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      • 웹기반에서의 성교육을 위한 코스웨어 설계 및 구현

        유정숙,박두순 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2002 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        The recent development of a high-speed Internet network has greatly advanced the learning methods based on computers. Especially, the advent of the World Wide Web has changed the traditional face-to-face teaching methods by allowing a new way the educators and educates can communicate with each other anytime and anyplace. The purpose of this study is to help students build a proper view of value about 'sex', and desirable human relations by changing misinformation about sex and sexual indentity into a positive, sound direction of thinking about 'sex' through a web based educational program.

      • 가변형 단위세대에 대한 거주자의 공간요구에 관한 연구

        유정숙,정세라,최수정,최재필,김혜정 명지대학교 대학원 1997 대학원논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Flexible units are considered as one of solutions responding to residents' various lifestyle for the mass housing. This study explores people's need and preference for the flexible apartment housing in Korea. The research approach applied is a statistical analysis based on a questionnaire. Respondents are mainly the residents of 2-4 bedroom apartment housing in Seoul and suburbs of Seoul. The findings are analyzed mainly centers on the following issues: 1)the people's preferences of flexible units. 2)main issues for the changing the units such as the size of the rooms 3)basic considerations for the designing flexible wall system and acoustical privacy between family members.

      • KCI등재

        소아 개심술에 대한 체계적 간호정보 제공이 환아부모의 불안, 지식정도 및 만족도에 미치는 효과

        유정숙,신연희,윤선희,정제현,고경,유정 병원간호사회 2001 임상간호연구 Vol.7 No.2

        This study was designed with non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design to evaluate the effectiveness of structured nursing information program on open heart surgery(OHS) children's parents' anxiety, knowledge and nursing satisfaction. Data were collected from July 2000 to March 2001. The 36 subjects were collected : 16 experimental group, 20 control group. The method was like that : At pre operation day, the researcher measured trait-state anxiety on both group and gave the structured nursing information program to only experimental group. After OHS, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit(PICU) nurses explained the children's condition and care through checklist to experimental group. After the children were transferred to general ward, the researcher measured state anxiety, knowledge degree and nursing satisfaction on both group. The tools of this study were pre-operation visiting education program and information book about post-OHS children care in PICU which were made by researcher, satisfaction measurement questionnaire, knowledge measurement questionnaire, Spielberger's trait-state Anxiety Scale. The data were analyzed using the SPSS win program. The results can be summerized as: 1. The difference between pre-operation and post-operation state anxiety of experimental group which got structured nursing information program was wider than the control group which didn't get that. 2. The knowledge acquisition score of experimental group which got structured nursing information program was higher than the control group which didn't get that and was statistically significant. 3. The nursing satisfaction degree of experimental group which got structured nursing information program was higher than the control group which didn't get that and was statistically significant. Based on the results, the following is recommended : 1. Structured nursing information program lessens the anxiety of OHS children's parents and improves the knowledge degree & nursing satisfaction degree. So, we recommend to apply this program. 2. The research study on the educational need of OHS children's parents is required.

      • 윌리엄 포크너의 소설과 여성인물의 유형 : 「팔월의 빛」과 「앱설롬, 앱설롬!」을 중심으로 In Light in August and Absalom, Absalom!

        유정숙 전주대학교 1994 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        This essay classifies Faulkner's women characters into "earthmothers" and ''ghosts.'' Regardless of class or race, his women must be considered in view of then femaleness. The earthmother, like Lena, has female qualities - fertility creativity and sexuality. On the other hand, in the case of the ghost, her sex is ignored by male characters and she lives a deathlike life. In either case female caharacter has a special meaning in Faulkner's novels. Lena, in Light m August, may be a minor character, but thematically she is of major importance. The novel consists of the triad of action - the Christmas, Hightower and Lena's story. Christmas is a tragic hero, and Lena illimines him and the male-dominated society by contrast- Lena, as a feminine ideal, accepts life; whereas Christmas resists the feminine principle and therefore life. Faulkner himself says that this novel begins with Lena's image and that this novel is Lena's story. Likewise Absalom, Absalom! can be read as Rosa's story, not merely as Sutpen's myth. Rosa, as a lost child and woman, lives neglected by male society, that is, by her father and by Sutpen. After 43 year-long silence, she tries to tell ''her story(women's history)" to the new generation, Quentin. The male society, however, attempts to silence her story or interpret it into the male discourse. Once again they transform her into a ghost. In this sense Rosa is a symbolic character of Southern history m which the patriarchal system has surpressed female sex and female discourse. In conclusion, in Faulkner's novels, the archetype of the women is an earthmother, but the male society transforms her into a ghost. Using this View of Faulkner's women characters, this essay approaches two of his novels from a new perspective, the perspective gained by a feminist reading.

      • KCI등재

        전통 종교로서 불교와 유교 관련 옛 한글 문헌 글자체의 특징과 양식 연구 - 15-17세기 관련 경전을 중심으로 -

        유정숙 한국기초조형학회 2022 기초조형학연구 Vol.23 No.3

        This study analyzes the characteristics and style of Old Hangul types in Buddhist and Confucian literature from the traditional era in the hopes of uncovering details in the design of historical Hangul types and establishing a theoretical foundation for them as a part of traditional Korean culture. Five authentic, widely distributed Buddhist and Confucian texts from the 15th to 17th century have been selected for analysis. Woodblock-printed copies of the 15th century Buddhist texts <Beophwagyeong eonhae>(1463) and <Geumganggyeong eonhae>(1464) retained the geometric form of typefaces from around the time when the Korean alphabet Hangul was created, but the engravings revealed subtle signs of serif. A narrow, condensed type was used in two different sizes depending on the text’s content. The vowel arae-a (⚫) transformed into a slanted dot resembling the tip of a calligraphic downstroke. On the other hand, 17th Century, <Eunjunggyeong eonhae>(1687) featured a wider expended Width within an uneven typeset and hinted at the stylistic characteristics of <minche> that emerged beyond the 18th century. Unlike Buddhist texts, the printed copies of the 16th to 17th century Confucian texts <Daehak eonhae>(1590) and <Jungyong eonhae>(1695) exhibited distinct serifs. Even widths were maintained through square-like and the second of the two strokes shaping the consonant sieut (ㅅ) began slightly below the head of the first stroke. Although the texts were not in a typical <Gungche> style, they did seem to have been from the early stages of a transition to the style. The types in 15th to 17th century Korean texts on Buddhism and Confucianism displayed the geometric <Hunhaeche> style from the period when Hangul was created, the newly emerging <Huneonche> style, and a transitional style with curved strokes that preceded <Gungche>. As a symbolic product with cultural, political significance, types have had a impact on the change and development of Hangul styles. This study is expected to serve as an academic, educational resource. It will also be a useful resource for follow-up studies related to religion and old Hangeul. 이 연구는 우리나라 초기 주요 종교였던 불교, 유교 관련 옛 한글 문헌의 글자체와 양식 특징을 살펴디자인 관점에서 전통문화 양식으로서 한글 글자체 역사의 새로운 지식과 이론적 토대 기반 구축 모색을 목적으로 한다. 이에 15-17세기 불교와 유교의 정통성을 이어받고 두드러진 보급을 이룬 5개문헌(불교; 1463『법화경언해』, 1464『금강경언해』, 1687『은중경언해』, 유교; 1590『대학언해』, 1695『중용언해』)을 선정 분석하였다. 그 결과, 15세기 불교 경전은 목판본으로서 창제기의기하학적 형태를 유지하면서 미세한 돌기(Serif)가 판각을 통해 아주 미미하게 드러났다. 특히 본문에가로 폭이 좁혀진 장체 특징의 한글 글자체의 등장과 아래아 방점(⚫)이 붓 필획의 내리점 형태로 변화하였다. 그러나 17세기 문헌에서는 가로 폭이 넓은 평체 특징의 글자체와 18세기 이후 등장하는<민체>양식의 특성이 나타났다. 유교 경전에서는 활자본임에도 정사각형의 글자 폭을 유지하고 구체적인 붓 필획의 특징으로 특히 시옷(ㅅ)의 형태가 중간 점 갈래 시옷으로 변화하였다. 이들은 아직 정형화된 <궁체> 양식은 아니지만 그 과도기적 형태로 나타났다. 이렇게 우리나라 초기 불교와 유교관련 옛 한글 문헌에서는 창제기의 기하학적인 <훈해체>양식에 이어 또 하나의 새롭게 등장한 <훈언체>양식을 형성하였고 아울러 붓 필획을 통한 부드러운 <궁체> 이전의 과도기적 특징의 양식으로의 변화가 파악되었다. 정치와 문화적 의미를 담은 상징적 산물로써 한글은 종교의 사회적 소통기능아래 초기 한글 양식의 변화를 이루었음을 살펴본 이 기초연구는 한글 양식의 형성과정에 중요한 역사적 이론적 토대이자 이어 후속 연구에 밑거름이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한글 타이포그래피에 있어서 활자가족으로 이탤릭체 연구 - 네모틀 디지털 돋움체의 오블리크 스타일을 중심으로-

        유정숙 한국기초조형학회 2014 기초조형학연구 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 다양한 타이포그래피 표현의 시대적 요구 아래 현재 한글 활자가족에서는 정립되지 않은 이탤릭 활자로서 오블리크 스타일과 그 개발에 대한 기초연구이다. 한글 돋움체의 오블리크 스타일을 위한 기준 정립과 그 체계의 구축 확립을 위한 목적아래, 서구 알파벳 활자가족의 역사와 이탤릭의 특징을 고찰하고 이와 함께 한글 디지털 돋움체의 오블리크 스타일 실험과 분석을 통해 그에 상응하는 기준을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구 실험에서 기준으로 설정된 기울기 8도, 10도, 12도를 바탕으로 돋움체의 기초조형요소, 자모합성 및 타이포그래피 실험결과는 다음과 같다. 우선 기본 줄기 및 대표 자음인 “ㅋ”, “ㅌ”, “ㅁ”, “ㅈ”, “ㅇ” 과 모음에서 두드러진 주요특징으로는 가로 및 세로줄기, 덧 줄기, 삐침, 내리점, 동글 이응 등에서 줄기의 굵기, 길이의 착시 등의 왜곡현상이 나타났으며, 이로부터 발생되는 시지각 현상으로 자모합성 및 타이포그래피에서는 글자 폭과 글자크기, 글자사이와 낱말사이 그리고 혼합조판에서의 가독성과 판독성에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같이 본 연구의 실험을 통해 한글은 영문보다 많은 줄기의 밀집된 기울기가 이탤릭체 개발에 시각 착시와 왜곡현상에 큰 영향을 미치는 요인으로 파악되었다. 따라서 한글의 특성에 적합한 기울기로 8도를 제안하였으나 이에 반드시 글자형태의 왜곡 및 착시현상에 따른 세밀한 시각보정을 통해 조화와 균형을 이룬 진정한 이탤릭으로서의 오블리크 스타일 개발의 기준을 삼아야 할 것임을 제시하였다. According to diverse typographic needs of the times, this paper focuses on a fundamental study of the oblique style, an italic type style which is yet to be established among typeface families of the Korean alphabet Hangul's typography. The main purpose of this study is to assess the existing standard and to develop a system for the oblique style of the Hanguel Dodum typeface. By analyzing the history of typeface families of western alphabets as well as the characteristics of italic types and conducting parallel experiments and analysis on the oblique style for the traditional Korean san-serif digital typeface, this study attempts to suggest a new standard. By applying 8, 10 and 12 degree angles as experiment standards for this paper's study, the following facts were discovered about basic formative elements, combinations of vowel and consonant letters, and typography. First of all, the characteristics of the basic stroke as well as archetypical Hangul consonants such as "ㅋ," "ㅌ," "ㅁ," "ㅈ," "ㅇ" and vowels turned out to display optical illusions as to their weight and length. Also, distortion appeared on vertical and horizontal strokes, additional stroke to the basic consonant "ㅋ," two opposite diagonal strokes from "ㅈ," and the letter "round ㅇ." The effects on visual perception, which originated from optical illusion and distortion in terms of weight and length, consequently influenced the width and size of letters and the spacing between letters and words with combinations of vowels and consonants and typography and also affected the readability and legibility of mixed typesets. This study recommends an 8-degree angle for the Korean alphabet Hangul. The recommendation is based on the unique characteristics of Hangul, especially due to the fact that greater optical illusion and distortion occurs with Hangul’s concentrated basic strokes compared to English typography. Therefore, it is imperative that detailed, sophisticated visual correction should be performed against optical illusion and distortion in order to develop the oblique style into a well-balanced true italic type.

      • KCI등재

        자연과학대학 탐방 프로그램에 참여한 고등 학생들의 과학 인식 조사

        유정숙,여성희,한인식,이신영 한국물리학회 2010 새물리 Vol.60 No.12

        We investigated students' perceptions of the "Science Orientation for Students (SOS)" program, in which 196 high-school students participated in various science and math activities for 3 days. The students had high abilities at science and mathematics, as well as high levels of science attitude and motivation for learning science. The SOS program did not change students' science attitude and motivation for learning. However, some of the subcategories of science attitude and science motivation, such as "leisure interest in science," "adoption of scientific attitudes," "career interest in science," and "self-determination," were affected positively by the SOS program. As the most preferred subprograms, the students chose activities that included lectures, experiments and laboratory tours because they could explore more scientific content through those activities. They selected group discussion and writing as the second most preferred subprogram because they could experience the scientific process firsthand through cooperation with friends. In addition, more than half the students formed more positive attitudes for science. The results of this study can be used to improve SOS programs by implementing specific programs for students who have high abilities in science and mathematics. 본 연구는 자연과학대학 탐방 프로그램에 참여한 수학과 과학의 학업성취도 수준이 높은 고등학생들을 대상으로 과학 태도 및 과학 학습동기, 탐방 프로그램 활동에 대한 선호도 및 학생들의 과학에 대한 인식변화를 조사하였다. 프로그램 참여 활동은 학생들의 과학 태도 및 과학학습 동기에 통계적으로 유의미한 효과를 나타내지는 않았지만, 태도 및동기의 몇몇 하위 영역에서는 유의미성을 찾을 수 있었다. 학생들은프로그램의 세부 활동들 중 보다 심화된 과학 내용을 접하고 과학 탐구에자극을 줄 수 있었던 `분야별 강의 및 실험 활동'과 동료들과의 상호작용을 통해 과학의 또 다른 측면을 체험할 수 있었던 `조별 토론활동'을 유익하다고 여기고 있었다. 이와 더불어, 학생들의 과학에 대한인식 변화를 살펴본 결과, 프로그램 참여 활동 이후에 과반 수 이상의학생들이 과학에 대해 보다 긍정적인 인식을 형성하게 되었음을 알 수있었다. 본 연구 결과는 고등학생을 위한 자연과학대학 프로그램의운영에 기초적인 자료로 사용할 수 있으며, 과학적 능력이 우수한학생들이 과학 인재로의 성장을 돕기 위한 유사한 프로그램 개발에시사점을 줄 수 있다.

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