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        남북이산가족의 재결합에 따른 중혼문제의 해결방안

        문흥안 법무부 통일법무과 2012 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.9

        「남북 주민 사이의 가족관계와 상속 등에 관한 특례법」이 2011.12.29 국회 본회의를 통과하였고 2012.1.27 정부에 이송되어 공포를 기다리고 있다. '남북주민특례법'의 시행으로 남북분단으로 발생한 다양한 가족관계의 법률문제가 해결될 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 '남북주민특례법'의 시행에도 불구하고 보호되지 못하는 중혼문제가 발생할 수 있다. 또 헌법불합치결정이 된 민법 제818조의 개정에 의해 중혼취소권자에 직계비속이 포함됨으로서 남북이산가족의 부부문제에 직계비속이 가세하여 중혼문제의 해결은 시급한 현안문제가 되었더. 이 논문에서는 남북이산가족의 재결합에 따른 중혼문제에 초점을 맞추어 한국적 특수성을 감안하여 중혼당사자를 보호하기 위한 해석론과 입법론을 전개하였다. '남북주민특례법'은 보호하려는 남북이산가족을 크게 ① 한국 정전협정 이전에 혼인한 부부가 남북의 왕래가 봉쇄됨으로서 이산가족이 된 경우와 ② 정전협정 이후에 혼인한 부부가 북한을 이탈하거나 남한을 이탈함으로서 이산가족이 된 경우로 나누고 있다. 그리고 전자(①)에 한정하여 '남북주민특례법'에 특례규정을 두어 중혼관계를 보호하려는 입장이고, 후자(②)의 경우에는 '정착지원법'에 미루고 있다. '남북주민특례법' 제6조와 제7조에 의하여 재혼한 경우에도 중혼의 취소권이 배제되어 후혼배우자가 보호를 받을 수 있게 되었다. 다만 남한에서 부재선고 등에 의해 북한에 있는 배우자에 대하여 부재선고를 받고 재혼을 한 경우에도 중혼이 보호될 수 있는지에 대하여는 동법 제7조는 분명치 않아 해석상 논란이 생길 수 있으므로 '남북주민특례법' 제10조에서와 같은 입법을 통하여 해석상의 논란을 없애야 할 것으로 생각된다. '남북주민특례법'은 정전협정 후 남한이나 북한에서 혼인한 부부가 이산가족이 된 후, 다시 각각 북한이나 남한에서 재혼을 한경우에 '정착지원법'에 의해 전혼배우자를 상대로 재판상이혼청구를 통하여 후혼배우자를 보호하는 방안을 채택했다. 그러나 북한이탈주민이 정전협정 이후 남한에서 가족관계 등록창설을 하는 경우 2003.3.18을 기점으로 가족단위로 가족관계등록창설(취적)을 할 수 있는 방식 및 절차가 정해졌다. 2003.3.18 이전 북한이탈주민의 취적시에는 북한에 남겨두고 온 배우자 등 가족관계에 대한 배려없이 단신으로 가족관계등록부를 창설하도록 하였다. 이러한 가족관계등록부에 근거하여 이미 남한에서 재혼하여 부부관계와 친자관계를 갖고 가정을 형성한 경우에 북한 잔류배우자나 직계비속 등에 의해 중혼을 취소하여 후혼의 부부관계를 해소케 하는 것은 합리적이지 않다. 그렇다면 2003.3.18 이전에 취적한 자가 남한에서 재혼한 경우의 중혼에 대하여는 후혼을 취소할 수 없도록 함으로써 후혼배우자를 보호하기 하기 입법적 조치가 보완되어야 할 것으로 생각한다. The Exemption Law regarding the Family Relations and Inheritance among the Residents in South and North Korea ("The Exemption Law for Residents of the North and the South") prepared by the Ministry of Justice in 2009 has been passed by the Assembly plenary session on Jan 27, 2012. It has been sent to the government and is on standby for promulgation. Since the enforcement of The Exemption Law for Residents of the North and the South, various legal issues concerning family relations have been resolved. This study focuses on solutions for bigamy that is not covered by The Exemption Law for Residents of the North and the South. 1. Article 6 of The Exemption Law for Residents of the North and the South prevents the automatic annulment of remarriage of one or both parties of a separated couple in the North and the South based on bigamy, if the couple was married before July 27, 1953. Thus the position of spouses who were married before July 27, 1953 is not different from those in a normal marriage. 2. A remarried party whose separated spouse in the North or the South was reported missing before July 27, 1953 is also exempt from the right of rescission by bigamy by article 7 of The Exemption Law for Residents of the North and the South. Therefore the spouses from a later marriage are protected. However, whether the later marriage should fall into the protected scope of this article when one of the parties was married after he or she got the report of absence for their spouses in North Korea is still a gray area. It is considered that this interpretive controversy should be removed by the legislation since i) a report of absence has the same effect as a report of a missing person and; ii) the spouse from a later marriage should be protected. 3. For those who were married in the North or South, became dispersed family and married again respectively in the North or South after July 27, 1953 cannot be protected by The Exemption Law for Residents of the North and the South. The Law regarding the protection and the settlement in support of a North Korean Defector clarifies that the bigamist should sue the spouse registered on the Family Registration from the first marriage for divorce. 4. When there was a very slight chance for reunion of the dispersed families in the past, North Korean defectors were allowed to initiate the Family Relations Registration alone without taking their spouses or other family members left in the North into consideration. When a new family relation is formed with the remarriage based on this Family Relations Registration, it is not reasonable for the families left in the North to end the marital relations and filiation in the South. For those remarried people in the south with a Family Relations Registration after March 18, 2003, a form of legal action should be taken to protect the spouse from the latter marriage by prohibiting the cancellation of a marriage on the basis of bigamy. 5. Additionally, the Common Law Article 818, revised in 2012, entitles direct descendants to request the annulment of bigamy. Even after the death of one's spouse, the children left in the North can end the later marriage. A legislative action should urgently be taken for the protection of the later marriage.

      • 區分所有權에 관한 硏究

        文興安 건국대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        The current civil law is regulating the Co-ownership under the Article 215 of civil code. But the part is applicable to only the Co-ownership of the common single house of building by its contents. Then, in the later half of the 1960's in Korea multistory buildings has been increasing rapidly owing to the effective use in estate and the promotion of urban modennization mainly in the great cites. Under this condition, the Co-ownership of building has fulfilled its function very importantly Concurrently the new and complicated legal problem, the Co-ownership has happened. As a result, the Law of the Ownership and Management for collective building was enacted on April 10, 1984. This law consists of 66 articles, which has been effective since April 10, 1985. The contents of the study for reguirements above are as follows; 1. Examples in Foreign countries Following are typical cases of the legislations connected with the collective building in foreign countries such as France, Germany. 2. The Content of Korean Law on Collective Buildings. It is sure that the Law on Collective houses Rot only regulates community life on the collective buildings, but also contributes to the public anouncement of the Relations in right. However, on the other hand, we cannot exclude the probability that the application of this law bring about many problems, owing to the sudden changes of techniques in construction. 3. The legal status of divided owner Rights and duties of an owner of the divided pants of the collective building are explained. In short it is necessary to develop the basic formations for the law of the Co-ownership, which will be appropriate to rule in our social problems.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성의 보호를 위한 현행 법제의 비판적 검토

        문흥안 한국가족법학회 2013 가족법연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Korea has been suffering from the imbalance of gender ratio for the marriageable population since 1990 with men’s population exceeding the number of women in their marriageable age. Additionally as most of women whose education level has lifted equally up to that of men’s tend to avoid living in the farming and fishing village out of the city, men in the fishing and farming occupation in the country side can hardly find a Korean woman willing to marry them. On the other hand however, there are a growing number of women from outside of the country such as China, Vietnam and Philippines coming to the country in attempt to realizing their Korean Dream by marring Korean men. This galloping international marriage has brought numerous unexpected social issues in Korea. This research aims to examine the legal methods for protecting these migrant women as Korean citizens in their matrimony procedure and marital life in the country. To begin with, the legal principles of listing contract and international marriage brokerage is considered for protection of the marriage immigrants to Korea. This especially emphasizes on promoting human rights of marriage migrants and their private life along with the responsibility of the international marriage brokers. Moreover, this paper studies various stages where legal protection for the immigrant women is required throughout the completion of international marriages process to the entry to the country until the settlement of their wedded life. For example, a solution must be planned ahead for the case where the marital VISA is rejected for the migrating wife. Also a legal action necessary for the immigrant wife to be able to stay in the country without any conditions even in her simplified naturalized status in case of the Korean husband’s death for protection of their family life and the children. Finally, it reviews the sojourn status, claim for division of property and visitation right of the immigrant women when the planned international marriage falls through before she obtains the citizenship. The failure of international marriage is nothing much different from that of marriage between Koreans but it could be over before the actual marriage life is even started. In case of the international marriage breakdown, it is thought that the immigrant women should be entitled to stay in the country for the visitation right even for those who don’t raise minor kids. Along with mentioned measures, exceptions to the simplified naturalization should be considered on individual cases as well. This research is originally desired to cover from the protection of international marriage to the multicultural family but on account of space consideration, protection of children from the multicultural family will be studied in the next opportunity.

      • KCI등재

        분단과 남·북한 친족법의 변화

        문흥안 한국가족법학회 2015 가족법연구 Vol.29 No.3

        This paper examines how the family law has been settled and developed since the emancipation from Japanese colonial era throughout the time where South and North Korea maintain as divided. The study flows from introduction of the topic in Part I to actions taken by South and North Korea against division of Korea peninsula in Part II. Then it further investigates main issues and changes in background through the history in Part III until it reaches to a conclusion in Part IV. Family law in South Korea that played a main role to stabilize patriarchal family system in the capitalistic society since the emancipation of Japanese colonial era is currently operated to support the realization of gender equality that is centered on husband and wife by abolishing the patriarchal family system. On the other hand, North Korean law concerning the family issues, where this paper lays special emphasis, has been managed as a special law for the past 70 years since the liberation as it severed from the capitalism while embracing the socialist system. As a result, most of its legal structure and contents from the past have been succeeded as is into North Korea’s modern family law in 1990’s. Socialist political·economic systems that North Korea accepted support nationalization of production methods which in turn requires abolition of private property system. This turned out to lead the collapse of feudal patriarchal family system by directly impacting the family system that stands on the basis of land. Although it is undeniable that of feudal patriarchal family system positive impact on strengthening female rights, each individual including female is just an expendable for socialist revolution led by the political party and leader in North Korea despite of all the efforts to cut off the vicious circle of customs from the feudal age through the legal enforcement such as “Act on Equality in Gender”. Even the regulation of family law for child benefit promotion is also in fact a way of training foster for communist revolution. One of the purposes of the communist revolution is to dissolve the individual’s family. This ironically has accomplished consolidation of family in North Korea as the measures of revolution resulted in gathering of smaller groups for the revolution. The paper explores in depth to study the reasons and seek solution for ongoing issues caused by the remarriage of North Korean refugees as well. If the integration of family law in North Korea is discussed henceforth under the circumstance where it can’t avoid accepting capitalism, the removal of socialistic views and vestiges of self-reliance ideology should be preceded, focusing on the practical functions of the newly integrated family system. There will be a limit for North Korean people to adapt to South Korean system by merely enforcing the letter of the law while leaving what they have been accustomed over the past 70 years behind. This needless to say puts significant importance to broaden the ability to understand theoretical background of North Korean family law and legal terms to increase efficiency toward the actual integration of South and North Korea.

      • KCI등재

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