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      • KCI등재

        고령자의 지각색채 분석을 위한 디지털 모의수정체 - 서울지하철 표준색채의 수치화를 중심으로 -

        정민영(Chung, Minyoung),이현수(Lee, Hyunsoo) 한국실내디자인학회 2020 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.29 No.6

        This research suggests digital artificial lens that digitized age-related changes in color perception. In aging societies, many elders experience decline in color perception. In this regard, there has been research in medical domain with elders" lens of color perception. However, field application of elder"s color distinction on public spatial environment need to be improved. Seoul metro is a good example. Seoul metro includes a mix of commercial, residential, office and entertainment centered around or located near a transit station. Dense, walk-able, mixed-use development near transit attracts people including elders and adds to vibrant, connected communities subjectively. To adopt digitized lens to Seoul metro maps" color, standard color in short wavelength; violet, blue and green were selected for Variance Independent(V.I.) since colors in 400∼600nm visible light make elders perception difficult. Among the confusing colors of subway line has need exclusively on the artificial lens information have inputted adjusted value and examined by margin of error in CIE L*a*b* variance. Standard color V.I. and V.I. transfered to artificial lens were measured with spectrophotometer. CIE L*a*b* and RGB; Color value on virtual filter V.D. was analyzed from V.I. This digital artificial lens is developed based on artificial lens. The implications and limitations of the digital artificial lens are discussed, and so that make some future research steps; Color of yellow in vision digitization will be need for eider"s perceptive color scheme for age friendly color scheme for the elderly should be suggested. Therefore, this research finally suggests a digital artificial lens for digital public consensus.

      • 딥러닝에 기반을 둔 배색이미지의 감성어휘 추출 방법론

        정민영(CHUNG, Minyoung),이현수(LEE, Hyunsoo) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.3

        This paper suggests Emotional adjective prediction using a deep learning approach. The color is important since colors help us to identify an object and colors have symbols that interact with emotion. It is difficult to design based emotions that emotional color are not sufficient to analyze color design by intuition. Before it will expand color data, it is necessary to verify throughout variety source qualitative and quantitative research. It is difficult to design based emotions that is necessary to verify throughout variety source qualitative and quantitative research. This research focused on a deep learning method for emotional color classification that can replace thousands of people’s cognition. The input of the fusion is given to a support of Python language for image classification. This research has concluded that it is desirable to use Deep learning for classifying the set of color of images and it helps color analysis efficiently. Deep learning makes the quality of universal perception with computation easier for user experience. This research has concluded that it is desirable to use Deep leaning for classifying the set of color of images. ImageNet with convolutional neural network makes the quality of universal perception with Deep leaning easier for user experience. A designer makes color combinations institutionally that is classified using deep learning, and can be analyzed emotion as A is 90 percentage ordinary and B is 50 percentage extraordinary in two minuits for deep learning thousand emotional colors and classifying over one hundreds color palettes. It is expected to use these results of research have implications for color design and analysis.

      • KCI등재

        오동식의 <변두리 극장> 재연출이 갖는 의미

        정민영 ( Chung Minyoung ) 한국브레히트학회 2017 브레히트와 현대연극 Vol.0 No.37

        Im Dezember 2011 wurde Karl Valentins Theater in der Vorstadt zum ersten Mal auf die koreanische Buhne gebracht (Ubersetzung: Chung Minyoung, Regie: Oh Dong Sik, Guerilla Theater Seoul). Die koreanische Theaterwelt richtete bald ihre Aufmerksamkeit darauf, dass mit dieser Premiere eine neue Komodie in Kabarettform, die unserer darstellenden Kunst ganz fremd ist, vorgestellt wurde. Der Regisseur Oh Dong Sik hat das Stuck im Marz 2017 erneut inszeniert. Die Auffuhrung wurde durch den Nachtrag der anderen weiteren 3 Texte von Karl Valentin, Der Vogelhandler, Beim Arzt, Nein als Zwischenspiele erganzt und das Instrumentenspiel der Schauspieler wurde verbessert. Dadurch wird die soziale Kritik der Inszenierung vertieft und das Niveau der Auffuhrung gehoben. Wie bei der Premiere konzentriert sich die zweite Inszenierung auf den Widerstand und den Kampf gegen die genormte Gesellschaft, die starren Denkweisen und den gegenwartigen Burokratismus. Vor allem ist es von besonderer Bedeutung im Vergleich zu der Premiere 2011, dass die Inszenierung 2017 durch die politische Lage in Korea im Marz 2017, also im Bezug auf die Korruption der Prasidentin und ihrer Anhanger, deren Machtmissbrauch und die Unterdruckung der Kunstler usw. eine großere Aktivitat und eine verstarkte Aktualitat der Kritik hervorrufen konnte. Die Auffuhrung Theater in der Vorstadt 2017 ist ein produktives Beispiel, das zeigt, worin die soziale Funktion der Komodie als Spiegel der Gesellschaft besteht.

      • 시계황변화(視界黃變化) 노인을 위한 실내 안내색채

        정민영(CHUNG, Minyoung),이현수(LEE, Hyunsoo) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        This research suggests color-coded directional floor signage that provides easier guidance and accessibility for daily navigation of the elderly people. While eyesight determines a person"s ability to find ways and move towards a correct direction, elderly people who suffer from yellowing of their crystalline lenses or xanthopsia may have difficulties distinguishing blue/dark colors from other ones. Different colors have different implications and impacts on psychological statuses and responsive behaviors of the people who perceive them; dividing private and shared spaces by colors that represent such functions will help the elderly find directions efficiently, define spaces and have their attention drawn towards where they should be headed to, which means they will not be lost while trying to go to their own bedrooms, they will have improved self-confidence since they can reach the destinations they wanted by themselves, and they will be evacuated easily in emergency. According to the collected data on recognition of color among confusing combinations, subjective responses of people aged over 75 were prominently related to yellowing of their visions. When this research examined age-related decline in color perception related to yellowing of vision of the elderly people, the respondents aged 75~85 recognized more colors as yellow and red but less colors as belonging to the blue category. The confusing combinations of colors presented to them were: yellow/white, blue/green, dark blue/black and purple/gray. Therefore, the research suggests that using contrastive colors considering the way the elderly people perceive them differently should be helpful for their wayfinding – effective color-coding for indoor floor design of the spaces for the elderly should be suggested.

      • KCI등재

        하이너 뮐러의 작품에 나타난 가족 모티프

        정민영 ( Chung Minyoung ) 한국브레히트학회 2021 브레히트와 현대연극 Vol.- No.45

        하이너 뮐러의 작품에 나타난 가족 모티프는 1950년대부터 마지막 작품인 산문 「꿈텍스트 1995년 시월」에 이르기까지 작가의 전 창작과정에서 유지되는 중요한 모티프이다. 가족 모티프가 수용된 작품의 편수도 뮐러의 대표작인 『햄릿기계』를 포함 16편에 이른다. 그러나 뮐러의 가족 모티프 관련 연구는 『하이너 뮐러 편람』의 주요 작품관점 항목에도 포함되지 않을 만큼 연구의 공백으로 남아 있다. 뮐러는 할아버지, 할머니, 그리고 아버지 세대에 대한 체험을 이전 세대의 미흡한 역사의식 비판으로 문학화하고, 가족의 파괴 현상을 통해 파시즘의 폭력과 야만을 재논의의 대상으로 삼는다. 가족 구성원의 대립과 갈등은 형제 갈등, 남편과 아내의 억압적 관계 등으로 구체화하며, 이를 통해 뮐러가 보고 있는 분열의 독일역사 및 역사의 억압구조가 드러난다. 이처럼 뮐러의 가족 모티프는 역사와 사회의 공적 영역에서 작용한다. 그러나 아버지와 딸의 경우, 아버지가 된 작가의 딸에 대한 사랑이라는 개인적 영역과 딸을 문학으로 비유하여 다음 세대의 문학 발전을 바라는 공적 영역이 교차한다. Das Familienmotiv in Heiner Müllers Werken ist ein wichtiges Motiv, das sich im gesamten Schaffensprozess des Dichters von den 1950er Jahren bis zu seinem letzten Werk, Traumtext Oktober 1995, zeigt. Heiner Müller hat das Familienmotiv in sechzehn Werken rezipiert, dazu gehört auch sein repräsentatives Stück Hamletmaschine. Aber die Forschung zu Müllers Familienmotiven bleibt lückenhaft, so dass das Thema “Familie” im Heiner Müller Handbuch nicht in die “Aspekte des Werks” aufgenommen wurde. In der Prosa, wie im Bericht vom Grossvater und in Der Vater, literarisiert Heiner Müller seine Erlebnisse mit der Generation der Großeltern und mit dem Vater als Kritik an dem unzureichenden Geschichtsbewusstsein früherer Generationen und durch das Phänomen der Zerstörung von Familien. In Prosawerken wie Das eiserne Kreuz, Fleischer und Frau und die missgestaltete Familie in der 7. Szene “Die heilige Familie” von Germania Tod in Berlin werden Gewalt und Barbarei des Faschismus erneut diskutiert. Die Konfrontation und der Konflikt zwischen den Familienmitgliedern werden im Bruderkonflikt und in der Unterdrückungsbeziehung zwischen Mann und Frau konkretisiert, und dadurch werden die deutsche Misere und die Unterdrückungsstruktur in der Geschichte, die Müller sieht, offenbart. Auf diese Weise hat das Familienmotiv Auswirkungen im öffentlichen Bereich, in Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Die Beziehung zwischen Vater und Tochter in Gedichten wie Tristan 1993 und Das Glück der Angst ist ein Fall, in dem Müllers persönliche Gefühle aus der Perspektive eines Dichters, der jetzt Vater ist, verkörpert werden. Hier ist die Sorge eines Vaters um seine Tochter jedoch verbunden mit der immer noch barbarischen Gesellschaft, die seine Tochter bedroht. Insbesondere in dem letzten Prosawerk von Heiner Müller Traumtext Oktober 1995 symbolisiert die verspätet erworbene Tochter die Literatur und die nächste Generation der Literatur. Bei Müller hat das Vater-Tochter-Motiv eine Einzigartigkeit, die an der Schnittstelle zwischen dem persönlichen und dem öffentlichen Bereich wirkt.

      • KCI등재

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