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        템플러의 정체성

        안상준 ( Sang Joon Ahn ) 한국서양중세사학회 2014 西洋中世史硏究 Vol.0 No.33

        템플러는 십자군의 맥락에서 출현했다. 그들의 핵심 기능은 무슬림의 위협으로부터 기독교도들을 보호하는 것이었다. 그러나 그들은 수도승의 생활방식을 따랐다. 그래서 그들은 전사-수도사라고 불렸다. 전사-수도사라는 새로운 이상은 12세기에 발생한 다른 요소들 즉 로마 교회의 종교적 폭력 허용과 기사들의 종교적 열망과 관련되어 있었다. 유럽의 귀족들은 재산 기증을 통해 새로운 이상의 실현에 기여했고, 템플러는 가장 강력한 종교 기관 가운데 하나로 성장했다. 템플러에 대한 학문적 관심은 여전히 주로 전장에서 보여준 그들의 활약에 집중되어 왔다. 실제로 그들은 무슬림에 맞선 용감한 전사였고, 기독교 세계를 위한 그들의 존재는 부단한 전투로 확인되었다. 그들은 팔레스타인을 넘어서 다른 전선에서도 싸웠다. 그러나 실제로 그들의 전투 참가는 일시적인 행위였을 뿐, 단원들의 대부분은 경건한 수도승으로서 유럽이든 전선이든 어느 지부에서 살았다. 각 지부의 제일 임무가 연 수입의 일정 부분을 본부로 보내는 것이었다는 점을 기억하는 건 중요하다. 단원들은 영지를 경영했고, 규율에 따라 수도생활을 했다. 훌륭한 영지 경영이 군사적 능력 못지않게 중요한 기여였다고 생각할 수도 있다. 이런 가정은 유럽 지부에 살았던 대부분의 단원들이 팔레스타인으로 갈 기회가 거의 없었다는 사실에서도 확인된다. 십자군 운동의 퇴조가 템플러의 미래에 중대한 영향을 미쳤다는 점을 부인할 근거는 없다. 다른 한편 템플러가 존속하는 동안 도덕적 타락과 군사적 무능으로 비난을 받았다는 점을 간과해서는 안 된다. 긍정적인 이미지와 부정적인 이미지 사이에서 템플러는 자신들을 어떻게 보았을까? 나아가 그들은 유럽 기독교도들의 눈에 어떻게 비쳤을까? 아마도 그리스도의 전사 이전에 장원을 관리하는 수도승으로 보였을 것이고, 호스피텔러나 독일기사단과 마찬가지로 템플러는 수도승이든 전사이든 관계없이 교황의 보호 아래 각종 특권을 누리는 종교 기관으로서 자임했을 것으로 보인다. The Templars originated from the contexts of the crusades. Their main function was to protect the Christians from the threats of the Muslims. But their way of life accorded to that of monks. Therefore, they were called warrior-monks. The new ideal of warrior-monks was related also with other elements in the twelfth century: the authorization of the religious violence by the Roman Church and the needs and aspirations of medieval knights. This ideal drew attention of the european nobility, whose donations led to one of the powerful religious institutions in the Christendom. Yet the scholarly interests for the Templars have been concentrated largely on their pictures on the battlefield. They were actually brave warriors against the Muslims and their importance for the Christianity used to be well known by the ceaseless warfares, which occurred not only in the Palestine but also on other frontiers of the Latin Christendom. In fact, however, their involvements in the warfare took place only eventually, most part of their members lived in a commandery either on the frontiers or in Europe as religious monks for the most time. It is important to remember that the first task of each commandery was to send a stated part of its annual income to the Headquarter. The Templars managed the estates and contemplated according to their Rule. The good management of the estates would have been thought to make no less contribution to the Order than the military ability. This supposition is confirmed by the fact that most brothers in Europe had only few opportunities to go to the Palestine. There is no reason to doubt that the reflux of the crusading movements had considerable influence on the future of the Templars. On the other hand, it must not be overlooked that the Templars had been criticized on the moral corruptions and the military reluctance or incompetence during their existence. How had the Templars viewed themselves between the positive and the negative image? Furthermore, how were they viewed actually on he eyes of the european Christians? I think that they would be seen probably more monks and estate-managers than warrior of Christ and that, likewise the Hospitallers and the Teutonic Knights, they would consider themselves as a religious institution which enjoyed various privileges ander the protection of the Pope, regardless of either monks or warriors.

      • KCI등재

        성요한기사단 지방조직의 발전

        안상준(Sang Joon Ahn) 한국독일사학회 2002 독일연구 Vol.- No.3

        Der Johanniterorden war eine kirchliche Institution, die nach dem ersten Kreuzzug in Jerusalem entstand und eine Verbindung zwischen der Lebensform des Ritterstandes und des Mönchsordens herstellte. Der Orden fand gleich nach der Gründung eine so große Resonanz, daß zahlreiche Filialen sogenannte Kommenden in Europa gegründet werden mußten. Die Kommenden stellten eme Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftseinheit dar und waren regionale Stützpunkte für das Haupthaus im Mittelmeerraum. Da die Zahl der Kommenden im Laufe der Zeit rasch anstieg, gruppierten sich die einzelnen Kommenden in den Regionen um eine mittlere Instanz, das Priorat, das von einem Prior verwaltet wurde. So bildete sich das dreigliedrige Herrschaftsgefüge - Meister (Haupthaus), Prior (Priorat), Komtur (Kommende) - in der Organisation des Johanniterordens heraus. Das Verwaltungssystem des deutschen Priorats funktionierte nicht ohne Probleme, weil die politische Lage unsicher war, und die deutschen Brüder kaum eine Rolle für die Verwaltung in der Zentrale spielte. Die Ordensregierung ernannte einen ständigen Großprior für das deutsche Priorat, der ursprünglich nur für eine bestimmte Aufgabe gesandt wurde. Geteilt wurde das Priorat wiederum geographisch in Nord und Süd, die beide durch die Stellvertreter des Großpriors geleitet wurden. Ferner tritt noch ein auffälliger Amtsträger allein auf deutschem Boden in Erscheinung: Der Balleier. Er vertrat die Interessen eher für einen kleineren Raum als für das Haupthaus, allerdings die Responsion abführend. Die Kommende m Köln fand ihren Anfang wahrscheinlich um die Wende ms 13. Jahrhundert mit geringer Gründungsausstattung ursprünglich in Deutz. Mit wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten siedelten die Ordensbrüder um 1250 nach Köln über. Da die Hofgüter in Neuss, auf denen der Orden eine andere Kommende gründen wollte, nach Köln zusammengestellt wurden, wurde die wirtschaftliche Lage der Kölner Kommende verstärkt. Seitdem erlebte die Kommende eine Blüte, die sich bis Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts hinzog. Aufgrund dieser wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung nahm sie eine dominierende Stellung im Niederrhein ein und führte die Kölner Ballei bis zur ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts, wo eine Krise folgte. Nach Anordnung des Großmeisters von 1469 wurde die Kölner Kommende in eine Priesterkommende transformiert und erlebte daraufhin eine Wiederbelebung. Bis in die Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts lebten in der Kommende wenige Brüder, meist nicht mehr als zehn. Der Anstieg der Brüderzahl seit 1480 war eher eine Ausnahme. An der Spitze der Kommende stand der Komtur. Er verpflichtete sich, das regelrechte Leben der Brüder zu kontrollieren und die Wirtschaftslage zu überprüfen. Die meisten der Brüder waren Ordenspriester, zu deren Aufgaben Gottesdienst und verschiedene religiöse Rituale gehörten. Außerdem existierten Hilfskräfte und Pfründner, denen sich Konfratres anschlossen, die verschiedene religiöse Vorteile des Ordens durch Güterschenkungen genossen.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중세의 민족의식과 카롤루스 마그누스 : 독일ㆍ프랑스 신화적 민족사 서술과 통합적 유럽중세사의 지평

        安相俊(Ahn Sang-Joon) 역사교육연구회 2005 역사교육 Vol.93 No.-

        Since the 19th century nations in Europe have been in any ways depicted as great figures and regarded as ahistorical phenomena from the archaic past onwards. It was believed that German people have developed into Deutsch and Gallic into French. However recently, nations turn out to be historical products. Their formation goes back into the early middle ages. It was first through the unity and disunity of the various counties after the so-called migration of German peoples that the Deutsch and the French had emerged. Furthermore, in the 11th and 12the centuries the national feeling to their own people appeared in a series of political events, such as investiture contest und double elections. In order to propagate national feeling, the national histories needed and stressed national heroes, whose domination caused to historical disputes. There have been controversies about the nationality of Carolus Magnus. Ultimately the settlement of the problem depends on how to understand the historical process of every nation state and of the continent. As the pan-Europeanism predominated after the World Wars, Carolus was already respected neither as a father of Deutsch people nor of French, but the father of Europe. A new perception both on the national history and on the european is required by the European Union. Now here the European Middle Ages are to be recognized no less as the independent times, where a variety of peoples originated and formed a new culture, than as an earlier stage in the formation of the modern state.

      • KCI등재

        셀프마케팅 교육프로그램 개발을 위한 직무분석 연구

        안상준(Sang Joon Ahn) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2019 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.24 No.9

        Given the ability and skills required by modern people, marketing can be divided into knowledge-related skill such as marketing plans, market segmentation, and marketing mix management and supportive skill such as communication, inter-organizational management, creativity, and decision making. Knowledge related skills can be nurtured in existing marketing classes, but it is recognized that special educational programs such as self marketing are needed to develop and train supportive skills regardless of education levels or major education. This paper is aimed to design for marketing educational program for the self marketing. In this study, a DACUM method job analysis to extract contents by specialists such as model setting of task and job, job statement, job analysis, education course development, and so on. In the first place, this report presents job analysis model by procedures for developing selection criteria of examination questions of the self marketing qualification. The first step is preparation for job analysis, the second step: the establishment of job models, the third step : the job specification and task analysis, the fourth step: the review of job model, the fifth step: the establishment of subjects for examination matrix table for making questions.

      • KCI등재

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