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      • KCI등재

        노인수면 연구와 간호

        송미순,김신미,오진주 대한간호학회정신간호학회 1995 정신간호학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Elderly is the fastest growing population among all age group and sleep impairment is one o the most frequent complaint found in older adults. Efforts are underwayed to help the client with sleep impairment by nursing researchers. However, there are only a few nursing literatures regarding sleep in general, and none for elderly in Korea to date. The purpose of this review is to examine researches related to sleep in elderly for its content, methodology, perspectives and theory in order to suggest potential research thrusts. Since little research has been done by nursing scholars and the sleep research is interdisciplinary, the review was conducted through all the available literatures by authors regardless the specialty because of their relevance to nursing. Sleep is an essential component for health and the quality of life of individuals. Normally, sleep pattern changes often result in sleep impairment followed by various problems such as fatigue, drowsiness, anxiety, potential injury, cognition decline, physical problems, and etc. Nurses are in the best position to prevent, monitor, evaluate and intervene for sleep problems of elderly, by their work charateristics of 24hour around clock for patients and primary health work involvement. In order to encourage more nursing research related to sleep, the state of art of sleep research has been reviewed and organized by following categories ; sleep pattern change in later life ; factors related to sleep impairment ; nursing intervention and nursing research considerations. It is suggested that nursing researches on sleep of Korean elderly is needed to identify the sleep pattern change to determine the extent of the problems and to develop nursing strategies feasible for Korean elderly, for better quality of life of older adults.

      • KCI등재

        융합 교육을 위한 간호대학생의 자기조절학습 구조모형

        송미순,조혜경 한국융합학회 2019 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.10 No.11

        본 연구는 간호대학생의 자기조절학습에 영향을 주는 요인들의 구조 방정식 모형을 만들고 검증하기 위함이다. 이를 위해 재학 중인 간호대학생들에게 자가보고식 설문지를 작성하게 하여 273부의 자료를 구조방정식 모형으로 분석하였다. 분석결과 모형 적합지수는 적절한 수준을 나타내었고, 6개 경로 중 5개 경로는 통계적으로 유의미하여 분산의 68%를 설명하였다. 따라서 간호대학생의 자기조절학습을 증진시킬 수 있도록 자기결정동기, 대인관계유능, 성취목표지향을 향상시키는 교육이 필요하며, 이를 위해 간호대학생의 자율성과 관계성을 증진시킬 역량 강화 프로그램이 개발되어야 할 것이다. This study was designed to construct and test a structural equation model for related factors that affect to self-regulated learning in nursing students. The nursing students was asked to complete a questionnaire, and 273 data units were analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling. The hypothetical model fit indices for the model revealed a fit at a recommended level, and 5 of the 6 paths were statistically significant explaining 68% of the variance. Therefore, education that improves self-determination, interpersonal competence and achievement goal orientation will promote self-regulated learning of nursing students. Competence programs to build the self-autonomy and relationships should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        건강증진개념을 적용한 만성질환 노인 자기관리 교육 모형 개발

        송미순 노인간호학회 2004 노인간호학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to develop a self-management education model for older adults with chronic illness based on concept of health promotion by literature review. Literature was searched with key words, health promotion, self-care, self-management, chronic illness, aged, and self-care education on electronic data bases and traditional library. As the results of literature review, health promotion behavior was defined as empowering process to increase control for health protection, disease prevention, health improvement and reservation of functioning, and health education is utilized as an important resources for this process. There were important strategies of health promotion for older adults with chronic illness: balancing, monitoring, mobilize resoures, and accepting the illness. Common self-management programs were for patients with arthritis, heart failure, COPD, and diabetes which self-management has crucial impact on prognosis of the disease. The self-management education can be categorized as knowledge, skills and attitudes. Knowledge includes understanding the nature of the disease, skills includes learning management skills to control symptoms of disease and for rehabilitation through improving self-efficacy. Attitude includes accepting disease and empowerment. The older adults use self-management education as a resource for health promotion strategy. As the results of utilizing health promotion strategies, the person will be able to perform self management behavior. The outcomes of self management behavior are better health status and independence, less consumption of health care cost, better physiological Index, and better quality of life. The model needs to be tested empirically and developed further in the future.

      • KCI등재

        남북한 노인생활 및 복지실태 비교연구

        송미순,이은옥 韓國老年學會 1992 한국노년학 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 현재 남북한의 노인생활에 대한 비교연구를 통하여 남북한 노인 생활의 차이를 발견하고 통일 시대를 대비한 동질화를 위한 해결방안을 제시하고자 하는 것이다. 연구방법은 깊이 있는 북한 관계 문헌의 고찰을 주로 하고, 귀순자 두명과 미국의 교포중 북한을 최근 방문한 두명 등 네사람을 면담하여 문헌고찰에서 부족한 북한 노인관계 자료를 수집하여 보완하고 자료의 신뢰도를 간접적으로 확인하였다. 한국의 노인관계자료는 주로 학술지에 게재된 기존 논문을 이용하여 수집하였다. 연구자들이 종합한 자료에 의하면 1990년도 북한의 60세이상 노인인구비율은 5.5% 이었고 평균수명은 66세였다. 북한에서도 기본적인 효의 개념이나 부모자식 간의 사랑은 중요시되고 있다. 남한에서는 산업화에 따른 가족구조의 변화와 노인부양이나 효에 대한 가치관 변화가 노인문제 발생의 중요 원인으로 생각되고 있는 반면, 북한에서는 가치관 변화 보다는 이념적 갈등이 부모자식 간의 문제에 중요한 요인이 되고 있으나 노인부양이 사회적 문제로 등장하고 있지는 않다. 북한 노인들은 정년 후에도 가족의 식량 문제를 덜어 주려는 목적으로 계속 일하는 경향이다. 남북한 노인의 건강상태를 구체적으로 비교할 수 있는 자료가 부족하나 북한에서는 위장관계 노인질환과 직업병이 흔하다. 북한의 의료제도의 특성 중 가장 두드러진 점은 예방적 의료의 확립이다. 이 예방적 의료에 의한 노인건강 증진의 성과는 확실하지 않으나 적어도 한국보다는 제도적 확립이 잘 되어 있는 것으로 보인다. 그러나 북한의 낙후된 의학교육과 의약품 부족으로 질병치료의 질에 있어서는 남한이 월등하다는 것에 의심의 여지가 없다. 공적 부조의 혜택은 북한은 특수층을 제외하고는 빈곤한대로 평등한 공적 부조가 주어지고 있다. 노인의 여가활용에 있어서는 남북한의 차이는 무엇보다도 경제적 수준의 차이에 의한 것으로 북한에서는 특수 계층외에는 여가라는 개념 자체가 인정되지 못하고 있다. 북한의 노인을 위한 특수시설로는 낮은 질의 양로원 외에는 언급이 없다. 남북한의 장례절차는 기본적으로 큰 차이가 없으나 제사는 남한에서 더 원형을 유지하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 현재 북한에서는 전반적으로 경제상태가 낙후되어 노동력이 없는 노인의 문제에 대해 생각할 여유가 없으며 노인 자신들도 소수집단으로 자신의 권리나 이익을 위해 노력할 수 있는 상황이 아니다. 그러므로 만일 현재와 같은 추세가 계속된다면 통일 이전에 남북한 노인의 생활상의 차이는 더욱 커질 것이다. The purpose of this study is to compare present lives of South and North elderly Korean in order to find differences between two groups to prepare for reunification of North and South Korea. As the study method, in depth literature review was utilized. Two defectors from North Korea were interviewed to verify gaps and unclear aspects in the literature. Two Korean American who visited North Korea recently were also interviewed and additional data were gathered. The study results can be summarized as below. The proportion of elderly over age 60 in North Korea is 5.5%. Life expectancy of North Korean is 66 years old in 1990. Elderly North Korean tries to work after retirement age in order to help family earning which reflects North Korean economic state. Quality of medical service is better in South Korea, but preventive medical system is better established in North Korea. The concept of leisure for elderly in North Korea is not exist. No special facility for elderly is exist except poor quality elderly care homes in North Korea. There is an urgent need to communicate and facilitate understandings between North and South Korean elderly.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        정맥내 주사로 인한 정맥염 발생에 관한 조사 연구 : 정맥주사 전문 간호사가 관리하는 환자를 대상으로 Data from Patients Cared by the IV Nurses

        송미순,박선희 성인간호학회 1997 성인간호학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        The Purpose of this study was to obtain the basic data to identify the effective nursing methods for intravenous therapy patients by means of investigating the incidence of phlebitis and identifying the risk factors for intravenous-related phlebitis which cared by the I V team nurses. The data collected from August, 30, 1995 to October, 2, 1995. The subjects of this study were 495 I V catheters of 270 patients hospitalized to the 3 internal medicine and the 3 surgical wards of large general hospital who received the continuous IV therapy. In order to investigate the incidence of phlebitis, investigator developed the criteria for judging phlebitis and assessment records concerning the phlebitis. Catheter sites were inspected on a daily basis by IV team nurses, and development of phlebitis was graded and documented. The data were analyzed using the PC - SAS program: Percentages and Chi-Square test were used. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Over-all rate of incidence of intravenous-related phlebitis was 8.7%(Grade Ⅲ 8.5%, Grade Ⅳ 0.2%). 2. There was significant difference in the incidence of phlebitis by sex. It was 12.00% in female as compared to 6.44% in male. 3. There was no significant difference in the incidence of phlebitis by age. 4. There was significant difference in the incidence of phlebitis according to duration of catheter placement. The incidence of phlebitis was the highest within 24 hour after insertion. 5. There was significant difference in the incidence of phlebitis according to the location of the insertion site. Lower extremities were 22. 22% as compared to 8.18% in upper extremities. But, there was no difference in the incidence of phlebitis according to the location of the insertion site among upper extremities catheters. 6. There was significant difference in the incidence of phlebitis by the size of cannula 22G was 11.08% as compared to 4.14% in 18G. 7. There was no significant difference in the incidence of phlebitis between surgical and medical wards. It was 10.96% in surgical wards as compared to 6.88% in medical wards. in conclusion, the follwing risk factors can be attribured to the incidence of phlebitis:sex, the duration of catheter placement, the location of the insertion site and the size of cannula inserted. Consequently, in order to prevent and detect the intravenous-related phlebitis early, a consistent, organized assessment and evaluation of the above factors during the intravenous therapy.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        긴장성 요실금이 있는 여성 노인의 골반저 근육 운동의 효과

        송미순 성인간호학회 1997 성인간호학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to test the effect of Kegel exercise(pelvic floor muscle exercise) for the older women with stress incontinence. The researcher develope, 12-week-long training program was implemented at a senior citizen's center in Seoul. The exercise method was followed the Kimberly-Clark criteria. Verbal instruction for the exercise was given to the group of subjects. Subjects' understanding of exercise was confirmed and evaluated by description of the exercise method by subjects. Thirteen elderly women(mean age 73.7) who have stress incontinence were participated and completed the program. The training session was held every week, the length of each session was 40minutes, including 10minutes Kegel exercise and 30minutes for various topic of health education. Three dependent variables(incontinence, self-esteem, social activity) were compared between pre and post 12-week-training utilizing nonparametric statistics. There was significant decrease in level of incontinence(p=.003). But there was no significant change in self-esteem(p=.06) or in social activities(p=.50). The general evaluation of program by participant was positive. Future study with larger sample and control group was suggested in order to confirm the study result. Because of limited sample size, the study results was not conclusive, although effectiveness of the program as a nursing intervention for the community residing elderly women with stress incontinence is suggestive.

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