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      • 1930년대 초반 中國 民營言論의 時局認識 : 『申報』·『大公報』의 安內攘外論을 중심으로 『申報』·『大公報』的安內攘外論爲中心

        이재령 중국근현대사학회 2003 중국현대사연구 Vol.18 No.-

        1930年初期, 南京國民政府在反蔣軍閥戰爭勝利以後, 正規實行了以黨治國的訓政。國民黨對內開展了中央集中和統一政策, 主要精力投入到共産黨討伐戰, 爲了廢止對外不平等條約而作出了努力。這時期, 發生了滿洲事變, 蔣介石建立了不抵抗主義和先安內後攘外政策, 督促了剿共戰。對內外混亂中, 以1920年經濟成長爲基礎, 大大發展了中國言論的量與質, 民營新聞·雜志等, 也陳述了對時局懸案的多種意見。 本稿通過1930年代初期, 在日本侵略引起的國難狀況下, 描述了具有代表性的民營日刊『申報』·『大公報』的時局認識, 糾明了言論界的視覺差及政治權力和商業言論的關係。特別對圍繞安內攘外政策, 因兩個新聞的責難, 有效分析了當時民營言論的時局認識。以此, 將更加能구理解南京政府的實際狀況與言論狀況。 北閥終了以後, 兩個新聞所意向的中國像, 是以具有學識和專門技術知識人所運用的淸廉潔白的中央集中式的統一政府。兩個新聞, 根據孫文以來國民革命主導歷史的‘名分’和無現存代替勢力的‘現實’, 强調了國民黨革命完遂的責任, 表示了對此的期待感。發生了滿洲事變以後, 兩個新聞, 表露了彼此的視覺差。有關政策時宜性的安內攘外的‘順序’和有關政策效率性與安內‘方法’, 成了責難對象。『大公報』主張的是, 爲了攘外, 得優先考慮國內的安定和統一的先安內論。『申報』强調了, 只有抗日, 才可國家存亡的根本對策的先攘外論。安內實現方法以剿共戰爲核心課題, 與蔣介石不同的是, 兩個新聞重視了內政改革、民權保藏、農村復興等。『申報』對此判斷爲攘外的前提條件、『大公報』對此判斷爲剿共的有效手段。結果, 通過內政改革, 『大公報』·『申報』以强中國爲共同目標的安內攘外的政策, 形成了與南京政府協助、緊張關係。 兩個新聞, 對安內攘外的順序和方法, 表露了視覺差異的背景, 有兩個方面。第一, 新聞運營者, 反映了政治趨向與蔣介石的關係的結果。『申報』帶有進步人士的參與對於反帝·反封建的進步趨向。相反, 『大公報』在北伐終了以後與蔣介石的關係緊密起來, 以劣惡的狀況爲理由, 採用了先安內政策。第二, 新聞的發行場所與購買對象的差異。『申報』在上海發行, 上海不僅是經濟中心地, 在政治方面具有交强的進步性向, 所以購買地域和購讀對象也非常廣泛及敏銳, 積極反映了時局問題輿論。『大公報』在天津發行, 天津是北方軍閥的影響力較强的地區, 帶有官僚資本的性格, 對政府當局是協力性, 比起南京的政治問題對北方軍事·外交問題非常關心。卽使, 言論人的政治·經濟·思想背景對『申報』和『大公報』的視覺差起了主要作用, 但因購讀者的多種環境和關心也起了重要的作用。還有, 在新聞的活動舞臺和營業上的差異, 也是新聞性向必不可少的一個變數。 民營言論的啓導性, 無法忽視原有使命以外的商業利潤與成長。在新聞的創刊, 發展過程中, 雖然, 對時代狀況與時代精神具有影響, 但是, 對民營企業的利益創出, 確實一個基本。從以上的觀點來看, 『申報』·『大公報』以原有的政治性·經濟性的利益爲中心, 反映了讀者的關心。以此爲基礎, 謀求國家發展也是必然的。1930年代初期, 中國共産黨的積極的成長和日本的連績侵略妨애了資本家的成長, 對國家存亡與否也是個問題。以此, 南京政府實行了, 先安內(剿共)後攘外(抗日)政策。『申報』把攘外當成緊急課題, 『大公報』把安內當成緊急課題。兩個新聞不管安內·攘外順序, 僅僅支持了强有力及統一的中央政府。安內以一時的快捷, 承認了剿共。却消耗了莫大的人力和軍事費, 回避了戰爭。促進了攘外的前提條件已及安內核心的內政及經濟改革和民權保藏等。以此爲基礎, 近代市民國家的意向, 可以當作民營言論的共同性格。那期間, 南京政府時期的民營言論, 因以運營主體的階級性格, 以統治權力的關係爲主分析及評價, 所以, 無法擺脫對政治的偏向認識和一方的視覺。1930年代初期, 『申報』·『大公報』對現實的認識, 幷沒有因國家權力任意擺布, 反而對資本, 主義, 志向, 關心等起了綜合的作用。這是用明確的自己論理而投影的結果。所以, 國民黨和民營言論的關係, 幷沒有收容主動言論的近代性。顯示了강硬訓政體制界限。之後, 兩者關係, 只有以任意一方的從屬, 極端的對立狀況, 以正式的抗日救國運動爲契機, 民營言論的反國民黨性向引起了高潮。

      • 現代 日本語의 格助詞 「から」의 意味用法 硏究

        李在領 광주대학교 1985 광주개방대학 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        In this paper I have described semantic usages of the case form 'KARA'(から) in the morden Japanese. I have specially researched semantic usage of 'KARA' with the preceeding Noun of it and its following Verb, for the Case Particles represent the case relation between the preceeding Noun and its following Verb in sentence. The semantic usages of the case particle 'KARA' are as follows; 1) Usages showing the starting point of a place. 2) Usages showing the passing point of a place. 3) Usages showing the starting point of mental removal. 4) Usages showing the passing point of mental removal. 5) Usages showing derection. 6) Usages showing a person who speaks to, listens to, gives and tekes something. 7) Usages showing a person in sentence of passive form. 8) Usages showing the yardstick for judgment. 9) Usages showing reason, cause or motive. 10) Usages showing the material, etc used in a process, the material being changed as a result. 11) Usages showing the order of actions. 12) Usages showing the starting of a period of time.

      • 南京國民政府期(1927~1937) 敎育狀況에 관한 一考察 : 언론ㆍ교육계의 시각을 중심으로

        李在鈴 한국중국문화학회 2001 中國學論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        南京國民政府時期, 中國智識分子通過抗日戰爭, 相當具有左傾傾向, 而國共內戰以后, 在政治上走了共産黨之路. 這種變化從三個方面可以?到背景. 第一, 是國民當政府的消極對日態度. 第二, 喪失了關于自由主義的改革的期望. 第三, 是毛澤東的新民主主義論以及共産黨的知識分子吸收政策. 鑒于上述情況, 我們必做察看南京政府時期言論和敎育界的現實認識與對應狀況等方面的問題. 訓政初期, 在無紀律的敎育界, 從始終一貫的敎育方針和系統的敎育行政以及學事管理, 嚴格的學生活動規律等方面, 糾正了其無紀律的敎育界, 就取得了好成果. 可是, 由于黨治敎育方針而設立的黨和政府的敎育統制成爲日常化, 敎育條件就兪來兪壞. 因此, 學生和敎員們提出保障自治權, 排除政治的干涉, 安定地確保敎育經費, 廢止復古敎育等問題, 就鬧了集團紛糾. 當時, 「中報」和「大公報」 等言論, 按照政治傾向, 有着互相不同的問題認識, 但在解決方案上, 認爲因爲以政治·社會的混亂, 官僚和軍人的干涉及不正腐敗等事情, 就弄糟了敎育, 因此, 首先催促了外部因素的改善. 還有通過以平民敎育, 生活敎育, 鄕村敎育爲中心的敎育改革, 同時提出了實用主義敎育和自由主義敎育的必要性. 特別, 敎育改革運動與抗日救國運動同時擴展了, 其直接契機是國民黨政府的對日政策, 但其實質背景是因爲以財政困難和惡劣的敎育條件而引起的不滿. 終于, 訓政體制變質爲一人獨裁, 南京政府的知的活動環境被變爲壓迫的, 劃一的, 不管日本帝國主義侵略和共産黨勢力的擴大而變化, 不斷地黨治敎育喪失了現實性, 還疏遠了國民大多數的期望, 就引起了知識分子的抵抗.

      • KCI등재

        중일전쟁시기 한・중 언론의 정세파악과 시국대응 — 『東亞日報』・『中央日報』를 중심으로 —

        이재령 중국근현대사학회 2019 중국근현대사연구 Vol.84 No.-

        After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Second Sino-Japanese war got changed from a regional war to a full-scale war. Korean medias such as DongaIlbo came to be interested in the war situations and the outcome. The Japanese Government-General of Korea immediately set its propagation policy and prepared the wartime support system, and the media control was the priority. ZhongyangRibao, the mouthpiece of Chinese government, led the anti-Japanese sentiment, exposed the brutality of Japanese army, and inspired patriotism, unlike the case of the Manchurian Incident. Although DongaIlbo’s reports on the war situations followed the Japanese colonial policy, they induced the curiosity about Chinese’s defiant note and prospects, and resulted in the expansion of the anti-Japanese sentiment. The Guomintang government’s diplomatic policy at the time was to derive situational changes through a prolonged war, especially to exhort the US’s and the UK’s participation to the war. Therefore, ZhongyangRibao attempted to shift the international situations; but DongaIlbo propagated the Japanese empire’s Naeseon Ilche (Japan-Korea unity) policy. In the early phase of the war, Japan tried to draw compromises from China within a short time, but it was not successful. Thus, DongaIlbo frequently dealt military strategies and economic policies preparing the full-scale war, and daily emphasized the lectures on the situations, the defence contributions, the meetings praying triumph, and the wartime system. Merely in a year since the burst of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Korea degenerated into the prey of the war and suffered the total exploitations and persecutions. In the 1940's, the rim of the Sino-Japanese War completely transcended the scope of the Far East and expanded to the arena of the struggle among the world great powers. DongaIlbo foresaw that ‘the construction of East Asian new order’, which was the Japanese empire’s goal at the first place, would become not easy due to the exhaustion by the prolonged war; and the newspaper was discontinued as the wartime system was enforced.

      • 결핵성 흉막염 치료 후 반복되는 가성유미흉의 수술적 치료

        이재령,김우식,정은정,정유나,이희숙,조기호,이지연 영남대학교 의과대학 2014 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.31 No.1

        Pseudochylothorax is an uncommon pleural effusion disease characterized by the presence of cholesterol crystals or high lipid content not resulting from a disrupted thoracic duct. Most of the cases reported so far had been found in patients with long-standing pleural effusion due to a chronic inflammatory disease such as old tuberculous pleurisy or chronic rheumatoid pleurisy. Authors encountered a case of pseudochylothorax in a 45-year-old man who had been treated for tuberculous pleurisy 6 years before his visit to authors’ hospital. After that, he had visited the emergency department many times for removal of pleural effusion. The patient’s chest X-ray revealed dyspnea and large left-sided pleural effusion. Although a large amount of pleural fluid was removed with a drainage catheter, massive pleural effusion was likely to recur, and the underlying lung was able to fully re-expand. Accordingly, decortication was done, and the patient’s symptom was improved without postoperative complications.

      • KCI등재

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