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      • KCI등재

        <정향전>과 <임사낭전>의 비교연구

        장혜문 우리문학회 2024 우리文學硏究 Vol.- No.81

        This paper aims to compare two stories on sexual corruption, the Korean “Jeonghyangjeon” and Chinese “Rensheniangzhuan,” with a similar story structure. While “Jeonghyangjeon” is a novelization of a sexual corruption story, “Rensheniangzhuan” have a more prominent humorous tone and characteristic. “Jeonghyangjeon” and “Rensheniangzhuan” are limited owing to the narrow focus on the royal family’s consciousness only and lack of discussion on women’s beauty. Furthermore, the two stories both end in satirical and humorous note. In “Rensheniangzhuan,” the sexual corruption is depicted in King Wuyue’s bribes used to flatter and curry favor with Shilang Tao, the envoy from the powerful Song. While in “Jeonghyangjeon,” it is portrayed as an antic that King Sejong played to satisfy Prince Yangnyeong. “Rensheniangzhuan” tells a realistic political story of sexual bribery between two countries, while “Jeonghyangjeon” shows a romantic love story similarly found in other Joseon Dynasty novels. Contemporary records show that “Rensheniangzhuan” was likely published and read earlier in Joseon, and the writer of “Jeonghyangjeon” referred to its materials in composing the story, leading to a similar story structure.

      • KCI등재

        재중 한인 아나키스트 유기석과 중국 매체 관련 연구 - 새로 발굴된 1925-1950년 전후의 자료를 중심으로 -

        張慧雯 ( Zhang Huiwen ),金哲 ( Jin Zhe ),金善花 ( Jin Shanhua ) 반교어문학회 2023 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.- No.65

        본 논문은 재중 한인 아나키스트이자 문예론자인 유기석이 20세기 20년대 중반부터 50년대 초반까지 중국매체들에 발표한 자료 중, 새로 발굴한 자료들을 주로 고찰하면서 그 자료들의 가치를 분석하여 평가하고 그에 새로운 의미를 부여하는 것을 연구목적으로 삼았다. 재중 항일아나키스트로서 유기석은 독립운동에 적극 참가하는 한편 중국의 여러 매체들에 자신의 아나키즘 이상과 사상을 표명한 문장들을 다수 발표했는바 현재까지 발굴하여 정리한 글들이 무려 170 여 편에 달한다. 그리고 유기석은 이 시기 중국 여러 신문과 잡지들의 창간이나 편집에 관여하였는데 그 관련 매체수가 27종에 달한다. 이와 같은 활발한 문필활동과 편집활동들에서 우리는 그의 아나키즘이상에 대한 집념과 추구를 엿볼 수 있다. 그가 발표한 문장들은 대체로 다음과 같은 몇 가지 특징이 있다. 우선, 장르가 다양하다. 그의 문장에는 문예평론 외에도 기행문, 시, 수필(산문), 회고록 같은 문체가 있는가 하면 사회와 경제, 또는 국제정치를 다룬 정론도 있다. 유기석은 이와 같은 문체들을 통해 자신의 사상과 감정을 다각도로 표현하고 있다. 다음, 내용이 매우 풍부하다. 유기석의 문예비평들은 주로 아나키즘문예이론에 대한 견해, 즉 그가 극구 주장한 민중 중심의 ‘민중예술론’ 등을 주로 보여주고 있으며 시나 수필 및 기행문들은 디아스포라 한인으로서 이국땅에서 살아가면서 느낀 사적인 감정, 사상적인 고민, 소감 등을 보여주고 있다. 그리고 정론이나 사회 논평들은 주로 식민지 국내현실과 조선에 대한 일본의 약탈정책과 탄압에 대한 비판, 미국과 일본, 러시아, 그리고 유럽의 독일, 영국, 이탈리아, 프랑스 등 세계열강들 간의 외교 및 군사적 갈등, 각 나라들의 내부 법률제도와 경제정책, 또는 한국과 인도, 필리핀 등을 포함한 동방약소민족 국가들의 자유민주운동과 독립운동 상황이나 각국의 무정부주의운동에 대한 견해, 반식민지 중국의 농업경제상황과 사회현실문제 등에 대한 유기석 나름의 견해들을 보여주고 있다. 총괄적으로 유기석의 문장들에서 우리는 아나키스트로서 그의 아나키즘이상에 대한 추구와 자유평등에 대한 갈망, 높은 시대적 사명감, 강자가 약자를 억압하는 불합리한 현실을 개혁하고자 하는 강인한 의지와 투쟁정신, 그리고 남다른 국제적 안목과 넓은 학식, 깊은 문예 소양도 엿볼 수 있다. 유기석은 아나키즘사상을 철학적으로 논의한 문예론자일 뿐만 아니라 그것을 민중 해방의 실천에 접목시키고자 노력한 행동주의아나키스트였다. This paper mainly investigates newly discovered articles published in Chinese media from the mid-20s to the early 50s of the 20th century by Yu Ki-seok, a Korean anarchist and literary scholar in China, analyzes and evaluates the value of those articles, and gives them new meaning. As an anti-Japanese anarchist in China, Yu Ki-seok actively participated in the independence movement and published many articles expressing his anarchist ideals and thoughts in various Chinese media. As many as 170 articles have been discovered and organized to date. Yu Ki-seok was involved in the founding and editing of various Chinese newspapers and magazines during this period, and the number of related media reached 27 types. In these active writing and editing activities, we can get a glimpse of his obsession and pursuit of anarchist ideals. The articles he published generally have the following characteristics. First of all, there are various genres. In addition to literary criticism, his writings include styles such as travel writing, poetry, essays (prose), and memoirs, as well as political opinions dealing with society, economy, or international politics. Yu Ki-seok expresses his thoughts and emotions in various ways through these writing styles. Next, the content is very rich. Literary criticism mainly shows his views on anarchist literary theory, that is, the people-centered ‘people’s art theory’ that he strongly advocated, and his poems, essays, and travel writings reflect his personal emotions, ideological concerns, and impressions he felt while living in a foreign land as a diaspora Korean. It shows the back. Political opinions and social commentary mainly include criticism of the colonial domestic reality and Japan’s plundering policy and oppression of Joseon, diplomatic and military conflicts between the United States, Japan, Russia, and world powers such as Germany, Britain, Italy, and France in Europe, and Each country’s internal legal system and economic policy, the situation of liberal democratic movements and independence movements in Eastern countries including Korea, India, and the Philippines, views on anarchist movements in each country, and the agricultural economy and social problems of semi-colonial China. It introduces awareness, etc. Overall, through Yu Ki-seok’s articles, we can observe his pursuit of anarchist ideals as an anarchist, his yearning for freedom and equality, his strong sense of duty towards the times, his unwavering will and fighting spirit to challenge the unreasonable reality where the powerful oppress the weak, and his remarkable international perspective. We can also gain a glimpse of his extensive knowledge and profound literary understanding. Yu Ki-seok was not only a literary scholar who philosophically explored anarchist ideas, but also an active anarchist who endeavored to integrate them into the practice of people’s liberation.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 한·중 문예논쟁시기 유기석의 아나키즘문예인식에 대한 재고

        張慧雯 ( Zhang¸ Huiwen ),金哲 ( Jin¸ Zhe ) 중국어문연구회 2021 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.107

        The purpose of this study is to research Yu Kiseok’s views and cognitive characteristics on literature and art. Yu Kiseok (1905-1980) was an Korean anti-Japan independence activist and anarchist who had been active in China. In the early and middle 1920s, Yu Kiseok was influenced by anarchism through the exchanges and communication with Korean anarchists in China and Chinese anarchists, and began to pay attention to anarchism literature and art. Later, influenced by Kropotkin’s and Tolstoy’s literary thoughts, in the late 1920s he participated in the literary debates between anarchism and marxism in Korea and China and published a number of articles to clarify his unique views on literature and art. This paper investigates Yu Kiseok’s opinions and views on literature and art from three aspects: the subject attribute, the social attribute and the essential attribute, deeply explaining the equality consciousness and the public, the resistance consciousness and social utility, the life consciousness and individuality, and further extracts the reasonable factors to discuss the significance of them. Generally speaking, Yu Kiseok’s opinions and views on literature and art have the following special historical significance. Firstly, the “subjectivity of literature and art”, the life consciousness and the emphasis on the importance of individuality reflected the independence and originality of literature and art. It is directly related to the essence of literature and art, and gives us quite a few enlightenments that enables us to understand them more deeply. Secondly, he integrated class consciousness and ideology into literature and art, and emphasized the resistance and struggle of literature and art against imperial oppression, which has very important practical significance. Thirdly, his opinions and views on literature and art made a certain contribution to enhancing the vitality and combat effectiveness, enriching the literary theories at that time. This paper hopes to provide some reference for a more comprehensive understanding of Yu Kiseok and his views on literature and art, and objectively evaluate the significance and value of his anarchism literary thought in the history of Korean and Chinese literary criticism in the 1920s.

      • KCI등재

        상해시절 김광주의 중국영화평론에 대한 연구-1930년대『晨報·每日電影』의 영화평을 중심으로

        金哲,장혜문,김교령 한국어문학회 2023 語文學 Vol.- No.160

        Writer Kim Kwang-ju, who entered Shanghai for the second time in October 1933, worked as an exclusive contributor to Movie Daily, a supplement of Shanghai newspaper Morning Post, for about 1 year and 7 months from June 1934 to January 1936, and published many literary and film reviews in Chinese, leaving his own footprints in the history of Chinese literary criticism. Among them, this thesis focuses on the critical articles about Chinese movies published in Shanghai's Morning Post·Movie Daily around the mid-1930s. This thesis divides these comments into two categories: the comments on Chinese films and the comments on the critical situation in the critical circles, trying to reveal the characteristics of these comments and give them their own meanings. This paper briefly reviews the background of Kim Kwang-ju's connection with Shanghai's Morning Post·Movie Daily, and then looks at his film reviews. Firstly, his comments on Chinese film works mainly pays attention to and discusses the themes, protagonists' images, actors' performances, shooting techniques and so on in the first half of 1930s, and points out the existing problems objectively and deeply. Secondly, from the perspective of diaspora, his comments on Chinese film critics pointed out sharply the problems of commercialization, stereotype, vulgarization and loss of authority in critics at that time, as well as the deficiencies in actors' performances and film editing. At the same time, it also puts forward the improvement direction, which have attracted much attention. In general, Kim Kwang-ju's comments on Chinese film works and the reality of Chinese film critics always adhere to the artistic of film and the basic principles of film reflecting society and real life. Under this principle, Kim Kwang-ju commented on the creation and theme of the relevant films, the shooting techniques, the actors' performances, the film editing and even the criticism attitudes of the comments, etc. Kim Kwang-ju's film reviews are similar to those of contemporary Chinese critics, and have their own unique characteristics. Through Kim Kwang-ju's opinion and critical attitude on film art, we can not only reveal his literary and artistic consciousness more deeply, but also get a more objective perspective to understand the Chinese films and the real situation of Chinese film criticism circle in the first half of 1930s. 1933년 10월 두 번째로 상해에 입성한 작가 김광주는 1934년 6월부터 1936년 1월까지 약 1년 7개월간 상해 신문매체인 『晨報』부간 「每日電影」의 전속 기고인으로 있으면서 중국어로 문학평론과 영화평론들을 다수 발표하여 중국문예비평사에 나름으로 자신의 족적을 남겨놓았다. 그 중에 새롭게 주목받고 있는 것은 김광주가 1930년대 중반을 전후하여 상해 『晨報·每日電影』에 발표한 중국영화 관련 평론문장들이다. 본 논문은 김광주의 영화 관련 평론들을 크게 중국영화작품에 대한 평론과 평론계 비평 상황에 대한 평론으로 나누어 고찰하면서 그 평론들의 특징을 밝혀내고 나름의 의의를 부여하고자 했다. 일단 논의전개를 위해 김광주가 상해 『晨報·每日電影』과 인연을 맺게 된 전후 상황을 간략하게 살펴본 후 그의 구체적인 영화평론들을 살펴보았다. 우선 중국영화작품에 대한 평론을 보면 주로 30년대 전반기 중국영화작품의 주제나 주인공 형상, 그리고 배우들의 연기나 촬영 기법, 영화 편집 등을 논의하면서 거기에 존재하는 문제들을 비교적 객관적이고도 깊이 있게 자세히 지적하고 있다. 다음, 중국영화평론계의 평론에 대한 비평들은 당시 평론계에 존재했던 상업화, 도식화, 저속화 및 권위성 상실 문제들, 그리고 평론가의 자질 문제와 비평 태도 등을 이방인의 시각으로 매우 예리하게 지적하였다. 그러면서 동시에 개선 방향까지 보여주고 있어 주목된다. 총괄적으로 김광주의 중국영화작품에 대한 평론과 중국영화평론계 실상에 대한 평론은 모두 영화의 본질, 즉 영화는 어디까지 예술이고 사회와 현실 생활의 반영이라는 기본원칙을 지키고 있으며 평론태도가 매우 진지하고 객관적이다. 그의 영화 관련 평론은 동시대 중국인 평론가들과 비슷한 면이 있으면서도 또 자가 나름의 특징이 있는바, 우리는 그러한 영화예술에 대한 주장과 평론자세를 통해 그의 문예의식을 보다 심도 있게 들여다 볼 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 20세기 30년대 전반기 중국영화평론과 영화비평계의 실상을 보다 객관적으로 이해할 수 있는 시각을 획득하게 된다.

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