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        사회심리적 건강측정도구를 이용한 사무직 및 생산직 근로자들에서의 스트레스 평가

        허성옥,장성실,구정완,박정일,Hur, Seong-Ouk,Chang, Seong-Sil,Koo, Jung-Wan,Park, Chung-Yill 대한예방의학회 1996 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.29 No.3

        This study was conducted to evaluate the degree of stress state and the risk factors related to in 967 white collar workers and 275 blue collar workers by using Psycosocial Well-being Index. The results obtained were as follows : 1. In the white collar workers and blue collar workers, young age, low education and low income groups had high scores of stress, while in white collar workers, female had high scores of stress but in blue collar workers, male had high scores of stress. 2. According to psychosocial well-being index, mild stress sto were 73.9% and 53.1%, high risk stress state were 8.9% and 44.4%, and healthy state were 17.2% and 2.6% in white collar and blue collar workers respectively. 3. The total stress score was highly associated with the factors of depression, social performance and self-confidence, general well-being and vitality, and sleeping disturbance and anxiety in order. 4. In reliability test of stress factors, Cronbach's $\alpha$ coefficients of depression, social performance and self-confidence, general well-being and vitality, and sleeping disturbance and anxiety were 0.89, 0.81, 0.79, and 0.74 respectively. In conclusion, it suggested that age, sex, marital status, income, education, sleeping time, smoking and exercise habit were associated with stress score, all of the above factors should considered to occupational health.

      • KCI등재후보

        다원커우 (大汶口)문화 삼족기 (三足器)의 근원 고찰

        허성옥,하영준 동방문화대학원대학교 문화예술콘텐츠연구소 2017 문화와예술연구 Vol.10 No.-

        동아시아 지역 신석기시대 다원커우 (大汶口)문화의 대표적 유물인 삼 족기는 다른 문화권에서는 볼 수 없는 ‘새 모양의 몸체에 세 개의 다리’ 가 달려 있는 독특한 형태의 그릇이다. 본 논문은 이 특별한 삼족기의 형 태에 대하여 그 근원을 고찰 한 것이다. 중국의 미학자 리쩌허우는 그의 저서 『미의 역정』에서 이 삼족기가 세 개의 다리를 가진 것에서 ‘자연계를 모방하지 않은 인류 최초의 형식 창 조’라고 한 바 있다. 그러나 본 논문은 이 삼족기가 새의 모양인 것에 주 목하여 새 혹은 그와 비슷한 대상을 모방했을 가능성과 그 창조의 근원 이 될 수 있는 고대인들의 특별한 관념에 대하여 고찰 하였다. 삼족기의 특징인 세 개의 다리 형식은 북방의 몽골 유목민에서 전래되 어 동북 지역의 훙산 (紅山)문화에서 체계화된 숫자 3에 대한 특별한 관 념에서 비롯된 것으로 보인다. 삼족기는 이 관념이 인근 지역으로 확산 되면서 광범위한 지역에서 시대를 이어가며 제작 되었던 그릇의 한 형식 으로 다원커우 삼족기만의 특징이라 할 수는 없다. 그러나 새 모양의 형태는 다원커우 삼족기만의 특징으로 다원커우문 화의 초기부터 가지고 있었던 새토템의 영향으로 추정된다. 다원커우문 화는 동이족이 이룩한 문화로 고대의 저서 『한시외전 (韓詩外傳)』·『좌 전 (左傳)』·『회남자 (淮南子)』·『산해경』 등에 의하면 초기의 태호족 시기부터 새토템을 가지고 있었으며, 중기의 소호족 시기에 태양 숭배 사상이 더해져서 태양새토템으로 발전하였고, 여기에 숫자 3에 대한 특 별한 관념이 더해져서 세 발 달린 까마귀인 삼족오를 숭배하는 삼족오 신앙을 가졌던 것을 알 수 있다. 관념으로서의 삼족오신앙이 형상으로 표현됨으로써 처음에는 <팽이형토기>에 태양을 실어 나르는 새를 상징 하는 평면적인 도상으로 나타났으며, 이후 입체적인 형태의 <태양신조형 (太陽神鳥型)토기>로 표현되었고, 마침내 삼족오를 닮은 새 모양의 몸 체에 세 개의 다리가 달린 제사용 도기 규 (鬹)가 제작되었는데 이것이 바로 다원커우문화의 삼족기라 할 수 있다. 그러므로 다원커우문화의 새 모양 삼족기는 리쩌허우가 말한 ‘자연계 를 모방하지 않은 인류 최초의 형식 창조’라기 보다는 다원커우인들의 관념 속에 숭배의 대상으로 존재했던 ‘삼족오를 형상화한 관념 대상의 모방’으로 보는 것이 타당할 것이다. 또한 중국의 중원에서는 수·당나라 이후로 이미 사라진 삼족오 도상 이 우리나라에서는 삼국시대에 볏이 뚜렷한 세 발 달린 봉황의 모습으로 더욱 화려하게 발전하여 우월한 민족성을 나타내는 표상으로 널리 사용 되었고 솟대 등의 상징물로 현대까지 계속 사용되고 있는 것은 다원커우 와 우리나라가 하나의 동이족 문화권임을 유추할 수 있다. A representative relic of the East Asian New Stone Age Dawonkou culture, the cooking tripod is a unique type of kettle with three legs on a bird-shaped body that can not be seen in other cultures. This paper examines the origin of the unique form of these cooking tripods. First, three legs type was introduced from the ‘special notion of the number 3’of northern Mongolian nomads and systemized in the Hongsan culture and spread to neighboring areas. Which was shared in eastern part of China during the New Stone Age of East Asia. The type was a common form of pottery that has been widely produced in a wide range of areas. Second, the bird-shaped body was a symbolized form of a bird totem of Dong Ii, which had been in existence from the beginning of Dawonkou culture, to be embodied as Three-legged Crow in the mid-term. The Dawonkou culture had a faith in the Three?legged Crow living in the sun, due to the addition of sun worship and Teaho's bird totem. It was sattled in SoHo of the mid-term of Dawonkou culture. Three-legged Crow was expressed first as a symbol of ‘bird carrying the sun’ in Dawonkou culture. At that time, type with three legs did not show up clearly, but since then have evolved into distinctive three legs were in Dong Ii Culture including Korea. In addition to, also expressed as a three-dimensional kettle in Dawonkou culture which can be said to be the‘Cooking tripod of Dawonkou culture’. Therefore, the cooking tripod of the Dawonkwoo culture is ‘the imitation of the idea object’ which symbolizes the Three-legged Crow, rather than the 'first form human creation' mentioned in 『The course of beauty』 by Li Zehou. In addition, it was widely used as a symbol of deify the kingship and superior ethnicity in the form of ‘The phoenix with three legs’ in Korea. These facts can be interpreted that the Cooking tripod of Dawonkou culture and the symbol of Three-legged Crow in Korea are based on the one faith. And Korea can be estimated a main axis of Crow and Dong Ii culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        최북의 서예 연구 - 화제시를 중심으로 -

        허성옥 ( Huh Seong-ok ),하영준 ( Ha Young-jun ) 한국사상문화학회 2018 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.93 No.-

        호생관 최북(毫生館 崔北, 1712~1786?)은 조선의 고흐라 불릴 정도로 기이한 행적과 높은 작품성으로 유명한 조선시대 후기의 직업화 가다. 그의 작품 <공산무인도(空山無人圖)>, <계류도(溪流圖)>, <처사가도(處士家道)>, <수각산수도(水閣山水圖)>, <풍설야귀인도(風雪夜歸人圖)> 등의 화제시는 주로 초서에 가까운 유려한 행서체로 쓰여 있는데 그림의 주제를 설명할 뿐 아니라 그림을 구성하는 중요한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 그가 중인의 신분으로서 이처럼 높은 수준의 서예를 성취할 수 있었던 요인은 다음과 같이 추정할 수 있다. 첫째, 그의 학문이다. 당시는 신분제가 허물어지는 과정이어서 교육대상이 확대되었기 때문에 중인이었던 최북도 서당과 서원에서 학문의 기초를 닦았을 가능성이 크다. 이후 그는 원나라 황공망의 화풍과 사상을 접하고 다양한 독서와 여행을 함으로써 학문이 성숙하였던 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 당시 유행하던 중인들의 노장사상과 시 창작활동에 동참함으로써 시와 글씨를 예술로 인식하고 표현하게 되었을 것이다. 셋째, 당시에 정치적으로는 비주류였으나 학문과 예술의 수준이 높았던 사대부들과의 교분을 통해 실학과 양명학 등 학문영역을 넓히고 예술수준을 높일 수 있었을 것이다. 넷째, 당시의 명필이었던 원교 이광사와 표암 강세황 등과의 교분을 통해 서예에 대한 의취를 직접적으로 높일 수 있었을 것이다. 최북의 화제시에 나타난 그의 서예는 온 몸으로 체득한 ‘문기의 드러남’이었고, 학문과 예술이 상통하여 시·서·화가 하나로 어우러진‘통의 경지’에 이른 예술적 발현이었으며, ‘보는 서예’를 추구하는 현대서 예의 선구였다고 할 수 있다. Hosaengkwan Choi Buk(1712~1786?) was a professional painter of the late Joseon Dynasty, famous for his strange acts. Even though his class of identity was middle layer, he was a painter with excellent calligraphy. The reasons he was able to achieve such a high quality calligraphy are as follows. First, it is his academic background, highly probable that he studied in the Seodang and Seowon because that social environment and various reading and traveling according to Hwng Gongmang's will. Second, he would be possible to express his artistic sensitivity and recognize calligraphy as art through the creation of poetry. Third, the exchange between high-level scholars and art departments. Fourth, the fellowship with outstanding calligraphers such as Lee Kwangsa and Kang Sehwang. Choi Buk's calligraphy shown in his paintings is an artistic manifestation of 'Academic aura' which was acquired by the whole body, and art of the 'Tong', 'Viewing calligraphy' of modern calligraphy.

      • 톨루엔 폭로 작업자에서 Aldehyde dehydrogenase2(ALDH2)의 유전자형과 요중 마뇨산

        이강숙,노영만,박정일,허성옥 가톨릭대학 산업의학 센타 산업의학연구소 1995 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.34 No.2

        This study was conducted to evaluate the distribution and the effect to urinary hippuric acid excretion according to the polymorphism of aldehyde dehydrogenase2(ALDH2) which is major role in oxidaton of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid. For 39 workers exposed to toluene and 42 white collar workers, we extracted the DNA from venouse blood and confirmed the genotype of aldehyde dehydrogenase2 using the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and artificial created restriction site method. In workers exposed to toluene, normal (NN) type were 34 (88%) and inactive(ND) type were (12%), but in white collar workers NN type were 27(65%) and ND type were 14(33%), DD type were 1(2%). It showed the significant lower rate of inactive type of ALDH2 in workers exposed to toluene than white collar workers. The results of workplace toluene measurement were below 20ppm. For urinary hippuric acid there was not significant differnce between normal and inactive type of ALDH2. It suggested that further evaluation should be conducted in high concentration of toluene exposure group.

      • KCI등재

        폴리비닐리덴플루오라이드로 코팅한 폴리아닐린센서의 메탄올에 대한 감응 특성과 장기안정도 고찰

        성옥,김정숙,증수,Sohn Sung-Ok,Kim Jung-Suk,Huh Jeung-Soo 한국재료학회 2004 한국재료학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        The problem of polyaniline (PANi) sensor has been poor mechanical and chemical stability under atmosphere condition. In order to overcome these problems, the PANi sensor coated with polyvinylidenefluoride ($PVF_2$) was employed. The morphology of $PVF_2$ coated-PANi layer was showed smooth and transparent properties at 15% concentration of coating solution. The resistance of $PVF_2$ coated-PANi was kept at constant value and had a good stability at long-term periods in presence of humidity.

      • KCI등재

        Correlation between Physical Activity and Lung Function in Dusty Areas: Results from the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Dusty Areas (CODA) Cohort

        한유리,연정,홍윤기,성옥,김우진 대한결핵및호흡기학회 2019 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.82 No.4

        Background: Although physical activity is known to be beneficial to lung function, few studies have been conducted to investigate the correlation between physical activity and lung function in dusty areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between physical activity and lung function in a Korean cohort including normal and COPD-diagnosed participants. Methods: Data obtained from the COPD in dusty areas (CODA) cohort was analyzed for the following factors: lung function, symptoms, and information about physical activity. Information on physical activity was valuated using questionnaires, and participants were categorized into two groups: active and inactive. The evaluation of the mean lung function, modified Medical Research Council dyspnea grade scores, and COPD assessment test scores was done based on the participant physical activity using a general linear model after adjusting for age, sex, smoking status, pack-years, height, and weight. In addition, a stratification analysis was performed based on the smoking status and COPD. Results: Physical activity had a correlation with high forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) among CODA cohort (p=0.03). While the active group exhibited significantly higher FEV1 compared to one exhibited by the inactive group among past smokers (p=0.02), no such correlation existed among current smokers. There was no significant difference observed in lung function after it was stratified by COPD. Conclusion: This study established a positive correlation between regular physical activity in dusty areas and lung function in participants.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        허베이스피릿호 원유유출 사고 이후 태안주민의 식생활 변화

        박지현(Ji Hyun Park),성옥(Sung Ok Kwon),정우철(Woo Cheol Jeong),종일(Jong Il Huh),오세영(Se Young Oh) 대한지역사회영양학회 2011 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        Hazardous chemicals, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy metals, are known as being harmful to human health were included in oils released by the Herbei Spirit Oil Spill accident in December 2007. To investigate changes of eating habits by the exposure to harmful substances, we conducted 5 focus group interviews for residents at Taean coast areas, who had experienced the oil spill accident. Participants included 46 women (mean age: 57.2 ± 10.9) who were mainly responsible for preparing family meals. Focus group discussions were audio-taped, transcribed and categorized by themes. Participants expressed more frequent illness symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, visual loss, and skin diseases after the accident. They mentioned that their worries about economic hardship and worsened health status since the accident induced mental problems, such as depression about their children. Regarding eating habits, participants reported less intakes of fishes and meats and relatively more intakes of vegetables and kimchi due to the lack of household incomes after the accident. Although the participants had been used to collecting or catching fish or shellfish for their consumption previously, they mainly purchased these foods from local markets after the accident. Changes of eating habits induced by the accident included drinking boiled water and having steamed or fried seafood rather than raw seafood. Changes of food intakes occurred less frequently in older adults due to their long-term fixed eating habits, although they felt uncomfortable for having raw fish. The findings of this study clearly present that the exposure of hazardous substances by the oil spill accident had a significant impact on changes in eating habits besides economic, physical, and mental problems among the residents in Taean. Continuous health and nutrition monitoring and support are needed. (Korean J Community Nutr 16(4) : 466~472, 2011)

      • KCI등재

        Methanol 가스에 대한 고분자 센서의 온도와 습도 영향 고찰

        이경문,용수,전희권,성옥,증수,Lee, K.M.,Hoh, Y.S.,Jun, H.K.,Sohn, S.O.,Huh, J.S. 한국재료학회 2003 한국재료학회지 Vol.13 No.12

        The polypyrrole prepared with pyrrole monomer, APS and DBSA was synthesized by chemical Polymerization at $V^{\circ}C$ under atmosphere conditions. After dissolving polypyrrole powder to the chloroform including DBSA, polypyrrole film was prepared on the alumina substrate with an interdigitated electrode by using the dip-coating method. This film was soaked in methanol solvent for 1 h at room temperature and heated to $70^{\circ}C$ for 4 h in $N_2$. Initial resistance was increased with the increasing humidity and decreasing temperature. The sensitivity was increased with lower humidity and decreasing temperature. The best linearity was achieved at $25^{\circ}C$ and low humidity of 0%.

      • KCI등재후보

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