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        중세후기 자료에 나타나는 추량조동사 「べし」의 사용양상 - 구어와 문어자료의 비교를 통하여 -

        이수향 한양대학교 일본학국제비교연구소 2017 비교일본학 Vol.40 No.-

        본 논문에서는 구어자료와 문어자료에 나타나는 조동사 「べし」의 특징을 파악하고자 『大蔵虎明本狂言』과 『国字本伊曽保物語』를 비교・분석하였다. 고찰결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 문어자료 『国字本伊曽保物語』 에서의 「べし」의 사용빈도가 현저하게 높을 것이 라고 예상했으나, 검토결과 『大蔵虎明本狂言』과 전체적으로 큰 차이를 보이지는 않았다. 둘째, 두 자료 모두 지문에서 「べし」의 용례가 많이 나타날 것이라 예상했으나, 지문보다 대화문에서의 사용빈도가 높게 나타났다. 다만 주로 문어적・ 관용적인 표현으로 사용되는 「べき」와 「べからず」가 『大蔵虎明本狂言』보다『国字本伊曽保物語』에서 많이 나타난 사실은 「べき」와 「べからず」가 문어체의 특징이 강하다는 점을 확인시켜준 점에서 주목할 필요가 있다고 판단된다. 셋째, 의미용법에서 『大蔵虎明本狂言』은 [당연・필연]이, 『国字本伊曽保物語』는 [추량] 이 많았는데, 이를 통해 「べし」의 의미용법의 추이를 유추해볼 수 있다. 즉 시대의 흐름에 따라 [추량]의 의미는 점차 감소하여 현대 일본어에서도 주로 [당연・필연・의무]로 사용되고 있는 바, 이러한 변화의 방향이 구어자료인 『大蔵虎明本狂言』에 잘 반영된 것이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. This study compares and analyzes 「Okuratoraakirabon kyougen」 and 「Kokujibon Isohomonogatari」 to study the characteristic of auxiliary verb 「べし」 appearing in colloquial and literary materials. The result of examination as follows. First, the frequency of use of 「べし」 in literary material was expected to be high remarkably, however, there was no big difference to 「Okuratoraakirabon kyougen」 generally. Second, it was expected to be seen a lot that the use of 「べし」 in the text of both materials, but the frequency of use in conversation was seen more frequently than in text. However, 「べき」 and 「べからず」 being used principally in expression literary and idiomatically appeared more in 「Kokujibon Isohomonogatari」 than 「Okuratoraakirabon kyougen」, it means 「べき」 and 「べからず」 have characteristics of literary style. Third, in terms of meaning usage, 「ObviousnessㆍInevitability」 and 「Guess」 was predominant in 「Okuratoraakirabon kyougen」 and 「Kokujibon Isohomonogatari」 respectively, so development of meaning usage of 「べし」 can be inferred from this. In other words, the meaning of 「Guess」 was reduced along with the flow of time and used in meaning of 「ObviousnessㆍInevitability」 in modern Japanese. It means the direction of change as these were reflected well in 「Okuratoraakirabon kyougen」 of the spoken material.

      • KCI등재

        추량의 조동사 う의 표기 성립배경에 관한 고찰 : 부정(打消)의 조동사 ん(ぬ) 와의 비교를 중심으로

        이수향 고려대학교 일본학연구센터 2010 일본연구 Vol.14 No.-

        「推量·予想」「?誘·期待·命令」「意志·決意·希望」「?定·婉曲」の意味用法を??した古典語推量の助動詞「む」の表記は周知の通り「ん」を?て「う·よう」に?化し、現代に至っている。「ん」の表記?遷に?する??の硏究では、「ん」が「う」の?音に似ているので自然に「う」に移行したという音韻論からの解?が中心である。しかしながら、「ん」表記の?遷を音韻?化のみで?明しようとするのは「う」?生について充分に把握し切っていない側面があり、表記形態の?遷を詳しく把握するためには他の角度からのアプロ?チが必要である。このような問題意識から本稿では、同じ「ん」の形態で使われていて、現代語にも?っている打消の助動詞「ず」の終止形·連?形の表記「ん」と比較、分析して助動詞「う」の表記が成立する背景について考察を行った。分析?象は「語と文語の?別がはっきりしている近世後期の」語資料で、?落本の「遊子方言(1770)」、「辰巳之園(1770)」及び人情本の「春色梅??美(1832~33)」である。その中から推量の助動詞「ん」「「う」と打消の助動詞「ぬ」」「ん」の用例を?出し、?話文と地の文に分けて使用頻度と使用?相を調査した。そしてそれぞれの文?の特?について?討した。その結果、打消の助動詞「ん」の方が推量の助動詞「ん」より言語の運用性が高く、影響力が?いことが明らかになった。その理由としては三つのことが?げられる。第一、推量の助動詞 「ん」」は文語の性格が?い文?で、ほとんどが地の文に用いられており、?話文の場合も一部の文章だけに表れるという特?がある。したがって口語?が?えるにつれ姿を消すようになる。反面、打消の助動詞「ん」は「ぬ」に比べて「語性が?いので文の中で使用の制約が少なく、そのことから使用範?がだんだん?くなった。第二、打消の助動詞「ん」は「ます」や「ございます」などに接?し「ません」、「ございません」の形態として使用が?大し、普遍化した。第三、打消の助動詞「ん」は多?な品詞に接?して使われたが、推量の助動詞「ん」は一部の品詞のみに接?して使われたので運用性が低かった。以上の理由とともに「ん」が「う」に?音しやすい側面があったので、推量の自動詞「ん」の表記は自然に「う」に移行したと推論できる。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우리나라 노인 방문 구강건강관리 서비스의 현황과 향후과제

        이수향,배수명,신보미,이효진,신선정 한국치위생학회 2020 한국치위생학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Objectives: This study confirms the current status of visiting oral health-care services for the elderly to draw policy implications for revitalization of the visiting oral health care services in the future. Methods: First, a survey was conducted on health centers about the current status of the elderly visiting oral health-care service and how to revitalize it. Next, the number of oral hygiene services provided to the elderly was checked in the long-term care insurance system. Results: Oral health education (100%) was the most common practice in visiting oral health-care service for the elderly, and the most difficult thing in providing services was the lack of dental hygienists (38.9%). The status of oral health-care services in the long-term care insurance system for elderly revealed that the total number of service claims has been confirmed to be zero since the introduction of the system. Conclusions: Despite the existence of a system that provides elderly visiting oral health-care services, to revitalize it, the law must be amended to secure a dental hygienist as the main agent of the activity and to further take responsibility for autonomous authority and performance.

      • KCI등재

        두피 및 경부에서 발생한 원발성 피부 아스페르길루스증의 1례

        이수향 대한성형외과학회 2005 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.32 No.3

        The cutaneous aspergillosis is one of the most common dermatologic manifestations of disseminated infections associated with the Aspergillus organisms, but the isolated primary cutaneous disease itself can rarely occur in an immunocompetent host.We report a case of the primary cutaneous aspergillosis on the scalp and the neck in a 39-year-old immunocompetent male patient. There was a single purulent ulcer surrounded by the erythematous indurated plaque on the scalp with multiple satellite papules and a multi- lobulated granulomatous plaque with a crust on the neck. Skin biopsy demonstrated a fungus, the Aspergillus, in the deep dermis as the etiologic agent. No evidence of involvement in other organs was found. The patient exhibited no other apparent systemic diseases nor immunologic defects.An elliptical excision and a primary closure was performed, and the adjuvant antifungal treatment, oral itraconazole, was applied to prevent the recurrence by the satellite lesions.

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