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        수술칼, $CO_2$ 및 Nd:YAG 레이저에 의한 절개 창상의 치유에 관한 비교 연구

        최재선,유선열,Choi, Jae-Sun,Ryu, Sun-Youl 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2000 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.22 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare the wound healing process after skin incision using scalpel, $CO_2$ laser and pulsed Nd:YAG laser in rats. After skin on the back was incised 3 cm long, rats were sacrificed at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Macroscopic, histologic and immunohistochemical examinations using the collagen type IV and the CD34 antibodies which are necessary to the forming process of new capillary were performed. Results obtained were as follows ; Macroscopically the initial wound healing of the laser group was about $1{\sim}2$ weeks slower than that of the scalpel group. There weren't however any remarkable differences in all groups in 4 weeks after incision. By histologic finding, acute inflammatory cells were more prominent during the initial wound healing in the scalpel group than in the other groups. Epithelialization started in the order of scalpel, $CO_2$ and Nd:YAG laser group after skin incision. By the Masson's trichrome stain, collagen synthesis in the Nd:YAG laser group was more slowly initiated than in the other groups. But it was completed at the $3{\sim}4$ weeks in all groups. Immunohistochemically, collagen type IV and CD34 expression were markedly increased at 2 weeks in the scalpel and $CO_2$ laser group. Meanwhile, in the Nd:YAG laser group, these reactions were observed later tan the other groups. Collagen type IV and CD34 expression were decreased in all groups after 4 weeks. These results suggest that $CO_2$ and Nd:YAG laser showed similar healing process compared with scalpel and a potential substitute for scalpel in skin incision.

      • KCI등재

        선정주 시조에 나타난 고통 수용 양상

        최재선(Choi, Jae-Sun) 우리문학회 2017 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.54

        혜산 선정주 (1935∼2012)는 기독교적 사유를 바탕으로 시조를 창작한 시조 시인이다. 그러나 기독교인으로서 그는 종교적 도그마에 함몰되기보다는 보편적이고 섬세한 인간의 내면의식과 신에 대한 궁극적 관심과 의문들을 진솔하게 표현하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 선정주 시인의 제2 시조집 『겨울 중랑천』에 실린 ‘행전’ 연작 12수에 나타난 고통의 수용과 극복 양상을 기독교적 관점에서 살펴보았다. ‘행전’이라는 형식은 기독교의 ‘사도행전’을 떠올리게 한다. 이것은 기독교 목사로서의 그가 신앙의 여정에서 느끼는 내면의 깊은 이야기를 담은 글쓰기 방식으로, 선정주 시인의 종교 의식을 보여주는 창작 형태라 할 수 있다. 선정주 시인의 ‘행전’ 연작에는 고통을 인내하는 삶의 모습이 나타난다. 이와 더불어 신의 뜻, 섭리에 대한 의문과 침묵하는 신에 대한 번민과 항변이 함께 나타난다. 선정주 시인의 시조가 다른 종교시와 차별화되는 점은 초월적 대상과 가치를 형상화하면서도 세속적 욕망과 성스러운 삶을 추구하는 인간의 갈등을 정직하게 보여주고 있기 때문이다. 신에 대한 믿음뿐 아니라 신에 대한 회의와 의심, 항변과 탄원 등 인간이 보일 수 있는 내면의 정서를 정직하게 표현하고 있다는 점이 선정주 시조의 특징이다. 선정주 시인에게 있어 고통은 신의 깊은 은총이다. 힘들고 어려운 세상의 일들이 감사와 은총으로 다가오는 것이 바로 성직자, 성직의 소명, 성도의 삶인 것이다. 선정주 시인의 ‘행전’ 연작 시조 속에는 인간이 자신에게 주어지는 고통의 의미를 명확히 알 수는 없지만 고통에는 의미가 있다는 것을 인정하고 고통 속에 담긴 신의 뜻을 수용하는 자세가 나타난다. 무엇보다 그는 목회자 시인으로서 그리스도의 고난을 통해 구속사를 이루는 신의 임재를 확인하고 고난 중에 부재하는 것으로 여겼던 신의 임재를 느끼며, 그의 죽음과 아픔에 동참하는 신앙의 자세를 시조를 통해 보여주고 있다. Hyesan, Sun, Jung-Ju (1935~2012) is a sijo poet whose works were based on his religious imagination. Although he was a Christian, he depicted the universal and inner consciousness of human beings and expressed curiosity in the concept of God than arguing about religious dogma. This paper examines the theme of acceptance of pain and overcoming the emotion in ‘Hang-Jeon,’ which is a 12 sequence poem published in Jung-Ju’s the second Sijo collection, Winter Joongrang-cheon, through a religious viewpoint. Based on this, Jung-Ju’s life and his works in sijo can be understood. The pain expressed in his pieces is especially prominent when he questions the limitations of human beings and doubts the existence of God, which is a reflection of the conflict in his religious life and the reality. Moreover, the form of ‘Hang-Jeon’ is similar to the Book of Acts in the Bible. This composing form can be seen as a reflection of Jung-Ju’s inner consciousness since it contends the stories of his life as a pastor. The sequence poem, ‘Hang-Jeon,’ reveals Jung-Ju’s life of endurance. In addition, it depicts Jung-Ju’s anxiety that arises from his doubts about the divine providence and his plea to the silent God. One thing that separates Jung-Ju’s sijo from the other religious poems is that it embodies transcendental existence and values while illustrating the conflict of human beings that arose from the desire for a secular world and pursuit of religious life. The fact that Jung-Ju’s sijo bluntly expresses human emotions that are associated with the faith in God and also with the doubt and skepticism in God makes it unique. For Jung-Ju, suffering is the grace of God. According to him, a follower’s life should be based on appreciating the difficulties and hardships of a secular world and being thankful for God’s grace. This idea is observed in ‘Hang-Jeon’ which clearly depicts the concept of accepting pain and hardships in life by recognizing the possibility of underlying reasons. Above all, Jung-Ju is seen as a poet and pastor who understands and believes in God’s providence by promoting the idea that suffering is the product of love and concern toward humans from God.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 현대소설에 나타난 종말론 소고 -정 찬의 「종이날개」, 조성기의 「거대한 망상」, 이승우의 「그의 광야」를 중심으로

        최재선 ( Jae Sun Choi ) 한국문학과종교학회 2010 문학과종교 Vol.15 No.3

        Novels reflect the times and social circumstances and various lives of the men who live life with many problems and conflicts. This paper showed how much relation between religion and society have and how it effects on human life. The three novels as「Paper Wing」,「Great Delusion」and「His Wilderness」deal with eschatology as a subject matter, especially the great event of October 28 in the year of 1992 in Korea. Generally speaking, christians have an apocalyptic view of history. Some pseudo christians, however, insisted that the end of the era come on a special day. Time-limited eschatology insisted by pseudo christians made many social problems in our society. Finally their conviction was exposed as a false belief. Nevertheless, the harmful effects continue, and some people still indulge in pseudo group. The reason why time-limited eschatology prevailed throughout Korean society is that we have special religious background. Above all, we Koreans have strong syncretism unconsciously in our religious life. In addition, the social, political, and cultural circumstances of modern society brought out various events such as human alienation, war, and big accidents in the world wide nations. So many people felt sense of loss, deprivation, which made them find a certain refuge. But pre-established churches didn`t give sufficient concerns, hope and love for them. For this reason, they came to show antisocial behaviour and pursued another mystic group which has strong solidarity like a group who had strong conviction of time-limited eschatology on the 28th day of October, 1992. The main characters of the novels became a member of pseudo christian group of eschatology, for they have suffered from severe agony in real life. They had no hope and relationship to help them live in the world. Without helping hands of the fellows of the pseudo christian group, they would have fell into despair. But when their anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ on October, 28 was proved as a false belief, they were disappointed and some people committed suicide. Through this event, the authors want to describe the harmful effects of false belief of the men who believe in the time-limited eschatology in modern society. The spatial backgrounds of the novels such as the subway of New York, Donghaesa (small temple of Buddhism), the wilderness of Israel are the places that both sacred human nature and earthly desire coexist in different formations. Ultimately, the three novels raise questions on the human existence and behavior. And show the things that pseudo- group insisting on time limited eschatology had systemic and religious contradiction in itself. Religion is not the method of escaping reality but a something to bring hope in the future in spite of real agony and sufferings.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김남천 소설에 나타난 기독교 인식의 특징 연구

        최재선 ( Jae Sun Choi ) 한국문학과종교학회 2013 문학과종교 Vol.18 No.3

        본고는 한국문학사에서 프로문학 운동을 주도했던 문제적 비평가이자 작가인 김남천의 기독교 인식의 특징을 작품을 통해 살펴보았다. 이러한 작업은 기존의 김남천 연구에서는 간과되었던 부분으로 식민지 시대 프로문학 계열의 작가, 작품 연구에서 일반적으로 배제되는 영역이다. 대부분의 프로문학 작가들이 기독교에 반감을 갖고 기독교를 사회주의 운동이 타개해야 할 대상으로 언급했기 때문에 개개인의 의식 속에 있는 기독교 인식의 다양한 측면은 간과되었다. 그러나 김남천의 경우 개인적 체험과 삶의 과정 속에서 경험한 기독교에 대한긍정적 인식이 작품을 통해 형상화되어 여타의 프로문학 작가들과는 변별되는 특징을 보인다. 김남천의 소설에서 기독교적 요소와 긍정적 인식이 드러나는 것은 주로 카프 해체 이후 1939년경부터이며 전향소설로 규정되는 작품들 가운데서 찾을 수 있다. 그는 기독교를 자아 각성과 민족개화의 매개사상으로 인식하면서 기독교가 한국사회에 미친 긍정적인 영향을 작품에 표현하거나, 기독교인을 개화인의 표상으로 묘사하고 있다. 그러나 기독교를 종교적 차원의 개인적 신앙으로 승화시키지 못했기 때문에 기독교인으로서 행동의 변화와 깊이 있는 종교 인식은 부재한 양상을 보인다. This article aims to illustrate some characteristics of the recognition of Christianity in KIM Nam-Cheon`s novels. KIM, one of the most important critics and writers during the Japanese colonial period, leads KAPF(Korea Artista Proleta Federatio), and publishes many articles and novels filled with the proletarian consciousness. In general, the proletarian writers of 1920-30s were strongly filled with negative comprehension of Christianity, but KIM, a representative leader of KAPF, portrays not only positive viewpoints on Christianity but also positive influences of Christianism which had contributed to the civilization of Korea and of foreign missionary through the memory of his childhood. Even though his novels do not show some profound understanding on Christianity because of his lack of concrete and deep understanding on Christianity in the true sense of the meaning, it is certain that his works contain positive recognitions on Christianity which are very unique and valuable in the history of Korean modern literature of 1920-30s.

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