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        조선총독부 관료의 구술기록을 통해 본 참정권 문제

        성주현(Sung, Joo-Hyun)(成周鉉) 한일민족문제학회 2020 한일민족문제연구 Vol.38 No.-

        This article explores the issue of the right to vote in the late 1930s in Korea and how the right to vote was perceived through dictation by the Governor-General’s Bureaucrats. The issue of suffrage in the Korean colony was raised while referring to the Japanese government’s colonial policy based on the principle of “extension of remote areas” immediately after the 3.1 movement, but the Japanese government maintained the early trend of the Korean people’s livelihood as they did not reach a certain level. The suffrage issue, which had been at rest since then, reappeared after the Manchuria Incident in 1931. The issue of the right to vote was raised after careful discussion of the draft system of the Korean people, and the People’s Coalition for Participation, the Jochu, and the Koshien Ministry launched a campaign for the draft system and linked it with the right to vote for the right to vote in the anti-parceleratory payoff of the draft system. Nevertheless, Japan’s position is still premature and is reluctant to grant suffrage. The claim for the deployment of the draft system was raised again as the front line was expanded in the 1937 Sino-Japanese War, and the issue of the right to vote was raised again. The Japanese government and the Korean governor’s office tried to use the issue of suffrage as a means of mobilizing war. On the other hand, colonial bureaucrats did not have a positive view of the suffrage issue. It predicted that there will be a natural suffrage issue based on the slogan of equality and extension of the remote area. Some people were negative about granting the right to vote for North Koreans, but there was no doubt that the issue of the right to vote would be solved by itself if the draft system were put into force. However, the draft system was actually introduced through the volunteer system, but the issue of suffrage remains a problem. This was due to the Japanese government’s colonial policy of separating the issue of military service, namely conscription and suffrage. The draft system will be implemented, but the right to vote will not be granted. The Japanese government maintained its position that it was too early to give up the right to vote because of the low popularity of North Korea. However, colonial officials and the Japanese government have taken seriously the concern that if they grant the right to vote, they will lose the casting boat.In these points, we can see that although the “democracy” was mentioned on the surface, the major factor was the “casting boat.” 本稿は、1930年代後半の植民地朝鮮で展開された参政権の問題とその延 長線上から続く徵兵制について朝鮮総督府官僚の口述を介して参政権につい てどのように認識したのか調べてみた。 植民地朝鮮で参政権問題は3.1運動直後、日本政府の「內地延長主義」 を踏まえた植民政策に言及しながら提起されたが、日本政府は、朝鮮の民度 がまだ一定の水準に達していなかったので、時機尙早という基調を一貫して維 持した。以降小康状態にあった参政権問題は、1931年満州事変に展示システ ム基形成され、再び台頭した。慎重に朝鮮人の徴兵制についての議論が提 起され参政権問題は、新たに浮上され國民協會、時中會、甲子俱樂部は徵 兵制要望運動を展開しながら、これを参政権と連携させたいた、すなわち徴兵 制の反對給付に参政権を要求したものだった。それにもかかわらず、日本の立 場はまだ時期尚早を打ち出して参政権付与に消極的に対応している。1937年 日中戦争で戦線が拡大されることによって徴兵制実施を要求する主張が再び 提起され、このかみ合っ参政権問題も再び提起された。日本政府や朝鮮総督 府は、参政権の問題を事実上の戦争動員の手段として利用しようとした。 一方、参政権問題についての植民地官僚は、肯定的な認識もなかった。 一視同仁と內地延長主義をスローガンにする自然参政権問題が発生するものと見た。一部では、朝鮮人の参政権付与は否定的だったが、徴兵制が施行さ れれば参政権問題は自然に解決されると考えもなくはなかった。しかしながら実 際に志願兵制度を経て徴兵制が実施されたが参政権問題は依然として課題と して残った。これは、日本政府の兵役義務つまり徴兵制と参政権の問題を徹底 的に分離する植民地政策をとるたからであった。徴兵制は実施するが参政権は 付与しないというものである。 日本政府は、参政権を付与していない本質的な原因は、朝鮮の民度が低 いということで、まだ時期尚早という立場を固守した。しかしながら植民地官僚や 日本政府は参政権を付与した場合、「キャスティングボートを奪われることができ るという憂慮」を真剣に受け入れた。これらの点は、これまで参政権問題は、「民 度」は表面的に掲げたが、実質的には「キャスティングボート」が主要な要因で あったことを知ることができる。

      • 花(화) 현장에서 배운다 : 경상북도 성주군 "잘 사는’" 농촌, "깨끗한’" 농촌으로 꽃피다!

        심귀숙,양성진,성주 한국지방재정공제회 2014 지방재정 Vol.2014 No.3

        ‘별 고을’성주(星州). 높은 곳에서 내려다보면 지세가 별 모양을 닮았다 하여 지어진 이름. 예로부터 기름진 들과 풍부한 물로 이름이 높았는데, 최근엔‘친환경 행복농촌, 클린 성주’로 유명해졌다. 친환경농촌 만들기 사업으로 환경경영 대상과 예산효율화 우수사례대회 최우수상 등을 수상하며 전국에 친환경 녹색열풍을 일으키고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        분양권 전매제도가 아파트 매매가격에 미치는 영향 및 정책효과에 대한 연구

        성주 한국부동산학회 2022 不動産學報 Vol.87 No.-

        (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the Moon Jae-in administration's regulation on the resale on apartment sales prices, and to understand the effect and policy effect of the reinforcement of the resale regulation on the sale price of apartments in Seoul and the metropolitan area since November 2016. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study employed the fixed effect model, random effect model, and difference-in differences model to achieve the major objectives of this study. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The implications of this study are as follows. First, it was possible to grasp the impact of apartment sale prices in the short term as well as the policy effects in the long term due to the strengthening of regulations on the resale of the Moon Jae-in government after November 3, 2016. For this reason, it was judged that the strengthening of regulations on the resale after 2016 had short-term effects, but no long-term effects. Second, this study was possible because panel data that combined cross-sectional data and time series data was constructed, so that the restrictions on resale of presale rights could be identified regionally or temporally. 2. RESULTS As a result of this study, it was found that resale regulation had a negative (-) effect on apartment sales prices in the short term, but in the long term, it is understood that it increases apartment sales prices, so there is no policy effect.

      • KCI등재

        경로모형을 이용한 기업형 임대주택 특성이 인지도와 호감도 및 입주의향에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        성주한(Sung, Joo Han) 한국부동산학회 2018 不動産學報 Vol.72 No.-

        기업형 임대주택 특성이 인지도와 호감도 및 입주의향에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일반 분양아파트 수준의 품질과 디자인 및 임대인과의 갈등이 상대적으로 없음(시설물 보수, 보증금 반환 등)은 기업형 임대주택의 인지도에 긍정적인 영향을 크게 미치고, 기업형 임대주택의 인지도는 기업형 임대주택의 호감도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치며, 기업형 임대주택의 호감도는 기업형 임대주택의 입주의향에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 양호한 입지 여건(교통, 주변 환경)은 기업형 임대주택의 호감도를 높임으로서 기업형 임대주택의 입주의향에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the characteristics of the enterprise rental housing increase the awareness and preference of the enterprise type rental housing and the influence of the awareness and preference on the intention of the enterprise type rental housing Let s take a look. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study employed the path analysis to achieve the major objectives of this study. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The implications of this study are as follows. First, this study shows that the most important influence on the intention to move into an enterprise type rental housing is the preference of the enterprise type rental housing. Second, this study is based on the awareness and preference of the customers who have influence on the intention to move into the enterprise type rental housing. 2. RESULTS The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the quality and design of the apartment in the general apartment level and the lack of conflict between the landlord and the landlord (facility repair, deposit return, etc.) have a positive effect on the awareness of the enterprise type rental housing, The preference of the enterprise type rental housing has a positive effect on the preference of the enterprise type rental housing. And the preference of the enterprise type rental housing has a positive effect on the intention of moving. Second, good location conditions (traffic and surrounding environment) have a positive effect on the intention to move into the enterprise type rental housing by increasing the preference of the enterprise type rental housing.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 이후 한글신문의 구조적 변화와 기자들의 동향 -『동아일보』와 『조선일보』를 중심으로-

        성주 한국민족운동사학회 2009 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.58

        일제는 한국을 강점한 후 언론을 식민통치를 위한 선전수단으로 삼기 위해 총독부 기관지로 『매일신보』만 남겨두고 모든 언론을 폐간시켰다. 그러나 3ㆍ1운동 이후 유화정책의 일환으로 제한된 표현의 자유를 부분적으로 허용하였다. 그렇지만 여기에는 민족감정을 파악하는데 활용하고자 하는 의도도 없지 않았다. 그 결과로 『조선일보』와 『동아일보』가 창간되었고, 이후 1940년 8월 동시에 폐간될 때까지 나름대로 언론기관으로서의 역할을 수행하였다. 3ㆍ1운동 이후 일제의 언론정책의 흐름은 대체적으로 대륙침략정책과 맥을 같이 하고 있다. 일차적으로 3ㆍ1운동 이후 신문발행을 허가한 이후 1936년 이전까지는 치안유지법의 테두리 안에서, 그리고 1937년 중일전쟁 이후에는 언론통제를 강화하면서 국가총동원법과 군기보호법 등을 통해 동원체제에 편입시켰다. 이 과정에서 『조선일보』와 『동아일보』는 지배체제 협력의 테두리에 편입되었고, 결국 친일의 대열에 참여할 수밖에 없게 되었다. 일제는 1931년 6월 18일 만주를 침략하면서 언론정책도 1920년대보다 강화되고 전시언론 통제체제로 구축되었다. 이에 따라 중일전쟁이 일어나자 신문을 포함한 언론은 비상시국 즉 전시체제에 필요한 홍보 내지 선전도구로 동원되었다. 이러한 일련의 과정에서 민족지를 대변해왔던 『조선일보』와 『동아일보』는 식민정책을 비판하기보다는 이를 홍보 선전하는 수단으로 전락하였던 것이다. 심지어는 총독부 기관지 『매일신보』와 논조에서 차이가 없을 정도였던 것이다. 이와 같은 『조선일보』와 『동아일보』의 논조에도 불구하고 일제는 ‘언론통제안’을 계획하고 이를 실제 적용함에 따라 양 신문은 폐간되었던 것이다. 그동안 양 신문의 폐간에 대해 ‘자진’ 또는 ‘강제’이라는 이분법으로 이를 적용하고자 하였으나 분명한 것은 양신문의 폐간은 일제의 언론통제안과 밀접한 관련이 있으며, 그 영향을 받았다는 점이다. 그리고 『조선일보』와 『동아일보』의 폐간 이후 임원을 포함한 주요 언론인의 경우 지배체제에 적지 않게 협력하였다. 그밖에 양 신문의 폐간 이후 적지 않은 기자들이 총독부 기관지 『매일신보』로 전직하였다. 다만 이들의 전직이 나름대로 생활고라는 사정이 없지 않겠지만 아쉬운 부분이 남기고 있다. Japan ceased to publish all newspapers except only 『Maeil Shinbo』 as a journal of the Japanese government to use the newspaper as the method of making a pitch for a colonial rule after colonizing Korea. However, after 3.1 independence movement, Japan partially allowed freedom of speech limited as part of appeasement policy. There was no intention to use it for identifying feelings of the nation. As the result, 『DongA Ilbo』 and 『Chosun Ilbo』 were launched and they executed its role as mass media until they were discontinued in August 1940. After 3ㆍ1 independence movement, the press policy of Japan was generally similar to the expansive continental policy. After 3ㆍ1 independence movement, Japan permitted the publication of newspaper and then controlled the press under the Maintenance of the Public Order Act until 1936. Also, after the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, Japan strengthened the press control and put it into the mobilization system through the national mobilization law and the military discipline protection law. In this process, 『DongA Ilbo』 and 『Chosun Ilbo』 were moved into the cooperation of control system, and could not help getting involved in Japanophilism. When Japan invaded Manchuria on June 18, 1931, the press policy was strengthened more than 1920s and it was implemented as the press control system of wartime. Accordingly, when Sino-Japanese War occurred, the press including the newspaper was used as the method of giving publicity required for the system of wartime. In such situations, 『DongA Ilbo』 and 『Chosun Ilbo』 which spoke for the nation did not criticize the Japanese colonial policy, but promoted and propagated it. Also, the contents of 『DongA Ilbo』 and 『Chosun Ilbo』 were equal to the tone of 『Maeil Shinbo』. In spite of such the tone of 『DongA Ilbo』 and 『Chosun Ilbo』, Japan planned ‘the press control policy’ and actually applied it. So, both newspapers ceased publication. All the while, experts tried to apply a dichotomy between ‘volunteering’ and ‘forced’ for the discontinuance of both newspaper, but the clear thing is that the discontinuance of both newspaper were closely related to the press control policy of Japan. After ceasing the publication of 『DongA Ilbo』 and 『Chosun Ilbo』, major journalists including executives of newspaper largely cooperated in the control system. In addition, many journalists were transferred to 『Maeil Shinbo』 as a journal of the Japanese government. Their change of employment deemed to be related to the rigor of life, but it was shameful.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        아파트 전세가격에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 창원시를 중심으로

        성주한(Sung, Joo-Han) 한국부동산정책학회 2020 不動産政策硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to influence the chonsei price of an apartment in Changwon City through the core contents of the Changwon City housing market, such as the apartment chonsei price in Changwon City, the apartment sale price in Changwon City, the corporate bond yield (interest rate), the number of population in Changwon City, the housing construction permit in Changwon City, and the volume of apartment transactions in Changwon City. I would like to study and see what factors have the greatest influence. Before 2016, the variable that had the greatest influence on the change rate of chonsei price in Changwon city (GCHACHONSEI) was the rate of change in sales price of apartment in Changwon (GCHASALE), which was found to have a positive effect. And it was found that the change rate of the Changwon housing construction permit (GCHAHC) had a negative (-) effect. The next order was the change rate of unsold apartments in Changwon (GCHUNSOLD), which was found to have a negative (-) effect. In the following order, it was found to have a positive (+) effect as the Changwon Population Change Rate (GCHPOP). On the other hand, after 2016, the variable that has the greatest influence on the change rate of chonsei price in Changwon city (GCHACHONSEI) is the rate of change in the sale price of apartment in Changwon (GCHASALE), which was found to have a positive effect. The next order was the change rate of unsold apartments in Changwon (GCHUNSOLD), which was found to have a negative (-) effect. The next order was the Changwon Population Change Rate (GCHPOP), which was found to have a positive (+) effect. Before 2016, unlike other variables, there was no significant influence, but the continued decrease in the population change rate in Changwon City after 2016 is believed to have lowered the rate of change in apartment jeonse prices in Changwon.

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