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      • 채종박에 대한 extrusion처리 및 formaldehyde처리가 젖소의 반추위내 in situ 분해율에 미치는 영향

        문여황 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1998 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.11 No.-

        채종박에 대한 extrusion처리의 적정온도를 규명하기 위하여 반추위 누관이 장착된 Holstein젖소 4두를 이용하여 in situ시험을 수행하였다. 시험구는 무처리, 110, 135 및 150℃ extrusioncc처리구, 그리고 0.3% formaldehyde처리구로서 총 5처리를 두어 반추위내에서 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 및 24시간동안 발효시켰다. 공시동물은 NRC(1988)요구량의 110%수준에서 농후사료와 조사료를 각가 50%씩 급여하였고, 물과 린칼블록은 자유섭취토록하였다. 시험사료 중 조단백질의 반추위내 분해특성에 대한 비선형회귀방정식과 유효분해도(ED)의 결과는 다음과 같이 유도되었다. 무처리구 : P = 61.63 + 34.01(1-e^-0.075) ED(k=0.05) = 82.04% 110℃ extrusion : P = 34.56 + 54.81(1-e^-0.049t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 61.69% 135℃ extrusion : P = 35.23 + 41.19(1-e^-0.076t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 60.07% 150℃ extrusion : P = 29.53 + 60.67(1-e^-0.034t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 54.09% 0.3% HCHO : P = 15.17 + 67.27(1-e^0.046t) : ED(k=0.05) = 52.94% 단, P = 반추위내 발효시간(t)동안 소실율, k = 사료의 통과속도(%/시간/100). 건물, 조단백질, 유기물 및 에너지의 반추위내 분해율은 처리에 의해 유의적으로 감소되었으며, formaldehyde처리구에서 가장 낮았고, extrusion 처리온도에 따라서는 온도가 증가함에 따라 각 영양소의 분해율은 감소되었다. 조단백질의 경우, 150℃에서 extrusion처리시 반추위내 분해율과 서서히 분해되는 부분(b)이 formaldehyde처리구와 비슷한 수준이었으며, 시간당 분해상수(c)는 처리구중 가장 낮았다. Four ruminally cannulated Holstein cows were employed to verify the effect of temperature in extrusion processing on ruminal degradation characteristics of rapeseed meal. Treatments were composed of rapeseed meals untreated(Control), extruded at 110, 135 and 150℃, and treated with 0.3% formaldehyde(HCHO). In situ trials were scheduled to 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 hours of suspension time in the rumen. Animals fed the diet of 50 : 50 in concentrated and roughage(orchard grass hay) at 110% of NRC(1988) requirement, and were ad libitum access to water and mineral block. Non-linear regression equations for degradation characteristics and effective degradability(ED) of crude protein in the rumen were obtained as follows. Control P = 61.63+34.01(1-e^-0.075t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 82.04% 110℃ extrusion P = 34.56 + 54.81(1-e^-0.049t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 61.69% 135℃ extrusion P = 35.23 + 41.19(1-e^-0.076t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 60.07% 150℃ extrusion P = 29.53 + 60.67(1-e^-0.034t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 54.09% 0.3% HCHO P = 15.17 + 67.27(1-e^0.046t) : ED(k=0.05) = 52.94% where, P = Degradability during the time(t) suspended in the rumen, k = Passage rate(%/hr/100). Ruminal degradabilities of dry matter, crude protein, organic matter and energy significantly decreased by extrusion or HCHO treatments, and were lowest for the HCHO treatment. Increasing the temperature of extrusion processing resulted a decrease in the ruminal degradabilities of nutrients. The rapeseed meal extruded at 135℃ was similar to the 0.3% HCHO treatment in degradation characteristic of crude protein, and was slowest in degradation rate per hour of nutrient in the rumen.

      • 대두박에 대한 extrusion처리 및 formaldehyde처리가 젖소의 반추위내 in situ분해율에 미치는 영향

        문여황,김기원,문점동,조광일,김병기,이성실,이상철 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2001 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.14 No.-

        This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of temperature of extrusion processing on ruminal degradation characteristics of soybean meal. Four ruminally cannulated Holstein cows were employed to in situ trial and treatments were composed of soybean meals untreated(Control), extruded at 115, 130 and 155℃, and treated with 0.3% formaldehyde(HCHO). The nylon bags were suspended for 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 hours in the rumen, respectively. Animals fed the diet of 50 : 50 in concentrate and orchard grass hay at 110% of NRC(1988) requirements, and were freely access to water and mineral block. The regression equations for degradation characteristics and effective degradability(ED) of crude protein of soybean meals in the rumen were obtained as follows. Control P = 26.41 + 69.86(1-e^-0.041t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 57.89% 115℃ extrusion P = 3.39 + 44.76(1-e^-0.013t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 12.63% 130℃ extrusion P = 2.79 + 56.60(1-e^-0.015t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 15.85% 155℃ extrusion P = 1.71 + 31.48(1-e^-0.018t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 0.04% 0.3% HCHO P = 7.23 + 35.14(1-e^-0.015t) ; ED(k=0.05) = 15.34% where, P = Degradability during the time(t) suspended in the rumen, k = Passage rate at the rumen(%/hr/100). Ruminal degradabilities of dry matter, crude protein, organic matter and energy significantly (P<.01) decreased by extrusion or HCHO treatments, but did not affected by the temperature of extrusion processing. The ruminal degradation of soybean meals treated extrusion and formaldehyde, paticularly crude protein, was low beyond expectation.

      • 黃土給與가 去勢韓牛의 飼養成績 및 屠體造成에 미치는 影響

        이남배,문여황 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2002 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.15 No.-

        본 연구는 거세한우의 증체량, 사료요구율, 도체조성 및 경제성분석에 대한 황토급여의 효과를 구명하고자 실시되었다. 평균체중 135kg되는 거세 한우 16두(생후 5개월령)를 처리구당 8두를 공시하여 4두씩 2군으로 난괴법에 의해 각각 배치하였다. 생후 24개월령까지 사육하는 동안 배합사료는 비육전기(11∼18개월령)에는 체중의 1.8%, 비육후기(19∼24개월령)에는 자유채식 시켰으며, 볏짚과 황토 및 물은 전 시험기간동안 자유채식 시켰다. 시험기간중 일당 증체량은 황토급여에 의한 효과는 없었고, 사료요구율은 처리간 유의차는 없었으나 황토급여구에서 농후사료는 4.4%, 조사료는 4.1%가 절감되었다. 도체분석 결과에서 등지방 두께는 황토 급여구가 대조구에 비해 약 20%정도 얇았으며, 육량지수도 황토급여구가 높은 경향이었다. 근내지방도, 육색, 조직감 및 육질등급에서도 통계적 유의성은 없었으나(P<0.05) 황토급여구가 대조구에 비해 향상되었다. 경제성을 분석해 본 결과, 육질 및 육량 등급의 향상과 보조금 수익 증가로 인하여 황토급여구가 대조구보다 수익이 약 19% 증가되었다. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding loess on body weight gain, feed conversion, carcass traits and economical analysis in castrated Korean cattle. Sixteen castrated Korean calves averaging 135kg body weight(5 month age) were employed to the treatments with or without supplement of loess by randomized block design. Animals were fed concentrate of 1.8% of body weight from 11 month to 18 month age and of ad libitum from 19 month to 24 month age, and were freely access to rice straw, loess and water. There were no significant differences in daily body weight gain and feed conversion by feeding loess. But it was inclined that feed conversion was improved to 4.4% for concentrate and 4.1% for rice straw in cattle fed loess compared to the control. In carcass traits, backfat thickness was about 20% thinner by feeding loess and meat yield index was higher in the loess than the control. Marbling score, color, firmness and quality of meat were slightly improved by feeding loess. From economical analysis castrated Korean cattle fed loess resulted in 19% higher profits by improvement of meat quality and yield compare to the control.

      • 黃土給與가 去勢韓牛 배최장근 조직의 지방산조성과 무기물함량 및 분 중 가스발생량에 미치는 影響

        이남배,문여황 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2005 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.18 No.-

        본 연구는 거세한우의 배최장근 조직의 지방산 조성과 무기물 함량, 분 중 가스 발생량 및 질병 감염율에 대한 황토 급여 효과를 구명하고자 실시되었다. 평균 체중 135 kg되는 거세 한우 16두(생후 5개월령)를 처리구당 8두를 공시하여 4두씩 2군으로 난괴법에 의해 각각 배치하였다. 생후 24개월령까지 사육하는 동안 배합사료는 비육전기(11~18개월령)에는 체중의 1.8%, 비육후기(19~24개월령)에는 자유채식 시켰으며, 볏짚과 황토 및 물은 전 시험기간 동안 자유채식 시켰다. 근내지방조직 중, 단일 불포화지방산은 황토 급여구가 대조구보다 유의적(P<0.05)으로 낮았으나, 포화지방산 함량은 황토 급여구에서 높은 경향이었다. 근내지방조직 중 개별 지방산의 함량은 처리간에 유의적인 차이는 없었으며(P>0.05), oleic, palmitic, stearic acid 순으로 높았다. 배최장근 조직 중, 무기물 성분은 처리간에 차이가 없었으나(P>0.05), 근육조직 중에는 P의 함량이 가장 높고, 다음으로 Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe 순이었다. 분 중 가스 발생량 및 수분 함량은 황토 급여에 따른 영향을 받지 않았으며(P>0.05), 어린 송아지의 소화기 및 호흡기계통 질병 발생율은 황토 급여구에서 낮아지는 경향이었다. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding loess on the fatty acid composition and mineral content of Longissimus dorsi tissue, fecal gas production, and the rate of a disease infection in castrated Korean cattle. Sixteen castrated Korean calves averaging 135kg body weight(5 month age) were employed to the treatments with or without supplement of loess by randomized block design. Animals were fed concentrate of 1.8% of body weight from 11 month to 18 month age and of ad libitum from 19 month to 24 month age, and were freely access to rice straw, loess and water. In fatty acid composition of intramuscular adipose tissue of Longissimus dorsi, cattle fed loess were higher in total saturated fatty acids but less(P<0.05) monounsaturated fatty acids compared to those of the control. There were no significant differences(P>0.05) in the content of individual fatty acids by treatment, and the concentration of fatty acids in intramuscular adipose tissue was high in the order of oleic, palmitic, stearic acid. There were no significant differences(P>0.05) between treatments in contents of inorganic matter of Longissimus dorsi tissue but the content of inorganic matters was high in the order of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron. Gas production and moisture content of feces were not affected by feeding loess(P>0.05). The infection rate of disease in respiratory or digestive organs of Korean calves at 5 to 8 month age inclined to be decrease by feeding loess.


        A comparative study on the rumen microbial populations, hydrolytic enzyme activities and dry matter degradability between different species of ruminant

        MOON, Yea Hwang,OK, Ji Un,LEE, Shin Ja,HA, Jong Kyu,LEE, Sung Sill Blackwell Publishing Asia 2010 ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL Vol.81 No.6

        <P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>A comparative study among Korean native cow (Hanwoo), Holstein dairy cow, Korean native goat and crossbred sheep on the population and marker concentration of ruminal microbes, the activities of carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), xylanase and amylase, and <I>in situ</I> dry matter (DM) degradability were conducted. Twelve ruminally cannulated animals, three of each species, were used. Animals were fed the same diet containing 40% formula feed and 60% rice straw at the level of 2.5% of body weight. Total viable microbial populations in the rumen fluid were significantly (<I>P</I> < 0.01) greater for bacteria and fungi in goat than those of Holstein. The protozoan population among ruminant species was the reverse from that of bacteria. The concentrations of 2,6‐diaminopimelic acid and chitin as markers for bacteria and fungi in the rumen fluid, respectively, were highest in goat, which is in accordance with the above population data. The concentration of aminoethylphosphonic acid as marker of protozoa was highest in Hanwoo and lowest in sheep (<I>P</I> < 0.01). Goat had the highest (<I>P</I> < 0.01) activities of all the enzymes investigated among ruminants. <I>In situ</I> effective degradation of the DM of rice straw was approximately 19% higher in the rumen of goat compared with other animals.</P>

      • KCI등재

        A New High-yielding and Lodging Tolerant Rice Cultivar "Andabyeo" with Multiple Resistance to Diseases and Brown Planthopper

        Huhn Pal Moon,Yeong Geun Choi,Hung Goo Hwang,Kuk Hyun Jung,Jeom Ho Lee,Myeong Ki Kim,Byeong Tae Jun,Soo Yeon Cho,Ki Ho Hwang,Hae Chune Choi,Hong Yeol Kim,Sae Jun Yang,Jong Doo Yea 한국육종학회 2003 한국육종학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        Andabyeo, a new Tongil-type rice (Oriza sativa L.) cultivar, is developed by the rice breeding team of National Cropbetween SR11532-4 and SR14502F2. This cultivar has about 115 days of growth duration from seeding to heading and is semi-dwarf (culm length


        Changes in Microbial Diversity, Methanogenesis and Fermentation Characteristics in the Rumen in Response to Medicinal Plant Extracts

        Kim, Eun Tae,Moon, Yea Hwang,Min, Kwan-Sik,Kim, Chang-Hyun,Kim, Sam Churl,Ahn, Seung Kyu,Lee, Sung Sill Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2013 Animal Bioscience Vol.26 No.9

        This study evaluated the in vitro effect of medicinal plant extracts on ruminal methanogenesis, four different groups of methanogens and ruminal fermentation characteristics. A fistulated Holstein cow was used as a donor of rumen fluid. Licorice and mugwort extracts (Glycyrrhiza uralensis and Artemisia capillaris, 0.5% and 1% of total substrate DM, respectively), previously used as folk remedies, were added to an in vitro fermentation incubated with buffered-rumen fluid. Total gas production in Glycyrrhiza uralensis extract treatment was not significantly different between treatments (p<0.05) while total gas production in the Artemisia capillaris extract treatment was lower than that of the control. Artemisia capillaris extract and Glycyrrhiza uralensis extract reduced $CH_4$ emission by 14% (p<0.05) and 8% (p<0.05), respectively. Ciliate-associated methanogens population decreased by 18% in the medicinal plant extracts treatments. Medicinal plant extracts also affected the order Methanobacteriales community. Methanobacteriales diversity decreased by 35% in the Glycyrrhiza uralensis extract treatment and 30% in the Artemisia capillaris extract treatment. The order Methanomicrobiales population decreased by 50% in the 0.5% of Glycyrrhiza uralensis extract treatment. These findings demonstrate that medicinal plant extracts have the potential to inhibit in vitro ruminal methanogenesis.

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