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        劉 ?의 今?古文學 性向考 -『文心雕龍』의 유교사상을 中心으로 -

        任振鎬 한국유교학회 2003 유교사상문화연구 Vol.18 No.-

        《文心雕龍》是一部從文史哲融合的角度探討文學藝術的審美特徵的宏偉著作. 本世紀以來, 由于學者的努力, 由于現當代文化藝術及理論的騶動, 文心雕龍越來越爲世界文壇 學界所 目, 幷逐漸成爲當代顯學的一種. 出現于齊梁之間, 從文化思想上看, 儒學的佛化, 佛學的儒化, 儒 道 佛互化, 是這個時期的一個總的趨勢或特點. 因此,關于劉 的思想, 學術界的硏究也頗多分岐, 槪括起來有三種觀點:一種認爲劉 的思想主要是儒家思想;一種則認爲主要是佛家思想; 一種提出, 劉 的思想以儒家思想爲主, 又吸收了佛 道 玄等思想. 其中學術界認爲第三種觀點較爲合理. 本文暫且 開劉 的道 玄 佛的思想, 對其儒學思想進行探討, 力圖在綜合已有論述的基礎上, 提出了筆者的一些看法. 所謂的儒家思想本身也在不斷地發展, 劉 所處的南北朝時期的儒家思想同先秦 兩漢的儒家思想又不完全相同, 特別是經學的情況來看, 自兩漢 宋齊, 經學硏究已經曆了西漢今古文學的繁榮與東漢古文學的興起, 從而也就形成了今文學與古文學的兩大派別, 其中還有經學與玄學 南學與北學 經學與佛敎乃至道敎的矛盾 衝突與交融問題.這種狀況下, 劉 基本上立足于儒家經學古文學的性向, 同時對今文學說也有所統攝與采綴, 此外還直接受到當時玄學 道家 佛敎的思想深刻影響, 幷吸取了 們的許多有益的觀點.

      • KCI등재

        공사규모에 따른 공공건축물 공사비의 산정방법

        임진호,박준모,김옥규 한국건축시공학회 2015 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        As there are a lot of differences in the public building construction cost depending on the construction scale of actualconstruction cost system, a lot of problems occur in the estimation of the cost. So, the development of a predictivemodel depending on the construction scale shall be used in a way that it is applied to the case selectively anddifferently. This study drew a cost estimating model through a regression analysis. For this, 42 construction sites whichwere ordered during 2011 to 2012 by Public Procurement Service data were selected as a historical data. Based on theapplication of the model to new construction and the verification of its effect, the reasonable model for estimating theconstruction cost has been suggested. 공공건축물공사의 실적공사비제도에서 공사규모에 대한 건축공사비 차이가 크게 나타나므로, 산정방식에서 많은 문제점으로 제기된다. 이에 공사규모에 따라서 선별적, 차등적으로 적용할 예측모형의 개발이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구는 조달청에서 2011~2012년에 발주한 이미준공된 42개 현장의 실적자료에서 공사규모 5,000㎡~20,000㎡으로 선정하여, 회귀분석을 통해서 추정된모형을 도출하였다. 이를 근거로 신규공사에 적용하여 검증함으로써 합리적인 건축공사비 예측모형을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        청대 차문화(茶文化) 양상과 문인(文人)의 문예창작(文藝創作) - 차시가(茶詩歌)의 형식(形式)과 풍격(風格)을 중심으로

        임진호 중국어문학회 2016 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.56

        中國的茶文化萌芽於魏晉南北朝, 成於唐朝, 盛於宋代, 至博大精深, 從其起源到現在, 經歷了不同時期的。發展和延伸, 內涵也得到不斷的豊富, 然而茶文化發展到淸代, 則旣是傳統文化的總結, 也是現代茶文化的開始, 淸代茶文化雖然沿襲和傳承了前代的茶文化道路, 但也有自己的發展和特徵, 淸朝是北方來的滿足政權, 漢化後皇室偏愛飮茶, 尤其是康熙乾隆皆飮茶, 這種情況使得淸代上層社會品茶風氣尤盛, 進而也影響民間, 茶深入到民間的許多領域, 與傳統的民間風俗相結合, 形成多方面與茶相關的茶館文化和風俗, 茶作爲重要的生産活動, 必然成爲。詩歌藝術的重要表現內容, 茶與詩歌作品的關系歷史悠久, “茶自最初之時卽助成詩思”, 卽茶與詩歌結合在一起, 淸代茶詩歌數量龐大, 也有許多著名詩篇, 特別是淸代的文人在嚴酷的專制高壓環境下, 性情盡管被壓迫, 被內斂了, 更沒有心情去創造文化了, 但是茶是要品的, 茶還是文人們舒放性靈的手段, 淸代茶詩歌在藝術形式和風格上不滿元詩的纖弱ㆍ明詩的膚廓和狹隘, 在技巧上兼學唐ㆍ宋詩的長處, 不斷追求創新, 改變了原明以來的頹勢, 出現了新的繁榮, 淸代愛茶的著名人有屈大鈞ㆍ錢謙益ㆍ顧炎武ㆍ鄭燮ㆍ吳偉業ㆍ杜浚ㆍ周亮工ㆍ施潤章ㆍ吳綺ㆍ孫枝蔚ㆍ杜芥ㆍ陳章等許多文人, 盡管他們在茶學說和飮茶的方, 而且方法上已沒有什?貢獻, 但淸代文人所留下的一批茶詩詞仍然是對文化的一種貢獻, 是淸代文化的助成部分, 而淸代文人對中國文化的貢獻, 爲後人硏究和了解茶葉ㆍ茶史ㆍ茶文化保存了資料和提供了便利.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공공건축물 실적자료 분석에 따른 중위수를 활용한 총공사비의 적정보정율 추정방법

        임진호,박준모,김옥규 한국건축시공학회 2014 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.14 No.5

        There is growing difference between a planned value and an actual cost for increasing as an risk of constructioncost. A construction cost index is an alternative to redeem a problem, but it is still very difficult to reduce an actualdifferential as a price fluctuation. Furthermore an existing theory of a construction cost index is overly complex, andis unsuitable for using in working-level. This study suggests an optimum correction rate in respect of a totalconstruction cost. It is analyzing the actual cost of 53 public buildings that the Public Procurement Service ordered. The objects are main processes that include architectural works, mechanical works, electrical works,telecommunication works, and service facilities. It is compared a total construction cost based on absolute error rateusing the median from frequentist principle. For this, it is selected the suitable regression model and set a correctionrate. 본 연구는 공공건축물의 실적공사비 분석을 통해 총공사비에 대한 적정보정율을 기초자료로 제시하고자 한다. 이에대해 조달청에서 발주한 2009~2011년에 준공된 53개 프로젝트를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 공사비 분석은 주요 공정인 건축, 기계, 전기, 통신, 부대시설에 대하여 빈도론적 관393점에서 중위수를 활용한 절대오차율을 기반으로 총공사비에 대해 비교·분석하였다. 이를 통해 적합회귀모형을 선정하고 보정율을 책정하였다.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 암각화 부호와 고문자 부호와의 상관성 연구 -내몽골(內蒙古) 암각화 부호 "△", "▽"를 중심으로-

        임진호,김하종 중국어문학회 2011 中國語文學誌 Vol.37 No.-

        Chinese was made under the influence of colorful pictures and signs which were carved on stone as well as earthenware. Observing the symbolic meanings of signs on the petroglyph is not only regarded as master original superficial meaning of Chinese but also quite helpful for researching deeper meaning behind ancient Chinese characters. The signs carved on the petroglyph shows discovery that the signs, ``△`` and ``▽`` were found around the world, including China and Korea. In conclusion it is concluded that ``△`` means man(man``s genitals), while ``▽`` means woman(woman`s genitals). In order to learn how to write those signs we searched for them in the oracle and bronze inscription. There are several Chinese characters including ``△ ``in the oracle and bronze inscription, such as ``吉``, ``合``, ``會``, ``향``, ``□``, ``高``, ``膏``, ``喬``. However, according to the analysis of calligraphy and phonetic elements, ``△`` is much better by given the definition of appropriate by comparison of the concept of men`s genitals. In addition, ``▽`` shows up like ``不``, ``丕``, ``否``, ``才``, ``在``, ``帝`` also defined with suitable rather than women`s genitals with the same method of analysis. The petroglyph signs appeared on the oracle and bronze inscription can strongly prove that there`s close relationships between the symbolic meaning of petroglyph signs and the original meaning of the oracle and bronze inscription.

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