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      • KCI등재

        The Evolving Policy Debate on Border Closure in Korea

        Su-Jin Kang,Jihyun Moon,Heewon Kang,Heekyoung Nam,Sangwoo Tak,Sung-Il Cho 대한예방의학회 2020 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.53 No.5

        302 Copyright © 2020 The Korean Society for Preventive Medicine J Prev Med Public Health 2020;53:302-306 • https://doi.org/10.3961/jpmph.20.213 The Evolving Policy Debate on Border Closure in Korea SuJin Kang1, Jihyun Moon2, Heewon Kang1, Heekyoung Nam3, Sangwoo Tak1, Sung-il Cho1,3 1Institute of Health and Environment, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; 2Samsung Advanced Institute of Health Science and Technology, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea; 3Department of Public Health Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Brief Report Objectives: In this paper, we aimed to investigate the evolving debate over border closure in Korea during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, to address the main themes associated with border closure, and to discuss the factors that need to be considered when making such decisions. Methods: We collated and reviewed previously conducted review studies on border closures during infectious disease outbreaks to derive relevant themes and factors. Results: According to our systematic review on border closures and travel restrictions, the effects of such containment efforts are limited. We suggest considering the following factors when determining whether to impose border closure measures: (1) disease characteristics, (2) timeliness of implementation, (3) transmission delay and the basic reproduction number, (4) globalization and pandemics, and (5) social and economic costs. Conclusions: Our assessment indicates that the effects of border closures are at best temporary and limited. Alternative measures must be contemplated and implemented to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in particular and infectious diseases more broadly.

      • KCI등재

        Encountering the Impossible Gaze of the Outcast

        Heewon Kang 한국비평이론학회 2011 비평과이론 Vol.16 No.2

        The question that orients the examination of the ethical issues embodied in William Wordsworth’s poetry is how one should encounter or represent the outcast figure as a rupture in meaning. The ethics of subjectivity which Jacques Lacan explores in terms of his theory of the gaze, and the reconsideration of the nature of community which this entails allow us to see more clearly the importance of the profound and mysterious encounters found in Wordsworth’s poetry―often between a speaker and some “outcast” other. This essay rereads the Blind Beggar episode included in The Prelude on the basis of Lacan’s insights concerning psychoanalytic ethics. The first thing to note in respect to the Blind Beggar episode is that it is a beggar whom the speaker encounters unexpectedly and is fascinated by in some way. Giorgio Agamben’s commentary on homo sacer as limit figure helps us to examine some important points about the status of the beggar in relation to the society. This prepares the way for a thought of community that would not be based on the symbolic order as a field of totality, but that would instead be capable of registering its own incompleteness, its own relation to the void in meaning. Lacan’s concept of the gaze gives us an important clue when we attempt to answer the question of why the speaker is caught precisely by the blind beggar. For the concept of the gaze allows us to understand the speaker’s encounter with the blind beggar as a specific moment in the constitution of the subject. The speaker’s relation to the beggar can thus be read not simply in relation to the beggar (who he is, what his legal status is), but also in relation to the speaker himself.

      • KCI등재

        Predicting Failure Modes of Resistance Spot Welds from the Chemical Composition of Materials

        Heewon Cho(조희원),Sangwoo Nam(남상우),Minjung Kang(강민정),Munjin Kang(강문진),Young-Min Kim(김영민) 대한용접·접합학회 2020 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.38 No.5

        The failure mode of resistance spot welds on steel sheets was predicted according to the chemical composition of the materials. Resistance spot welding was performed on various steels sheets ranging from 440 to 1180 MPa grade steel. Tensile strength tests were performed, and the size and hardness of the nuggets were measured to analyze the mechanical properties of the welds. The hardness values of the fusion zone and heat affected zone were determined on the basis of the chemical composition of the materials. The interfacial and pull-out-failure-generated loads were calculated and compared to predict the failure mode of the welds. The failure mode prediction results demonstrated a trend analogous to the experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        아이라 불리는 틈

        강희원(Heewon Kang) 한국비평이론학회 2016 비평과이론 Vol.21 No.1

        글의 목적은 틈으로서의 아이가 어른/아이라는 대립구조를 어떻게 가능하게하는 동시에 불가능하게 하는지 워즈워스의 우리는 일곱 (“We Are Seven”)과 백치 소년 (“The Idiot Boy”) 읽기를 통해 점검해 보는데 있다. 틈으로서의 아이가 친밀한 동시에 낯선 아이임을 확인하기 위해 이 글은 우선 김상환의 철학의 두가지 초상: 어른되기와 아이되기 를 간단히 정리한다. 김상환은 친밀한 동시에 낯선 아이에게 어떻게 말을 거느냐에 따라 서양 철학사가 어른이 되려는 철학과 아이가 되려는 철학으로 구분, 정리될 수 있다고 주장한다. 이 글은 또한 워즈워스가 아이에게 말을 거는 방식에도 주목하는데, ‘워즈워스에게 아이란 누구 혹은 무엇인가?’란 질문에 답하는 작업이, 그의 시들을 이제까지와는 다른 방식으로 읽으려고 할 때 반드시 선행되어야 할 과정이 되기 때문이다. 우리는 일곱 분석은 어른/아이라는 대립구조에 대한 재고로 시작되어, 지식/무지, 삶/죽음에 대한 검토로 이어지는데, 이 시에서 궁극적으로 강조되는 것은 어른 속 틈으로 출몰하는 아이이다. 그리고 이 아이란 유령은 삶과 죽음이란 대립항 모두를 비전체로 만드는 삶-죽음의 가능성 또 지식 내부에 존재하지만 그것에 의해 길들여지지 않는 시적 불확실성으로 구체화된다. 백치 소년 의 주인공 조니는 서사의 틈으로 기능하는 아이이다. 서사의 틈인 조니는 무엇보다 ‘거의’ 침묵하고 있는 존재로, 부르르 떠는 소리 (burring) 그리고 두 행 짜리 여행담이 그가 내는 소리의 전부이다. 하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 조니는, 어떤 사건이 ‘이미’ 발생했음을 증언한다. 침묵하는 조니로 인 해 발생한 서사의 틈을 메꾸려는 서술자의 필사적인 노력은 “아마도”(perhaps)라는 부사를 강박적으로 반복하는 형태로 구체화되고, 이는 서사의 틈을 오히려 더 부각시키는 결과를 초래한다. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to show how the idea of the child as a gap makes (im)possible the very opposition of adult and child, in terms of close reading of Wordsworth’s “We Are Seven” and “The Idiot Boy.” In order to have a better understanding of the uncanny dimension pertaining to the idea of the child as a gap, this paper takes a detour through the essay written by Sang-hwan Kim. He tries to give a brief overview of the history of philosophy on the basis of how each major philosopher addressed the child. The way in which the child is addressed also offers a preliminary clue to the ethical import of Wordsworth’s texts. The analysis of “We Are Seven” begins by putting into question the adult-child opposition, which is followed by an examination of the opposition between knowledge and ignorance, life and death. What is at stake here is that the adult is perpetually haunted by the repressed and yet intimate relation to the child. The possibility of the child within and beyond the adult complicates the opposition of life and death or knowledge and ignorance, thereby leading us to reformulate the opposition in light of the Lacanian logic of not-all and the idea of poetic uncertainty or ignorance as analyzed by Andrew Bennett. In “The Idiot Boy,” Johnny functions as the gap that divides the narrative itself. Johnny remains almost silent except that he produces the burring sound and the story of his travel which consists of only two lines and is nearly impossible to decipher; nevertheless, he testifies above all to what has happened. The narrator’s failed attempt to fill in the narrative gap caused by the silent witness compels him to repeat the word “perhaps,” which is evocative of Derrida’s elaboration of the “dangerous perhaps.”

      • KCI등재

        공동체의 (불)가능 조건으로서의 시인

        강희원(Heewon Kang) 한국동서비교문학학회 2015 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.32

        This essay examines how the community can confront the rupture within itself and how the poet can trigger off the process of confrontation on the basis of a close reading of William Wordsworth’s “The Thorn” and Chang-dong Lee’s film, Poetry. The close reading is preceded by the brief reflection of Franz Kafka’s “The Community” and Sigmund Freud’s account of the mythical primal horde in Totem and Taboo. This offers a preliminary clue to what is at stake in “The Thorn” and Poetry, that is, the supplementary relationship between the community and the other expelled from it. The reading of “The Thorn” focuses primarily on the villagers’ effort to establish their community as a field of totality and sameness by keeping Martha at a proper distance. It is the firm barrier erected between the village community and Martha that the narrator, as a version of the Wordsworthian poet, makes problematic by inscribing Martha’s cry within the community’s story. Lee’s Poetry shows us how Mi-ja begins to develop her interest in poetry and finally writes one poem by the end of the month-long course. The important point to retain here is that the process of writing a poem is intimately bound up with the process of confronting with Hee-jin as an absolute exception to the community. This is why this essay, with regard to Poetry, attempts to explore the poet’s mysterious position of reporting or transmitting to the community some of the crazy nonsense or resistance to meaning.

      • KCI등재

        배제된 자들의 윤리학

        강희원(Heewon Kang) 한국동서비교문학학회 2017 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.39

        This essay examines the way in which we can intervene ethically in the political dimension where the fundamental opposition between friend and enemy is endlessly (re)constructed, on the basis of a close reading of Mun-yeol Lee’s story, “An Anonymous Island” and Christopher Nolan’s film, The Dark Knight. Whereas the political relies on a clear or straightforward opposition between friend and enemy, contemporary debates around the ethics of the other demonstrate how the essential political distinction is inherently unstable and what must come as a supplement to the friend-enemy polarity. The reading of “An Anonymous Island” focuses primarily on Ggaecheol as a stranger who should be considered and excluded as the enemy according to the political opposition of friend and enemy, but nonetheless still remains beyond representation within the community. Ggaecheol as a figure located no longer in a field totalized in terms of the friend-enemy polarity offers a preliminary clue to Batman’s last decision to willingly become a criminal, giving up his own position as the exceptional superhero. By becoming a silent and dark guardian wearing the mask of evil, Batman establishes himself as an anonymous island within Gotham that cannot be assimilated to any oppositional way of thinking.

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