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      • 독일어축소접미사 -lein과 -chen의 형태변천에 관한 연구

        이귀경 숙명여자대학교 독일어권연구센터 1998 독일문화 Vol.5 No.-

        Die verliegende Abhandlung beabsichtigt zu untersuchen, woher die beide Diminutivsuffixe -lein und -chen in der deutschen Schriftsprache stammen, und wie sie historisch bis heute ihre morphologischen Formen total oder partiel vera¨ndert bzw. behalten haben. Die Entstehung des zweiten Elemente auβser den anlautenden Konsonanten der Diminutivsuffixe d. h. -ein zu -lein und -en zu -chen liegt in dem urspru¨nglichen germainishen Stoff-, Abstammungs-, oder Zugeho¨rigkeitsadjektivsuffix -in-a, das sich in dem gotishen. Zeitaum allma¨hlich zum norminalen Neutrum als Diminutivem versendet. Das Element dem nhd. -lein entsprechende ahd. -ili^n setzt sich aus dem ahd. -il und dem obengenannten germ. -in-a zusammen. Dann bleibt die Frage, woraus ahd. -il- kommt. Die Herkunft des ahd. -il- wird von der zwei Seiten betrachtet. 1. Das demselben entsprechende idg. Diminutivum -?? -l ist besonders in Lateinisch voll belegt. 2. Die zweisilbige Wurzel auf -il mit dem Diminutivsuffix germ. -in-a zu ahd. -in zum Beispiel ahd. fugil -in "Vo¨gelin," ahd. leffil -in "Lo¨ff(e)lein"usw. wird volksetymologisch fu¨r Wurzel Bindvokal Dim. -ane. Dim. -inl. Dim. -ausl. fug- -i- -l- -i- -n leff- gehalten. Das dem nhd, -chen entsprchende as. Element -ikin bildet sich aus dem as. -ik- und dem obenerwa¨hnten germ. -in-a zusammen. Und as. -ik- geht zu germ. -ik-, mit den(das Diminutivbedeutung eingeschlossenen) manigfaltigen Bedeutungen zuru¨ck, dessen idg. Wurzel immer noch nicht ganz klar bleibt. Die nhd. Diminutivsuffixe -lein und -chen sind urspru¨nglich die pleonastische Kontamination der verdoppelten. ◁그림 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요)

      • 샤르르ㆍ삐에르 보들레르의 浪漫主義 硏究

        최귀동 培材大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Pour Baudelaire, les grands artistes sont des surnaturalisters, meme si on les lour pour la verite de leurs observations et leurs connaissances spirituelles. Baudelaire savait par experience que "ce qui est cree par l'esprit est plus vivant que la matiere" Cela ne veut pas dire qu'il faille eliminer la realite de 1'art, au contraire, il deteste par dessus tout l'academisme et l'eclectisme. Ce qui importe davantage, l'ame de Baudelaire devrait sembler vivante et ardemment vecue, originale, emouvante souvant par ce qu'elle revele de l'homme et autrement actuelle que celle de bien des moralistes. Baudelaire detestait le realisme ou le naturalisme. Il a critique dans "Le Salon de 1846" les peintres qui voulaient avant tout representer la realite ou la nature : La verite dans l'art et la couleur locale ont egare beaucoup d'autres (artistes),‥‥‥‥ Le romantisme n'est precisement ni dans le choix des sujets ni dans la verite exacte, mais la maniere de sentir. Ils l'ont cherche en dehors, et c'est en dedans qu'il etait seulemeat possible de le trouver. <Salon de 1846, Ⅱ, Curiosite esthetique>. Baudelaire, qui croyait fermement a l'analogie universelle et qui la proclamait plus vigoureusement et plus categoriquement que les romantiques de la premiere epoque, trouvait plus commode de fabriquer lui-meme ses analogies que de les decouvrir intuitivement dans la grande Nature. C'etait lui et non pas la Nature qui possedait la clef des correspondances. Le symbole esthetique ou le romantisme baudelairien n'est donc en aucune maniere un approfondissement de la realite ou une vision intuitive des arcanes de la Nature, mais au contraire, une agression centre le reel, un coup de force dont le but est d'imposer l'ordre de l'imagination. Chez Baudelaire la cruaute humaine constitue l'un des meilleurs artifices pour imposer de force l'ordre poetique au reel, qu'elle est a la fois une affirmation spirituelle et une destruction. Le symbole spirituel qui accompagne si souvent le surnaturalisme baudelairien, se rencontre presque aussi frequemment dans "Les Fleurs du Mal" que l'ironie, a tel point qu'on peuttres bien parler du sadisme de Baudelaire, sadisms absolument necessaire a tout artiste qui nretend etre surnaturaliste. Chez Baudelaire la beaute symbolique n'est peut-etre que l'image la plus pure de notre emprise sur le reel, et c'est pour cette raison que les concepts privatifs, les actions destructrices et meme sadique, le theme de l'ennui et de la mort reviennent si frfquemment dans la creation artistique. Cela explique aussi, quoique indirectement, la raison d'etre du travestissement religieux dans certains poemes de Baudelaire, lequel aurait pu, tout comme un autre, ecrire des oeuvres clairement mystiques sans la moindre parodie. Par la recherche de romantisme baudelairien j'ai tache de montrer de quelles multiples manieres la poesie baudelairienne depasse les contingences du monde et du moi. Seuls les poemes existent vraiment et les symboles esthetiques que j'ai cru y decouvrir ne sont que des etres de raison, de pures inventions de la critique servant a exprimer d'une facon aussi incomplete qu'abstraite le continuel depassement de la realite qui fait la beaute symbolique des Fleurs du Mal. "Le romantisme baudelairien, qui se marque par une tension sans cesse maintenue et une volonte de transcendance, reprtsente l'une des plus grandes conquetes artistiques de tous les temps et l'une des victoires les plus eclatantes sur le destin, comme le dirait Andre Malraux" < Andre Malraux, Psychologie de l'Art, VolⅡ, passim.>

      • 고려 佛具의 의미와 제작기법 : 宇鶴文化財團 소장품을 중심으로

        안귀숙 용인대학교박물관 2006 丹豪文化硏究 Vol.- No.10

        Used to make Buddhist sanctum solemn and hold various rituals and Buddhist offering in six ways, Buddhist Ritual Instruments are not only religious practical instruments, but the mediums spiritually functioning to save human beings by leading them into the solemn world of Buddha. Accordingly, the methods to use the instruments have been prescribed according to the Vinaya(Buddhist teachings) and Buddhist monks were strictly equipped with the necessaries such as robes, wooden rice bowls, sprinklers and incense burners, by order of the precept that when leaving for Dhuta(頭陀), they must always "carry, like bird wings,"eighteen articles of Mahayana monks with them. Most of the Buddhist Ritual Instruments at the Woohak Cultural Foundation were manufactured in the Goryeo Dynasty era, when various kinds of Buddhist crafted products were made and the products were excellent in molding, decoration and technique thanks to the development of Esoteric Buddhist rituals, thus enabling to grasp Korean Buddhist arts at a glance. Buddhist Instruments are divided into ritual instruments temple bell, buddhist ritual bell and bath plate for baby Buddha statue, offering instruments incense burner, incense jar, candle stick and sprinkler and solemn instruments gilt bronze plaque on the Nirvana illustration, sarira reliquary and gilt bronze miniature pagoda, guardian Buddha statues and gold tube for sutra, adjuncts belonging to a royal palace, Sutra box's ornaments, and so on. Temple bells are typical ones of the late Goryeo Dynasty era, which have standing flower pattern belts, as shown by the temple bell with inscription of Gye-mi 癸未 I223. Sprinkler are Goryeo's works of I2th-I3th centuries, which are divided into type Ⅰ with a spout and type Ⅱ without a spout. The Gwan-bul Songra 灌佛松羅, manufactured by buddha's servant, Kim-chun 金春 in I2I5, shows that the plate used for bathing the baby Buddha statue with perfume was called "Songra 松羅" at that time. The tripod candle sticks, whose saucers resemble lions, are Gwang-myang-dae 光明臺 that Seo Geung 徐兢 referred to as "It is a utensil which props a lamp and a candlelight. Underneath there are three feet. There is a pillar in the centre which is joined together by every joint like a bamboo shoot. There is (also) a tray on the top," in his book 「Goryeo Do Gyeong 高麗圖經」. Four of candle sticks, manufactured by "Hyean 惠安, Dongyangdoin 棟梁道人 of Jeong-gwang Temple 定光寺" in "March of the year of Sin-mi 辛未, seem to constitute a set, possibly used for Esoteric Buddhist rituals. The guardian Buddha statues are gold statues of Water-moon Avalokiteśvara sitting in the posture of ϓunwangjwa 輪王座 in the silver shrine protected by Vaiśravana 毘沙門天 from outward. Being so small as to be grasped within a hand, they not only express the aesthetic consciousness of Goryeo's people through icons, patterns and techniques of repoussé method(making wanted patterns appear by hammering metal plate from behind), but also the bamboos on the sides of shrine show how painting was in the Goryeo Dynasty era. Patterns show typical ones of the Goryeo era, as shown by main ones, e.g. lotus patterns, lotus arabesque patterns, twin phoenix patterns, dragon patterns, coin patterns, Sanskrit patterns, bamboo patterns and Buddhist saint statues, and subordinate ones, e.g. cloud patterns, dragon cintmani patterns, wave patterns and lotus petal patterns. Except for gold and silver ones, such Buddhist Ritual Instruments were mainly cast in bronze, or plated according to the art of mercury amalgam plating after chasing with various kinds of chisels. Above all, the ring-punched technique, more advanced than that in the Unified Silla era, shows an essence of 'fish-egg' patterns by making the fittings closely patterned with small circles on the surface with the bell chisel to make main patterns distinguished. This is attributed to the facts that Goryeo kept in official contact in the Ⅱth century with the Liao 遼 Kingdom which succeeded to and developed the ring-punched technique of those days and that Goryeo employed excellent artisans naturalized from Kitan 契丹 as official ones. Like this, the Woohak Cultural Foundation's collections, through which Goryeo's Buddhist followers and artisans expressed their belief and aesthetic consciousness, have great significance in Korean history of craft, since they show not merely all of various kinds, patterns and techniques of Buddhist metal arts, but also the circumstances of foreign exchanges of Goryeo with North Song 北宋 and Liao 遼.

      • 무용 비평에 관한 연구

        배귀영 창원대학교 체육과학연구소 1997 경남 체육연구 Vol.2 No.2

        무용 비평이란 전문성을 지향하는 작품평가 및 해석의 활동으로 감상자에게는 미적 감동을 전달하고, 창작자에게는 시야를 넓혀 폭넓은 예술관을 심어주는 미래 지향적인 작업이다. 이것은 시대성과 사회성을 고려한 객관적이고 과학적이며 창조적인 비평이어야 한다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 일반적이고 객관적인 체계가 확립되어 있지 않아 주관적 판단의 비평으로 많은 문제점을 야기시키는 우리 무용계의 실정을 고려해 나름대로의 기준과 평가 방법을 연구해 보았다. 체계화된 기준의 설정은 반드시 이루어져야 할 필요한 작업이다. 그러나 감상·평가하는 기준의 관점에 따라 각기 다르게 정의 내려져 왔던 무용의 역사를 살펴볼때 새로운 영역의 예술의 탄생을 위해서는 설정된 기준하에 시대성을 고려한 적절하고 발전된 기준의 보원이 이루어져야 한다. 이러한 비평기준의 설정은 우리 무용 비평계의 문제점을 해소시키고, 비평가의 풍부한 지식과 예리한 안목으로 발전을 위한 비평을 하게되고, 더 나아가 무용가의 창작활동에 사상과 철학이 담긴 생명력을 지니게 하여 우리 무용계의 발전에 효율적인 촉매체가 될 것이다. 본 논문이 앞으로의 새로운 무용비평체계를 확립하여 타당하고 객관적인 무용비평의 기틀을 형성하는데 조금의 도움이 되었으면 하는 바램이다.

      • 大學 會計學敎科課程의 改善에 관한 硏究

        梁貴泫 全南大學校企業經營硏究所 1986 産業經濟硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        Up to now, accounting has been recognized as an art rather than a science. However, accounting fundamentally contains both technical and theoretical side, and neither of the two can be neglected. Nevertheless the letter should be emphasized in order to systematize accounting as a science. The accounting curriculum at university level should be directed to developing conceptual understanding and application ability. The reason is that the primary objective of accounting education is to cultivate students who equip themselves with the accounting thought and judgement. In the United States, great importance has been traditionally attached to the practice-oriented education with the objective of professional education. On the other hand, universities in Korea and Japan have given the students theory-oriented lectures by professors, and assigned many hours to bookkeeping and financial accounting courses. But they gradually come to recognize the importance of management accounting for decision making and EDP accounting. According to Anthony's suggestion for a tentative accounting curriculum, accounting curriculum can be classified into four categories of financial accounting courses, management accounting courses, information accounting courses and specialized areas. It is desirable that courses above mentioned be followed systematically in conformity to Kinard-Stanley's procedure chart. In order to improve the current accounting curriculum, I suggest as follows; 1. Accounting curriculum should be reformed in the derection of placing more emphasis on conceptual understanding than procedural skills, and of teaching fundamental accounting courses widely. 2. Accounting curriculum should be reformed to hold the balance between each area with priority given to accounting core courses. 3. In particular, intermediate accounting course should focus on generic concepts rather than topic-oriented structure. In fact, the behavioral objective of the course should be to develop the student's understanding of the concept to the point at which he or she could reason out the correct application of the concept to a previously unfamiliar area. 4. In management accounting course, computer-supported instruction should be universalized. It becomes a vehicle by which students can be (1) meaningfully exposed to the use of computer and quantitative techniques in connection with managerial planning and control process and (2) encouraged to explore more fully and creatively certain types of management accounting problems in order to improve their problem-solving and interpretive skills. 5. In auditing course, understanding of EDP system is essential. The reason is that the introduction of EDP system into accounting causes qualitative change in auditing skills and account records in the entire phase of auditing procedure. 6. The entire accounting curriculum should be internationalized. The development of separate course is an acceptable first step. However, the long-term objective should be to integrate fully international and domestic topics.

      • 家兎眼 망막 색소상피세포 Acid phosphatase : 정제 및 활성에 미치는 인자들에 관한 연구 Purification and Characterization

        석귀덕,송지영 대구효성가톨릭대학교 응용과학연구소 1997 응용과학연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        Acid phosphatase [Orthophosphoric monoester phosphohydrolase(acid optimum), EC, ACPase] was purified from the retinal pigment epithelium of rabbit eyes near homogeneity. The purification procedure included lysosomal fractionation, acid treatment, ammonium sulfate fractionation, gel filtration chromatography on sephadex G-100 and ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. ACPase was purified about 47 fold and it is mollecular weight was estimated to be approximately 126 kDa, and consists of two identical subunits(54 kDa) by Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The optimum temperature of ACPase activity determined with p-nitirophenyl phosphate was 60℃. ACPase was inhibited by L-(+)-tartarate, fluoride, cupric ion, zinc ion and mercuric ion, whereas activated by magnesium ion, reducing agents(cystein, 2-mercaptoethanol or ascorbic acid) and EDTA. Although the enzyme appears to be the most activity toward P-nitrophenyl phosphate, marked activity was observed with Glucose-1-phosphate. ATP, ADP and AMP were not hydrolyzed by ACPase.

      • KCI등재후보

        의료 질 향상 사업의 성공요인과 실패요인

        최귀선,이선희,조우현,강혜영,채유미 한국의료QA학회 2001 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Background : To propose effective strategies for successful implementation of QI in health care institutions, by identifying facilitating factors and barriers to conducting QI programs. Methods : In order to examine empirical evidence on the success factors or barriers to QI implementation in hospitals, a literature study was performed on the basis of MEDLINE search. Among the identified literature. 13 provided reliable findings and basis comprehensive discussion on this issue and thus were selected for in-depth analysis. A mailed questionnaire survey was conducted for hospital CEOs and QI directors of hospitals with 400 beds or greater to investigate what attributes of their organizations they perceived as success factors or obstacles to QI implementation. Result : The analysis of selected literature and survey results presented that the primary factors considered to be most important as successful implementation of QI were: strong support from hospital CEOs, setting higher priority for QI activities, continuous and persistent efforts in QI activities, and active participation of clinical staffs. The barriers identified in this study were : the lack of orientation and understanding of QI concepts, low level of interest and participation of physician in QI programs, the lack of evaluation and rewarding system for QI activities. Conclusion : By identifying factors that affect facilitation of QI, the study results will be of great use for either institutions being in the early stage of evolving QI or those looking for better strategies to achieve more active and persistent QI implementation in their institutions.

      • 주부들의 심리적 자각 증세와 혈청 칼슘 및 마그네슘 농도와의 관련성

        박귀선,김현주,한진숙 東亞大學校 附設 生活科學硏究所 2003 생활과학연구 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of serum calcium and magnesium levels to depression and anxiety symptoms in 80 homemakers. Fasting blood samples were collected and serum calcium and magnesium concentrations were measured. At the same time psychological conditions of subjects were estimated by STAI-S(State Trait Anxiety Inventory-State) questionnaire. Resulting from psychological test, number of high score group(HSG) were higher than those of low score group(LSG) and 85% of subject in 32-38's were belonged to HSG. Mean serum concentrations of calcium and magnesium in HSG were significantly lower than those in LSG. Almost low calcium and magnesium levels of subjects appealed to depression and anxiety symptoms. Depression and anxiety scores in subjects who have been calcium supplementation were significantly lower than those in before calcium supplementation. After calcium supplementation in HSG, depression and anxiety scores were significantly decreased and serum calcium and magnesium levels were significantly increased to normal ranges. This results suggested that psychological conditions of homemaker might be affected by serum calcium and magnesium levels.

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