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        아트헤어의 조형에 나타난 포스트모더니즘적 특징에 관한 연구

        함미영,이하나 대한미용학회 2014 대한미용학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        This study conducted an analysis of the theoretical and empirical characteristics of postmodern characteristics appearingin forms of art hair through reviews of preceding studies, publications, hair magazines, and internet materials. Postmoderncharacteristics appearing in forms of modern art hair re-introduce and combine decorations and reject functionalism andabstract formalism instead exhibiting weakening of historicity, new emotional principles, and Pastiche characteristics. Inaddition, artistic sensitivities and subjective aesthetic world are being freely expressed while the functional and rationalaspects of modernism are rejected, rather using irrational transformations to enable aesthetic fabrications. It was discoveredthat expressions of art hair converge formative characteristics, such as material, form, color and texture with two or moreof Postmodern disoriginality, disformation, decentralization, intertextuality, in turn ignoring previous design principlesand avoiding aesthetic concepts of the past to reproduce artistic value of art hair even within incongruity. Characteristicsappearing in the forms of modern art hair pursue various expressions, including avant-garde experimentation, distortion offorms, mismatching of colors, disappearance of messages, and removal of boundaries. Within these various characteristicsof postmodernism, mutual similarity and contradiction exist simultaneously. Such implies that art hair can be a domainenabling infinite creative possibilities without the limits of formative expressional boundaries. The various expressionaltechniques of art hair based on postmodernism ares expected to have an effect even in creation of new designs possiblefor actual use within mainstream popularity. 본 연구에서는 현대의 아트헤어는 예술적 감성과 주관적Figure 4. Art hair exhibiting characteristics of abstract forms and intertextuality. 헤어그라피 2012. 2월호 헤어그라피 2013. 4월호 http://thlife.tistory.com/319 www.firstview.comTable 1. Postmodern characteristics appearing in art hair분류 표현양식창조가 아닌 차용비독창성(Disoriginality) 과거에 사용하지 않았던 오브제를 사용하거나 모방복고적 표현 양상몰형식성(Disformation) 형식의 원리를 무시한 부조화와 미완성의 표현 양상탈중심성(Discenterization) 하위문화, 여성성, 비서구적 문화에 현대적 감각을 부여한 표현 양상상호텍스트성(Inter-text) 경계를 허물고 고정관념을 탈피대중적이지 않은 스타일 표현Table 2. Characteristics of postmodernism appearing in ArtisticExpression Techniques분류 표현양식전위적 아방가르드형태의 왜곡 과장과 왜곡색채조화의 파괴 색채의 풍부함과 다양함메시지의 실종 역사성의 약화미술종이, 사진, 벽지 등의 조각들로꼴라쥬 만든 구성으로서 패턴이나 그림을그리는 바탕에 접착재로 붙이는 기법절대우상의 파괴 새로운 정서적 기조경계해체 경계를 넘어서는 허구의 수단인 미적 세계가 자유롭게 표현되어 나타나고 있으며, 현 시대의 정신적 욕구와 문화예술이 상호작용을 통해 서로 융합되고 용해되어 다양한 양상으로 표현되고 있다는 것을 알수 있었다. 본 연구의 결론을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소재, 형태, 색채, 질감의 조형적 특징과 함께 비독창성, 몰형식성, 탈중심성, 상호텍스트성이 상호 2가지 혹은 그이상의 융합을 통해 기존의 디자인적 원리와 규칙을 무시하고 과거의 미적 개념을 탈피하여 부조화 속에서도 아름다움을 재현하고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 둘째, 포스트모더니즘적 현상인 전위적인 실험, 형태의 왜곡, 색채의 부조화, 메시지의 실종, 경계해체 등의 표현으로상호 유사성과 모순성이 동시에 존재하기도 하며, 모더니즘의 기능적이고 합리적인 것을 거부하여 전체적으로 비합리적인 변형으로 미학적 허구를 가능하게 한다는 것을 알 수있었다. 셋째, 포스트모더니즘의 연구는 불확정성, 몰형식성, 다원성, 절충성의 특징은 같으나 각 연구에서 제시한 예시에 따라 연구방법의 차이를 보여주고 있다는 것을 알 수 있으며,이는 아트헤어의 범위가 무한한 창조의 가능성이 있는 영역으로 발전할 수 있다는 것이 반영된 결과라 생각된다. 또한 아트헤어에서의 다양한 표현기법이 대중화에 있어 실용적으로 착용 가능한 새로운 디자인 발상의 전환에도 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        간호대학생의 자율실습교육이 전공만족도, 주관적 자신감 및 회복력에 미치는 효과

        함미영,임소희 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2019 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.9 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of self-directed practice on the satisfaction of major, subjective self-confidence, and resilience. Methods: The study design was a pre and post design of a single group. The study targets 90 freshmen of a university nursing department located in the city of U. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, χ2-test, t-test, paired t-test, ANOVA and person’s correlation using SPSS 23.0 program. Results: The results of this study showed that self-directed practice using the self-study logbook and the self-assessment training showed subjective self-confidence(t=-5.71, p<.001), and the self-regulation ability of the sub-domains of resilience(t=-2.38, p=.020) was found to be statistically significant. In addition, there was a statistically significant positive correlation in major satisfaction and subjective self-confidence,(r=.468, p<.001). Conclusions: Therefore, This study can be useful for nursing practice education because it is effective to improve subjective self-confidence, and self-regulation ability of basic nursing practice of nursing students. 연구목적: 본 연구는 자율실습일지 및 자가 평가서를 활용한 자율실습교육이 전공만족도, 기본간호술 수행에 대한 주관적 자신감, 회복력에 미치는 효과를 확인하고자 시도되었다. 연구방법: 연구설계는 단일군 전후 설계이며, 연구대상자는 U시에 위치한 일개대학 간호학과 1학년 학생 90명을 대상으로 하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS 23.0 프로그램을 이용하여 t-test, ANOVA, paired t-tests, 피어슨 상관관계를 통해 분석하였다. 연구결과: 본 연구결과, 자율실습일지 및 자가 평가서를 활용한 자율실습교육이 기본간호술 수행에 대한 주관적 자신감을(t=-5.71, p<.001), 회복력의 하위 영역 중 자기조절능력(t=-2.38, p=.020)을 통계적으로 유의하게 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 전공만족도와 기본간호술 수행에 대한 주관적 자신감이 정적으로 유의한 상관관계(r=.468, p<.001)가 있었다. 결론: 자율실습일지 및 자가 평가서를 활용한 자율실습교육이 간호대학생의 기본간호술 수행에 대한 주관적 자신감과 자기조절능력을 향상시키는데 효과적이므로 간호실습교육에 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

      • 사회적지지(Social Support)에 대한 고찰

        함미영,최경숙 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 2000 중앙간호논문집 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this research is ⑴ to inspect the concept of social support through reviewing several articles and books, ⑵ to confirm social support as a meaningful method of intervention, and ⑶ to practice social support as a turning point. Through inspecting the concept of social support, I understand that the social support influences on a variable of intervention to improve the quality of life as the stress, depression, poerlessness, and loneliness were decreased. In the future, it is necessary to study on the social support to verify the importance of the social support and to suggest the effect of its practice. Nurses have to know the precise meaning and importance of social support and play a role in helping the patients' family. Therefore, I think that it is valuable thing for nurses to make the formation of the group of social support. On the basis of reviewing articles and books, I suggest to study on the sppropriate measuring instrument of social support with reliability for our own culture and people.

      • KCI등재

        한국어판 간호대학생의 COVID-19 스트레스 측정도구 신뢰도 및 타당도 검증

        함미영,임소희,이소정 한국학교보건학회 2022 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.35 No.1

        Purpose: This study investigated the validity and reliability of the Korean version of COVID-19 Stress Scale (K-CSS) in nursing students in Korea. Methods: The subjects of the study were 319 nursing students from three universities located in the metropolitan area. Data were collected for two months using self-reporting question- naires. The study verified the scale’s content validity, construct validity, concurrent validity and reliability, using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0. Results: K-CSS was comprised of seven factors, with a total of 25 questions; six about socio-economic consequences, four about Xenophobia, five about compulsive checking, three about traumatic stress, three about contamination, two about danger of the virus, and two about danger regarding the healthcare system. K-CSS was validated with confirmatory factor analysis (x2/df=2.32, CFI=.94, GFI=.87, NFI=.90, RMR=.07, RMSEA=.06, TLI=.93). Furthermore, the reliability verification showed a Cronbach’s ⍺ of 0.87, confirming that the Korean version of the tool was very reliable. Conclusion: This study shows that K-CSS is a valid and reliable instrument to assess nursing students in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        여성의 월경통 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구

        함미영,한경순,유수옥,박경숙,Ham, Mi-Young,Han, Kyoung-Soon,You, Soo-Ok,Park, Kyung-Sook 한국여성건강간호학회 1999 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        The purpose of this research was to understand the dysmenorrhea experience of women. To do this work, we asked 9 women a lot of questions about dysmenorrhea. The interviews were carried out from JUL 1, 1998 through JUL 30, 1998. They were audio-recorded and analyzed using Van kaam's Phenomenological method. Results were as follows. One hundreds forty two descriptive expression were found and they were grouped under twenty common factors. twenty common factors were grouped under six higher categories. Two common factors, "Physical pain", "Physical Discomfort" were grouped under <Physical trouble>. Three common factors, "Receptively of Femininity", "Women's Persecution", "Mystery of Femininity" were grouped under <Ambivalence of femininity>. Three common factors, "Emotional Anxiety", "Disgust of Pain", "Solitude" were grouped under <Psychological trouble>. Two common factors, "Coping with Pain Relief", "Fear of Pain relief method" were grouped under <Adaptation to pain relief>. One common factors "Beauty" were grouped under <Secondary gains>, One common factors, "Singularity" were grouped under <Specialities>. As Dysmenorrhea Experience of Women's authors recommend further studies on Women's Dysmenorrhea Experience and go into details nursing intervention of Dysmenorrhea relief method.

      • KCI등재

        죽음준비프로그램이 포함된 호스피스 교육이 간호 대학생의 죽음인식, 죽음태도와 임종간호태도에 미치는 효과

        함미영(Ham, Mi-Young),임소희(Lim, So-Hee),고숙정(Ko, Suk-Jeong) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2017 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.17 No.9

        본 연구는 죽음준비프로그램이 포함된 호스피스 교육을 간호 대학생에게 적용하여 죽음인식과 죽음태도 및 임종간호태도에 미치는 효과를 파악하기 위해 시행된 방법론적 트라이앵귤레이션 연구이다. 양적연구는 SPSS WIN 18.0 프로그램을 이용하 여 기술통계, Wilcoxon 부호순위검정, Spearman’s rho으로, 질적연구는 내용분석을 시행하였다. 결과로는 간호 대학생의 임종간호태도가 유의하게 증가하였고, 죽음태도와 임종간호태도가 유의한 상관관계가 나타났다. 참여자들의 죽음준비프로그램이 포함된 호스피스 교육을 분류, 범주화하여 명명 작업한 결과는 1. 죽음의 부정적인속성 : 외로움, 허망함, 죽음 임박에 따른 고통, 2. 죽음의 긍정적인 속성: 삶의 과정, 새로운 시작, 영원한 휴식, 3. 희망하는 죽음 : 평화로운 죽음, 준비가 되어진 죽음, 존엄성이 지켜진 죽음, 4. 예비간호사로서의 임종간호 : 임종자에 대한 두려움, 자신의 역할에 대한 직무만족, 삶과 간호에 대한 가치관, 영적간호로 나타났다. 따라서 죽음준비프로그램이 포함된 호스피스 교육은 간호 대학생의 임종간호태도를 향상시키는데 효과적인 교육프로그램이라 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a hospice education including death preparing education program on perception of death, attitude of death and terminal care attitude for nursing students. A methodological triangulation that quantitative research used frequency, percentage, Wilcoxon, Spearman’s rho using SPSS 18.0 WIN program and qualitative research was conducted contents analysis. At the result of the research, the hospice education including death preparing program showed to significant increase its terminal care attitude of the students. There was a significant positive correlation between the attitude of death and terminal care attitude. The result of classification, giving their names and categorizing of the hospice education including the death preparing program of the participants showed such as, 1. Negative characteristics of death: loneliness, falsehood, death s agonies, 2. Positive characteristics of death: life process, new start, eternal rest, 3. Hopeful death: peaceful death, prepared death, death with dignity, 4. End-of-life care as pre-nurses: fear for the deathbed person, satisfaction of his or her s roles, value for the life and care, and spiritual care. In conclusion, a hospice education including death preparing education program was an effective program in enhancing the attitude of death and the terminal care attitude for nursing students.

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