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        한국 의사의 역사적 정체성 형성

        여인석,Yeo, In-sok 연세대학교 의과대학 2021 의학교육논단 Vol.23 No.2

        In modern society, doctors are a representative example of professionals-that is, doctors are members of an occupation with high barriers to entry. For doctors, long-term education, training, and licensing are factors that make it difficult to enter medical practice. These external characteristics, which have mainly arisen in the modern era, play an important part in the professional identity of doctors. Nonetheless, the core of the doctor's identity is the identity of the healer. In today's Korean society, the universal identity of doctors as healers results from a combination of the special historical identity of professionals with high entry barriers. Korean society currently demands a high level of ethical awareness from doctors. These demands are partly derived from the nature of the practice of medical care, but they also reflect demands for strong social responsibility as professionals. It is difficult to cultivate professional ethics simply by imposing legitimate virtues, presenting an ideal model, or emphasizing moral education that is not fully realistic. A deep-rooted sense of professional ethics stems from a clear awareness of professional identity. Education plays an important role in the formation and awareness of doctors' professional identity, and various types of content and methods can be used in education. However, since the identity of an entity is formed through the process of historical experience, it is thought that the historical process of the formation of doctors as a profession should be included as an important part of education.

      • 특집논문 1 : 의과대학 의학사교육의 현황과 과제

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2010 연세의사학 Vol.13 No.2

        Medical history was first taught in Severance Medical College in 1946 by Kim Doo-jong, the founding father of medical history in Korea. Today, over half of the forty-three medical colleges in Korea include medical history courses. However, a lack of sufficient numbers of qualified medical historians means that many of the colleges experience difficulties in running the courses. As the number of medical historians is unlikely to increase sufficiently in the near future to meet the demand, a re-education program needs to be initiated for the current lecturers in charge of the medical history courses. Another challenge facing the history of medical education in Korea is the integration of medical history with medical humanities, which has recently emerged as an important issue in medical education. As medical humanities aims to develop sensibilities such as compassion in medical students, the field focuses more on literature and arts than on history and philosophy. Therefore, a new methodology is required to incorporate the teaching of medical history into the teaching of medical humanities.

      • KCI등재

        의사직의 역사적 정체성 형성

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 의학사연구소 2013 연세의사학 Vol.16 No.2

        The question of professional identity of medical doctors is one of the main themes of not only medical history, but also medical sociology and professional sociology. Medical profession is one of the oldest professions which have existed since antiquity. However, the modes of its social existence largely depends on social, historical and cultural context in which the medical profession is placed. Among several important factors which determine the mode of social existence of medical professions, its relationship to state power may be the single most important one. The medical profession has been regarded as the exemplary free profession along with legal professions such as judges or lawyers. Here, the free profession means the profession which is relatively freed from the control of the state. However, it must be noted that the social image of medical profession as a free profession was formed during the specific historical period and it is far from being an universal entity. In particular, the medical profession has a very close relationship with the state power. This paper attempted to show various types of social existence of medical professions according to the different social and historical settings.

      • 대한민국 건국과 기독교 의료

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2012 연세의사학 Vol.15 No.2

        Liberation from Japanese rule in 1945 provided Korea with many possibilities in framing Korean society. However, unstable political and economic situations allowed for only limited options, and health issues were of low priority for the new government. Although medical services are of a public character, the government paid relatively little attention to providing medical services. The public sector had shrunk compared to the period of colonial government, and the U.S. military administration was reflected by the reduced number of health personnel in the government and a reduced budget. As a result, most medical services were provided by private practitioners. During this period, it was Christian hospitals that played a public role in Korean society. Severance Hospital ran several different hospitals for civilian refugees during the Korean War. Dongsan Hospital ran a special ward for war orphans, and Jesus Hospital in Jeonju ran a community health care system and launched the cancer patient registration project. It is a pity that such contributions of Christian hospitals to Korean society have not been sufficiently valued. Results from evaluations of their past contributions show that new efforts are required for further contributions to Korea’s changing society.

      • KCI등재

        인간, 건강 그리고 환경

        여인석(In-Sok Yeo) 한국의철학회 2008 의철학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        히포크라테스 전집에 들어 있는 <공기, 물, 장소에 관하여>는 인간과 건강, 그리고 환경의 관계를 논한 글로써 고대로부터 높은 평가를 받아왔다. 이 글에서 논의되고 있는 건강과 환경의 관계, 자연과 문화의 관계에 대한 문제는 시대에 관계없이 인간에 관한 근본적 질문 중의 하나이다. 이 글은 19세기 초 서양에서 다시 각광받기 시작하는데 이는 18세기에 유행했던 기후의학, 그리고 산업화가 시작된 당대에 진행된 위생개혁운동과 깊은 관련이 있다. 이러한 흐름에서 <공기, 물, 장소에 관하여>는 언제나 영감을 주는 출발점이 되었다. 그러나 이 글은 19세기적 맥락에서 보다 적극적으로 해석되어 인간과 자연의 관계를 새롭게 위치지우는 근거가 되기도 했다. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, has been represented in many ways throughout the history of Western medicine. His influence on later medicine took various forms from one epoch to another, and the doctrine of Hippocratic medicine was interpreted in different ways according to different social, historical, and intellectual contexts. In this way, the old subjects of air and water received new light in the 19th century and the Hippocratic treatise Airs Waters Places still remained the inspiring treatise as in the previous century, but giving different inspirations. Airs Waters Places shows very well how the same Hippocratic treatise can be interpreted in the different ways according to different historical settings and give different inspirations that the ages were in need of.


        한말과 식민지 시기 서양의학의 한의학 인식과 수용

        여인석(YEO In-sok) 大韓醫史學會 2007 醫史學 Vol.16 No.2

        From the 18th century traditional medicine began to be criticised by some of Korean intellectuals who attained the knowledge of Western medicine through the imported books on Western science. In the early 20th century, Western medical doctors in Korea generally had critical attitude toward traditional medicine. Their critical opinions on traditional medicine are typically recognizable in the debate between two camps that occurred in 1930s. However, some exceptional doctors such as Chang Ki-moo and Bang Hap-shin had special interest in traditional medicine despite their education in Western medicine. It was their clinical experience of the limitation of Western medicine which led them to study traditional medicine. Both of them were particularly attracted by the School of Old Prescriptions, which was a school of Japanese traditional medicine. The medical theory of the school was characterized by the simplification of vague and complicated theory of traditional medicine. The school held the theory that all diseases are caused by one poison (萬病一毒說). Consequently, treatment of all diseases consists in eliminating the poison. He also put forward a theory of one prescription for one disease, and therefore the same remedy should be applied to a disease with the same cause even though it might manifest various symptoms. Given the fact that their theory of diseases is very similar to that of Western medicine, it is understandable that they were attracted to the School of Old Prescriptions. As the doctors trained in Western medicine, they were possibly more familiar with the doctrine of the School of Old Prescriptions than the traditional medicine based on Yin Yang and Five-Phase theory.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 의학유적 답사기 3 본의 오텔 디유

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2003 연세의사학 Vol.7 No.1

        Beaune is a small town in the Bourgogne region and renowned for its Hotel Dieu The hospital is no longer active and it was transformed into a unique hospital museum about thirty years ago and attracts many visitors from the world all over The museum reveals very well how a hospital was like in pre-Modern period and how medicine was closely interrelated with Christianity A hospital at that period of time was not an avant-garde medicine but it was an institute for Christian charity and sisters took care of the patients No less interesting is to visit a cave attached to the hospital.

      • KCI등재

        세브란스를 중심으로 본 CMB의 한국의학 재건사업

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 의학사연구소 2015 연세의사학 Vol.18 No.1

        After the Korean war, every effort was made to reconstruct Korean society, which had been totally destroyed during the conflict. Severance Hospital, which was located in front of Seoul Railway Station, suffered almost complete destruction. The U.S. Army, United Board, and other missionary boards and individuals participated in the rebuilding of Severance Hospital. Perhaps the most imp011ant supporting group was the China Medical B03rd (CMS). The CMB was organized in 1914 to help with the modernization of medicine in China. In order to achieve their goal, the CMS had chosen Peking Union Medical College to be its Johns Hopkins in China. However, because the Communist Patty took over the Chinese mainland, the CMB could not continue their work in China. As a result, other Asian countries, including Korea, received the organization``s support. In Korea, Severance Hospital and Yonsei Medical College were its main beneficiaries. Thanks to the CMB``s generous financial support, the new medical college was built in Sinchon. In addition, the CME annually provided research funds for about 20 years TO the faculties of Yonsei Medical College. The CME purchased research and educational apparatuses. It also provided invisible support in various ways: Scholarships for students and fellowships for faculties contributed to the development of human resources. Further financial support provided consulting for medical education and hospital administration In summation, the CMB played a crucial role in the reconstruction of Korean medicine through its contributions to Severance Hospital and Yonsei Medical College after the Korean War.

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