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        무청시래기를 첨가한 추어 떡갈비의 개발 및 품질특성

        유지영 ( Ji Young You ),진금용 ( Jinlong Chen ),임종준 ( Jong Jun Lim ),박지인 ( Ji In Park ),백서준 ( Seo Jun Baek ),최준호 ( Joon Ho Choi ) 한국산업식품공학회 2021 산업 식품공학 Vol.25 No.4

        이번 연구는 남원식 추어탕의 주재료인 추어와 무청시래기에 대한 인식개선과 이를 이용하여 젊은 연령층의 기호도에 적합한 분쇄육 제품을 개발하고자 추진되었다. 떡갈비 주원료인 돈육과 우지의 15%를 추어 페이스트로 대체한 추어 떡갈비를 대조구로 사용하였으며, 대파의 일정비율(25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)을 무청시래기로 대체하여 추어와 무청시래기가 첨가된 떡갈비 시료를 제조하였다. 무청시래기를 첨가한 떡갈비는 가열·조리 후 pH와 당도는 각각 6.07-6.28과 9.94-10.9로 시중에서 유통되는 떡갈비의 개별 특성에 적합하였다. 가열·조리에 따른 가열감량은 대파를 사용한 대조구에 비하여 대파를 무청시래기로 대체한 떡갈비 시료에서 유의적으로 낮았지만 무청시래기의 첨가량에 따른 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 가열 전과 가열·조리 후 무청시래기를 첨가한 떡갈비의 수분함량은 모두 대조구 보다 높았으며 이는 무청시래기의 식이섬유가 육가공품의 보수성을 높여 가열감량을 감소시킨 것으로 판단되었다. 대파를 무청시래기로 대체한 떡갈비 시료의 명도(44.5-47.8)는 시료 간의 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않은 반면 적색도(0.77-4.97)와 황색도(6.92-12.8)는 무청시래기의 첨가량에 따라 유의적으로 감소하였다. 떡갈비 시료에 대한 TPA 결과, 부착성은 대파를 무청시래기로 대체한 떡갈비 시료에서 대조구보다 유의적으로 낮아졌으나 경도, 응집성, 검성, 씹힘성에서는 대조구와 무청시래기를 첨가한 시료 간에 유의적인 차이를 확인할 수 없었다. 무청시래기가 첨가된 떡갈비 시료에 대한 관능적인 평가에서 색, 연도, 다즙성에서 대조구보다 낮은 점수를 받았다. 전반적인 기호도 역시 무청시래기가 첨가되지 않은 대조구에서 가장 높은 점수를 받았으나 무청시래기를 첨가한 시료에서는 대파의 50%를 대체한 시료에서 높은 점수를 받았다. 무청시래기 자체가 지닌 특유의 향미는 관능적인 평가에서 확인되지 않았으며 전자코를 이용한 향기패턴 분석에서도 낮은 분별지수(-90)로 시료 간의 향기패턴 차이를 확인하기 어려운 수준이었다. 이번 연구를 통해 떡갈비의 제조에서 대파를 대체하는 무청시래기의 함량은 25-50%가 적절하였으며 무청시래기와 추어가 지닌 특유의 맛과 냄새로 인한 영향을 받지 않는 떡갈비를 개발함으로써 향후 남원지역의 향토음식과 연계되는 새로운 메뉴개발이 가능하게 되었다. This study was performed to develop tteokgalbi suitable for young-aged individuals by using mudfish and radish greens, major ingredients of Chueo-tang. Mudfish-tteokgalbi (control), in which 15% of the meat and tallow was replaced with mudfish paste, was used while substituting 25 to 100% of the green onions with radish greens. The pHs and sugar contents of the tteokgalbi developed in this study were 6.07-6.28 and 9.94-10.9, respectively, and it was suitable for tteokgalbi sold in the market. Replacing green onions with radish greens while manufacturing tteokgalbi significantly reduced the color (a and b values) and weight loss during cooking compared to the control. Replacing green onions with increasing quantities of radish greens also significantly reduced the adhesiveness of the samples in the texture profile analysis. Although the overall acceptability of the control was the best, the ideal quantity of radish greens as a substitution for green onions appears to be 25-50%. The unique flavor of the supplemented radish greens was indistinguishable in the sensory evaluation and the principal component analysis with an electronic nose. Finally, radish greens were confirmed as a good ingredient for manufacturing tteokgalbi together with mudfish paste.

      • KCI등재

        여성 우울증 입원 환자에서 폐경 여부에 따른 인지기능의 차이

        유지영,민정아,전양환,한상익,박이진,You, Ji-Young,Min, Jung-Ah,Jeon, Yang-Whan,Han, Sang-Ick,Park, E-Jin 대한생물정신의학회 2016 생물정신의학 Vol.23 No.4

        Objectives Although forgetfulness is a common complaint among menopausal depressed women, there is still a debate about the relationship between memory impairment and menopause. The aim of this study is to examine whether menopause is related to cognitive decline among women with depressive disorders. We hypothesized that postmenopausal depressed women show generally poorer performance than premenopausal depressed women on various cognitive function tests. Methods With a retrospective chart review, we identified a total of 87 female patients (45 premenopausal patients and 42 postmenopausal patients) who were hospitalized with depressive disorders from 2000 to 2016. Demographic and clinical variables and cognitive test results were compared between two groups. Results Education year is longer in premenopausal group than postmenopausal group whereas clinical characteristics (illness duration, recurrence, and symptom severity) and mean Intelligence Quotient (IQ) were similar between two groups. The postmenopausal group took longer time for Bender-Gestalt Test (BGT) recall, Trail Making Test (TMT)-A, and TMT-B than the premenopausal group. After controlling for age and education, significant difference was remained for BGT recall (p = 0.029). Conclusions Postmenopausal state may be related with decline of visuospatial memory function, in particular, among depressed female patients. Other areas of cognitive function including complex attention, verbal memory, auditory memory, and working memory might be interpreted while considering age and education level.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선후기 手本의 한 연구 : 慶州 驪州李氏 癡菴宗宅 소장 고문서를 중심으로

        유지영(You Ji-young) 한국학중앙연구원 2005 장서각 Vol.0 No.14

        In this thesis, I reviewed the document called 'Su-bon(手本)' which has never been introduced. There are many kinds of Su-bon, meanwhile we have known them as official document. But I would try to give another type of Su-bon a term of 'Sojihyung Su-bon (所志型 手本)' that have similar shapes of 'Soji(所志)' which had been submitted a petition to a local government. And looking into Su-bon, I studied what it had forms, contents, writings, processes of disposition. After through out all these analysis, I could reach the several conclusions below. First. Writers of Su-bon were peoples, servants, officials of the smallest unit of the administrative organization(ex. 風?, 上任, 洞任 etc.) When they submitted Su-bon, there were not in the name of an individual but a joint signature at least four persons. Second. Forms of Su-bon were similar to a kinds of 'So-ji' which had been submitted a petition to a local government. Besides a 'So-ji' of the most similar to 'Deong-jang(等狀, a petition which had been submitted to official government in many people's signatures), nothing but just replace Su-bon with So-ji. Third. The measuring organization of Su-bon were the competent authorities (本官) and Royal secret inspector(暗行御史). In spite of a same content of petition, submitted to the provincial authorities(監司), not written as Su-bon but Ui-song(議送, a petition which had been submitted to the provincial authorities) Forth. The contents of Su-bon were not concerned with personal dispute but a tax . Especially that was something to do with the tax which have relation to a local society's interests. Fifth. Based on forth, the matter was concerned with official affairs. So in the process of handling the matter, the government office should have intervened in it eagerly. According to the conclusion above, we can know another side of Su-bon which have a different style except for the side of Su-bon as 'a public report'. Generally there were many kinds of written petition, just like a group of So-ji (所志類), for instance So-ji(所志), Bal-gwal(白活, this is pronounced natively in Korea), Dan-ja(單子), Sang-seo(上書) and exceptionally in addition to another document, called 'Su-bon' that have never ever been known to.

      • KCI등재

        건강 보조 식품의 중독학적 관점에서의 고찰 글루코사민, 키토산

        유지영 ( Ji Young You ) 대한임상독성학회 2011 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Recently, westernized diet and lifestyles have led to obesity and various adult diseases resulting in a negative influence on the quality of life. There has been an increased interest in choosing proper diet and regular exercise in order to lead a healthy life. The number of people looking for dietary supplements has increased steadily. Dietary supplements are products intended to help maintain or improve the health of consumers. However, if customers take dietary supplements excessively, they may be harmful due to side effects, misuse, abuse and overdose. I performed a toxicologic review of the dietary supplements, glucosamine and chitosan, which are widely used in the country in order to provide the proper understanding of safety of these products.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 미국, 독일의 초임교사 교육에 관한 비교연구

        유지영 ( Ji Young You ) 충남대학교 교육연구소 2010 교육연구논총 Vol.31 No.1

        초임교사는 직전 교육을 받고 교육 현장에 투입된 후 많은 어려움에 직면해 있으며 전문성 신장에도 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 우수한 초임교사를 확보하기 위해 평가라는 제도적 장치를 통하여 초임교사의 자격 기준을 강화하는 미국과 학교 현장을 중심으로 초임교사의 전문성을 체계적으로 개발하고 실행하는 독일을 대상으로 두드러진 특징들을 고찰하여 한국의 초임교사 교육에 도움이 될 만한 시사점을 발견하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구를 통해 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 미국의 초임교사 교육은 학생들의 학습 결과를 향상시키는 일환으로 교사들의 자격 기준을 강화하고, 초임교사가 갖추어야 할 10가지 기준을 제시하여 초임교사 교육을 통해 전문성 신장을 유도하고 있다. 둘째, 독일의 초임교사 교육은 두 차례에 걸친 국가시험과 그 사이에 존재하는 수습 근무 기간을 두어 현장 중심 교육을 강화하여 교원의 질을 제고하고자 노력하고 있다. 이에 우리나라의 초임교사 교육은 교사 자격 기준을 정하여 평가하거나 초임교사가 당면한 가장 큰 문제인 교육현장에서의 교직수행 능력을 향상시키는 방안으로 현장 중심의 교육을 강화해야 할 것이다. The Purpose of this study was to find some suggestions to improve beginning teacher education for the beginning teachers at the elementary through a comparative study of three countries, Korea, United States of America, Germany, focused on their beginning teacher education. In this study, available data and literatures about beginning teacher education were gathered and analysed. In U.S.A, beginning teacher education based on ten standards of teacher certification, which beginning teachers have, leads to improve beginning teacher`s Professionality. In Germany, teacher education focused on the field is reinforced by two step state exam and internship between state exam. These are main difference of teacher certification system in Korea, which the 2nd class regular teacher, who is beginning teacher, becomes the 1st class regular teacher through the qualification training. Therefore, to improve the beginning teacher`s Professionality, teacher`s certification should be made and teacher education focused on the field should be reinforced.

      • KCI등재

        메틸렌 블루

        유지영 ( Ji Young You ) 대한임상독성학회 2010 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Methylene blue is a very effective reducer of drug-induced methemoglobinemia. It has dose-dependent oxidation or reduction properties. In most cases, a dose of 1 to 2 mg/kg IV given over 5 minutes and immediately followed by a 15- to 30-mL fluid flush to minimize the local pain is both effective and relatively safe. The onset of action is quite rapid, and the effects are usually seen within 30 minutes. The dose may be repeated after 30 to 60 minutes and then every 2 to 4 hours as needed. The total dose should not exceed 7 mg/kg as a single dose or 15 mg/kg within 24 hours. Repeated treatment may be needed for treating compounds that have prolonged elimination or those compounds that undergo enterohepatic recirculation (e.g., dapsone). Methylene blue can cause dose-related toxicity. At high doses, methylene blue can also induce an acute hemolytic anemia and rebound methemoglobinemia. The reasons for treatment failure with methylene blue include ineffective GI decontamination, the existence of other forms of hemoglobin (e.g., sulfhemoglobin), a low or high dose of methylene blue and the toxicokinetics of some agents, such as aniline, benzocaine or dapsone.

      • KCI등재

        추어를 첨가한 떡갈비의 개발 및 품질특성

        유지영 ( Ji Young You ),김현진 ( Hyun Jin Kim ),임종준 ( Jong Jun Lim ),백서준 ( Seo Jun Baek ),이성실 ( Sung Sil Lee ),최준호 ( Joon Ho Choi ) 한국산업식품공학회 2021 산업 식품공학 Vol.25 No.3

        This study was performed to improve awareness of mudfish and develop tteokgalbi supplemented with mudfish suitable for young ages. Tteokgalbi was produced with flour·starch (control), rice paste was replaced with wheat flour·starch, and mudfish paste was substituted with 5, 10, and 15% of meat and tallow. No differences were found in the moisture content, pH, and Brix of all samples supplemented with rice and mudfish paste. The samples supplemented with rice and mudfish pastes had reduced cooking loss rates compared to the control. The samples supplemented with rice and mudfish pastes increased in both a and b values but decreased in L values compared to the control. The hardness and adhesiveness of the control were higher than in other samples. The adhesiveness of the samples was reduced with an increase in quantities of mudfish pastes. The overall acceptability of samples supplemented with rice and mudfish pastes was better than that of the control, and the proper quantity for substituting mudfish paste appears to be 10%. The unique flavor and taste of mudfish did not affect the sensory evaluation and did not distinguish even in the principal component analysis using an electronic nose. Finally, the mudfish paste was confirmed as a good ingredient for enhancing consumer acceptability in manufacturing tteokgalbi.

      • KCI등재

        학령전기 소아외상 환자의 연령별 비교 연구

        유지영 ( Ji Young You ),이재일 ( Jae Il Lee ),유지영 ( Ji Yeong Ryu ) 대한외상학회 2004 大韓外傷學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        Background: Trauma is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality for children. This study was conducted to describe the characteristics of pediatric trauma and to compare the differences of two groups based on age. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of pediatric patients under 7 years of age admitted to our emergency department after a trauma from January 2003 through June 2003. The patients were divided into two groups based on age: group A (infant/toddlers, 0~3 years) and group B (preschool children, 4~6 years). Results: The most common cause of trauma was slip down in both groups. Fall down and burn were more frequent in group A, automobile and bicycle accident were more frequent in group B(p=0.000). The most common place of trauma was house in both groups, but other places were more frequent in group B(p=0.000). The most common trauma related device was furniture/electronics in group A, sporting goods in group B(p=0.002). Conclusions: From this study, we found statistically significant differences between the groups. Knowledge of age-related characteristics could result in improved diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of these injuries.

      • KCI등재

        갑상선 수술의 수술 중 신경모니터링의 적용에 관한 최신지견

        유지영 ( Ji Young You ),김훈엽 ( Hoon Yub Kim ) 대한갑상선학회 2021 International Journal of Thyroidology Vol.14 No.1

        Intraoperative neuromonitoring is a well-established method used to prevent intraoperative nerve damage, and many studies have been performed in thyroid surgery. We introduced the basic concept and practical application of intraoperative neuromonitoring, as well as its standardized techniques and detailed contents. In addition, the contents of this still yet relatively unknown field, such as its application in transoral robotic thyroidectomy and its application to the external branches of the superior laryngeal nerve, were summarized by referring to many previous studies.

      • KCI등재

        T1-2 림프절 음성 삼중음성유방암의 예후인자

        유지영 ( Ji Young You ),이혜윤 ( Hye Yoon Lee ),이은숙 ( Eun Sook Lee ),배정원 ( Jeoung Won Bae ),우상욱 ( Sang Uk Woo ),박경화 ( Kyong Hwa Park ) 대한임상종양학회 2011 Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol.7 No.2

        배경: 삼중음성유방암은 비삼중음성유방암군에 비해 조기라 해도 더 나쁜 예후를 보이는 걸로 알려져 있다. 따라서 삼중음성유방암의 초기 치료를 위해서 정확한 예후인자를 찾는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구에서는, T1-2 림프절 음성인 삼중음성유방암의 나쁜 예후와 관련된 예후인자를 찾아 보고자 하였다. 방법: 1995년부터 2006년까지 고려대학교 의료원 안암병원에서 유방암으로 근치절제술을 시행받은 환자 중 림프절 전이나 원격전이가 없는 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 이 중에서 호르몬 수용체 및 HER2 수용체 여부에 대한 기록이 있는 환자들만을 포함시켰다. 의무기록의 후향적 분석을 통해 삼중음성유방암 및 비삼중음성유방암 환자들의 임상병리적 특징이 분석되었다. 결과: 79명 (22.9%) 의 환자들이 삼중음성유방암군으로 분류되었다. 삼중음성유방암군에서 p53 양성 환자군에서 p53 음성 환자군보다 더 낮은 무병생존율을 보였다 (p=0.028). 다변량 회귀분석에서는 35세 이하의 낮은 연령이 삼중음성유방암과 관련된 독립적인 예후인자로 나타났으며, Ki-67은 단변량 회귀분석에서 삼중음성유방암과 통계적으로 유의하게 관련성을 보였다. 결론: 본 연구에서, T1-2 림프절 음성인 삼중음성유방암에서 연령은 독립적인 예후인자이고 어릴수록 나쁜 예후와 연관됨을 알 수 있었고, Ki-67 은 통계적으로 증명되지는 않았지만, 삼중음성유방암의 예후인자가 될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Purpose Triple-negative breast cancer typically results in poorer prognoses compared to non-triple negative breast cancer, even in early stages. The initial management of triple negative breast cancer patients and detection of clear prognostic factors are therefore of great importance. We aimed to identify specific prognostic factors associated with unfavorable outcomes of triple negative breast cancer in T1-2 node-negative breast cancer. Materials and Methods We analyzed breast cancer patients without lymph node metastasis or distant metastasis who underwent curative surgery at the Anam Hospital of the Korea University Medical Center between 1995 and 2006. Among them, patients were eligible for analysis, only if the reports about hormone receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 status were available. Clinico-pathological features were reviewed by retrospective examination and comparison of medical records of triple negative breast cancer and non-triple negative breast cancer patients. Results Seventy-nine patients (22.9%) were categorized to the triple negative breast cancer group. The disease-free survival rate of TNBC p53-positive patients was significantly lower than that of p53-negative patients (p =0.028). In multivariate analysis, young age was an independent prognostic factor for disease-free survival of the triple negative breast cancer group. High Ki-67 expression was a significant prognostic factor in univariate analysis in triple negative breast cancer, but it was not significant in multivariate analysis. Conclusion We suggest that age is an independent prognostic factor of triple negative breast cancer in T1-2 and node-negative patients and that Ki-67 could also be a prognostic factor in these patients.

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