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      • 作品에 投影된 作家의 深層意識 : Kim yoojyung's female complex only 金裕貞의 Female complex를 中心으로

        徐廷祿 同德女子大學校 1976 同大論叢 Vol.6 No.1

        1. Preface In any respects, the world of writer's consciousness is to be expressed on the surface of works. Assuming that writers are connected with works, the studying of writer's or literary works can be easy and desirable by means of illucidation of writer's consciousness. This study will clarify the essential part of Kim yoojyung's literary world through examing how female complex functioned, developed in his works. 2. The formation process of Kim yoojyung's female complex Briefly saying, Kim yoojyung's female complex was derived from his mother. Maternal love will have been thought to be the primitive and original love-type. Because of losin g his mother in child, his theisrty for maternal love rooted deeply in his subconsciousness. In the result, loss of mother had been developed and deepened in the form of blind idolizing, beautifying her mother. The thirsty for maternal love may be caused from infantile libido, following realistic dissatisfaction. His complex, one type of Oedipus complex, represented the solidity of infantile libido. Also, he tried to sublimates his own grave complex-dark loneliness and dissatisfaction-into the work of art. He succeeded in displacing the complex with laughter, throguh the latter he sought to do self-relief. 3. The pattern of woman-group in Kim yoojyung's works. In his most worksa poor woman in rural community or a woman of low birth, a humble professonal woman would be regarde as an important-type. There was disparity of age from 16 years to a woman, with one child. These women possessed sound primitivity and naive naturaliness. Besides, female characters were commoner, more sensible and more practical than male characters. 4. The method of refraction of female complex In his case female complex moved between two extremes. At first, agressive and defensive attitude toward object, that is sadism. Secondly, masochism. The former represented the humble business girls such as poor women in rural communities and Dulbyungi (a wandering waitress), barmaid. Writer Kim cursed and condemned them and did whipping at random. Of course, writer Kim made the best of this treatment with female characters for the befefit of so-called self-relief. On the contrary the latter projected the male characters. The male characters consisted of a good-for-nothing fellow in social living and immoral, incompetent person, an idiot in the front of female sex. Kim yoojyung intended to be free from female-complex and longed for self-relief from various obsessions through the representation of foolish and incompetent male sex. 5. close Kim yoojyung would count the effect of works closely by means of the technique “subversive irony.” As you see his many pieces proves that he was conscious of treatment of climax thoroughly. This technique or plan fortified and magnified his writer-consciousness which contained female-complex as the main idea. That his female-complex embodied as sound primitivity and naivenaturalness rather than as neurosis symptom was plobably derived from his excessive humanism. Writer Kim succeeded in changing his own life into another living through transforming female-complex, there fore his works and living will be memorized and examined for good.

      • 廉想涉의 文體硏究

        徐廷綠 同德女子大學校 1978 同大論叢 Vol.8 No.1

        When the style of Yawm Sahngsawp(廉想涉), novelist, is evaluated, stress has been laid on the nature of realistic description in his writing, perhaps due to the preoccupation that he was a writer belonging to the realism. It is hard to tell, however, that his literary style should have been established by the influence or working of the West European realism. The characteristic of his style seems to have much to do with the Korean traditional way of description or his own literary peculiarity. It was the case from his early immature period through his middle period when his sty]e was consolidated and still later. The following are some characteristics of his style. 1. It is one of the characteristics of his sentence structure that there are far more complex or compound sentences than simple ones. And inflection endings more often fulfils the function of connecting sentences or classes than conjuctions or other connecting words do. 2. Symbolic words such as words of onomatopoeia or words expressing mimicry of behaviour are frequently used. This is a characteristic of is vocabulary and it adds to the rhythmical effect in description. 3. Being a nature of Seoul, he commanded the typical Seoul dialect in his works and it enlivens the reality of the prevailing state of society. 4. The prototype of the above characteristics i. e. the frequent recurrence of compound sentences and symbolic words can be found in the old story books of Korea. His family line also supports this. 5. His particular habit in writing is remarkable. His habitual use of certain words or phrases as well as his habitual way of description persisted from his early period to his later years. And he didn't leave traces of his introspection or consciousness of this fact. 6. The frequent verbosity or talkativeness in his writing is as much an aspect characterizing his style as his bias towards femininity is. While Ive may say we can find the best style of a writer when he describes a universal concept or meaning in his own voice with his individual characteristic and representation technique united Yawm Sahngsawp relied mainly on his individual characteristic lacking in the positive consciousness of the representation technique. It is proved by the consistency in his style showing little change or development from his early period till his later years.

      • KCI등재

        파랑새와 고대 한국의 춤 -향악잡영오수와 일본 궁중춤 비교 연구-

        서정록 한양대학교 우리춤연구소 2011 우리춤과 과학기술 Vol.7 No.3

        본 연구는 한일 궁중 춤 비교 연구를 통해 고대 한국춤의 특징을 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 신라의 최치원이 지은 향악잡영오수 중 <束毒> 와 일본의 궁중 춤인 <崑崙八仙>의 비교 연구하여, 고대 한국 춤의 특징을 파악하고, 이를 토대로 고대 동아시아 신화를 새롭게 이해해 보고자 하는 것이 연구의 목적이다. <束毒>의 내용을 분석해 보면 고대 한국에서 창작되어 일본에 전래된 춤인 <崑崙八仙>과 상당히 많은 공통점을 보이고 있다. 문제는 이 춤에 대한 구체적인 배경과 내용은 일본 궁중에 남아 있는 다른 대부분의 高麗樂의 경우와 마찬가지로 현재까지 未詳인 체로 남아 있다는 점이다. 한편 일본의 여러 역사적인 문헌들은 이 춤이 중국의 신선설화와 관련이 있을 것으로 주장하고 있다. 그러나 이 춤이 고대 한국에서 전래되었다는 점과 중국의 기록과 일본의 역사 기록이 불일치 한다는 점에서 이를 반박할 근거는 충분히 존재한다. <束毒>과 <崑崙八仙>의 비교를 통해, <崑崙八仙>은 鸞의 춤을 상징하며 그 의상에서 보이는 물고기 문양은 文鰩임을 알 수 있다. 그러므로 이 춤은 <束毒>과 관련이 있어 보인다. 게다가 鄕樂呈才 중 신라의 花郞의 이야기와 西王母의 전설이 결합되어 있는 <四仙舞>를 고려하여 볼 때, 이 춤은 한국의 仙敎를 중심으로 조사해 보는 것이 더 타당해 보인다. 이를 통해 최치원이 鸞郞碑序文에서 밝힌 신라의 三敎 중 하나인 仙敎와 西王母의 전설이 관련이 있을 것이라 조심스럽게 추정해 볼 수 있다. This research is animated by a curiosity about ancient Korean dance features. Two obvious difficulties hamper the study of the dance:(1) Source materials such as historical records, illustrations and notations, which might enable one to conjecture its various figures, are scarce; (2) It is thought that there may be no comparable dances, for dances from this epoch are no longer performed in Korea. Due to the scarcity of dance records in Korea, the ancient poems, Five poems regarding various Korean performances (鄕樂雜詠五首 Hyangak chapyŏng osu) is invaluable to draw a picture of ancient Korean dances. The five poems, composed by Ch’oe Ch’iwŏn (崔致遠, 857–?), depict five dances performed during the late Silla period. On the other hand, most of Korean historical records only mention a few dance titles in respect to the ancient period, and with the title alone it is difficult to determine concrete features. Hence, it is important that the five poems record not only titles but also information about the contents. By analyzing these poems, we can better understand the nature of ancient Korean performance. When we compare between ‘Soktok’ in Five poems regarding various Korean performances and ‘Hassen’ in the Japanese court dances, we can find common features. They are directly connected to the blue bird, lan. This shows that the performance depicted in the poem ‘Soktok’ may well be that of ‘Hassen’ in the Japanese court. If so, we can understand the meaning of ‘Soktok’ and ‘Hassen’ through ‘Sasŏnmu’ in Korean court dances:to wish for the audience’s longevity through the message brought by the blue birds, lan.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 GE헬스케어의 의료기기 설치비용 절감을 위한 6시그마 경영혁신

        서정록,손성진,김강 한국회계정책학회 2007 회계와 정책연구 Vol.12 No.3

        이 연구는 한국 GE 헬스케어의 의료기기 설치비용 절감을 위한 6시그마 경영혁신사례를 소개하고자 한다. 사례기업은 CT, MRI 등과 같은 첨단 영상진단기기의 판매와 서비스를 제공하고 있고, 우리나라 의료기기산업을 선도하는 기업이다. 고가의 영상진단기기를 판매한 후, 이에 대한 설치와 사후관리에 중점을 두었으나 부서간의 의사소통문제와 업무중복으로 인하여 설치시간이 증가할 뿐만 아니라 설치비용도 표준설치비용을 초과하는 문제점이 있었다. 이를 해결하기 위해 사례기업이 추진한 6시그마 프로젝트는 DMAIC방법론에 따라 총 12단계로 구성되며, 단순한 비용절감이 아니라 부서간의 효과적인 의사소통을 통하여 고객의 만족도 극대화와 기업의 효율성 제고를 목적으로 하고 있다.프로젝트 수행결과, 의료기기 설치비용을 절감시키기 위해서는 국내조달품목에 대한 업무처리, 계약조건에 대한 부서간 정보공유, 설치현장의 준비상태 등의 개선이 필요하였다. 이를 위해 첫째, 물류부서와 영업부서로 양분되어 있던 업무흐름을 통합하였고, 둘째, 활발한 의사소통을 통하여 부서간의 정보공유를 원활하게 하였으며, 셋째, 설치작업자에 대한 교육·훈련과 권한위임을 통하여 대고객서비스를 강화하였다. 이 프로젝트를 통하여 전체적으로 76.86%의 개선효과를 가져왔으며, 이는 1.32시그마에서 2.92시그마수준으로 개선된 것이다.이 프로젝트는 전사적 차원에서 지속적으로 비즈니스 프로세스의 변화를 도모하였고, 이러한 노력은 사례기업의 성장성과 수익성을 향상시킬 수 있었다. 특히, 부서간의 정보공유 및 원활한 의사소통, 교육·훈련 등과 같은 인적자원중시 측면에서 개선을 추구하였다는 점에서 6시그마를 통한 품질경쟁력을 확보하고자하는 우리나라 기업의 다양한 노력에 중요한 시사점을 제공할 것이다.] The purpose of this paper is to introduce a 6 sigma project of GE healthcare for installation cost saving. To meet the target of project, they should improve the purchase process of local items which source from Korean manufacturers, information share of contract terms, and readiness of customer site where install the equipment. First, they integrated work flow of local and imported items into one channel to remove the duplicate process. Second, They enforced the communication channel between sales department and service department which install the equipment into customer site to share the information regarding customer and contract terms and conditions. Third, they reinforce the customer service through employees training and education and delegation of decision making. Through whole this project, they reduced 76.86% of installation cost which improved sigma level from 1.32 to 2.92. This project contributes to corporate growth and profitability through continual business process enhancement. Especially, improvement in information share, communication among departments, and training and education give important implication to corporate which try to gain competitive inferiority in quality through 6 sigma.

      • 韓國的 傳統에서 본 金裕貞의 文學

        徐廷祿 同德女子大學校 1969 同大論叢 Vol.1 No.1

        By setting an author on the line of tradition, I have observed the aspects of korean traditional literature by proving it's successive and developmental phases through the author and his works. Kim Yu-Jeong is one of the noted authors, who started a literary career in the thirties, when the awakening on the korean tradition began to be reflected in literary works. In order to grasp one aspect of the progress in which the creative, original and energetic tradition developed itself into the current literature, I have set Kim Yu-Jeong at it's intermediate point and intended to appraise rightly his literature in the field of developmental perpetuation of tradition through the study of the connection between the ancient literature and his works and or his works and the current literature. For example, By studying the setting, material, character, vocabulary and anatomy of sentence in his works, I have searched for the characteristically korean factor in his works. Thus, I attempted to investigate how he had developed the korean tradition in connection with the Romance, and how it had developed in connection with the current literature. Especially, for the anatomy of vocabulary and sentence, I subdivided it into 1) folk vocabularies and it's expressions 2) abusive languages and vulgar expressions 3) metaphorical expressions etc. , and saw his unique vocabulary and characteristic expression of his sentences. He not only discovered a pettern of the medieval folk literary archetype in the cassical tradition, and dissolved it into reality and created a current korean archetype, but also had dissolved the classical, narrow and frivolous garrulity and jokes into the accurate korean humour in the reality. Moreover, by impregnating irony and paradox in the humour, he made the young generation regenerate it into the current expression under the existing conditions. He is truly and author who is still living in the tradition of korean literature. In his literature, the korean facfor did not fossilize, but it sufficiently contained living literary nature. In this aspects, he occupied a very important position for the perpetuation of tradition of korean literature. In short, as he had discovered what was to be inherited and developed among the Romance, and recreated it into his literature, and moreover impregnated future possibility in it, I think him a true writer of the modern korea.

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