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        일축연신에 따른 Polyphenylene Sulfide(PPS)의 전기전도 및 광전도 특성

        이운용,장동욱,신태수,임기조,류부형,Lee, Un-Yong,Jang, Dong-Uk,Shin, Tae-Su,Lim, kee-Joe,Ryu, Boo-Hyun 한국전기전자재료학회 1998 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.11 No.10

        In this paper, it is investigated how the morphology and electrical properties in Polyphenylene Sulfide(PPS) changed by uniaxial elongation. XRD(X-ray diffraction) pattern shows that interplanar distance and crystallinities are decreased by increasing elongation ratio. electrical conduction mechanism of PPS is explained as Schottky emission mechanism. the electrical current is decreased by increasing elongation ratio. The conductivity is changed considerably above the glass transition temperature around 82(>$^{\circ}C$). The band gap of PPS is evaluated as 3.7~4(eV)

      • 지하수 이용을 위한 열교환기 개발. II - 지하수이용 냉·난방기 설계제작 -

        이운용,안덕현,김상철,박우풍,강용구,김선배,Lee, W.Y.,Ahn, D.H.,Kim, S.C.,Park, W.P.,Kang, Y.G.,Kim, S.B. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2002 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.4 No.1

        This study was conducted to develop the heat exchanger by utilizing the heat energy of underground water(15℃), which might be used for cooling and heating system of the agricultural facilities. We developed the heat exchanger by using the parallel type plat fin tube made of Aluminum(Al 6063), which was named Aloo-Heat(No. 0247164, offered by Korean Intellectual property Office). The trial manufactures were made from Aloo-heat which was 600mm, 700mm length respectively, and It were welded to the end "U" type in order to direct flow of the underground water. The performance test was carried out under the condition of open space and room temperature with the change of flow rate of the underground water and air. The results are as follows. 1. The trial manufactures had convection heat value from 33 to 156 W/m<sup>2</sup>℃, and It was coincided with design assumption. 2. The amount of energy transfer was increased with the increment of the area of heat transfer, the air flow, the gap of temperature inlet & outlet the underground water and the air. 3. The heat value was 6,825W when the air flow was 6,000m<sup>3</sup>/h and the gap of temperature between inlet and outlet of the underground water was 6℃, and It dropped from 25.8℃ to 23.2℃(-2.6℃ difference). The convection heat value was 88.5W/m<sup>2</sup>℃. 4. The heat value was 2.625W when the air flow was 4,000m<sup>3</sup>/h and the gap of temperature between inlet and outlet the underground water was 2℃, and It dropped from 27℃ to 22.5℃(-4.5℃ difference). The convection heat value was 33.6W/m<sup>2</sup>℃. 5. Correlation values(R<sup>2</sup>) of the testing heat values of the trial manufacture type I, II, and III were 0.9141, 0.8935, and 0.9323 respectively, and correlation values(R<sup>2</sup>) of the amount of the air flow 6,000m<sup>3</sup>/h, 5,000m<sup>3</sup>/h, 4,000m<sup>3</sup>/h were 0.9513, 0.9414, and 0.9003 respectively.

      • 지하수 이용을 위한 열교환기 개발. I - 냉각핀의 설계제작 -

        이운용,안덕현,김상철,박우풍,강용구,김선배,Lee, W.Y.,Ahn, D.H.,Kim, S.C.,Park, W.P.,Kang, Y.G.,Kim, S.B. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2002 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.4 No.1

        This study was conducted to develop the heat exchanger by utilizing the heat energy of underground water(15℃), which might be used for cooling and heating system of the agricultural facilities. We developed the heat exchanger, parallel type plat fin tube made of Aluminum(Al 6063), which was named Aloo-Heat(No. of The registration design : 0247164, by Korean Intellectual property Office). The fin of exchanger was design of the granulated surface for minimizing fouling factor and dew forms, and also placed parallel to the tube in order to minimized the resistance of flows. 1. Aloo-heat was designed to have 0.03m for inside diameter, 0.036m for outside diameter of tube, 0.0012m for thickness of fin and 0.032m for length of plat fin. 2. t was also designed to have 1.5248m<sup>2</sup>/m for outside area of heat transfer, 0.0942m<sup>2</sup>/m for inside area contacting hot liquid, and the ratio (Ra) was 16.1869. 3. Efficiency of the fin was 93 percentage when fin length was 0.032m, and the fin thickness satisfied equation $\frac{h{\rho}}{k}$< 0.2 when it was 0.0012m. 4. According to the performance test of Aloo-heat, as the temperature and rate increased, the heating value also increased, heating value was 504kJ/h·m and 6,048kJ/h·m when it was 60℃, 10 𝑙/min and 80℃, 40 𝑙/min respectively. 5. The test of heating value was confident, because correlation value(R<sup>2</sup>) was 0.9898 for the temperature and 0.9721 for flow rate of hot liquid, respectively.

      • 공기환경 온·습도제어의 이론적 고찰

        이운용,Lee, W.Y. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2009 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.11 No.1

        시설하우스의 공기환경은 작물생육에 큰 영향을 준다. 특히 기공주변 공기의 상대습도는 증산작용에 크게 영향을 주며, 안개가 끼게 되면 기공을 통한 증산작용이 일어나지 않아 작물은 생육을 멈추게 된다. 이에 대한 이론적 고찰을 습공기선도를 중심으로 살펴보았으며, 그 기술을 권왕림(경기도 이천시 백사면 모전2리 192) 쌈채소 재배 농장과 정기설(경기도 용인시 백암면 석천리) 백암육계 농장에 적용한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 여름철 온실 공기의 온도를 낮추기 위하여 널리 사용하는 Pad & Fan, Mist & Fan 등의 증발냉각 방법은 사막 기후지역(온도는 높고 습도는 낮은 지역)에 적합한 방법으로 우리나라와 같이 고온 다습한 기후에는 적합하지 않다. 2. 겨울철 저녁에 온실을 보온하기 전에 따뜻한 공기의 열이 연료비를 절감 할 수 있다는 생각으로 환기를 하지 않으면 절대습도가 높아 약간의 온도가 떨어져도 안개가 발생하게 된다. 3. 겨울철 저녁에 온실을 보온하기 전에 외부 공기로 충분히 환기하여 절대습도를 낮추면 노점온도가 낮아지고, 약간의 난방으로도 온실의 안개를 방지할 수 있다. 4. 여름철 상추재배에서 시원한 바람으로 공기환경을 개선한 결과 41.6%의 증수효과가 있었다. 5. 겨울철 육계농장의 공기환경 개선으로 47,300수 기준으로 폐사율 2%와 난방연료 40%를 절감할 수 있었으며, 육계 성장의 균일도를 53%→73%로 20%정도 높일 수 있었다. ※ 정기설 백암육계 농장(경기도 용인시 백암면 석천리) (011-719-7597)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지역주민의 생활체육 참여조사와 생활체육 활성화를 위한 대안제시: 강북구 지역에 대한 사례연구

        이운용 ( Woon Yong Lee ),이용수 ( Yong Soo Lee ),배윤정 ( Yoon Jung Bae ),이인영 ( In Young Lee ),박민수 ( Min Soo Park ),조지훈 ( Ji Hoon Cho ),이대택 ( Dae Taek Lee ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2003 체육과학연구 Vol.14 No.4

        강북구는 서울의 25개 구 중 타구에 비해 인구밀도나 경제적 수준이 상대적으로 낮은 구이다. 강북구에는 신체활동을 할 수 있는 시설 수 또한 낮으며, 이로 인해 지역주민의 운동참여 기회가 줄어 이들의 체력수준이 저하될 가능성이 높다. 신체활동의 감소는 장ㆍ단기적으로 주민의 건강과 체력 저하를 나타낼 수 있으며, 성인병 등의 발병률을 높이게 된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 강북구의 체육시설 현황과 현재 강북구 주민들의 신체활동 정도가 조사되었으며, 이를 통해 걷기 운동의 확산이 지역 건강증진사업으로 타당성이 있는가가 실험적으로 평가되었다. 신체활동에의 참여와 건강증진이라는 두 측면에서 걷기운동은 접근 용이하면서도 현장사업으로써의 한 가지 대안으로 제시될 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. 본 조사에서는 생활습관, 운동에 대한 정보입수경로, 운동 환경, 걷기운동사업에의 참여의지 등이 설문되었으며, 20대 이상 남녀 1,015명이 이에 응답하였다. 설문 조사는 1 : 1 개별 면접을 통하여 강북구의 각동별 사무소를 기점으로 이루어졌다, 강북구 주민의 약 36%가 운동에 참여하지 않는 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 결과는 서울시민 평균 운동불참률인 29%에 비해 약 7% 정도 낮은 수준이었다. 주거지 근처에 운동시설 존재여부에 대해서도 서울시 평균 69%에 비해 강북구는 63%로 나타났다. 걷기사업에 대한 참여 의지에서는 약 30%만이 긍정적으로 응답하였으며, 나머지는 시간적인 제약을 참여하지 않는 또는 못하는 이유로 꼽았다. 결과적으로 강북구에 설치된 운동시설 수와 지역주민의 신체활동 참여율이 서울 평균에 미치지 못하고 있었다. 따라서 이에 대한 대안마련이 필요하며, 그 대안으로서는 걷기 운동참여에 대한 적극적 홍보와 다양한 긍정적인 효과를 인식하게끔 하는 것이 제안된다. 이를 통해 강북구 주민의 건강과 삶의 질적 향상을 위한 노력이 필요할 것이다. The Gangbukgu Province, one of the 25 provinces of the City of Seoul, has relatively less population and less residential income than other provinces. The Gangbukgu also has less facilities for physical activities resulting in a less chance of participation rate of the residents for a regular exercise and reduced physical fitness level. In a short and a long terms, a reduced physical activity level may induce not only reduced physical fitness but health status of the residents, and the mortality due to the chronic diseases could be elevated. The present study was conducted to survey the present status of sports and physical activity facilities in the Gangbukgu, and to examine the physical activity level of the residents. And, based on the results, it was evaluated whether promotion of the ``Walking Exercise`` as a health promotion project could be a reasonable initiative. The ``Walking Exercise`` was chosen since it was easily accessible and was feasible for both health promotion and participation. A total of 1,015, 20 and older adults, responded to a questionnaire containing questions regarding daily life style, information acquisition methods for exercises, sports facilities around residential area, and willingness of participation for a ``walking exercise`` project. About 36% of the respondents answered that they were not engaged with exercise program, and it was approximately seven percent more than the average of the City of Seoul. Whether an existence of sports facilities around residential area were asked, about 63% of the respondent answered no. And this was about six percent less than the average of the city. When the willingness of participation to ``Walking Exercise`` was asked, only 30% of the respondent answered positively. Those who responded negative chose a lack of time as the reason for not participating the exercise. Based on the results, the numbers of sports facilities and the participation rate of the residents for exercise were less than the average of the city, indicating the necessity of suggestion of alternative strategy for promoting residents` public health. As an alternative, walking exercise could be suggested, and the local government should support the promotion of walking exercise and advertise the beneficial effects of the walking exercises. Thus, this promotion and the ``Walking Exercise`` could be used elevating wellness and health of the Gangbukgu residents.

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