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        초지지붕에서의 시간경과에 따른 식생변화

        이영무,Lee, Young-Moo 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.34 No.6

        Unlike conventional roof landscaping, where various kinds of plants and structures are employed, a grass roof is a roof on which herbaceous plants are grown in planting medium and which is not accessed or maintained, mainly because it doesn't have sufficient load capacity to support a regular roof garden. They are mostly built on existing roofs, whether flat slab or gabled. Planting on roofs has numerous advantages, such as creating a biotope, purifying urban air, adding moisture to the atmosphere, storing rain water, preventing flash floods, reducing energy use for heating and air conditioning, enhancing the urban landscape and providing relaxation to the city dwellers, not to mention the alleviation of global warming by absorbing $CO_2$. In addition to the general merits of roof planting, the grass roof has its own unique qualities. Only herbaceous species are planted on the roof, resulting in light weight which allows roofs of existing buildings to be planted without structural reinforcement. The species chosen are mostly short, tough perennials that don't need to be maintained. These conditions provide an ideal situation where massive planting can be done in urban areas where roofs are often the only and definitely the largest space available to be planted. If roofs are planted on a massive scale they can play a significant role in alleviating global warming, heat island effects and energy shortages. Despite the advantages of grass roofs, there are some problems. The most significant problem is the invasion of neighboring plants. They may be brought in with the planting medium, by birds or by wind. These plants have little aesthetic value comparing to the chosen species and are usually taller. Eventually they dominate and prevail over the original species. The intended planting design disappears and the roof comes to look wild. Since the primary value of a grass roof is ecological, a change in attitude towards what constitutes beauty on the roofscape is necessary. Instead of keeping the roof neat through constant maintenance, people must learn that the wild grass with bird's nests on their roof is more beautiful as it is.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        食品과 醫藥品의 槪念 및 그 區別基準에 관하여

        이영무 한국공법학회 2008 公法硏究 Vol.37 No.1

        While the food is governed by the Food and Hygiene Act, the drug is regulated more sternly over its production and distribution through the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. This means that the products on the market are differently treated how they are captured under the statutory definition. For this reason, it is indispensable to distinguish the concept of food-drug, which is prerequisite to apply a relevant law. In applying the acts, we can identify two perspectives to classify the nature of products where they focus either on the formal aspect or on the substantial elements. The latter view, cherishing the substantial elements of products, could cover a subset of arguments. One can be termed “objective standard” which looks into the products as defined by the natural science. The other can be termed “subjective standard” as narrowly sticking to the product's utility. Advocates for the subjective standard also diverge as to whose recognition or intent is critical to give the status as drug. Some view places an importance on the producer's whereas others rely on the common recognition or intent from the ordinary citizens. The court holdings and majority view espouse the subjective standard in line with the second principle of ordinary citizens. However, I would argue that entire support for the specific viewpoint could harm a proper application of acts. As the concept concerning the food-drug is instrumental to apply laws, we need to see the products at issue more flexibly. In my opinion, The concept of food-drug could vary in accordance with the sort of acts and articles. Especially, it is unreasonable to deal with the civil or criminal liability for manufacture of drug according to the majority view, because it cannot properly address the call of justice. And it is also unreasonable to deal with the criminal liability for indication and advertisement of food according to the majority view, because it cannot properly reflect the logicial structure of statute. 식품은 식품위생법의 적용을 받는다. 반면에 의약품은 약사법의 규율대상이 되는바, 그 제조·판매 등에 있어서 식품보다 훨씬 엄격한 규제를 받게 된다. 위와 같이 어떤 제품이 식품이냐 의약품이냐의 차이에 따라 제조, 판매, 표시·광고 등에 있어서의 규율내용이 현저하게 달라진다. 따라서 법적 규율의 명확화 및 법적 안정성을 위해서는 두 개념의 구별기준을 명확히 하는 작업이 필요하다. 식품과 의약품의 구분에 관한 학설로는 먼저 형식적 기준설과 실질적 기준설이 나누어진다. 그리고 실질적 기준설은 다시 자연과학적 기준설(객관설)과 목적설(주관설)로 구분될 수 있다. 목적설(주관설)은 의약품성의 인식주체를 누구로 보느냐에 따라 다시 제조자의 의사를 기준으로 하는 제조자의사설과 사회일반인의 인식을 기준으로 하는 일반인기준설로 나누어진다. 판례와 통설은 일반인기준설을 취하고 있다. 그러나 식품과 의약품의 구별기준을 어느 한 학설로 일관하는 것은 무리가 있다. 식품 및 의약품이란 개념은 하나의 도구개념에 불과하므로 적용 법률에 따라서 그리고 동일한 법률이라도 그 규율내용에 따라 인식의 기준이 그 달라질 필요성이 있다. 특히 의약품의 제조의 경우는 책임주의와 죄형법정주의 정신에 비추어 볼 때, 그리고 식품에 대한 허위의 표시·광고에 있어서는 법문의 논리구조에 비추어 볼 때 통설·판례인 일반인 기준설은 더 이상 타당하지 않다고 생각된다.

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