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      • 多發性 肺囊腫의 1例

        李庸一,宋永珏,金昌協,李尙桂 최신의학사 1967 最新醫學 Vol.10 No.12

        14 years old male ooy was consulted to Han-11 hospital on Feb. 26, 1964 because of productive coughing, exertional dyspnea and general weakness with following history. He was normal full term. The neonatal period was uneventful. He suffered from measles at the age of 6 months. Since 2 years of his age, he had been frequently suffered from respiratory infection and diagnosed as a case of bronchitis or bronchopneumonia. Physical examination revealed emaciation, pigeon chest and dry or moist rales on both lung field on auscultation. There was leucocytosis. Throat swab and sputum culture was negative for A. F. B. or other pathogenic organisms. Mantoux test and skin test for P.W. and C.S. were also negative. Chest x-ray revealed multiple thin walled cysts which scattered over right entire lung field and left lower lung field. Successive chest X-ray taken 3 years later was checked on April 27, 1967 which showed almost same findings comparing with preveousfilm. Review of Iiterature as for cyst of the lung was made briefly.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        다공질 내부의 연소현상에 대한 수치적 연구( I )

        이용일,신현동,Lee, Yong-Il,Sin, Hyeon-Dong 대한기계학회 1996 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.20 No.1

        The one-dimensional flame analysis was carried out to understand the combustion phenomena in porous media. The downstream as well as upstream solution corresponding to upper and lower solutions could be obtained. While upper flame temperature gets higher, lower flame temperature gets lower, as the flame approaches the central part of the combustor. The reason why upstream flame and downstream flame exist at the same flow condition is that the regions where net heat recirculation is identical exist in upstream and downstream of the combustor. In order for the downstream flame to be stabilized, more heats needed to be recirculated towards upstream because of larger radiation loss of downstream flame.

      • KCI등재

        전국시대 한 도성 천도와 대외 발전

        이용일 인문사회 21 2019 인문사회 21 Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the relation between Han’s moving of Capital and the external development of Han. The era when Pingyang was Han’s capital was early developmental period of Han. This time was Hanshi got off Qing of Jin’s Gongshi and prepared foundation of establishing completely independent power. The era when Yiyang and Yangzhai were Han’s capital was the period of temporary capital that Han made war to destroy Zheng. Xingzheng to which Hanaihou moved immediately after destroying Zheng, the decisive cause of moving capital was reinforcement of ruling power on Zheng. For Xingzheng was located in the center of Zhongyuan, this was very useful point of Han’s territorial expansion to the east. However, if foreign army had invaded, Xingzheng was a vulnerable place where weren’t high mountains and huge rivers. Such as this, Han moved capital from Yiyang through Yangzhai to Xingzheng after ‘Sanjiafenjin.’ Therefore, we can understand Pingyang continued the role of Han’s capital and Yiyang, Yangzhai, Xingzheng was militant capital. 본 연구의 목적은 한(韓) 도성(都城) 천도가 한의 대외 발전과 어떤 연관성이 있었는가를 밝히는데 있다. 한(韓)의 평양(平陽) 도성 시기는 한의 초기 발전 시기로, 한씨(韓氏)가 진(晋)공실(公室)의 경(卿) 신분에서 벗어나 완전히 독립된 정권 수립의 기초를 마련한 시기라고 볼 수 있다. 의양(宜陽)・양적(陽翟) 시기는 한이 정(鄭)을 멸망시키기 위한 전쟁을 편리하게 하기 위한 군사적 성격이 강한 임시 도성 시기였다고 말할 수 있다. 신정(新鄭)은 한애후(韓哀侯)가 정을 멸망시킨 후 바로 천도(遷都)하였는데 신정으로 천도한 가장 큰 이유는 점령지인 정에 대한 지배권을 공고히 하기 위함이었다. 신정은 지리적으로 중원(中原)의 중심부에 위치하여 한이 동쪽으로 대외 확장하기에는 아주 좋은 조건을 갖추었다. 그러나 동시에 신정은 높은 산과 깊은 하천이 없어 강한 적이 침략해 올 경우에는 큰 장애물이 없어, 외부 침략이 있을 경우 큰 저항 없이 신정이 위협받을 수 있었다. 이렇듯 한은 진(晋)을 삼분(三分)한 후, 의양, 양적, 신정 순으로 천도하였다. 평양이 한의 국도(國都) 역할을 계속 하였고, 의양과 양적 그리고 신정은 군사적 성격이 강한 도성이었음을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        戰國時代 魏의 대외 발전과 大梁 遷都

        이용일 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2017 인문과학연구논총 Vol.38 No.3

        Both Wei(魏) and Huo(霍) were the initial bases of Weishi(魏氏). However, the time that Weishi took the full charge of Jin's national affairs was the Weijiang(魏絳) period, when it moved to Anyi(安邑) as a base. After Weishi moved to Anyi 6qing(卿) destroyed the Qishi(祁氏) and Yangsheshi(羊舌氏), Jin(晋)'s closeness, and the strength of the Jin Gongshi(公室) was weakened day by day. Afterwards, 4qing (Zhi(知), Han(韓), Wei(魏) and Zhao(趙)) destroyed Fanshi(范氏) and Zhonghangshi(中行氏) again, and Zhao, Wei, Han, Zhishi was destroyed during Weihuanzi(魏桓子). Weishi then continued to expand on the basis of Anyi, for instance attacking Qin(秦) in the Weiwenhou(魏文侯) period to take the Hexi(河西) area, establishing Hexijun(河西郡), and occupying Zhongshan(中山), and held the position of the early strongest of the Warring States Period. Anyi was geographically disadvantageous in the external development of Weishi. Located in Hedong(河東), Anyi was blocked by Huotaishan(霍太山) to the northern frontier, Taihngshan(太行山) to the east, Huanghe(黃河) to the west, and, thus, the development of the country was restricted. In addition, the location is surrounded by the three countries of Qin, Zhao and Han, and it is accessible only with one single path of the mountainous area of Shangdang(上 黨), so if Zhao and Han attacked Wei, the path of Shangdang would cut off, and when Qin attacked again, the situation would become very dangerous. For these reasons, Weihuiwang (魏惠王)of Wei transferred its capital to Daliang(大梁) in 361 BC. In Weiwenhou 22 years (403 BC), Weishi officially came to the rank of Juhou(諸 侯), and jumped into the battlefield of the country. In the case of Weishi, Anyi located in Hedong was geographically disadvantageous for external expansion. Therefore, there was a need to build a city in an area with strong economic characteristics, close to the center of gravity. Daliang was the most appropriate for this geographical condition. Daliang After the Transferring its capital, Wei made a great socio-economic development. Waihewang opened the Honggou for the development of agricultural production after the Chunduo period, focused on the repair process, proceeded to shrink by using the original lakeshore, and sent the Yellow River water to Tazawa. Under such a geographical environment, Daliang can naturally provide favorable conditions for the development of water transportation and agricultural production, and can promote agricultural development in the Daliang region. Daliang's handicraft production has also been highly developed. In Daliang there was a domestic craftwork in conjunction with a small farmer, a sole proprietorship craftwork, and an official craftwork. Overall, Daliang was the prosperous economic city of Daliang during the Weihuiwang period. Also based on the librarian's description, there were 12 castle gates around Dalia, and it can be seen that it was guarded by 300,000 troops and that Dalia Castle was quite large and the construction method was remarkable and also the economy was relatively prosperous. Therefore, after transferring its capital to Dalia, agriculture, handicrafts and commerce both developed very much, which shows that Wei's Daliang transfer was not intended to avoid 'Qin' but to develop Wei's own power.

      • 인쇄 광고의 브랜드 인지도 효과에 관한 연구 (‘디오스', ‘지펠’ 냉장고 제품을 중심으로)

        이용일 한국디자인지식학회 2008 디자인지식저널 Vol.8 No.-

        정보와 기술 발달에 의한 21세기 시장 환경은 브랜드 전쟁의 시대라고 할 수 있다. 시장 환경은 기업 간 경쟁 요소와 소비자의 선택기준이 변화함에 따라 브랜드 자산은 기업의 가치를 결정하는 중요한 요소로 등장하게 되었다. 소비자들에게 브랜드의 변별력을 제고하는 방법으로 인쇄광고는 오래전부터 활용되어온 매체이다. 이에 본 연구는 국내 인쇄광고의 제품 브랜드 인지도 효과를 알아보고자 하는데 있다. 광고 시장의 경쟁과 각종 규제 등의 요인으로 인해 광고의 차별화는 점점 어려워지고 있는 여건에서 인쇄광고가 소비자에게 브랜드가 어떻게 영향을 주는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 따라서 인쇄광고 수용자들의 감정적 반응, 광고 모델의 이미지, 컬러, 헤드라인, 비주얼 등의 변인들에 있어 유의미한 차이를 보일 것이라는 연구 과제를 설정하고 이를 분석하였다. 또한 본 연구는 인쇄매체인 신문광고를 중심으로 분석하였으며 브랜드가치에 중점을 두어 현재 어느 정도 브랜드 노출 빈도가 많은 ‘디오스'와 ‘지펠’ 브랜드의 냉장고 제품을 중심으로 선택하였다. 본 연구에서 분석한 냉장고 제품의 광고특성들은 저마다 브랜드 구축의 독특한 조형성과 미학적 특성을 광고로써 발전하는데 중요한 요소가 되리라고 확신한다.

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