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        김마리아의 생애를 통해 본 리더십과 사상에 대한 소고 ― 조직구성과 운영을 중심으로

        최상도 한국기독교학회 2023 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.127 No.-

        This paper analyzed the leadership of Maria Kim (金瑪利亞, 1892-1944) revealed through the development of the organizations or institutions she was involved in during her whole life, and her thoughts underlying the leadership through her writings left behind. Born and raised in a family of Protestant independence activists, Maria Kim was a “new woman” who devoted her life to the independence of Korea and education for women. It can be seen that Maria Kim always led or organized Korean women’s groups. In this article, I focused especially on the Korean Women’s International Student Society in Tokyo, the Korean Women’s Patriotic Club, Geunhwa (national flower) Association, and the National Organization of the Presbyterian Women. Through this, it concluded that Maria Kim’s leadership was a leadership for the independence of Korea by developing women’s ability, cooperation, and solidarity, far from personal success and power-pursuit. Specifically, it was confirmed that her leadership was the leadership of consistency between word and action, solidarity and cooperation, initiative, and humility based on the self-sacrificing love of Christian faith, unity and solidarity, freedom and equality. On the other hand, tasks required for further studies on Maria Kim are that (1) her writings should be collected and (2) to investigate the relationship between Maria Kim and missionaries who had directly engaged with her, and the Mission Board of Canadian Churches. 본 논문은 김마리아(1892-1944)의 생애 동안 그녀가 관계한 조직 및기관의 발전을 통해 드러난 리더십과 남겨진 자신의 글들을 통해 그녀의리더십의 기초가 된 사상을 분석했다. 김마리아는 개신교 독립운동가 집안에서 태어나서 자란 ‘신여성’으로 대한의 독립과 여성교육을 위해 평생을헌신한 지도자였다. 김마리아는 언제나 한국 여성들의 모임을 주도 혹은조직하여 발전시킨 것을 확인할 수 있는데, 이 글에서는 동경여자유학생친목회, 대한민국애국부인회, 근화회, 장로회여전도회연합대회를 집중하여 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 김마리아의 리더십은 개인적 출세와 권력 추구와는 거리를 두고 오직 여성들의 실력양성과 협력, 연대를 통한 조국 독립을 위한 지도력이었다. 구체적으로 언행일치, 협동, 솔선수범과 겸손의리더십으로 확인했다. 김마리아의 이 리더십은 기독교 신앙의 자기희생적사랑, 단결과 협동, 자유와 평등에 기초하고 있음을 밝혔다. 한편 (1) 김마리아가 쓴 글들의 집대성, (2) 직접 교제한 선교사들 및 캐나다 선교부와의관계 등에 대한 연구는 과제로 남아있다.

      • 참깨의 脂質變化에 關한 硏究 : 第5報. 貯藏中 free sterol의 sterol 組成變化 Changes in Sterol Compositions of Free Sterol during Storage

        崔相道,徐珠洙 진주산업대학교 1986 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        참깨 種子油中 free sterol의 含量은 總 sterol의 52.2%로서 3.87mg/g이였고 free sterol의 分劃別 sterol 收得率은 4-desmethylsterol이 45.2%, 4-monomethylsterol이 22.2%, 4,4-dimethylsterol은 7.1%였다. free sterol의 구성 sterol은 69.2%의 sitosterol, 13.6%의 campesterol, 11. 1%의 stigmasterol 및 1.3%의 Δ^5-avenasterol이였다. 貯藏中 campesterol의 變化는 9個月까지는 서서히 增加하였으나 그 以後는 약간 감소하였으며 sitosterol은 그 反對로 9個月까지는 급격히 감소하고 그 以後는 약간 增加하였다. 한편 stigmasterol科 Δ^5-avenasterol은 貯藏中 徵徵하게 增加하였으나 그 폭은 대단히 좁았다. free sterol의 모든 構成 sterol은 貯藏條件間에는 變化가 거의 없었다. The content of free sterol in sesame oil was found to be 3.87mg per gram on basis which in 52.2% of total sterol(7.38mg), and the yield of four fraction from unsponifiables of free sterol by thin layer chromatography on silica gel G-60 was as follows : 4-desmethylsterol; 42.2, 4-monomethylsterol; 22. 2, 4,4-dimethylsterol; 7.1 and less polar compounds ; 25.5%. The composition of 4-desmethylsterol; 13.6, stigmasterol: 11. 1 and Δ^5 avenasterol ; 1.3%. On the changes of sterol composition in 4-desmethylsterol fraction of free sterol during the storage of seame seed, the campesterol content in stored LA(air under light), LS(sealing under light), DA(air in dark) and DS(sealing in dark) was increased upto 9 months storage period and then slightly decreased until 15 months storage, but the sitosterol content was observed with reverse tendency. Otherwise, the both, stigmasterol and Δ^5 avenasterol, were not nearly changed during storage period and storage conditions.

      • 梅實酒(非酸酵性) 製造條件에 關한 試驗(Ⅳ)

        崔相道 진주산업대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        梅實酒 製造 條件의 標準을 定하기 위한 實驗으로 실탕을 첨가하지 않은 것과 첨가한 것, 첨가 알콜의 희석 농도別과 저장 기간을 달리 하였을 때에 梅實酒의 化學的 成分 分析과 官能檢査를 실시하였다. 化學 成分 分析에서는 1. 첨가한 에탄올 농도가 높을수록 糖度가 높았으며 저장 기간이 길어질수록 糖度가 높아졌으나 90日 以後에는 증가폭이 완만하였다. 2. 酒精度는 설탕을 첨가한 것이 높았으며 저장 기간이 길어질수록 낮아졌으며 저장 180日에는 급격히 낮아졌다. 3. pH와 총산은 설탕 첨가別, 알콜 농도別, 저장 기간別에 큰 차이가 없었다. 4. 化學 成分 變化의 結果로서는 설탕은 20%을 첨가하고 에탄올은 30∼40%의 농도에서 매실주를 製造하여 90日에 시음하는 것이 좋을 것 같다. 官能 檢査에서는 1. 설탕을 첨가한 것이 첨가한 것이 첨가하지 않는 것 보다 높게 채점되었다. 2. 설탕을 첨가하지 않은 것은 저장 기간이 길어질수록 점수가 높아졌으나 보통(4점) 以下의 낮은 점수였다. 3. 설탕을 20% 첨가한 것은 주정 희석도가 50%區에서 술맛이 가장 나쁘고 그 외의 區에서는 비슷하였으며 저장 기간이 길어질수록 좋은 경향이었다. 4. 설탕을 첨가하지 않은 區에서는 30% 및 40% 주정 희석도에서 비교적 좋았고 설탕을 20% 첨가한 區에서는 20% 주정 희석도의 180日 저장區에서 좋았으며 30% 및 40% 주정도의 90日 및 180日 저장區에서 좋은 경향이었다. 5. 관능 검사 결과에 의하면 20%의 설탕을 加하고 30∼40%의 주정 희석도로서 매실주를 제조하여 90日 저장 후에 시음하는 것이 좋을 것 같다. This experiment was carried to determine optimum condition for the japanese apricot(nonfermentation) processing. The chemical constituent was analyzed according to different addable sugar, diluted and stored days. The sensory test was operated different addable sugar ratio, diluted ethanol ratio and storage age by ten panelists. The results were summarized as follows: In chemical analysis, 1. The pH and total acid was observed little difference. 2. The more the ethanol added, the higher the degree of suger was observed, and the degree of suger was increased by the longer stored days. 3. The longer the stored days were, the less the degree of ethanol was observed, and the degree of ethanol in addable sugar plot was observed than that in nonsugar plot., In sensory test, 4. Rating value of addable plot was observed higher than that of nonsugar plot. 5. Rating value of nonsugar plot was increased by longer stored days, and that was observed less than ordinary(4 point). 6. In 20% addable sugar plot, the rating value of 50% diluted ethanol plot was shown vary bad(1 point) and that of 20% dilutd ethanol, 180 stored days plot was good(6 point) and 30% or 40% diluted ethanol, 90 or 180 stroed days plot was tended good and the rating value was tended good by the longer stored days. 7. In nonaddable sugar plot, the rating value of 30% & 40% diluted ethanol plot was shown a little good(5 point). 8. According to the results of this experiment, the japanese apricot wine(nonfermentation) should be made with addable sugar(20%), 30∼40% diluted ethanol, and stored 90 days at the room temperature(20∼40℃).

      • 참깨 貯藏中 分劃別 脂質 및 分劃別 脂質의 脂肪酸組成 變化

        崔相道,金炯甲 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1988 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.1 No.-

        참깨를 56個月 貯藏하여 分劃別 脂質 및 各 分劃別 脂質의 脂肪酸組成을 알아 보았다. 分劃別 脂質의 變化는 참깨 수확때 77.2%의 triglyceride가 56個月 貯藏後 75.2%로 減少하였고 sterylester, diglyceride, free fatty acid 및 phospholipid는 0.5%가 2.2%로, 1.4%가 4.4%로, 2.1%가 4.4%로, 1.6%가 3.2%로 各各 增加되었다. 脂肪酸組成 變化는 飽和脂肪酸인 palmitic acid 및 stearic acid는 增加되고 不飽和脂肪酸인 oleic acid 및 linoleic acid는 減少하였다. 한편 C_18/C_16 脂肪酸比의 變化는 glycolipid에서는 增加되었고 phospholipid에서는 거의 變化가 없었으나 그外의 脂質에서는 減少되었으며 또한 不飽和度比의 變化는 모든 分劃別 脂質에서 貯藏中 減少하였다. In order to find the charactesistics of sesame oil during the storage of sesame seed, the fractionation pattern and fatty acid composition of each fractionation lipid were analyzed at the harvesttime and at the time after 56 months, storage. The sesame seed was stored in natural dark store within the cotton bag. The amount of triglyceride of the sesame seed stored 56 months was slightly lower as 75.2% of total lipid than that at the harvesttime sesame seed oil of 77.2%. The content of sterylester, diglyceride, free fatty acid and phospholipid were increased from 0.5%, 1.4%, 2.1% and 1.6% a harvesttime to 2.2%, 4.4%, 4.4% and 3.2% at the time after 56 months stored respectively. The main fatty acid composition of sesame oil were palmitic acid(7.0∼25.1%), stearic acid(1.4∼7.2%), oleic acid(14.7∼38.0%) and linoleic acid(17.8∼54.0%). The main carbon comopsitions of there fatty acids were found to be C_16 and C_18. The ratio of C_18 to C_16 fatty acids in each fractionation lipid were parctically decreased, but that of glycolipid was increased from 8.5 to 9.8 and that of phospholipid was not nearly changed during the storage. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acid were decreased in the all fractions and the during storage, specially, that of triglyceride was decreased from 9.6 at the harvesttime to 7.1 at the time of stored for 56 months.

      • 침출용 에탄올 농도별 매실주 제조

        최상도,서원택 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2000 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.13 No.-

        In order to determine optimum condition of the manufacture and the storage for Japanese apricot wine, this experiment was carried. The Japanese apricot wine was manufactured by different ethanol concentration variety{20% (a), 25% (b), 30% (c), 35% (d), 40% (e) and 50% (f)}and added 20% (B) or 30% (C) per Japanese apricot weight. We examined the physicochemical properties and sensual evaluation of the Japanese apricot wine at the different stored days (30 day, 50 day, 60 day, 70 day, 90 day, 120 day, 180 day and 360 day). 1. The physicochemical properties and sensual evaluation of the Japanese apricot wine was manufactured by ethanol concentration from 30% to 40% and added 20% sugar per Japanese apricot weight for extraction is good. Also the Japanese apricot wine was stored 90∼120 days at room temperature is good. 2. The optimum condition of the manufacture and the storage for Japanese apricot wine are ethanol concentration for extraction, 30∼40% and ethanol volume, twice of Japanese apricot weight.

      • KCI등재후보

        인삼 추출물로 발아시킨 콩나물의 식품성분 변화

        최상도,김윤희,남상해,손미예,최재훈 한국생명과학회 2003 생명과학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        인삼추출물(100∼400 ppm)로 콩을 발아시켜 4일간 재배한 콩나물의 생육특성, 아미노산, 유기산 및 유리당 함량의 변화를 조사하였다. 인삼추출물은 콩나물의 길이 및 무게증가에 효과적이었다. 총 아미노산 함량은 100 ppm에서 3일간 재배하였을 때가 가장 높았고, 추출물의 농도가 높을수록 그 함량이 많아졌다. 또한 재배일수가 길어질수록 aspartic acid 함량은 증가하지만, glutamic acid 함량은 오히려 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 총 유리당은 재배일수가 증가할수록 많아졌으나, 농도별로는 일정한 경향이 나타나지 않았다. Sucrose는 대조구에서 점진적으로 감소하였고, 추출물 처리구는 3일까지는 증가하다가 그 이후는 감소하였으며, 다른 유리당은 4일까지 지속적으로 증가하였다. 총 유기산은 인삼추출물 200 ppm으로 발아시켜 3일 동안 재배한 콩나물이 가장 많은 함량을 나타내었다. 그 중에서 phytic acid가 가장 많았으며, 총 유기산의 45∼60% 정도를 차지하였다. 결론적으로 인삼 추출물을 콩의 발아액으로 활용하면, 콩나물의 성장촉진, 아미노산, 유기산 및 유리당 함량의 증진에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. Changes in weight, length, amino acids, organic acids and free sugars of soybean sprouts germinated with extract of Panax ginseng(PGE, 100∼400 ppm) were investigated. PGE increased the weight and length of soybean sprouts. Content of total amino acid in soybean sprout germinated at 100 ppm of PGE after cultivation for 3 days was the most abundant and then decreased by increasing the concentration of PGE. Content of aspartic acid was increased with culture time, but that of glutamic acid was shown to be an opposite trend. Content of total free sugar was increased by increasing culture time and not affected by concentration of PGE. Content of sucrose in control group during growth of soybean sprout was decreased, but sucrose contents in PGE groups were increased to 3 days and decreased thereafter. However, the other sugars were continuously increased for 4 days. Content of total organic acids was the most abundant in soybean sprouts germinated with 200 ppm of PGE and cultured for 3 days. Phytic acid was a major organic acid, showing the range of 45 to 60% for total organic acids. In conclusion, PGE as sprouting water of soybean was effective to increase of growth, contents of amino acids and organic acids in soybean sprouts, indicating that PGE accelerated the quality of soybean sprouts.

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