entirely an "accidental eruption of the 13th century". All the literary heritage is the products of the history. We cannot easily be contented by hastily treating our literary heritage. Therefore, the present writer particularly intends to examine the historical background of the Geste to comprehend the position of the poet's subjecthood and furhtermore grasp the true significance of the work from the viewpoint of resuscitated moving history of that age. A rough survey of the dynastic history of Koryo shows us that the Dynasty, since its foundation in 919 A.D., aimed high at expanding its territory towards the North as its state principle. This enterprising spirit of early Koryo had constantly been checked by the powerful suppression on the part of "Kuran"(契丹), and "Yojin"(女眞), two northern races. And without any chance, the Dynasty had to meet the Mongolian Aggression (1231-1256). In this warfare, the regime of "Choi"(崔氏) family ruled Koryo standing siege in KangWha Island. Choi's regime had resisted against the Aggressors thirty, long years before the Dynasty met its total defeat. And the former, the failure of the expansion policy was caused by the corruption and inability of the then ruling aristocracy; and the latter, the defeat at the hands of Mongolians, was brought about by the decrepitude of Royal House, and also by the reactionary bureaucrats who overthrew the Choi regime through treason. In the history of Koryo, however, we should not fail to observe the strong flow of the people's movements. During the period, 1128-1135, people urged the government to transfer the capital to Pyungyang, a border city, to face and suppress the enemy nation, "Kum" (金) (Yojin), and also they advocated that Koryo's King should be retitled as "emperor" like in China, setting up Koryo's own new era, which, till then, had been forbidden by Great China, the powerful dominator. Another incident of the people's movement is seen in heroic resistance against the enemy throughout the Mongolian Aggression. People fought at every part of the country in conjunction with the army, refusing to surrender to the Mongolians till the last. The high spirit and energy of the people had led to the formation of "Sam-Byul-Cho" Army which continued, in isolation from the government, its resistance war for four years until 1273. The 12th and 13th centuries mark the period of great trials suffered by the Korean race. The great spirit of resistance oppressed by the realities inevitably found it way to inwardness, and again was fermented to find its spout in the essence of literature. Yi, Kyu-Bo and Yi, Sung-Hyoo were the writers representing this troubled age, both of whom reached the greatness under favorable care of the Choiregime. They were "Rising Intellectuals" who heralded" New Officials", that is, the class of "Literary Intellectuals" during the second half period of Koryo. They were entirely different in character, from those old aristocrats who had held power during the first half period of the Dynasty. Therefore, these two literary men belonged to the transitional, progressive group of people who later prepared the seed-bed for the new culture. The new culture meant the culture for the people, while the old culture meant the culture forthe aristocrats. No wonder that folk epic such as the Geste and the Kings should be written by these "Rising Intellectuals", and not "accidental" at all. There is no objection in concluding that the Geste and the Kings both are the folk epic. However, we should discern the considerable difference which exists between these two poetical works, either in their subjects or either in their structure. The Geste carols one and single prototype, King Dong-Myung who was the hero of dynastic foundation; while the Kings deals with various, important historical happenings during the entire period from the earliest mythical foundation of the country by "Dangoon" down to the author's age. Here, just for the convenience's sake, the present writer take the liberty of calling the Geste a heroic poem; and the Kings, a history poem, regardless of the fact that a heroic poem and a history poem are essentially the same. Firstly, the writer desires to deal with the Geste laying stress on the following two points: (1) the method of the plot development, and (2) the characteristic of the prototype. In the heroic poem, the development of the plot differs according to the singularity or plurality of the hero prototype. When single, the plot develops towards the direction of the will of the hero; meanwhile, when plural, the plot becomes a succession of human contrasts, and collisions. In the Geste which is a biographic description of a King, the only prototype is King Dong-Myung himself. And the principal actions of the King are narrated in chronological order. However, Yi, Kyu-Bo, the author of the Geste tactfully dealt with the single hero additionally presenting his counterparts to produce a variety in the plot-flow. As the result, contrasts, collision occurs in succession constantly taking a new turn towards a third phase. The plot, therefore, constantly flows breaking the stalmate deadlock. Thus the Geste, which otherwise would have ended by an individuals biography, is heightened up to a realm of heroic poem. In the Geste, the poet succeeded in portraying the character of the hero. The willpower and ambition of the King as a hero are successfully expressed in his escape from Buyo,(扶餘) the capital, and in his founding of a new counrty and a new capital in the South and also in his fight against a neighboring state, "Biru-Kuk"(沸流國). The portrayal of the King's character as hero is vivid and acute in his strategy, violence, cruelty and egotism. The violent hero who exhausts every mean to accomplish his purpose falls easily, like a child, in the arms of his tender mother. Readers of the Geste are struck to find themselves disposed to agree with the hero's strategy, egotism and violence. In this, we are obliged to acknowledge the author's success in sculpturing the fresh, healthy, original humanity of the ancient type. The Geste is a success as a hero poem, but is still insufficient as a folk epic, that is, an epic of the Korean Race. The present writer is of opinion that King Dong-Myung certainly is a hero of a tribe, but not the common patriarch of the entire Korean Race. He is a heroic chief of the tribe of Koguryo which is the predecessor of Koryo "people" since it is evident, in history, that Koryo is the successor of Koguryo. And the author of the Geste so treated the King. In this strict sence, the Geste is, the present writer concludes, more of "heroic poem" than of "history poem". The great task of discovering the common patriarch of the entire race of this land was possible at the hand of Yi, Sung-Hyoo, a little later than Yi, Kyu-Bo's time. Yi, Sung-Hyoo described, with his wider range of view, the total historical activities of the entire Korean Race. In this sence, Je-Wang-Woon-Ki, the Kings is the comprehensive compilation of "folk epic", or perhaps, more properly, of "racial epic", and is characteristic of history poem. The Kings sets in its uttermost beginning Dangoon, as the sole patriarch of the entire Korean race, and clarifies that all the tribal states, which had ever existed in this land covering from northern end to south, are the equal descendants of Dangoon, the Great Patriarch. These tribal states mentioned in the Kings are Shira" (尸羅), "Koye" (高禮), "Ye" (濊), "Mek" (貊), "Buyo" (扶餘) and "Okju" (沃沮). Here, the position of Dangoon far surpasses, in height, that of King Dong-.Myunp. In Sam-Kuk-Sa-Ki (三國史記) (The History of Three-Kingdoms), not a word is mentioned about the racial patriarch. In Sam-Kuk-Yu.-Sa (三國遺事), another old history book, Dangoon is breifly mentioned but his dominion and successors are not intelligibly stated. It is very interesting to find that in the Kings, which was written only ten years later than Sam-Kuk-Yu-Sa, the myth of Dangoon is so surprisingly concrete. The formation of racial consciousness having its base on common Patriarch influenced greatly on the view of history to awaken the various tribes in constant conflict to the sense of homologue. History was no longer regarded by the dynastic unit. A new insight, after the Kings, was given to the view of history that a consistent flow of racial life, regardless of the rises and the falls of dynasties, formed the unending history of the Race. This new consciousness motivated the author of the Kings to begin at the remotest origin of the Race and trace all the way down through to his age, and have a long view towards the future of the race. Thus, the author viewed the complexity of the racial history, the extensiveness of its crosswise comprehension, the remoteness of its lengthwise survey, but he integrated them all in his Kings and reduced them all to Dangoon, the Racial Patriarch. . The Kings, this history poem, is indeed the greatest and the most valuable among all the works including Sam-Kuk-Sa-Ki and Sam-Kuk-Yu-Sa, that have ever been written by the hands of Korean prose writers. The 12th and 13th centuries represented by Yi, Kyu-Bo and Yi, Sung-Hyoo were the golden age of epic poetry in Korea. We regret, however, that this literary trend was not succeeded by their posterity. Epic poem died out with the death of those two poets, which results from the historical reality of Koryo Dynasty. Epic poetry is above all characteristic of collective consciousness rather than individual, for essentially it is a product of collective consciousness. The cosufferings and the co-resistance of the Korean race in the 12th and 13th centuries led the Race to the racial consciousness of common destiny-to the formation of a collective consciousness. Both heroic and history poems were based on this collective consciousness. Unless comes any split in this homologue, collective consciousness can be maintained. However, the historical reality of Koryo was different. The Mongolian invaders were the common enemy of the people of Koryo. Therefore the entire people rose and fought. But the ruling class of Koryo government forsook the people's volition to resist and shamelessly surrendered to the foreign aggressors. The government, even allied with the Mongolian army to destroy its own resisting army and people. By these means, the ruling class once more enjoyed the wealth and power under the grace of the Mongolian Empire; on the other hand, the detressed people suffered under the duplicated tax privations by both Koryo government and Mongolian colonial government. Here, the interests of the government and people were seriously conflicting. A total collapse came in the collective consciousness of the people as a race with common destiny. This tragic collapse, it meant the loss of the base on which was to grow the epic poetry. Thereafter, no epics were ever produced in the literature of Koryo, but its literature took two different flows: the one was Kyong-Ki-Che-Ka (景幾體歌), the literature of the ruling class; and the other, Chang-Ka (長歌) (meaning long ballad), which was the literature of the people. - The End -

      • 加工用 菜蔬에 關한 硏究 (Ⅰ) : 加工用 오이의 品種에 關하여 On varieties for processing cucumber

        李愚昇,朴小守 慶北大學校 1972 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        In order to select the better varieties for pickling use, the authors studied on the characteristics and yields of cultivated cucumber varieties in Korea. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Yields per plant was the highest in Sa-Yeup, Sung Ho Won-Chung Jang, Sung Ho Won-New No. 1, KeRyang-Seoul Madi and Chung Yong-Sam chuck in order. 2. The nember of fruit set per plant was the most in Sung HO Won-Chung Jang, Sung Ho Won-New No. 1, KeRyang-Seoul Madi, Sa-Yeup and Chung Yong-Sam chuck in order. 3. Yields percentage of salt pickling was 62% to 72%. 4. The varieties of Sung Ho Won-Chung Jang, Sung HO Won-New No. 1 and KeRyang-Seoul Madi were similar in the plant growth type and the characteristics of fruit. On the other hand, Sa-Yeup and Chung Yong-Sam Chuck were similar. 5. It was postulated that Sa-Yeup variety was the best in processig because sarcocarp was delicacy, placenta was small, and yield was the most among the varieties used for this study.

      • KCI등재

        정성일의 <오아시스> 비판에 투영된 관점의 가능성과 한계 - 정성일 영화비평에 대한 일고찰 -

        박우성 ( Park Woo-sung ),정수완 ( Jung Su-wan ) 국제어문학회 2015 국제어문 Vol.0 No.67

        본 연구는 영화비평가 정성일이 <오아시스>(이창동, 2002)에 대해서 쓴 비평문「판타지, 기만적인 환영술」을 비판적으로 분석한다. 그간 한국영화계에서 영화비평은 독립적인 분과로 논의되지 못했다. 산적하는 영화들 안에서 영화적 가치를 발굴해 정리하고 새로운 영화 언어를 대중 언어로 번역하는 것이 영화비평의 역할이라 했을 때 이는 문제가 있다. 영화비평에 대한 그간의 접근은 한국영화사의 맥락에서 특정 영화비평집단을 세대론적으로 조망하거나 특정 개인의 비평 세계를 전기적 관점에서 서술한 것에 머문 한계가 있다. 정성일은 1990년대 한국영화비평의 전성기를 주도했던 한국의 대표적인 영화비평가이다. 호불호가 갈리지만 그의 글은 대중들 사이에서 영화비평이라는 개념이 성립되는 과정에 주요한 이미지를 제공했다. 특히 본 연구가 다루는 정성일의<오아시스> 비판은 논쟁 참여를 전제해 작성된 덕분에 비평담론 자체가 중심에 서있고 무엇보다 정성일의 영화에 대한 태도가 여타의 글에 비해 명확하게 드러나는 특징이 있다. 더구나 그 논쟁은 영화의 윤리, 완성도, 자의식 등을 두고 벌어진 영화비평계 내부의 마지막 논쟁이라는 영화비평사적 의의도 있다. 나아가 영화 한편에 대한 긴 글이기 때문에 한국의 대표적 비평가가 영화를 비평하는 구체적 실천 양상이 현장감 있게 녹아 있기도 하다. 영화를 종교처럼 대한다는 비판이 존재하지만 정성일 영화비평의 경쟁력은 숏의 배치, 장르 문법, 카메라 시선과 같은 영화의 자의식을 정밀하게 분석하는 것에서 나온다. 영화란 무엇인가와 같은 근본적인 질문에 기반을 둔 이런 태도는 영화를 여타의 학문에 종속시킨 종래의 비평 태도와 차별되며 영화를 진지하게 바라보는 태도를 대중화시킨 의의가 있다. 하지만 그것만큼의 오류도 발견된다. <오아시스>를 비판할 때 투영되는 정성일의 관점의 가능성과 한계를 구체적으로 밝힘으로써 한국영화비평의 전성기를 주도했던 한 영화비평가의 개성적 세계관을 비판적으로 조망하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 독립적인 분과로 인식되기는커녕 죽음까지 운운되는 영화비평의 위기 시대에 한국의 대표적 영화비평가의 세계관이 상징적으로 녹아 있는 글을 정밀하게 분석하는 것은 그것 자체로 의미 있다. This study analyzes the critique “Fantasy, deceptive hallucination” which sung-il jung wrote about < Oasis >(Changdong Lee 2002). Film critique has not been recognized and discussed as an independent field in the Korean film industry so far. It can be problematic if the role of film criticism is to get the cinematic values arranged among the pile of films and to translate new cinematographic language into the public language. The approach to the film critique to this point has limitation that in the context of Korean film industry, it viewed certain group of film critics in the perspective of theory of generation and it described certain person`s world of criticism in a biographical way. sung-il Jung is one of the representative film critics in Korea who lead the golden age of Korean film criticism in the 1990s. His writings provided important image in the process of establishing the concept of film critique among the public, even though they are controversial. The Jung`s criticisms this study exclusively deals with are based on the premise of argumentative participation, so the discourse is central and fundamental, and it brings out the cinematic view of Jung precisely compared to the other writings and articles, which is the advantages of this study. Moreover, the argument has significance in the field of film criticism for being the last dispute inside the field of film critique over the morals, degree of completion, and the consciousness of identity. Above and beyond, because this paper is a long writing about a movie, it contains detailed and vivid practical aspect which the representative critic of Korea criticizes the movie. Although there are criticisms of discussing movies like a form of religion, sung-il Jung`s film critique is competitive for detailed and precise analyze of films` sense of identity such as plot of shots, code of genre, and the eyes of cameras. This attitude based on the fundamental questions such as what is film is considered significant for popularizing and promoting earnest attitude toward movies, and is differentiated with the traditional attitudes of criticism which are to subordinate films in the other fields of study. However, due to being so, some errors are discovered. The purpose of this study is to critically outlook a distinctive world view of a film critic who enjoyed the film critique`s prime by concretely describing its possibilities and limitations through revealing Jung`s point of view which is his prerequisite for watching movies. The work of precise analyzing of one of the Korean representative film critics` writings which contains symbolic world view is significant and meaningful by itself in the time of the film criticisms` crisis when the idea of the demise of film criticism is being mentioned, let alone its separation as the independent field.

      • Kalanchoe屬의 氣孔發生에 關한 硏究

        成敏雄,金鼎錫,金鎭聖,鄭宇珪 慶尙大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.25 No.2

        Kalanchoe속에 속하는 3種을 대상으로 잎과 꽃잎의 表皮構造와 氣孔의 發生類型을 조사한 結果는 다음과 같다. 잎의 表皮細胞는 主로 多角形이고 꽃잎의 표피세포는 主로 伸長形이었다. 이들의 細胞壁은 肥厚되었고, 直線形이거나 弓形이었다. 副細胞壁은 얇고 弓形이었다. K. tomenlosa의 잎에서 三方射星狀毛가 K. blossfediana의 꽃잎에서 角皮條紋과 옥살산컬슘의 結晶體가 발견되었다. 잎에서 氣孔의 數는 얇은 잎으로 된 일반식물에서 보다 적었고 잎의 양면에서 氣孔數의 차이도 일반식물에 비해 적었다. 성숙한 기공의 主類型은 螺旋型이었다. 기공의 發生學的 類型은 全中位形成 螺旋型이었고, 이 유형은 孔邊母細胞의 分裂角에 따라 全中位形成平行螺旋形과 全中位形成不規則螺旋形의 두 종류의 亞型으로 나눌 수 있었다. 全中位形成四副細胞型內不均等型 및 全中位形成對生型과 全中位形成不均等型의 中間型 기공의 부세포들 중앙에 全中位形成四副細胞型이 管束植物에서는 최초로 발견되었다. The epidermal structure and ontogeny of stomata in the leaves and petals Kalanchoe were described. The epidermal cells were mainly polygonal cells. These cell walls were thick and straight or arched. The subsidiary cell walls were thin and arched. The triradiate stellete hairs in the leaves of K. tomentosa, and the cuticular striation and square crystals of calcium oxalate in the petals of K. blossfeldiana were observed. The stomatal number in the leaves had relatively fewer stomata than thin-leaved common dicots with only one lower surface. The difference of stomata number on te both surfaces of leaves in each species was relatively lower than that of common plants. the main type of mature stomata was helicocytic type. the ontogenetic type of stomata was mainly helico-eumesogenous type. This type was subdivided into parahelico-eumesogenous and anomohelico-eumesogenous stomata on the base of the division angle of the guard mother cells. The coaniso-tetra-eumesogenous type and tetra-eumesogenous type in the center of the intermediate stoma between the allelo-eumesogenous and aniso-eumesogenous stomata in the leaf of K. kewensis were first observed in vascular plants.

      • 통합교육 효율화를 위한 웹기반 교사교육 프로그램 및 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 기초 연구

        우정한,김성애,윤광보 국립특수교육원 2005 연구보고서 Vol.- No.12

        성공적인 통합교육을 위해서는 적절하고 충분한 교사교육이 필요하지만 현재 특수교육 관련 연수기관의 부족과 연수제도 및 시간적인 제약 등으로 인하여 통합교육 실행에 대한 이론과 실제를 위한 연수기회가 부족하고, 프로그램의 제한과 체계성 미흡으로 인하여 통합교육에 대한 효과적인 현직 교사교육이 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 따라서 통합교육에 대한 연수기회의 확대와 참여자의 능동적인 연수 참여를 통한 효율적인 통합교육을 위해서는 정통적인 연수 방법과는 다른 접근이 필요한데, 웹(web)을 통한 원격교육이 훌륭한 대안적인 방법이 될 수 있다고 본다. 이에 본 연구에서는 통합교육을 담당하거나 자문할 교사들을 대상으로 하는 웹기반 교사교육 프로그램 및 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 기초연구로서 교사 양성 기관의 교과과정 개발과 현직 교사교육 프로그램 개발이라는 두 가지 방향에서 연구를 수행하였다. 이러한 본 연구에서 다룬 연구 내용별 주요 결과를 요약해서 제시하면 다음과 같다. 1. 연구의 배경 1) 통합교육을 위한 교사교육 통합교육을 위한 교사교육과 관련한 CEC(2004)의 제안과 UNESCO(2001) 및 독일의 통합교사 양성 교과과정 연구의 기초가 된 Feuser(1982)의 이론 등을 고찰해 본 결과 연구의 주요 차이점은 통합교육의 역학적 비중을 특수교육에 두고 있는가 아니면 일반교육에 두고 있는가에 있다. CEC의 제안은 통합교육의 성공적 수행을 위해서 특수교사의 질을 강조한다. 즉 특수교사는 일반 교육에 대한 지식을 충분히 가져야 한다고 한다는 것이다. 여기에 비해 UNESCO의 입장은 통합 교육을 “모든 아동을 위한 교육(Education for All)" 차원에서 강조하면서 통합교육에 종사하는 교사는 모든 학습대상자의 특성과 심리를 파악할 수 있는 자질을 갖추어야 하고, 통합교육을 위해서 일반교육과 특수교육의 이중적인 행정체제를 ”하나의 교육“ 안에서 재구성되어야 함을 강조하며, 일반교사와 특수교사의 협력을 행정적으로 지원하도록 하는 방안이 강구되어야 한다고 한다. 그러나 Feuser의 이론적 핵심은 통합교육은 특수교육도 아니지만 일반교육도 아니라는 것이다. 통합교육을 수행하는 교사는 인간의 발달에 근거한 일반적인 교육과 장애를 가진 개인이 갖는 욕구를 충족시킬 수 있는 지식을 필요로 한다고 한다. 이는 통합교육이 모든 아동을 위한 교육에서 모든 아동을 위한 학교로 그 개념이 변해가고 있음을 강조하는 것이다. 이상에서 볼 때 앞으로 우리나라의 통합교육을 위한 교사교육의 방향은 단기적으로는 특수교사의 역량 개발에 두어야 하겠지만 장기적으로는 일반교육과 특수교육을 포함하는 통합교육을 전담하는 교사를 양성하는 방향으로 나아가야 함을 시사 받을 수 있다. 2) 웹기반 가상교육과 교사교육 현직 교사교육으로 통합교육을 포함한 특수교육 관련 연수가 이루어지고 있어 통합교육 및 특수교육에 대한 인식과 이해가 향상되고 있지만 현행 통합교육에 대한 교원연수 프로그램은 제한된 인원수의 교원만을 대상으로 하면서 대부분 출석제도에 의하여 방학 중에 집중되고 있어 시, 공간적인 제약이 있다는 문제점이 제기된다. 그러나 웹기반의 교사교육은 기존의 단방향 매체 전송과는 달리 고도의 상호작용을 가능하게 해 주며, 텍스트, 그래픽, 오디오, 비디오, 애니메이션과 같은 다양한 멀티미디어 요소를 통합함으로써 모든 학습자들에게 접근 가능한 프로그램을 제공할 수 있는 특징을 가진다. 이러한 특징과 더불어 웹은 사용의 편리성과 용이성, 그리고 실제성을 가지므로 교원의 전문성 향상을 위한 계속교육의 차원에서 통합교육을 위한 교사교육에도 효과적으로 활용될 수 있다고 생각된다. 하지만 웹기반 교사교육이 효과를 가지기 위해서는 웹기반 교육환경의 세 가지 특성인 정보, 상호작용, 동기 등을 반영하여 학습자가 교육의 목표, 내용, 방법과 평가 등에 관하여 자발적으로 계획, 참여, 결정할 수 있어야 하고, 게시판과 전자우편, 질의응답, 토론 등을 통하여 다자간, 집단내, 일대일 등의 다양한 형태로 상호작용 및 대화를 증진시킬 수 있도록 설계되어야 한다. 2. 특수교사 양성 대학(원)의 교과과정 개발 국내ㆍ외의 통합교육 및 특수교사 양성 대학(원)의 교과과정에 대한 조사ㆍ분석과 특수교사 양성 대학 교수들을 대상으로 한 요구조사 결과로 도출된 통합교육 실행을 위한 교과과정 편성ㆍ운영에 관한 시사점을 기초로 본 연구에서는 교과과정 개발을 대학과 대학원의 교과과정에 포함될 교과를 구분하여 제시하였다. 대학의 교과과정은 특수교사와 통합학급 교사에게 공통으로 요구되는 교과목으로 통합교육의 철학적 배경과 관련되는 교과목외 6개의 교과군을 제안하였으며, 특수교사 양성을 위한 교과과정으로는 국어, 수학, 과학, 사회 등과 같은 일반 핵심 교과목의 교수법외 3개의 교과군을 제안하였다. 그리고 통합학급 교사 양성을 위한 교과과정으로는 통합학급경영론 외 5개 교과군을 제안하였다. 대학원 차원의 통합교육 전문교사 양성과정의 교과과정에 포함할 교과로는 공통필수과목으로 통합교육의 당위성 및 중요성에 관한 철학적 기초 외 5개 교과를 제안하고, 전공필수교과로 통합 교육에서의 상호작용 외 15개 교과를 제안하였다. 3. 교원 연수기관 통합교육 교사교육 프로그램 개발 통화교육 효율화를 위한 웹기반 교사교육 프로그램 개발을 위해 일반교사와 특수교사를 대상으로 한 교월 연수기관의 연수 프로그램 분석과 문헌 연구, 그리고 통합교육을 위한 교사들의 수행능력 및 요구 조사에 근거하여 웹기반 교사교육 프로그램은 일반교사를 대상으로 하는 프로그램과 특수교사를 대상으로 하는 프로그램으로 구분하여 제안하였다. 일반교사를 대상으로 한 웹기반 통합교육 교사교육 프로그램은 연수의 목표를 “장애학생 이해 및 통합교육 수행능력의 함양”으로 설정하고, 특수교육에 대한 이해 및 지식 함양하기, 통합교육에 대한 이해 및 수행능력 함양하기, 그리고 장애학생의 적응을 우한 생활지도 능력 함양하기 등을 하위 목표로 설정하였다. 이러한 목표를 달성하기 위한 프로그램의 개발은 특수교육의 이해, 통합교육의 이해와 실천, 통합교육을 위한 교수ㆍ학습, 생활지도 및 행동중재 등의 네 가지 주제 영역에서 내용을 선정하고 조직하였다. 특수교사를 대상으로 하는 웹기반 교사교육 프로그램은 연수의 목표를 “효율적인 통합교육을 위한 수행능력의 함양”으로 설정하고, 통합교육에 대한 이해 및 지식 함양하기, 통합교육을 위한 자문 및 실천적 수행능력 함양하기, 장애학생의 적응을 위한 생활지도 능력 함양하기 등을 하위 목표로 설정하였다. 프로그램 개발은 이러한 목표에 기초하여 일반교육의 이해, 특수교육의 전문성, 통합교육의 이해와 실천, 통합교육을 위한 교수ㆍ학습, 그리고 생활지도 및 행동중재 등의 다섯 가지 주제영역에서 내용을 선정하고 조직하였다. For providing effective inclusion service to students with disabilities, general and special education teachers' preparation and quality of inclusion is very important. However, lack of knowledge and competency about inclusion, general and special education teachers have had difficulty in implementing effective inclusive education in practice. So teachers training curriculum at university and inservice education program are needed for effective inclusion. The purpose of this study was to provide suggestions for developing special and general education teachers training curriculum at university and to develop special and general education teachers inservice program for effective inclusion. The method of study to achieve this purpose was as follows. First, literature research on inclusion, curriculum of teacher inservice education agency and web-based education was conducted. Second, investigation research on special education teachers training curriculum of Korea, America and European Community, and on competency and needs of special and general education teachers was conducted. The conclusions drawn from the results and discussion were as follows. First, for effective inclusion, common curriculum of general and special education teachers at university include subjects such as philosophic foundation of inclusion, theory of inclusion, support of inclusion, teaching and learning of inclusion, curriculum development and application of inclusion, instructional technology of inclusion, communication and interaction method of inclusion, and program development and application of understanding students with disabilities. Second, for effective inclusion, curriculum of special education teachers at university include subjects such as communication and interaction method of inclusion, instructional technology of inclusion, management of inclusive class, appling individual education program of inclusion, program development and application of understanding students with disabilities, community support and inclusion, inclusion and transitional education, inclusion and constructivism, behavior intervention of inclusion, teaching and learning method of multidisciplinary aspects, inclusion and full inclusion, inclusion and accessibility, and discrimination in inclusion. Third, the contents of web-based general education teachers inservice education program on inclusion was developed through contents analysis, purpose establishment and contents organization, The web-based general education teachers inservice education program on inclusion was consisted of 4 domains such as understanding special education, understanding inclusion and practice, teaching and learning for inclusion, and guidance and behavior intervention. Fourth, the contents of web-based special education teachers inservice education program on inclusion was developed through contents analysis, purpose establishment and contents organization. The web-based special education teachers inservice education program on inclusion was consisted of 5 domains such as understanding general education, professionalism on special education, understanding inclusion and practice, teaching and learning for inclusion, and guidance and behavior intervention.

      • KCI등재
      • 과학교사에 관한 선행연구 분석

        우종옥,정진우,홍성일 한국교원대학교 과학교육연구소 1995 청람과학교육연구논총 Vol.5 No.1

        There were many studies on the science teacher. Also, there were many researches on the science teacher education. What seems to be needed is more analysis and synthesis of these results. In this study, the results of preceding-research were analyzed and categorized. The study subjects were preceding-researches published on the 'Journal of the Korean Association for Research in Science Education' and the 'Science Education' of America. The results of this study were as follows: The trend of research on science teacher and teacher education became more various and diverse. The domain of research were categorized in three: (1) Teacher Character(of Cognitive and Affective), (2) Teacher Education(of in-service and pre-service), (3) Professional Practice (of Teaching). The implication of this study was that it was more necessary to investigate on the teacher's teaching strategies.

      • KCI등재

        배·급수 시스템에서 부식방지제의 적용 평가 연구

        우달식,문정기,구성은,최종헌,김주환,문광순 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        This study evaluated the effect of the corrosion inhibitors on the corrosion control performance in drinking water distribution system. A phosphate-zinc based inhibitor formulated was for the efficient corrosion control in drinking water distribution system. In a continuous-circulation test, 99% reduction in corrosion rate was achieved. The optimum concentration of the corrosion inhibitor was found to be 2.2㎎ PO₄/L. The effect of the corrosion inhibitor was significant for the pipes of carbon steel, galvanized steel and copper, but less for that of stainless steel. The corrosion inhibitor can be an effective cure for corrosion and red water problems by prevention the old pipes from further corrosion. Tap water in Mokpo and Kwangyang were more corrosive than the water in the rest of 4 other regions(Seoul, Pohang, Pusan, Puyeo). Tap water in Pusan was high in various ionic concentrations in general. The corrosion inhibitor reduced the corrosion rate by 76-94%, depending on the origin of the tap water.

      • 골격근의 26S proteasome에 작용하는 nucleotide의 다양한 기능

        우기민,이상한,조만희 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.1

        26S proteasome은 진핵세포에서 ubiquitin이 결합된 단백질들을 분해하는 ATP-의존성 단백질 분해복합체로서 19S ATPase 복합체와 20S core proteasome으로 구성되어있다. 그 활성을 위한 ATP의 역할을 규명하기 위해 토끼의 근육조직으로부터 26S proteasome을 순수분리하고, 펩타이드와 단백질 분해 시 nucleotide의 영향을 조사하였다. 이 연구에서 nucleotide 결합이 26S proteasome을 안정화시키고, 또한 chymotrypsin-like, trypsin-like, post-acidic 펩타이드 분해활성을 3-5배 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP 및 분해되지 않는 ATP 유사체인 AMPPNP와 AMPPCP, 심지어 ADP도 펩타이드 분해를 활성화시켰다. Nucleotide가 결핍 시, 26S proteasome은 실온에서 3-5분의 반감기로 비가역적으로 비활성화되었으며, 이는 26S proteasome이 단순한 20S와 19S 복합체로 분리되지 않음을 암시한다. 26S proteasome의 ATP분해를 위한 K_(m)은 42 μM인 반면, 펩타이드분해 활성화를 위한 ATP의 K_(a)는 겨우 1μM로 나타났다. 그러므로, ATP의 높은 친화성 부위와의 결합이 26S proteasome을 안정화시키고, 펩타이드 분해를 가능하게 해주는 것으로 사료된다. 26S Proteasome은 ubiquitin이 표지 되지 않은 단백질 기질들도 ATP-활성적으로 분해할 수 있다. ATP는 FITC표지로 변형된 casein의 분해를 3배 증가시켰으며, AMPPNP는 ATP의 50-60% 정도의 효과를 나타내었다. 그러나, ubiquitin이 표지된 lysozyme이나, antizyme 존재 하에 재빨리 분해되는 ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) 같은 단백질들의 분해를 위해서는 ATP의 분해가 필수적이다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과, nucleotide의 결합은 26S proteasome을 활성화시켜 짧은 펩타이드와 구조가 풀려진 단백질들의 분해를 가능하게 하지만, 구조적으로 치밀한 단백질과 ubiquitin이 결합된 단백질들의 분해는 26S proteasome의 ATP 분해에너지를 이용한 기질 단백질의 구조적 변성과 proteasome의 구조적 변화에 의해 조절받을 것으로 예상된다.

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