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        디지털 유방촬영술을 이용한 삼차원적 유방밀도와 복부지방과의 관련성

        서혜주,조영범,유병연,강지현 대한비만학회 2013 The Korean journal of obesity Vol.22 No.1

        연구배경: 유방밀도와 비만은 유방암의 독립적인 위험인자이나 삼차원적 유방밀도와 복부지방과의 연관성에 대한 연구는 거의 없다. 이 논문에서는 우리나라 여성을 대상으로 디지털 유방촬영술을 이용한 삼차원적 유방밀도와 복부지방과의관계에 대하여 연구하고자 하였다. 방법: 2012년 4월 9일부터 2주간 건양대학교병원에서 건강검진을 시행한 20세 이상의 폐경 전 여성 19명, 폐경 후 여성45명을 대상으로 단면연구를 시행하였다. 과거력, 약물력, 사회력, 월경력, 출산력, 여성호르몬제 복용력 등에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였고 비만도 지표로 체중, 체질량지수, 허리둘레,내장지방면적, 피하지방면적을 이용하였으며 디지털 유방촬영기로 삼차원적인 유방총부피와 치밀조직부피를 측정하여 유방밀도를 구하였다. 유방밀도는 치밀조직부피(Dense volume)와치밀조직부피 백분율(Percentage dense volume)을 의미하며유방밀도와 비만도의 관련성에 대해 분석하였다. 결과: 치밀조직부피와 치밀조직부피 백분율을 종속변수로하고 나이, 체질량지수, 허리둘레, 내장지방면적, 피하지방면적을 독립변수로 하여 다중회귀분석을 시행한 결과 폐경 후 여성에서는 치밀조직부피에 대한 유의한 독립인자로 허리둘레만이통계학적으로 유의하였으며(β = 0.012, P < 0.001) 치밀조직부피 백분율에 대해서는 내장지방만이 의미가 있었다(β = -0.002,P < 0.001). 반면에 폐경 전 여성에서는 치밀조직부피의 독립인자로 내장지방만이 통계학적으로 유의하였으며(β = 0.003, P = 0.046) 치밀조직부피 백분율에 대해서는 의미 있는 독립인자가 없었다. 결론: 본 논문에서는 우리나라 여성을 대상으로 디지털유방촬영술을 이용한 삼차원적 유방밀도와 비만도와의 관련성에 대해 연구하였으며 복부지방은 폐경 전 여성과 폐경 후 여성에서 모두 유방밀도와 유의한 관련성을 보여주었다

      • KCI등재

        국군간호사관학교 생도의 간호역량과 군인정신이 재난대비역량에 미치는 영향

        서혜주,권다혜,남윤주,박선진,송부경,유희주,황신우 국군간호사관학교 군건강정책연구소 2022 군진간호연구 Vol.40 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of nursing competencies and military spirit on disaster preparedness among Korea Armed Forces Nursing Academy (KAFNA) cadets. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted from the 3rd and 4th grade KAFNA cadets. The data were collected from August 17 to 20, 2021. The structured questionnaire consisted of 106 questions about nursing competencies, military spirit, disaster preparedness, and general characteristics of participants. Results: The average score of nursing competencies, military spirit, and disaster preparedness were 3.92±0.48, 3.71±0.61 and 3.35±0.60 out of 5. Disaster preparedness was positively correlated with nursing competencies (r=.62, p<.001) and military spirit (r=.38, p<.001). There was significantly positive correlation between nursing competencies and military spirit. (r=.51, p<.001). The significant influencing factors on disaster preparedness were ‘nursing competencies’ (β=0.51, p<.001) and ‘4th grade’ (β=0.59, p<.001). Conclusion: To enhance the disaster preparedness of cadets in response to disasters, an education program for KAFNA cadets should be focused to improve the nursing competencies based on disaster nursing education.

      • KCI등재

        김종영의 작품세계를 반영한 정원디자인 연구

        서혜주,김용현,허무룡 한국인간·식물·환경학회 2016 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        This study aims at exploring the elements of contemporary garden design reflecting the spirit of Kim Chong-Young, a pioneer of contemporary Korean art, and his art work by reinterpreting the garden in Kim Chong-Young’s birthplace. The study focuses on analysis of his art works and correlation between the plants and them, and spatial composition of the garden based on the literature and Kim Chong-Young’s art works, followed by the process of garden design which examines each element of garden. The components of spatial composition have been reinterpreted into visual, auditory, olfactory elements and humanities, which proves their values to be considered in the garden design. Finally, this study demonstrates the feasibility of establishing the garden which applies internal and external form of Kim Chong-Young’s art works to the plants reflecting symbol, humanities, philosophy and the spirit of Seonbi.

      • KCI등재

        중도탈락 고등학교 학생선수의 진로탐색 어려움과 우연적 사건 경험

        서혜주,임수원,전원재 한국스포츠사회학회 2018 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        This study was investigated difficulties in career exploration and coincidental events that drop-out high school student athletes have experienced on career selection process through in-depth interview. To sum up, the results are as follows. The first difficulty that students experienced in career exploration after dropping out was lack of a sense of purpose. The second was lack of career consciousness and career information. The third was unskilled time management and utilization. The fourth was negative prejudice against athletes’ career. According to the effect of coincidental incidents that student athletes have experienced after the drop out, coincidental incidents that research participants experienced as unexpected change of career, discovering aptitude through specific activity, information they obtained from others by chance, and specific help from others worked as positive factors in setting new career. Their career changed by unexpected incidents, but research participants quickly recognized that they cannot control the situation themselves and switched to the learning opportunity. Also, they put specific and behavioral efforts to make sure that negative outcomes do not take place during the process of preparing for a new career. This study identified that it can produce good results in a process of setting new career when students have positive thinking towards potential opportunities in unexpected situation and take a flexible attitude in coping with environment changes. It is important to prepare students with attitude and capability to explore careers themselves in various unpredictable environments. Therefore, genetic talent and environment condition among 4 influencing factors of career-decision making suggested by Krumboltz are impossible to change, but this study identified that various learning experiences or improving task approaching skill are helpful in searching and selecting a reasonable career as they change personal view, emotion, and behavior. 본 연구에서는 중도탈락 이후 학생선수들이 겪은 진로탐색 과정의 어려움과 우연한 사건이 진로선택과정에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대해 면밀히 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 유목적 표집(purposeful sampling)방법을 이용하여 K도와 D광역시를 대표하는 각 운동종목의 중도탈락 고등학교 남학생 5명, 여학생 3명으로 연구참여자로 선정하였다. 자료수집은 심층면담, 관련 자료 수집을 통해 진행하였으며, Creswell(2013)이 제시한 질적 연구 자료분석을 실시하였다. 도출된 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 중도탈락 이후 진로탐색과정에서 학생선수들이 겪게 된 어려움은 목표의식 부재, 진로의식 및 진로정보 부재, 시간관리 및 활용의 미숙함, 운동선수에 대한 부정적 편견으로 나타났다. 중도탈락 이후 학생선수들이 경험한 우연적 사건들이 진로탐색에 미치는 영향을 살펴보면 예상치 못한 상황에 의한 진로변경, 특정 활동을 통한 적성 발견, 타인에게 얻은 우연한 정보, 타인이 제공한 구체적 도움과 같은 연구참여자가 경험한 우연적 사건들은 새로운 진로를 설정하는데 긍정적인 요인으로 작용하였다. 예기치 않았던 사건들에 의해 진로가 변경되었지만 연구참여자들은 자신이 통제할 수 있는 상황이 아님을 빠르게 인식하고 이를 배움의 기회로 전환하였다. 그리고 새로운 진로를 준비하는 과정에서 부정적인 결과가 발생하지 않도록 구체적이고 행동적인 노력을 하였다. 기대하지 않았던 상황이 주는 잠재적 기회에 긍정적인 사고와 환경변화에 유연하게 대처하는 태도를 가질수록 새로운 진로설정과정에 좋은 결과를 가져옴을 연구결과를 통해 알 수 있었다. Krumboltz가 제시한 진로의사결정에 영향을 주는 4가지 중 유전적 재능과 환경적 조건은 변화시키는 것이 불가능함을 보여주지만 다양한 학습경험 혹은 사건과 그에 따른 과제접근 기술의 향상은 개인의 생각이나 감정, 행동을 변화시켜 합리적인 진로를 탐색하고 선택함에 유리하게 작용한다는 것을 이 연구를 통해 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        소쇄원과 빌라 데스테 정원의 도상학 및 현대 미학적 해석

        서혜주(Hye Joo Seo),이정화(Jeong Hwa Lee),허무룡(Moo Ryong Huh) 인간식물환경학회 2015 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        Sosaewon and Villa D’este were built in the early of 16th and mid-of 16th each. Sosaewon was built based on the accommodation of topography of the surroundings whilst Villa D’este highlights the distinction of terrace and axis existed on the configuration of the grounds and natures. Both gardens have reflected the social and political influence in that period of constructing tat the builders had been through. These factors have been analyzed by iconological methodology to interpret the inherent meaning of the garden in philosophical, mythological, religious and Feng-shui context and discovered the interconnected relations between two gardens. The characteristic of Sosaewon’s space is based on the Mu-yi-gu-gok, which is derived from a Taoist, due to a builder’s Neo-Confucianism value. Hence Sosaewon contains the adaption of the nature itself based on the values of Mu-yi-gu-gok, which are expressed by visual, auditory and literary elements, brining about the poetic beauty of waiting. The structures of Villa D’este reveal the combination of nature and art whilst it also connotes the theme of ‘The Choice of Hercules’, indicating the builder’s philosophy and will symbolically. Each space of Villa D’este has diverse space for various interpretations followed by this theme. For the interpretation of meaning of Sosaewon and Villa D’este, Sosaewon has adapted the nature of surroundings which contain a view of nature, on the other hand, Villa D’este borrowed the nature of surroundings to build and decorate the garden, using natural terrace and axis for the variation, and drag the river near the garden artificially to fit into the axis of the garden. Villa D’este contains significant mythological and iconological factor intended to highlight the builder’s dignity, status and position.

      • KCI등재

        소쇄원과 빌라 데스테 정원의 비교분석

        서혜주(Hye Joo Seo),이정화(Jeong Hwa Lee),허무룡(Moo Ryong Huh) 인간식물환경학회 2015 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        This study applies the results of iconological interpretation of Sosaewon and Villa D’este’s constructed areas to the context interpretation methodology of contemporary aesthetics, which is based on writer’s own artistic context derived from writer’s own artistic works. This approach intends to develop and apply new forms of garden art and imagification into writer’s own artistic works by mixture and juxtaposition of these whole heterogeneous implications of Sosaewon and Villa D’este. In addition, the study attempts to construct new value in garden art by applying the diverse artistic aspects of Sosaewon and Villa D’este derived from their diverse iconological interpretation, seeking transition from current standardized garden planning system to compound and fusion system of garden art in the modern times. The study attempts to draw new flow of contemporary garden art. For this, de-constructivism perspective, which contains post-modern cultural characteristic, is applied to examine the Sosaewon and Villa D’este’s hidden but intended factors and spirits by the builders.

      • KCI등재

        편마비 환자를 위한 한국형 수동 휠체어 기술 훈련 프로그램 개발 및 평가

        박제모,김희동,이의진,서혜주,정소희,정화식 대한작업치료학회 2016 대한작업치료학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        목적 : 국내 재활치료 환경과 사회적 제도의 상황에 맞춘 편마비 환자를 위한 한국형 수동 휠체어 기술 훈련 프로그램(Korean version of manual Wheelchair Skills Training Program for hemiplegia; K-WSTP)을 개발하고 이의 효과성을 검증하여 향후 편마비 환자의 이동성 향상에 기여하는데 목적을 두었다. 연구방법 : 기존에 알려진 휠체어 기술과 수동 휠체어에 대한 일반적 훈련내용을 수정·보완하여 본 연구의 취지와 목적에 따라 K-WSTP를 개발하였다. 개발된 K-WSTP의 효과검증을 위하여 실험군으로 휠체어 사용시 도움이 필요한 편마비 환자 6명, 대조군으로는 휠체어 사용시 독립적인 편마비환자, 작업치료 전공학생, 작업치료사 각 6명씩 총 24명의 대상자를 선정하였다. 실험 대상자들은 휠체어 훈련프로그램 시행전·후에 휠체어기술검사(Wheelchair Skills Test; WST), 캐나다작업수행측정(Canadian Occupational Perfomance Measure; COPM), 한국판수정바델지수(Korean version of Modified Barthel Index; K-MBI), 주관적의견 등을 평가 하였다. 결과 : 실험군은 훈련 후 WST와 K-MBI 점수에서 훈련 전에 비해 유의한 차이(p<.05)로 향상되었다. 또한, 훈련 후 WST, 수행도, 만족도는 대조군과 유의한 차이를 보이지 않을 정도(p>.05)로 향상되었다. 전체 연구대상자에 대한 주관적 평가결과 어려움을 느낀 휠체어 기술은‘turns in place’와‘maneuvers sideways’(18.2%)를, 실험군은‘level transfer’와‘relieves weight from buttocks’를 가장 어렵다고 평가하였다. 결론 : 개발된 휠체어 훈련프로그램은 편마비 환자의 휠체어 기술, 독립성, 개인의 수행도, 만족도에 긍정적인 향상을 보임으로써 향후 편마비 환자의 재활의지를 고취시키고 이동성 보장과 삶의 질 향상에 기여할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다. Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop a Korean version of the manual Wheelchair Skills Training Program for hemiplegia (K-WSTP), and evaluate its effectiveness for improving the wheelchair mobility of hemiplegic patients. Methods: Twenty-four subjects were selected to evaluate the effectiveness of the K-WSTP. Of them, six hemiplegic patients requiring assistance when using a manual wheelchair participated as the training group. The other 18 subjects were selected into comparison groups, i.e., independent hemiplegic patients, college students, and occupational therapists, each consisting of 6 persons. All subjects were evaluated based on WST(Wheelchair Skills Test), COPM(Canadian Occupational Perfomance Measure), K-MBI(Korean version of Modified Barthel Index and their subjective opinions before and after implementing the K-WSTP. Results: The results show that the training group was significantly improved (p<.05) in terms of the WST and K-MBI after training. The performance score and degree of satisfaction after training did not show a statistical significance (p>.05) between the training and comparison groups. Of the total subjects, 18.2% expressed their opinion regarding the difficulties in wheelchair movements such as ‘turn in place’ and ‘maneuver sideways’, whereas the training group expressed an opinion regarding the difficulties in a ‘level transfer’ and ‘relieving weight from the buttocks.’ (note from editor, please check the red sentence carefully to make sure it matches your original intention.) Conclusion: The developed K-WSTP showed improvements in wheelchair skills, independence, individual performance, and satisfaction. It is expected that this study will enhance the motivation toward rehabilitation, improving one's mobility in daily life, and contribute to the quality of life of hemiplegic patients.

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