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      • KCI우수등재

        무기체계 소프트웨어 감항인증을 위한 결합도 입증 방안 연구

        신선영 한국정보과학회 2023 정보과학회논문지 Vol.50 No.11

        In 2009, To secure flight safety of military aircraft and enhance the competitiveness of our aircraft exports by applying internationally recognized airworthiness certification standards, South Korea established the "Act on Certification of Flight Safety for Military Aircraft" along with its enforcement decree and regulations. According to these regulations, domestically developed military aircraft are required to be certified following the airworthiness certification laws, procedures, and standards. The standard airworthiness certification criteria for military aircraft, which serve as the basis for airworthiness assessment, was developed by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and has been revised up to the 7th edition. Among the recent changes, the most impactful area is Chapter 15, which pertains to computer resources in software. As the proportion of software development within weapon systems continues to increase, the related standards are becoming more detailed and refined to keep up with the evolving. This study aimed to clarify and propose verification methods for newly incorporated software coupling criteria in the revised airworthiness certification standards.

      • KCI등재

        Mobilizing Community Assets in Tikapur, Nepal: Applying Asset-based Community Development Strategy

        신선영,한상일,정소윤 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2014 남아시아연구 Vol.20 No.2

        The national and local governments in Nepal have grappled with problems of poverty, unemployment, lack of health care, inadequate food supplies and substandard educational institutions. In response to these intense problems, national development agendas have tended to experiment with various top-down plans in cooperation with international organizations. Tikapur, the most well-planned city in western Nepal, has become the site of several development projects following such top-down approach. Recently, however, local and regional communities have been asked to play a front-line role in mobilizing human resource, public institutions, and space assets to help establish economic and social development initiatives from the bottom-up. This "Asset-based community development" approach emphasizes that development depends on finding and mobilizing hidden and under-utilized capabilities and assets already on the ground to discover sustainable development. This paper argues that this approach is applicable to the developing countries due to their significantly larger proportion of underdeveloped places and institutions. In this sense, the authors analyze the degree of utilization of local assets and the relationship between socioeconomic status and asset utilization based on empirical data collected in the Tikapur region of Nepal. The findings reveal statistically significant relationships between the utilization of community assets such as bank and cooperative, and income group. Based on the findings from a questionnaire survey, this paper offers recommendations for greater sustainable community development in Nepal.

      • KCI등재

        죄와 벌의 시각화: 일제강점기 김윤보(1865~1938)의 《형정도첩》을 중심으로

        신선영 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2022 한국학 Vol.45 No.3

        The Album of Punishments (《刑政圖帖》) is a painting album created by Pyongyang painter Kim Yun‒bo(金允輔, 1865‒1938) for Matsudera Takeo(松寺竹雄, 1870‒1935) who served as the chief prosecutor of the Pyongyang High Court of Korea during the Japanese colonial rule from 1918 to 1920. The Album of Punishments, which covers the crime and punishment that took place in the Joseon Dynasty, had no choice but to reveal its political intentions as it was related to the political situation of the Japanese colonial era. As Matsudera carried out his duties as the chief prosecutor of the High Court of the Japanese Government‒General of Korea, he led various projects in line with the policy direction set by the Japanese Government‒General of Korea to seize the colonial Joseon and its people. In other words, the Establishment of Penalty Association(治刑協會, 1923) and the participation in Chosun Exhibition(朝鮮博覽會, 1929) was an attempt to emphasize the modernized penal administration(刑政) after the Japanese colonial era in comparison with the premodern penal administration of the Joseon Dynasty and to make it known at home and abroad. Through Nakahashi(中橋政吉)’s writing the penal administration of the Joseon Dynasty ( 朝鮮舊時の刑政 ), he tried to reveal not only the historical roots of the penal administration in the Joseon Dynasty, but also the development of the penal administration that had greatly advanced with Japanese peoples’ help before and after the Japanese colonial era. It seems that Kim Yun‒bo’s Album of Punishments, Matsudera received, played a major role in his actions. This is because the Album of Punishments contains almost all pictures in Annual report on the judicial system ( 司法制度沿革圖譜 ) published by the Japanese Government‒General of Korea, as well as in the penal administration of the Joseon Dynasty so that it could expand the negative image of the Joseon criminal justice system that Matsudera and the Japanese Government‒General of Korea constantly wanted to emphasize. In particular, the ‘Korean Era’, which refers to the Empire of Daehan(1897~1910), was juxtaposed with the ‘Tokugawa Period’ in Annual report on the judicial system in order to show that they were also reforming the ‘Korean Era’ into a new Joseon, just as a feudal country Tokugawa Period was reformed through the Meiji Restoration. Moreover, the illustrations of the ‘Tokugawa Period’ depicted law enforcement officers as dynamic and courageous, whereas The Album of Punishments depicted the law enforcement officers in the ‘Korean Era’ as those who took brides and undermined the rule of law in. Since this message is conveyed through pictures not text, the images are considered to have been deeply impressed on the minds of those who read and see the pictures. 《형정도첩(刑政圖帖)》은 평양화가 김윤보(1865~1938)가 1918~1920년에 평양복심법원검사장으로 재직했던 마츠데라 다케오(松寺竹雄, 1870~1935)를 위해 제작한 화첩이다. 옛 조선에서 벌어진 죄와 벌을 망라한 《형정도첩(刑政圖帖)》은 일제강점기라는 정치적 상황과 결부되면서 정치적 의도를 드러낼 수밖에 없었다. 마츠데라는 조선총독부 법원검사장으로서의 임무를 수행해 나가면서 조선총독부가 식민지 조선의 땅과 조선인들을 장악해 나가기 위한 정책 기조에 발맞추어 다양한 사업을 이끌었다. 즉 1923년 치형협회의 창립, 1929년 조선박람회의 참여 등을 통해서 옛 조선의 전근대적 형정과 비교하여 일제 강점 이후의 근대화된 형정을 부각시켜 국내외에 알리고, 치형협회에서 발간한 나카하시의 조선구시의 형정 의 저술을 통해 옛 조선 형정의 역사적 근원을 밝히고 일제강점 전후로 일본인들의 도움으로 크게 진보한 형정 발전을 드러내고자 했던 것이다. 이러한 마츠데라의 일련의 행보의 근저에는 평양복심법원검사장 시절에 받았던 김윤보의 《형정도첩》이 큰 역할을 했을 것으로 보인다. 왜냐하면 《형정도첩》은 조선구시의 형정 뿐 아니라 조선총독부에서 간행한 사법제도연혁도보 에도 거의 전 그림이 실려 마츠데라와 조선총독부가 끊임없이 강조하고자 했던 옛 조선의 형정에 대한 부정적 이미지를 확대하고 있기 때문이다. 특히 사법제도연혁도보 는 대한제국(1897~1910)을 일컫는 ‘한국시대’를 ‘도쿠가와시대’와 병치하여 놓음으로써 봉건제 국가인 도쿠가와시대를 메이지 유신을 통해 개혁하였듯이, ‘한국시대’ 역시 일제강점을 통해 새로운 조선으로 개혁하고 있음을 드러내고자 한 것으로 보인다. 더욱이 ‘도쿠가와시대’의 삽도들는 역동적이고 용맹한 법 집행인들의 모습을 강조했던 반면에 ‘한국시대’ 《형정도첩》에서 법 집행인들은 뇌물로 받음으로써 법질서를 혼란시키는 모습으로 표현하였다. 이러한 메시지는 글이 아니라 그림으로 전달하기 때문에 그 이미지는 그림을 보고 읽는 사람의 뇌리에 강렬하게 새겨졌을 것으로 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재후보

        관급식 튜브를 통해 투여되는 약물의 적절한 제형 선택을 위한 개선 활동

        신선영,김승란,유용만,신혜영,송영천 한국병원약사회 2010 病院藥師會誌 Vol.27 No.2

        Enteral nutrition is indicated in patients unable to ingest nutrients orally but whose gastrointestinal function is adequate for digestion and absorption via enteral feeding tube. They are administered oral drugs via this tube. However, pharmaceutical problems may occur at this time. Therefore, prescription status of patients who administered enteral nutrition and certain drugs(oral drugs including dosage forms of extended-release drugs, enteric-coated drugs, dispersible tablets, powder and syrup) concurrently from 1st August to 3rd September of 2008 in Asan Medical Center was monitored. And experiment was conducted to know whether granules of extended-release capsules and enteric-coated capsules block tubes of size 16/14/8fr. As tube blocking and administration errors revealed in case of PPIs, we attempt to prescription intervention to alter enteric coated PPIs into dispersible PPI. The results shows that granules of all capsules pass through tubes of 16fr and 14fr, except Losec capsule® and Eryc capsule®, respectively. However, granules of all capsules block tube of 8fr. In 13 cases of prescription intervention of PPIs, 6 cases are altered into dispersible PPI and 7 cases are not altered. By this activity, we know that medical practitioners lack information on various dosage forms and man-to-man intervention is difficult due to the time and procedure. Based on this study, we suggest guidelines for appropriate selection of dosage form to enteral feeding patients. This may help successful medical treatment for enteral feeding patients.

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