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      • KCI등재

        중국 청년들을 둘러싼 저층화 공간 서사의 전환과 재맥락화

        이보고 중국인문학회 2024 中國人文科學 Vol.- No.86

        This research examines how impoverished youth's perceptions of space, both real dwelling spaces and abstract social progress areas, are evolving. It examines in particular how the problems of'snail homes' and 'ant tribes', which were big difficulties connected to living spaces in the early 2010s, are continuing in what social context, and how disadvantaged youth are generating new narratives within this. They deploy narratives of 'disgust and exclusion' and'sympathy and empathy' towards poverty at the same time, eventually demonstrating new attitudes and actions in reaction to the state's narrative that has backed the development logic. Of course, their living conditions have not changed significantly, but the young are now learning to collect and recontextualize their own experiences and narratives in limited living spaces. Furthermore, in terms of social progress, they choose employment that provide stability in their lives rather than a single direction of travel focused in the city or the quest of tremendous achievement. Even people with strong academic credentials opt to go to the competitive perimeter, advance their jobs, and then return to the core city. The author believes that their psychological state is not entirely free of the stress of a competitive society and the narrative of competition, but that they are becoming psychologically stronger through lightness rather than previous heaviness, and cynicism and joy rather than sadness or despair. When reading impoverished youth's actions as signals of social transformation, it is assumed that the spectrum of interpretations will expand as we approach closer to future China.

      • KCI등재

        신세대 농민공과 ‘이동(移动)중국’의 새로운 궤적들

        이보고 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2018 인문사회과학연구 Vol.19 No.4

        The most important population migration after China’s innovation and opening in contemporary China is migrant workers’ migration from rural communities to urban communities. Studies on migrant workers’ migration have focused on the changes in society and culture they brought and problems they caused rather than inexpensive economic utility of illegal migrant workers. This paper paid attention to differentiation of migration that occurs while separation structure of rural communities and urban communities changes. For differentiation, migration from rural communities to urban communities, migration between urban communities of same levels, migration between urban communities of different levels and migration from urban communities to rural communities tend to increase. In terms of the nature of migration, temporary migration tend to rise. This paper examined the process of differentiation of classes by looking into the changes in meaning of migration occurring in identity as migrant workers. Differentiation within migrant workers got to have more complex aspects than a case of simple dual structure of urban communities and rural communities due to their migration to urban communities. Migration can be blessing for some people while it can be merciless exclusion for others. It is estimated that unprecedented order of rank surrounding migrant workers formed. Therefore, it is advisable to find dynamics and complexity actively beyond simple recognition of migration of migrant workers which concentrated on urban communities and return to rural communities by looking into their migration in detail. 지금까지 당대 중국에서 가장 주요한 인구 이동은 개혁개방 이후 농민공의 이동이었다. 특히 그 이동 방향의 측면에서 보면 농촌에서 도시로의 이동이었다. 중국 내 이주 노동자들에 대한 지금까지의 연구는 대체로 이들의 경제적 공헌과 더불어 이들의 이주가만들어낸 문제점들을 문화적인 측면에서 지적하는 것에 초점이 맞춰져 왔다. 그러나 본논문은 이 같은 도시와 농촌 사이의 격절 구조가 변화하는 과정에서 발생하는 이동의 분화에 대해 주목했다. 여기에서 말하는 이동의 분화가 포함하고 있는 내용은 농촌에서 도시로의 이동은 물론 같은 급 도시 내에서의 이동, 급이 다른 도시 간의 이동, 도시에서 농촌으로의 이동 등 더욱 다양한 이동의 형식을 반영하고 있으며, 시간적인 기준으로 보아도 영구적 이동보다 임시적 이동이 증가하고 있는 현상을 포함하고 있다. 실제 이제는 농촌에서 도시로의 단일 방향을 갖는 이동보다 훨씬 다양한 형태의 이동들이 급격히 증가하고 있으며, 그 주체 또한 광범위한 세대로 확장되고 있는 실정이다. 본 논문은 농민공이라는 정체성 속에서 발생하고 있는 이동의 의미 변화를 통해 그 안에서 형성되고 있는 계층 분화의 과정을 살펴보았다. 이동으로 보는 농민공 내부의 분화상황은 그들의 도시 집중으로 도농이원구조의 형식이 단순 고착될 때와는 달리 훨씬 더복잡한 양상을 갖게 되었다. 이동은 누군가에게 축복이 되기도 하지만 또 누군가에게는가혹한 배제의 과정이 된다. 기존 공간 담론에 대한 비판적 고찰을 전제로 볼 때, 농민공들을 둘러싼 내부와 외부에서 발생하는 이전과는 다른 계급적 위계들이 공간을 가로지르며 드러나고 있음을 추론할 수 있다. 따라서 앞으로의 농민공 연구에서는 그들의 이동을 더욱 세분화된 기준과 관점으로 관찰하면서, 지금까지의 ‘도시 집중과 농촌 귀환’이라는 단선성의 이동인식을 넘어, 그 안의 역동성과 복합성을 적극적으로 구현해 내야 할것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        민국 초 담론권력의 변동과 『新靑年』 ― 『新靑年』 陳獨秀와 『東方雜誌』 杜亞泉 간의 논쟁을 사례로

        이보고 한국중국현대문학학회 2009 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.48

        This study is focused on political and cultural controversies about narratives and discourses of nation states in early Republican China. The main participants of this controversies are Xinqingnian(新靑年)'s Chen-Duxiu(陳獨秀) and Dongfangzazhi(東方雜誌)'s Du-Yaquan(杜亞泉). Their debates presented a kind of public sphere in the intellectual society of modern china. The competitions and conflicts of discourses at discussion space symbolized ideological meaning of the public sphere. Chen-Duxiu's Xinqingnian, as discussed in this paper, had grasped a crucial link between shanghai and beijing's public sphere. This paper makes a comparative study of a historical views and recognitions about nation states between Chen and Du. Their differences of recognitions heavily influenced in their each political positions and practices. In this process, we can find a formation of many kinds of intellectual groups and their differences. This paper reverberates Benjamin Schwartz's reference: “An intellectual history of China should be concerned not simply with ‘Chinese thought' but with Chinese thinking and thinking within the framework of historical situations.” In fact, this paper is most interested in the changing process of discourse's hegemony. The main subject of this paper have originated from the search to find what enabled Xinqingnian discourse's hegemony at May forth's public sphere. This paper attempts to explain their psychological and narrative strategy. This paper also explains a part of the bigger understanding the May forth's public sphere as a whole.

      • KCI등재

        국가는 ‘청년’을 어떻게 ‘호명’해 왔는가? : 건국으로부터 신시기 이전, 중국 청년 주체의 소환과 관련하여

        이보고 현대중국학회 2023 現代中國硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        This paper analyzes how the Chinese government, party, and ideology created the image of young people from the founding of socialist China in 1949 to the end of the Cultural Revolution and how it affected the Chinese political ground. In the process of calling young people by other subjects that represent the Communist Party, this paper investigated how the Chinese youth were shaped and what purpose the shaping of these young people had. In this process, Louis Pierre Althusser's concept of calling, the description of the subjectification process, and Slavoj Zizek's criticism on Althusser were all utilized to explain the relationship between the Communist Party and youth. Althusser hypothesizes that a person who is called by another subject becomes a subject, through the example that when we meet someone on the street, the person who greets us, thinking that we are calling him, becomes a true subject inside. However, in this paper, the relationship between the other subject and the subject is not viewed as one-sided but as mutually constructive. Due to the calling by the Communist Party, the image of youth, different images of youth by era, such as 'Red Guards' and 'intellectual youth' as supporters of the revolution, have become subjectified. However, in opposite way, it needs to remember that the change and revolution of the nation or the Communist Party were unavoidable by the subjectification of these young people. In particular, during the Cultural Revolution of 1949, when ideologies such as socialism were used as a tool for calling names in Chinese society, it was found that these young people gradually left the ideology and became individualized. 본 논문은 1949년 사회주의 중국 성립부터 문화대혁명의 종결까지 중국 정부와 당, 그리고 이데올로기가 청년들의 이미지를 어떻게 만들었으며, 이것이 중국 문화 정치 지형에 미친 영향에 대해 분석하였다. 공산당으로 대표될 수 있는 대타자(Other Subject)가 청년을 호명(呼名)하는 과정에서 중국의 청년들은 어떤 모습으로 주체화되었으며, 이 과정에서 당의 청년들에 대한 형상화가 어떤 지향점을 가지고 있었는지 살펴보았다. 이 과정에서 알튀세르가 제안한 호명개념과 주체화 과정에 대한 설명, 그리고 알튀세르에 대한 지젝의 비판이 모두 공산당과 청년과의 관계를 설명하는데 활용되었다. 알튀세르는 길거리에서 어떤 아는 사람을 마주쳤을 때, 그 마주친 사람이 나에게 친숙함을 표현하는 행동을 함으로써 주체가 된다는 사례를 통해, 대타자의 호명에 의해 호명되는 사람이 주체화된다는 가설을 제시하는데, 본 논문에서는 대타자와 주체 사이의 관계를 일방적인 관계로 보지 않고, 상호 구성적인 관계로 보았다. 우리는 공산당의 청년에 대한 호명이 ‘혁명의 수호자’, ‘홍위병’, 그리고 ‘지식청년’ 등 시대별 다른 청년상들을 만들어냈고, 이로 인해 청년들은 주체화되었지만, 반대로 이들 청년들의 주체화 과정에 의해 국가나 당의 변화와 개혁도 피할 수 없었다는 사실을 기억할 필요가 있다. 특히 1949년부터 문화대혁명의 시기 중국 사회에서 이념이 강력한 호명의 도구로 사용될 때, 오히려 이들 청년들이 점차 그 이념을 이탈하여 개인화하는 현상을 발견할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        신형성진화(新型城镇化) 개념 속 신세대농민공에 대한 시민화 전략 비판

        이보고 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2019 외국학연구 Vol.- No.48

        Emerging new generation group having significantly new nature in the world of migrant workers was after 2010s, and in this article, it was intended to examine intensively the relation of new tension that they made with country with the critical investigation on the approach by generation in the perception and judgment on such new generation migrant workers as starting point. Particularly, this article intended to analyze the implications of these new generation migrant workers, who made the different type of changes than before connecting with the urbanization strategy of Chinese government in the aspect of 'mobility'. New urbanization policy of Chinese government is connected closely to the issue how to absorb these new generation migrant workers to the city. They have different nature than the precious first generation migrant workers. They do not have experience related to agriculture and is not a group having advanced industrial technology. While the previous generation tried to maximize the household income traveling between the city and the farm village, they want to secure appropriate employment and legal status of urban resident wandering mainly around the small and medium sized cities. Chinese government is implementing the policy of opening Hukou (family register) in the small and medium-sized cities by policy to urbanize them. Of course, it is good opportunity but if the urban rank is fixed in the expansion and competition among the cities in future, both their exit and withdrawal route are blocked. For them, not only the legal status and income but also the identity as producer and consumer, that is, the role of whole citizen is needed. Chinese government should not consider them as human resources but should made them as genuine urban citizen considering the characteristics of new generation migrant workers more meticulously.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 초 개신교 선교사들의 중국 관련 지식 생산에 대한 인식 비판 -『차이니즈 레포지터리The Chinese Repository』의 중국 경전, 학문 체제를 해석하는 시선에 대하여

        이보고 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2020 국제지역연구 Vol.24 No.2

        1832년 5월부터 광둥에서 발간되기 시작한 『차이니즈 레포지터리The Chinese Repository』의 주요 필진은 선교사 혹은 외교관, 무업 관계 종사자들이 주류였다. 본 논문은 바로 『차이니즈 레포지터리』가 처음 발간되었던 시기인 1830년대 초반 선교사들의 글을 통해, 이 지역에 대한 새로운 지식 생산자로서 갖게 된 위상과 함께 그들의 내면에 감춰진 균열과 자기 정립 과정을 읽어 내고자 하였다. 본 논문은 『차이니즈 레포지터리』의 텍스트에서 이들이 읽고 있는 중국의 ‘경전’, 중국의 ‘학문 체제’에 대한 내용을 분석, 이들이 파악하고 있던 당시 중국 문명에 대한 인식을 살폈고, 전근대 중국의 문명적 혹은 이데올로기적 제도들이 갖는 특징 속에서 근대에 대한 이들 필진들의 시선을 거꾸로 재구성해 보았다. 본 논문은 이 지점이 바로 우리가 신교 선교사들을 평가할 때, 제국주의의 전구(前驅)로 보든 아니면 기독교적 양심의 실천가로 보든, 이전의 1800년대 초반과는 달라진 서양인의 모습이며, 이들의 서사는 근대성의 우월감과 자신감을 상대방에게 처음으로 과시하는 체제를 갖추게 되었음을 보여준다. 이들은 한편으로 유럽에서 자신들이 생산한 지식이 유통되고 확산되어 그들의 선교 사업이 후원을 받고 궁극적으로 지적 권위와 위상을 획득할 수 있기를 원했다. 이들의 중국 혹은 아시아에 대한 지적 권위는 지역의 현장성을 강조함으로써 확립되었다. 그리고 반면 근대의 과학·윤리·가치관을 동아시아로 가져와 변화의 동인으로 만들고자 하는, 즉 ‘동아시아에서의 계몽의 완성’이라는 목표도 가지고 있었다. 이들은 자신 스스로가 존재하고 또 근거하고 있는 현장으로서의 중국과 아시아를 단순히 대상화하고 있는 것이 아니라, 중국에 대한 지식을 재확립하면서 산발적 지식에서 지식 체계를 구성하는 방향으로 나아가고 있었다. Missionary, diplomats and trade-related people constituted the main contributors to 『The Chinese Repository』, which was first published in May 1832 in Guangdong. This research aims to address missionary’s new roles as the knowledge producers about the region and discuss the internal conflicts and self identity formation they went through in the early 1830s. This paper analyzed these individuals’ perspectives regarding Chinese civilization reflected in their interpretation of Chinese classics and academic system. This research shows that whether we see protestant missionary as precursors of imperialism or doer of Christian conscience, these Westerners demonstrated differences from the early 1800s in that their narratives began to demonstrate their modernity’s supremacy and confidence. On the one hand, they aimed to obtain intellectual authority and status as the knowledge they produced were consumed and disseminated in Europe and as their missionary work were supported. On the other hand, these individuals also aimed to accomplish the mission of enlightening East Asia by transferring science·ethics·values of modern times to East Asia, provoking the region’s transformation. They not just turned China and Asia into objects as regions they lived in but also constructed a knowledge system based on the sporadic knowledge they reestablished about China.

      • KCI등재

        “그녀의 경제[她经济]” 개념에 대한 비판적 고찰 - 중국 청년 여성들의 소비 경향을 상징하는 몇 개의 신조어 분석을 중심으로

        이보고 한국아시아학회 2023 아시아연구 Vol.26 No.3

        Consumption can be seen as an economic practice primarily selected by individual desires and motivations. However, it is undeniable that characteristic consumption in a particular class results from a complex social influence relationship. From this point of view, the so-called "She-economy" concept is a recent neologism with rich internal implications. This paper's critical mind fundamentally started from the concept category of "She-economy." They mention "She-economy" and talk about the rise of consumption of "the women." Then, who are 'the women,' and how can we define them? Can the type of consumption that 'the women' have can be explained only as a choice as a new subject? Although many previous studies describe 'the women' with various indicators and figures, this paper considers whether a specific group called 'the women' exists. This paper focuses on the concepts of Internet neologisms such as "Self-satisfied Consumption[悅己消費]", "Exquisite Poverty[精致穷]," and "Leftover Women[剩女]" that are frequently mentioned in "She-economy." Through the analysis of these women, this paper critically analyzed how the social perspective identified these women, furthermore, how they were objectified in the order of the consumer capitalist system and reproduced as a consumer group again.

      • KCI등재

        당대 중국 도농관계의 변동과 농촌 탈정치화의 문제 — 허쉐펑(贺雪峰)의 도농이원구조에 대한 인식과 ‘실지청년(失地靑年)’ 문제를 중심으로

        이보고 중국문화연구학회 2023 중국문화연구 Vol.- No.61

        This paper re-analyzed the meaning of rural politics in Chinese society while summarizing the historical flow of the dual structure between urban and rural areas in modern China, as explained by He Xuefeng, a scholar representing Chinese rural sociology. China’s rural problems are closely linked to the sustainability of China’s economic system, changes in population structure, and consequent cultural diversity. In the late 1950s, the communist party created a dual system between urban and rural areas to create basic capital accumulation within the cities by moving the surplus produced in the rural area towards the cities by restricting migration through the Hukou system. However, with the reform and opening up in the 1980s, Chinese companies that became factories of the world needed a lot of labor, and the rural areas became a supplier of such labor, and this dual structure between cities and the rural regions was cracked. Based on He Xuefeng’s analysis of the relationship between urban and rural areas from exploitation to protection, this paper examines the problems of migrant workers and various phenomena related to them. Among them, the most critical problem is that farmers are increasingly disconnected from the land, unlike before. In the early stages of their urban migration, rural land served as an economic buffer for migrant workers, even if their life in the urban area failed. However, the recent generation of non-urban Hukou youth and farmers who have lost their land tend to be low-class inside the urban area. Ironically, the government’s civilization policy for farmers tends to gradually lose the land as a proper buffer zone in the event of a failure in their migration life. This paper understands that the fundamental approach to rural protection is not limited to simply preventing the indiscriminate development of rural land from the capital but to help maintain the relationship between farmers and land that has been maintained so far. To keep the sustainability of Chinese society as a whole, the Chinese government should identify the contradiction in the civilization policy for land lost farmers and need to worry about how to set their status at the legal or socio-cultural level.

      • KCI등재

        고착(固着)과 유동(流動) 사이의 근대성 ― 5․4 보수의 근대성에 대한 유동적 상상과 실천

        이보고 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.114

        In this study, regarding an issue as to how an evolution theory representing modernism and scientific value was analyzed by conservative tendency that tried to control social reform speed in a transition period of Chinese modern times, a discussion was progressed based on scientific discourse and state imagination. Cultural venue called 5.4 has been a temporal space symbolizing discontinuity and denial so far. By the way, in this study, how a conservative thought being confronted with this revolutionary logic tried to newly understand evolution theory representing modern science was observed and a political imagination being expanded therefrom was reviewed. While revolutionists acknowledged tradition and feudal order as a hard barrier, a state and science by which modern value was embodied to the conservatives have started to be acknowledged as another new hard barrier. As its detailed example, WWI as a historic event and turning point had made Chinese conservative intellectuals experience shadow of nation-state that was forcibly accepted and furthermore, had them perceive a reality that a logic of struggle for existence as a scientific theory behind the war logic was established. Resultantly, modern nation-state and scientific logic became another hard barrier to them. In this study, how causes defying identity politics were derived from mobile nature of modernism in a process of traditional impact as well as in its own fixation process was considered. This is considered to be cultural, political context of modern China flatly showing contradictory aspect of modernism itself.

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