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      • KCI등재

        모의송전계통에 차단기의 전류비율을 고려한 초전도 한류기 설치위치 분석

        박한민(Han-Min Park),김진석(Jin-Seok Kim),임성훈(Sung-Hun Lim),김재철(Jae-Chul Kim) 대한전기학회 2015 전기학회논문지 Vol.64 No.3

        The power system configuration is changed to solve increasing power demand. This changes in power system configuration with mesh-, network grid generate the problem of fault current increase. Superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) has been expected the one of the solutions to solve this problem. And there has already been reported much to the application and research of SFCL in the power distribution system. However, the application and research of SFCL are insufficient in a transmission power system. Also, the fault current limiting effect by the SFCL varies with installation location of SFCL. Therefore, this paper constructed the power transmission system through experiment and analyzed installation location method of SFCL using the current rate of each circuit breaker (CB) according to fault location.

      • KCI등재
      • 1883년 덴주마루(天壽丸)의 울릉도 목재 불법반출과 조일 간 반환 교섭

        박한민 ( Park Han Min ) 고려대학교 역사연구소(구 역사학연구회) 2020 사총 Vol.99 No.-

        이 글에서는 1883년 11월 울릉도로 도항하여 섬에 있던 목재를 일본까지 불법으로 반출해 간 사건을 두고 조선과 일본이 교섭한 전말을 외교사료관 소장 자료를 중심으로 검토했다. 이 사건을 일으킨 자는 에히메현 출신으로 덴주마루를 운항하였던 무라카미 도쿠하치였다. 무라카미는 세 번에 걸쳐 울릉도까지 왕래하면서 일본 상인에게 고용되어 목재를 운반하는 역할을 담당했다. 이 사이에 일본 내무성에서는 히가키 나오에를 울릉도로 파견하여 섬에 체류하고 있던 일본인들을 전원 퇴거시켰다. 무라카미가 목재를 반출했다는 소식을 일본 현지에서 접한 동남제도개척사 김옥균은 가이 군지를 에히메현 현지로 보내어 조사하고 소송을 제기하도록 했다. 조선 정부에서도 새로 체결한 「조일통상장정」을 위반한 것을 거론하면서 공식적으로 문제를 제기했다. 재판 진행 과정에서 일본정부도 무라카미의 행위가 조약 위반임을 인정했으며, 규정에 따라 벌금을 징수하고, 목재를 매각한 비용을 정산하여 조선 정부에 건네주었다. 여기서 활용된 조관은 제33관과 제40관이었다. 재판 과정에서 남아 있던 압수물품을 어떻게 처분할지를 두고 일본 정부 내에서 논의가 있었는데, 결과적으로는 무라카미에게 돌려주었다. 조선정부에서는 비개항장의 밀반출 물품에 대하여 청구권을 행사하는 조약상 근거로 「조일통상장정」을 적극 활용하였다. 일본 정부에서는 외무성과 내무성, 사법성 등이 논의를 진행하면서 대응 방향을 설정하였다. 아울러 향후 자국민의 조선도항을 단속하는 기준을 마련해 나가고 있었다는 점에서 주목할 만한 사례이다. The article review all the negotiations between Joseon and Japan over the illegal shipment of timber from Ulleung island to Japan by sailing in November 1883 based on the documents from Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan(外務省外交史料館). The man responsible for the incident was Tokuhachi Murakami(村上德八) from Ehime Prefecture(愛媛縣) who flew Tenjiumaru. He traveled to Ulleung Island three times, where he was hired by a Japanese merchant to transport timbers. Meanwhile, Japan’s Naimusho (內務省) dispatched officer Naoe Higaki(檜垣直枝) to Ulleung Island to evict all Japanese staying in the island. Kim Ok-kyun(金玉均), a Land-Opening Official for the Southeastern Islands(東南諸島開拓使) who heard that Murakami had shipped out the timber, sent Gunji Gai (甲斐軍治) to Ehime Prefecture to investigate and file a lawsuit. The Joseon government also officially raised the issue, citing the violation of the newly signed Regulations under which Japanese Trade is to be Conducted in Korea and Responses of Various Countries in 1883. In the course of the trial, the Japanese government admitted that Murakami’s conduct was a violation of the treaty, collected fines according to regulations, settled the cost of exporting the timber and handed it over to the Joseon government. The treaty’s articles cited here were the 33th and the 40th. There was discussion within the Japanese government about how to dispose of the confiscated items left over during the trial, which eventually returned them to Murakami. The Joseon government actively utilized the newly signed trade treaty as the basis for exercising its claim against goods smuggled out of non-opening ports. It is noteworthy that the Japanese government was setting up a countermeasure as the Foreign Ministry, the Interior Ministry and the Judicial Affairs Ministry were discussing the issue about sailing to Joseon by Japanese, and it was setting a standard to crack down on future.

      • KCI등재

        유길준『世界大勢論』(1883)의 전거(典據)와 저술의 성격

        박한민(Park, Han-min) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.53

        In this paper, the text Segye daese ron 世界大勢論 that contained the newest world geography informations will be analyzed. The work was written by Yu Kil-chun in 1883. At the age of 28, Yu Kil-chun had come back from Japan and intended to introduce new knowledge into Joseon. This paper focuses on correlation between Yu Kil-chun’s text and Yochi shiryaku 輿地誌略 written by Uchida Masao(內田正雄), known as one of the bestsellers, together with Fukuzawa Yukichi’s Seiyo zizyo 西洋事情, during the early Meiji period. Contents of Segye daese ron was written by referencing another sources, different from the ones referred in Soyu kyonmun 西遊見聞. Yu Kil-chun translated, summarized, skipped the contents ofUchida’s Yochi shiryaku Volume 1, and partially described his own opinion about current issues of Joseon in the first part of Segye daese ron, dealing with humanities and geography. Especially, four-stage classification of civilization in the chapter of Gaehwa sui 開化殊異 was not Yu Kil-chun’s original thought, that was almost the same as Uchida’s. In the chapter of geography and earth science, there are explanations of longitude and latitude of Seoul, time lag between Joseon and Japan which Yu calculated and presented at first hand. This suggests that Yu started to escape from Sino-centricism and tohave new local understanding of Joseon in the world based on modern knowledge. In brief, Yu Kil-chun intended to provide guidelines for Joseon that concluded commercial treaties with western powers in 1880s by introducing new information about world geography and general trend. But he could not complete the writing because of sudden departure for America. Yu learned various knowledge at Governor Dummer Academy and collected new reference materials during the trip to Europe. Both experiences between writing of Segye daese ron and learning from America contributed to the completion of Soyu kyonmun in 1889.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 동해안 정탐 활동과 원산 개항

        朴漢珉(Han-min PARK) 한국근현대사학회 2023 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.107 No.-

        Located in Hamgyeong Province on the East Sea coast, Wonsan was the second port to be opened next Busan after Joseon signed ‘The Joseon-Japan treaty of Amity’ in 1876. This area was where the warship Unyo(雲揚艦) conducted reconnaissance activities and contacted local people while moving up along the East Coast at the time of its first visit in June 1875. The voyage log of the warship Unyo clearly reveals the investigation of the environment around Broughton Bay(永興灣), the contempt that they had for the local people, and the contact with the local people. Miyamoto Okazu(宮本小一) also concluded that Wonsanjin should be used as an open port based on his experience in Joseon and the story of an officer aboard the warship Ryuzou(龍 驤艦). Hanabusa Yoshimoto who had been dispatched to Joseon as charge d’affaires since 1877, traveled to and from the coast of Joseon on a warship and negotiated with Joseon officials in areas requiring coal supply stations and open ports. Measuring the coast of Hamgyeong province was carried out in detail through the warship Amagi dispatched to Joseon in 1878. At that time, the perceptions and responses that Joseon local residents and officials had about the activities of the Japanese people can be confirmed through data related to warship Amagi. The opening of Wonsan and the establishment of basic infrastructure were based on the continuous reconnaissance activities of warships sent by the Japanese navy and the collection of information by Japanese army officers. While inspecting the Wonsan area, Japanese merchants first decided on the space in which they would move and the operation policy of the residence. In this article, we looked at the process of opening the port of Wonsan by reviewing various aspects of the Japanese warship’s survey and inspection of the northern coast of Joseon, the response of local residents, and the local inspections and response of Japanese merchants in Busan. 원산은 1876년 조선이 「조일수호조규(朝日修好條規)」를 체결하고 나서 부산에 이어 두 번째로 개항한 동해 연안의 함경도에 위치한 지역이다. 이 지역은1875년 6월 운요함(雲揚艦)이 1차 도한 당시 동해안 연안을 타고 올라가면서정탐 활동을 벌이고, 지역민들과 접촉한 곳이었다. 운요호의 항해일지에는 영흥만 일대 환경에 대한 조사와 지역민에 대하여 갖고 있던 멸시관, 지역민과 접촉한 모습 등이 잘 드러나 있다. 미야모토 오카즈(宮本小一)도 조선에 건너온 경험과 류조함(龍驤艦) 승선 장교의 이야기에 입각하여 원산진을 개항장으로 삼아야한다고 판단했다. 1877년부터 대리공사로 조선에 파견되었던 하나부사 요시모토(花房義質)는 군함을 타고 조선 연안을 왕래하면서 저탄소(貯炭所)와 개항장이 필요한 지역을 조선 관리와 교섭했다. 함경도 연안을 측량하는 작업은 1878년조선에 파견된 아마기함(天城艦)을 통해 상세하게 이루어졌다. 당시 조선 지방민과 관리가 일본인들의 활동에 대하여 갖고 있던 인식과 대응 양상은 아마기함관련 자료를 통해 확인할 수 있다. 원산 개항과 기본 인프라 구축에는 해군에서파견한 군함의 지속적인 측량 활동과 육군 장교의 정보 수집이 토대가 되었다. 일본 상인들도 원산 현지를 시찰하면서 자신들이 입주할 공간을 먼저 정하고, 거류지 운영방침을 결정했다. 이 글에서는 일본 군함의 조선 북부 연안 측량과정탐 활동, 이에 대한 조선 지방민의 대응, 부산 주재 일본 상인들의 현지 시찰과대응 양상 등을 다각적으로 검토하면서 원산 개항 과정을 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        조일수호조규 관철을 위한 일본의 정찰활동과 조선의 대응

        박한민(Park, Han-min) 역사학회 2013 역사학보 Vol.0 No.217

        This article focuses on Chosun and Japan’s mutual recognition and action about Japan minister and his entourage’s reconnaissance while approaching Seoul in the late 1870s. Until 1880, when Japan minister’s residing in Seoul was not allowed, Japan had no specific information on Chosun’s inland areas before establishing the Japanese legation in Seoul. Therefore, Japan conducted research so that it could lay foundation for advance to Chosun. The country incessantly had scouted for the shortest overland route from Incheon to Seoul, drawing maps of it. In addition, it gathered information from various angles, reconnoitering Chosun’s inland areas to extend its range of activity there. Through this actions, Japanese revised mistaken informations about Chosun’s inland areas. On the other hand, they tenaciously asked for free passage in Hansung and went as far as to try to enter Changdeok Palace where King Kojong had stayed. On the other hand, Chosun officials attempted to restrict the activities that Japan’s charge d´affaires and his entourage’s reconnaissance had taken, as they worried about the leakage of confidential information on the country. There was also no example to allow free passage when Qing’s delegation had been dispatched to Chosun in the past. Official such as Kangsugwan read the purpose of Japanese scout actions. However, the Chosun people who had encountered Japanese officials on the street were under uneasiness at their entrances of Hansung for having memories and experiences of Japanese invasion in 1592. So there had been several accidents where Chosun people threw stones at the Japanese, after the Japanese officials coming into the capital.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        녹차-목재섬유복합보드의 동적탄성률에 미치는 녹차배합비율의 영향 및 휨 진동법에 의한 정적 휨 강도성능 예측

        박한민 ( Han Min Park ),이수경 ( Soo Kyeong Lee ),석지훈 ( Ji Hoon Seok ),최남경 ( Nam Kyeong Choi ),권창배 ( Chang Bea Kwon ),허황선 ( Hwang Sun Heo ),변희섭 ( Hee Seop Byeon ),양재경 ( Jae Kyung Yang ),김종철 ( Jong Cheol Kim 한국목재공학회 2011 목재공학 Vol.39 No.6

        이 연구에서는 녹차와 목재섬유를 복합한 친환경 복합보드를 건축내장재로 활용하기 위하여, 목재섬유에 대한 녹차의 배합비율을 달리한 녹차-목재섬유 복합보드를 제작하였고, 복합보드의 동적탄성률에 미치는 녹차의 배합비율 및 바인더로 사용한 접착제의 영향을 조사하였다. 녹차-목재섬유복합보드의 동적탄성률은 녹차를 넣지 않은 대조보도(control boards)의 그것보다 적었고, 녹차배합비율이 증가할수록 커지는 경향을 나타내었다. 또한, 보드제조에 사용된 바인더의 종류에 따라 동적탄성률의 차이가 나타났는데, E1급의 요소수지가 E0급의 요소수지보다 1.06~1.54배의 높은 값을 나타내었으며, 녹차의 배합비율이 커질수록 양자의 차이는 커지는 것이확인되었다. 한편, 녹차-목재섬유복합보드의 동적탄성률과 휨 강도성능과는 비교적 높은 상관관계가 확인되어 일부 편차가 큰 조건을 제외하고 동적탄성률로부터 정적 휨 강도성능의 예측이 가능할 것으로 확인되었다. In this study, eco-friendly hybrid composite boards were manufactured from green tea and wood fibers for application as interior materials with various functionalities of green tea and streng strength properties of wood fibers. In this relation, the effect of green tea content on dyramic MOEs (modulus of elasticity) of these green tea and wood fibers composite boards were investigated. The dynamic MOEs of hybrid composite boards were lower than those of control boards without green tea, and the values decreased with the increase of green tea content. Also, the dynamic MOEs appeared to be somewhat different by resin type used for board manufacture. The hybrid composite boards manufactured from E1 grade urea resin, which has higher molar ratio of formaldehyde to urea than that of E0 grade one, were 1.06~1.54 times higher than that manufactured from E0 grade. And, the differences between hybrid composite boards manufactured from both adhesive increased with the increase of green tea content. On the other hand, high correlations were found between dynamic MOE and static bending strength performances, it was concluded that static bending strength performances could be estimated from the dynamic MOE, except for a few hybrid board types with large variations.

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