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        최근 일본의 학제 개혁 동향과 전망

        윤종혁 한국일본교육학회 2007 한국일본교육학연구 Vol.11 No.2

        최근 일본교육은 자유화 및 개성화 교육에 바탕을 두고 있는 새로운 학제 개혁을 모색하고 있 다. 이는 일본이 교육적인 평등 이상으로 국제 경쟁력을 갖춘 인재를 양성하는 것에 기반을 두고 있음을 의미한다. 이미 학제개편은 지난 1980년대 임시교육심의회와 중앙교육심의회의 노력을 통 해 지속적으로 추진되었으며, 오부치 내각의 교육개혁국민회의 발족을 통해 본격적으로 추진되었 다. 교육개혁국민회의는 교육기본법 개정과 교육진흥기본계획에 대한 새로운 개혁 구상을 완성하 였으며, 문부과학성을 통해 “21세기 신생플랜”이라는 실천강령을 추진하였다. 현재 일본의 학제개 편과 관련된 골자는 대체로 ‘유아교육’과 ‘고교교육’을 의무교육에 연계하는 개혁, 그리고 중·고 연계 등 다양한 고교개혁이 핵심 내용이라고 할 수 있다. 사실상 의무교육에 대한 재검토는 고등 학교 체제까지의 무상교육을 강조하면서도 교육 수혜자가 원하는 교육을 자유롭게 받을 수 있도 록 하는 평등과 수월성이 공존하는 시장교육체제를 선언한 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 그러면서도 교육재생회의의 개혁방안과 교육기본법 개정 등은 국가주의와 신자유주의를 결합시키고 있다는 측면에서 일본의 ‘교육총력전’이 가져올 새로운 변화가 주변국들의 우려를 불러일으키는 요인이 된다고 볼 수 있다. For Japan to maintain economic and social vitality and build a society where children can embrace their dreams and hopes and cultivate their future, it is necessary to position education as the most important political task and steadily promote educational reform to improve human resources as a national strategy. The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has promoted educational reform by presenting its roadmap with specific policies and steps, while considering the opinions of the Central Council for Education. This introduces programs promoting educational reform to date, programs to revise Fundamental Law of Education, and the most recent movements for compulsory educational reform. Today, the Japanese education system and the people concerned with it must adequately respond to rapid global changes such as economic and market growth caused by rapid technological developments, population flow on a global scale, and the advent of the IT society. The 21st century is said to be the era of “knowledge-based society,” and it is essential for a country like Japan, that is not blessed with natural resources, to foster excellent talent in order to maintain its vitality and further develop as a nation with wealth and education. However, there are challenges with regard to children's Academic Ability, as children are not always sufficiently equipped with the ability to apply knowledge and skills they have learned, such as reading comprehension. In addition, it is especially concerning that Japanese children have a poor desire to learn and have not mastered good learning habits. We must foster Academic Ability for the children to master the basics so that they can learn to educate themselves, think for themselves, and have the ability to solve problems even better. For these reason, the MEXT promotes the following as goals for the 21st century: (1) foster robust Japanese citizens that possess self initiative

      • 토마스 하아디의 小說에 內包되어 있는 그의 自然觀

        尹鍾爀 弘益大學校 1988 弘大論叢 Vol.20 No.1

        The main purpose of this essay is to observe the descriptions about nature and its relations with characters in the novels of thomas Hardy. Thomas Hardy had wide knowledge of natural history, especially in and around the towns and cities in South Sussex. He was a keen, intellectual, and sensible explorer of natural environment; namely he could well observe every corner and place of heaths, plains, towns and cities. His main place of spiritual, writing residence was in the city of Casterbridge which is Dorchester in reality. His newly built residence, Max Gate, was in Dorchester, and also he used real names for some places as well as fictious names for many other places; for instance, a real name for Rainbarrow and Stonehenge in Sussex plain, some miles off the city of Casterbridge which is the fictious name for Dorchester. Thomas Hardy attempted to express his writing philosophy that unhappy, disastrous and lamentable fate of every main character involved in his novels, almost all, is resulted, as it is from the external environment but also, more strongly, from his or her own internal personality, whether it is radically emptional or extremely weak. Thomas Hardy's philosophy on nature is as follows: nature is actually neutral towards human being, actually it is indifferent and changeless towards people who reside in its boundary. Nature differs from human beings as it has its own life but no emotion and thinking which a man possesses. In brief, it can be said that nature never favours human beings with sympathy and merciful affection. If it is so understood, a conclusion comes to be that nature is a merciless companion with human being. It does not assist people living in and around its boundary. Only people con take advantage of nature's phenomena for their fate. Therefore, personality in each character, described in the novels of Thomas Hardy, is more important to decide whether it will be positively developed or negatively developed. Each character's fatalistic disaster seems to be rather enforced by the ill-fated, pagan, superstitious remains and lonely, horrible heaths which was the center place of Hardy's birth and early life. His environment of growth might have given a great influence on his future life in creative writing as a novelist. After all, as a conclusion of this essay is to be that nature, as a whole, played as a bystander towards human being's fate, or rather its role was only a manipulator for the downfall of the characters' tragic fates in the novels of Thomas Hardy.

      • 토마스 하아디의 詩에 關한 硏究

        尹鍾爀 弘益大學校 1986 弘大論叢 Vol.18 No.1

        The main purpose of this essay is to appreciate the poems of Thomas Hardy(1840∼1928), and to observe his attitude as a poet as well as his unique and typical themes and elements, involved in his poems. He started his living as an apprentice to become an architect, but in his early life, about the age of twenty he tried to write verses. His sincere attempt, however, to publish his poetic productions was failed, as the literary works were rejected by magazine eitors in 1866. After this disappointing incident he truned to write fictions, and a novelist he worked producing many novels, for about 45 years until the publication of Jude the Obscure in 1895, and this novel brought him to the downfall of reputation as a notorious writer, because of its immoral elements getting many balmes, even facing the fact that the Bishop of Wakefield announced in a letter to the papers that he had thrown Hardy's novel into the fire. He after the bitter experience almost completely abandoned writing novels in the rest of his life. Instead he returned to the world of poems to which he once intended to belong in his youth and worked as a poet for almost 30 years until his death in 1928. His poems were published in 8 anthologies which are Wessex Poems(1898), Poems of the Past and the Present(1902, 1901), Time's Laughingstocks(1909), Satires of Circumstance(1914), Moments of Vision(1917), Late Lyrics and Earlier(1922), Human Shows(1925) and Winter Words(1928). Altogether 918 poems are contained in those volumes. Literally and critically analyzing, thorough observations are mainly focused on his romantic lyricism and poetical elements as well as his typical attitude as a poet. Even in his poems he never neglected to present, to the readers of his poems his dark, unfortunate, fatalistic, negative, shy and passive philosophy. He was no more than a mere representative for declaring that a human being is always in the middle of death or waiting for death, even if at the present moment, enioying an ecstasy in a happy experience in love. It seems that he always observed a positive, bright, fortunate and hopeful aspect of a man's life experience on the basis of a negative, dark, unfortunate. This typical attitude is more or less from a tendcey of irony in his mentality. In this essay, some outstanding poems from the 8 volumes of his anthology, were only selectively appreciatied. He could not achieve his name of success in the world of poems as much as in novel writing, as he was in lack of sincerity and toil for writing verses, comparing with them that he endowed the novel writing. Sometimes he produced several very sweet, affectionate pieces of poem, which really can be defined as lyrical, romantic poem. It can be said that these poems were produced in his youth. Although he could not get a great sucess as a poet, he could be named a-second-best poet who really enjoyed writing literary works in the field of poetry until his death without having integral, serious and mental agonies or conflicts which usually can be found in the thoughts and ideas of great poets in general.

      • 戰爭文學의 歷史的 背景 : Some Historical Observation on War Literature 戰爭文學의 歷史的 考察

        尹鍾爀 弘益大學校 1985 弘大論叢 Vol.17 No.1

        The main purpose of this essay is to survey and observe the background of war literature which has been written in the forms of epics,verses, dramas as well as novels, since the ancient time of Greece. The first great works of war literature were written by Homer in the 7th century B.C. in Greece. The two main literary works, so-called oldest masterpieces in war literature were the epics of Iliad and Oddysey. Geoffrey Chaucer also produced poems for war hero and heroine from the minor parts and minor characters in The Iliad of Homer-that is Troilus and Criseydefrom which William Shakespeare had rewritten in the literary form of drama, Troilus and Cressida, only slightly changing the spelling of Chaucer's Criseyde into Cressida. It also can be said that Shakespeare's drama such as Macbeth as well as Antony and Cleopatra is partly literary works about war, as the two dramas and some other dramas of Shakespeare had described a few battle scenes in the dramas, especially in Antony and Cleopatra, Antony's fleeing scenes in the height of sea battle against Roman fleets, dashing after Cleopatra's warship. These dramas, therefore, can be called sorts of war plays to some extent, but they are not totally definite works of war literature. However, almost all the so-called war literature before the time of Leo Tolstoy who wrote the novel, War and Peace, one of the greatest writers not only in Russia but also in the whole world, told the stories about the bravery and episodes of war heroes with their love affairs, not much or not entirely including ordinary soldiers who actually fought well. So many legendary stories about war heroes were traditionally inherited from the previous generations to the next verbally or in the written forms. Leo Tolstory was the real pioneer of the genuine literature of war, as he based his literary, creative, writing philosophy on humanism, describing ordinary common people's bitter lives during the war time, not much concerning war heroes, especially commanding officers who could be described as war heroes. In reality, war usually has been carried out by common soldiers, although there were commanding offices who commanded soldiers well in order to win wars. As far as humanism is concerned for literature, in a real sense, people in the mass are more important and essential to the progress of the peaceful culture and civilization of the world for the sake of the world future. Almost seven decades after the publicaion of the novel, War and Peace, Margaret Mitchel wrote a war novel, Gone with the Wind in 1936, about the civil war in the United States. That was one of the masterpieces of war novels. During the time before and after the publication of the novel, some works of war literature about the people involved in the World War Ⅰand Ⅱ were written on the base of humanism. For a good example, Ernest Hemingway wrote the famous war novels, Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls. The literary works of war, for literary distinction, can be defined into two categories such as the semi-war-literature and the genuine-war-literature in a broad meaning. Almost all the works of war literature before the time of Leo Tolstoy can be called semi-war-literaturem as main characters in tnose literary works on war were usually brave war heroes and their favourite women, written in the genres of epics, verses, dramas and novels. The genuine or pure war literature, as even already mentioned, should include, as contents and characters, the stories about common people, common soldiers as well as a few officers or generals to be described in terms of good- willed humanism. Therefore, the critical conception on war literature was changed from ancient or past old time to the present, as today the most works of war literature cover all the various types of people involved in war on the base of real and true humanism. And also it should be said that the future writers whether or not they are novelists or poets, even essayists must write their literary works for the peace of the world, as any war on earth can destroy all humankinds within a few days or weeks by way of using nuclear weapons which are dreadful and fearful, even horrible. All the people of the world know this dangerous fact. Therefore, especially the creative writers in literature should determine to write their literary works in order to prevent wars, so that this global community can escape from wholly destructive wars in the future. Another important role for writers to do is that they should always reminds themselves that this world is a comparatively small planet with quite a number of people who should enjoy their mortal lives without suffering war disaster within the bond of brethren. However, it cannot be fully expected, but there is no other way but to try hard to keep this global village in peace for the survival of mankind in mutual co-orperation for the future of the world. To do so, Literary writers are quite responsible for preventing wars among the world people, as a writing pen can enlighten and persuade war maniacs to maintain the emotional balance in their minds virtuously not to start wars.

      • 文學作品 飜譯의 可能性 與否에 關하여

        尹鍾爀 明知大學校 人文大學 英語英文學科 1989 Veritas Vol.- No.6

        번역작업의 이대 유형으로서 외국어 책자를 자국어로 옮기는 Inbound translation와 이와 반대의 입장인 Outbound translation을 비교해 보건데 아무래도 누구나 모국어의 사용능력이 bilingualist가 아닌 한 Target language (Second language)의 사용능력 보다 월등하기 때문에 번역가는 Inbound translation쪽이 바람직하다 할 수 있다. 특히 문학작품 번역에 있어서는 산문 보다는 운문 쪽이 불가능에 가까울 만큼 힘든 작업이라 하겠고, 운율 쪽에 중점을 두든지, 의미내용 쪽에 중점을 두든지 하는 등의 문제는 번역가의 번역관에 맡길 도리밖에 없으니 시번역은 창작에 버금가는 문학작업이라고 사료된다. 아울러 운문과 같은 시조, 시, 시극의 번역가는 작품발표후에도 후일에 재삼, 재사, 원문을 정독하여 미진한 점을 느낄때 마다, 번역문을 보다 자연스럽고 세련되기 다듬기 위한 끈기와 인내의 꾸준성이 요망된다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        Hamiltonian Reduction for Einstein’s Equations in the (2+2) Formalism

        윤종혁 한국물리학회 2014 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.64 No.2

        I apply the Hamiltonian reduction procedure to general spacetimes of 4 dimensions in the (2+2)formalism and find privileged spacetime coordinates in which the physical Hamiltonian is expressedin terms of the conformal two metric and its conjugate momentum. Physical time is the areaelement of the spatial cross-section of null hypersurfaces, and the physical radial coordinate isdefined by equipotential surfaces on a given spacelike hypersurface of constant physical time. Thephysical Hamiltonian is local and positive in the privileged coordinates. I present the complete setof Hamilton’s equations and find that they coincide with the Einstein’s equations written in theprivileged coordinates. This shows that the Hamiltonian reduction is self-consistent and respectsgeneral covariance.

      • KCI등재

        Consistency of Hamiltonian Reduction of Einstein’s equations

        윤종혁 한국물리학회 2014 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.65 No.6

        I show that the recently proposed Hamiltonian reduction of general relativity of 4 dimensionalspacetimes with no isometries is consistent with general covariance, although Hamilton’s equationsof motion that follow from the non-zero gravitational Hamiltonian are written in the privilegedcoordinates. The consistency is established by showing that Hamilton’s equations that follow fromthe non-zero gravitational Hamiltonian are identical to Einstein’s equations written in the privilegedcoordinates.

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