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        보육교사의 구강보건지식수준과 치아우식증 예방인식도 조사

        윤현서(Yoon, Hyun-Seo) 한국산학기술학회 2014 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.15 No.9

        보육교사들의 구강보건지식수준과 치아우식증 예방인식도를 조사하기 위하여 서울·경기, 부산·경남지역의 보육교사 를 대상으로 2013년 3월부터 5개월간 총 433명을 조사하였다. 보육교사들의 구강보건지식습득 경로는 병원56.6%로 가장 많 았고, 구강보건지식 응답 분포에서 정답률은 “치아가 빠졌을 때 우유에 넣어서 치과에 간다” 100%로 가장 높았고, “치아가 빠졌을 때 물로 씻는다” 35.1%로 가장 낮았다. 구강보건지식 수준은 부산·경남(p<0.001), 원생 수는 많을수록(p<0.001), 교사 의 연령이 젊을수록(p<0.001), 학력은 전문대졸업(p=0.002)에서 지식수준이 높았다. 치아우식증 예방효과 인식수준에서는 연 령이 증가할수록(p<0.001), 기혼(p=0.002), 직책에서는 원감(p=0.023), 경력에서는 10년 이상(p=0.009)에서 높았다. 아동들의 구강건강의 향상을 위해서는 보육교사들의 정확한 구강보건지식이 습득이 선행되어야 하며, 이를 위해서는 연령에 맞는 교 육프로그램을 개발하고 정기적교육이 이루어져야 할 것이다. This study examined the oral health knowledge of childcare teachers and their awareness of the prevention effects against dental caries. The subjects in this study were 433 childcare teachers in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, Busan and South Gyeongsang Province, on whom a survey was conducted for five months, beginning in March, 2013. Hospitals (56.6%) were the most common route by which the childcare teachers acquired oral health knowledge. Regarding the distribution of the correct answers on oral health knowledge, every teacher gave the correct answer to the item "When a tooth comes out, it should be kept in milk and then be brought to a dental clinic," and the smallest number of them (35.1%) gave the correct answer to the item "When a tooth comes out, it should be washed with water." Concerning the level of oral health knowledge, the respondents, who worked in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province (p<0.001), who worked in childcare centers with more children (p<0.001), who were younger (p<0.001), and who were junior college graduates (p=0.002) had better oral health knowledge. In regard to the awareness of the prevention effects against dental caries, the respondents who were older (p<0.001) and who were married (p=0.002) were more aware of the prevention effects. According to position and career, teachers who were assistant principals (p=0.023) and had worked for 10 years or more (p=0.009) were more aware of the effects. Therefore, child care teachers should acquire accurate knowledge to improve the oral health of children, and regular training programs for age and education are needed.

      • KCI등재

        치과병·의원에 내원한 환자들의 행복지수에 영향을 미치는 요인 조사

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon) 한국콘텐츠학회 2014 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.14 No.8

        본 연구는 주관적 치주건강인식 수와 진료내용(임플란트, 교정진료, 일반진료)에 따른 행복지수를 파악하고, 구강보건측면의 영향요인을 파악함으로써 구강보건관리 프로그램을 개발하여 행복지수를 향상시킬 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 부산.경남지역에 위치한 치과병·의원에 내원한 환자를 대상으로 2013년 3월부터 약 7개월간 총 400명을 대상으로 실시하여 불성실한 응답 16명을 제외하고 최종적으로 384명을 대상으로 하여 진료내용에 따른 행복지수는 단일문항(p<0.001), 5문항(p=0.037) 모두 교정치료를 받는 경우 높았고, 임플란트 진료를 받는 경우 낮았다. 주관적 치주건강인식 수에 따른 행복지수는 단일문항, 5문항 행복지수 모두 구강증상이 없는 경우 높았고(p<0.001), 주관적 건강상태와 주관적 구강건강 상태에서 매우 건강하다고 인식할수록 행복지수가 높았다(p<0.001). 단일문항 행복지수에 영향요인은 소득이 많을수록(β= 0.198), 주관적 건강상태가 좋을수록(β=0.340) 행복지수가 높았으며, 당뇨질환이 있을수록(β=-0.103), 치주질환수가 많을수록(β=-0.204) 행복지수가 낮게 나타났다. 5문항 행복지수에 영향요인은 연령이 높을수록(β=0.241), 소득이 많을수록(β=0.198), 진료내용이 일반일 때(β=0.107), 주관적 건강상태가 좋을수록(β=0.275), 주관적 구강건강상태가 좋을수록(β=0.132) 행복지수가 높았으며, 치주질환수가 많을수록(β=-0.195) 행복지수가 낮았다. 병·의원에 내원한 환자를 대상으로 주관적 구강건강 인식을 향상하기 위한 구강건강프로그램이 마련되어야할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the self-rated peridontal health status of dental patients and the type of their treatment(implant, orthodontic treatment and general treatment) to the quality of life(happiness index), to investigate influential factors for oral health, and ultimately to provide some information on the development of oral health care programs geared toward boosting the happiness index. The subjects in this study were the patients who visited dental hospitals and clinics in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province. As for relationship between the field of treatment and the happiness index, the patients who received orthodontic treatment scored higher in both each itemand all the five items, and the patients who received implant treatment scored lower. Regarding links between self-rated periodontal health status and the happiness index, the patients who had no oral symptoms scored higher in both each item and all the five items, and the respondents whose self-rated health status and self-rated oral health status were both very good scored higher in the happiness index. The preparation of oral health programs that aim to improve the self-rated oral health of patients who visit dental hospitals or clinics is required.

      • KCI등재

        부산지역 65세 이상 노인의 구강건강과 자가건강평가수준(SRH)

        윤현서 ( Hyun Seo Yoon ),전진호 ( Jin Ho Chun ),이정화 ( Jung Hwa Lee ) 한국치위생과학회 2012 치위생과학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the oral health status and health care of elderly people on their self-rated health(SRH). The subjects on this study were 479 senior citizens who were at the age of 65 and up and resided in the city of Busan. They got a dental checkup, and a survey was conducted by having an one-on-one interview. After the collected data were analyzed, the following findings were given: The senior citizens were diagnosed with a mean of 1.43 systemic diseases, and hypertension(51.8%) was the most prevalent disease among them, followed by diabetes(25.1%), arthritis(41.8%), oral diseases(75.6%), stroke(9.0%) and heart diseases(15.9%). Their self-rated health was better when they were male, when they were aged between 65 and 69, when there was someone with whom they lived, when they were better educated and when they owned their own houses. But their self-rated health was poorer when they felt more oral symptoms, when they had more missing teeth and when they needed both of maxillary and mandibular dentures. Their self-rated health was more positively affected when they were better educated(β=0.894), when they owned their own houses(β=4.220), when they got a dental checkup on a regular basis(β=2.997) and when the rate of their functional tooth was larger(β=0.081). And that was more negatively influenced when they had a denture(β=-1.110), when they had more oral symptoms(β=-1.590) and when they had more systemic diseases(β=3.363). There is a close relationship between the oral health and self-rated health of elderly people. Therefore how to promote their oral health should carefully be considered.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        부정교합 종류에 따른 교정치료의 인식과 구강건강영향지수(OHIP-14)

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.12

        본 연구는 부산지역 교정환자를 대상으로 부정교합의 종류와 교정치료에 대한 인식이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 파악하고, 부정교합의 종류에 따른 맞춤형 교육프로그램을 개발하여 삶의 질 향상의 기초자료로 삼고자 한다. 2015년 12월부터 약 6개월간 설문조사하여 최종 472부를 분석하였다. 연구결과는 부정교합의 가족력은 I급은 없음, II급, III급은 있음으로 응답하였고, 교육 실천은 자주실천에서 부정교합의 종류에 따른 차이를 보였다(p=0.003). 교정치료의 만족감에서는 불편감은 I급은 기간, II급과 III급은 통증(p=0.035)이였고, 통증부위에서는 치아가 가장 많았으나 II급에서 가장 높아 차이를 보였다(p<0.001). 교정치료 만족도에 따른 삶의 질에서는 현재 만족도가 높을수록, 자신감이 보통인 경우 삶의 질이 높았으며, 교정치료 시작 계기에서는 발음문제(p=0.013), 저작 불편감(p<0.001), 턱관절 소리(p<0.001)가 있는 경우 삶의 질이 낮았다. 구강 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 요인으로는 교정치료시기(p<0.001), 현재 만족감(p<0.001), 자신감 변화(p=0.003), 주관적 치아상태(p=0.008), 교합의 종류(p=0.019)순으로 영향을 미쳤다. 따라서 교정치료를 받는 환자들의 구강건강 상태를 면밀하게 분석하고 맞춤형 교정상담프로그램을 통하여 교정기간에도 삶의 질을 향상시킬 수 있어야 한다. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of type of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment awareness on quality of life among orthodontic patients in the region of Busan as well as to develop an educational program tailored to the type of malocclusion as a way to improve quality of life. A survey was conducted for approximately 6 months from December, 2015, and the answer sheets from 472 respondents were analyzed. The most common painful area was the teeth, and this case was most predominant in the respondents with level 2 malocclusion, who differed from others in that regard (p<0.001). Regarding the relationship between satisfaction with orthodontic treatment and quality of life, respondents who were more satisfied currently and who were neither quite confident nor quite unconfident were ahead of their counterparts in quality of life. Concerning the reason for receiving orthodontic treatment, quality of life was lower among patients who started to receive treatment due to pronunciation problems (p=0.013), chewing difficulty (p<0.001), and temporomandibular joint click sound (p<0.001). With regard to influential factors on oral health-related quality of life, time for starting to receive orthodontic treatment was most influential (p<0.001), followed by current satisfaction (p<0.001), changes in confidence (p=0.003), self-rated teeth status (p=0.008), and type of occlusion (p=0.019). Therefore, accurate analysis of the oral health status of orthodontic patients and customized oral health education are required to improve quality of life even during the period of orthodontic treatment.

      • KCI등재

        일부지역 대학생의 치과 의료기관 선택요인에 관한 연구

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon),강현영(Hyun-Young Kang),홍인경(In-Kyoung Hong),김혜진(Hye-Jin Kim),이민경(Min-Kyung Lee),이정화(Jung-Hwa Lee),진혜정(Hye-Jung Jin) 한국구강보건과학회 2014 한국구강보건과학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the selection factors of college students in the region of Busan for dental institution. A survey was conducted by visiting the selected students in September, 2013, and an online survey was additionally conducted. The answer sheets from 300 respondents were analyzed. They relied on their past experience(3.85) in terms of information search, and they took considerations on how long it took to get to the dental institution(3.97) in terms of traffic convenience. As for physical environments, they gave priority to cleanness(4.66). Concerning the image of dental institution, they took reputation into account(4.25). In terms of external qualifications, they placed importance on the academic credential of dentist(3.22). As to dental service for the selection of dental institution, they gave weight to dentist ability(seven). In regard to basic elements, they took considerations on treatment cost(4.12), and they especially placed the most importance on dentist ability. The male and female students gave 4.32 and 4.48 respectively to dental service for the selection of dental institution, and the gender difference was significant. Among the selection factors of dental institution, there was a weak positive correlation between traffic convenience and physical environments, between physical environments and the image of dental institution and between dental service and basic elements. Therefore various efforts should be made to offer quality medical service by keeping track of what s considered in choosing a dental institution.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 주민들의 구강검진 여부에 따른 구강건강관리행태

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon),채유정(You-Jung Chae) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.8

        본 연구는 2014년도 질병관리본부에서 실시하는 지역사회건강조사 자료를 이용하여 경상남도 지역주민 17810명을 대상으로 구강검진 여부와 건강관리행태의 관련성을 분석하였다. 통계 프로그램은 SPSS ver. 23.0을 사용하였다. 일반적 특성에서 구강검진 경험은 남자, 30-49세, 시 지역 거주, 대졸 이상, 가구소득 월 600 이상, 경제활동을 하는 경우 높았다. 구강건강관리에서 구강검진 경험은 스켈링을 하고, 점심 식 후 칫솔질, 취침 전 칫솔질, 4회 이상 칫솔질을 하는 경우 높았다. 생활습관에서 구강검진 경험은 음주를 하는 경우, 만성질환 유무에서 고혈압, 당뇨병, 뇌졸중, 심근경색증 및 협심증의 만성질환에 노출되지 않은 경우 구강검진 경험이 높았다. 주관적 건강인식(3.28점)과 주관적 구강건강인식(2.87점)은 구강검진 경험이 있는 경우 높았다(p<0.001). 따라서 구강검진 여부가 주관적 건강인식수준과 생활습관이나 만성질환과 관련이 있어 현재 구강검진 수진율을 향상하기 위한 방안을 마련하여야 하며, 정기적인 구강검진에 대한 인식도를 증진하기 위한 교육프로그램의 개발 또한 필요할 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the dental screening and health care behaviors for 17810 residents of Gyeongsangnam-do province using the data of the community health survey conducted in 2014. The SPSS ver. 23.0 statistical program was used. The residents were male, aged 30-49 years, city dwellers, their final education level was college or higher, their income was more than 600 KRW monthly, and they had a lot of experience of dental screening. In terms of oral health care, scaling, brushing after eating, brushing before going to bed, and brushing more than 4 times a day were found in the dental screening. In terms of health care, the levels of drinking, without chronic diseases, self-rated health and self-rated oral health were high when the residents had experience of dental screening(p<0.001). Therefore, it is necessary to establish a plan to improve the oral examination rate, because the level of dental screening is related to the levels of subjective health awareness and chronic diseases and lifestyle, and it is necessary to develop an education program to improve the awareness of the need for regular dental screening.

      • KCI등재

        일부 대학생들의 구강 내 증후증상 인식과 치과공포수준

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.12

        본 연구는 대학생들이 인지하는 구강 내 증후증상과 공포감의 관련성을 연구하여 적절한 시기에 치료와 예방을 위한 방안을 모색하고자 2015년 9월부터 3개월간 부산지역에 거주하는 대학생을 대상으로 최종 288명을 최종 분석하였다. 공포수준은 모든 항목에서 여자에서 높게 나타났으며, 세부적으로는 약속 미룸(p=0.014), 진료 시 긴장(p=0.001), 진료 시 호흡 가쁨(p=0.009), 진료 시 심장 박동 수 증가(p=0.010), 약속 시 두려움(p=0.003), 치과도착 시 두려움(p=0.001), 대기실 대기 시 두려움(p=0.001), 치과냄새 두려움(p=0.006), 마취 시 두려움(p<0.001), 주사바늘 주입 시 두려움(p<0.001), 치아삭제용 기구를 볼 때 두려움(p<0.001), 치아삭제용 기구 소리 두려움(p<0.001), 치아삭제 시 느낌에 대한 두려움(p<0.001), 치석제거 시 두려움(p<0.001), 치과치료 전체에 대한 느낌 나쁨(p<0.001)에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 증후증상 인지에 따른 공포수준은 충치가 있는 경우 진료회피(p=0.001), 생리적 반응(p=0.001), Dental Fear Survey(DFS) 전체(p=0.003), 깨진 치아가 있는 경우 진료회피(p=0.010), 자극요인(p=0.031), DFS전체(p=0.019)에서 공포수준이 높았다. 상실치아가 있는 경우 생리적 반응(p=0.019), DFS전체(p=0.033), 아픈 치아가 있는 경우 자극요인(p=0.031), 잇몸의 통증이 있는 경우 자극요인(p=0.013), DFS전체(p=0.034)에서 공포수준이 높았다. 따라서 통증을 느끼기 전 정기적 검진과 더불어서 예방적 처치를 할 수 있는 전반적인 시스템을 구축하여 치과를 내원하는 환자들로 하여금 공포감을 줄여 적절한 시기에 치료를 받을 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다. This research studied the relevance of oral symptoms and fear to find solutions for prevention and treatment at the right time. The study was conducted over a three-month period from September to November 2015. College students who lived in the region of Busan were surveyed, and the data from 288 respondents were analyzed. The female students felt a higher level of fear in every item than the males. To be specific, there were statistically significant differences in postponing the appointment (p=0.014), tension during treatment (p=0.001), dread when making the appointment (p=0.001), dread upon arrival (p=0.001), dread in the waiting room (p=0.001), dread of dental smells (p=0.006), dread while undergoing anesthesia (p<0.001), dread when receiving an injection (p<0.001), dread when looking at a tool for tooth preparation (p<0.001), dread of the sound of a tool for tooth preparation (p<0.001), dread of the feelings of tooth preparation (p<0.001), dread during scaling(p<0.001), and apprehension about the entire treatment (p<0.001). Concerning the fear level according to oral symptom awareness, the respondents with dental caries experienced a higher level of fear in terms of treatment avoidance (p=0.001), physiological reactions (p=0.001) and overall Dental Fear Survey (DFS)(p=0.003), and the students whose teeth were broken had a higher level of fear in terms of treatment avoidance (p=0.010), stimulus factors (p=0.031) and overall DFS (P=0.019). The students who had a missing tooth felt a higher level of fear in terms of physiological reactions (p=0.019) and overall DFS (p=0.033), and the respondents with gingival pain felt a higher level of pain in terms of the stimulus factors (p=0.013) and overall DFS (p=0.034). Therefore, college students should be educated to visit a dental clinic when they are aware of any oral symptom, and methods to reduce the stimulus factors as much as possible should be considered carefully to relieve dental fear.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        임플란트 식립 후 불편감에 영향을 주는 요인

        윤현서 ( Hyun Seo Yoon ),허수희 ( Soo Hee Heo ),전진호 ( Jin Ho Chun ) 한국치위생과학회 2011 치위생과학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        To get the evidences for decreasing the discomfort, dissatisfaction, and for improving management of the implant prothesis through assessment implant patients` awareness and discomforts about care of the prostheses. The subjects were 300 implant patients who treated in the 20 dental clinics in Pusan, Ulsan and Daegu. The general characteristics, recognition, maintenance, discomfort and dissatisfaction, and oral hygiene status were collected. Level of the discomfort and dissatisfaction was measured by a 5 Likert scale, and analyzed by the equivalent of 100. The life-span of the implants was overestimated, however, periodic recall check and scaling were underwent. The level of discomfort and dissatisfaction was generally good, but many of them (65.3%) complained the food impaction. As a result of the multiple regression analysis, level of the discomfort and dissatisfaction increased in case of more number of the prosthesis (β=0.864), however decreased in case of more frequent teeth brushing (β=0.737), more frequent periodic check (β=-0.737), longer duration from the implantation (β=-0.090). It is very important for the implant patients to be recognized that the lack of care may shorten the life-span of the implant prosthesis. Therefore, efforts of the continuous oral hygiene care such as, periodic recall check, scaling, teeth brushing, the correct using of additional oral hygiene product, and education would be more emphasized.

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