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      • KCI등재

        中国学界关于 “北韩核问题”的研究特点分析 -基于CiteSpace软件的计量统计-

        두보 중국지역학회 2020 중국지역연구 Vol.7 No.3

        The North Korean nuclear issue is a stumbling block to the peace process on the Korean Peninsula and the development of Northeast Asia. The North Korean nuclear issue has gone through series of ups and downs, including the six-party talks, several nuclear tests, the accelerated pace of nuclear tests by Kim, Jongun, a hydrogen bomb test, the launch of ICBM in 2017, and finally the “Pyeongchang Olympics” as the starting point for negotiations which aimed at denuclearization. The Chinese Academic Circle (CAC) has been paying attention to the North Korean nuclear issue since the beginning, and various research results were published. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the North Korean nuclear issue in CAC. Current literature gave enormous contribution to future research, however lack of statistics analysis. This paper, by using CiteSpace software to extract the CAC’s North Korean nuclear issue related literature, and through the deep mining the main factors of their scientific research institutions, authors, keywords, solves how CAC studied the Korean peninsula nuclear issue, what kind of development process they experienced, and what kind of characteristics they have. This paper finds that the academic circle in China has several core authors and core scientific research institutions in certain periods of the North Koran nuclear issue. And these researches can be divided into four different periods, and each period’s academic achievements have their own characteristics. 北韩核问题是影响韩半岛和平进程和东北亚发展的绊脚石, 一直以来受到包 括中国学界在内国际社会的广泛关注。北韩核问题的发展历程跌宕起伏, 经历 了六方会谈、数次核试验, 以及后来的金正恩加速核试验的步伐, 并在2017年 试爆氢弹和发射洲际导弹, 到最后以 “平昌奥运会”为起点进入以弃核为最终目 标的谈判过程。中国学界也保持着对北韩核问题的关注, 各种研究成果也在不 同时期各有特点, 分析中国学界对北核问题的研究具有重要的理论意义和现实 指导意义。本文在肯定现存文献的巨大贡献和当中不足后, 运用CiteSpace 软件 来提取了中国知网有关北韩核问题的相关文献, 并通过深度挖掘相关科研机构、 主要作者和关键词等要素, 解决了中国学术界是如何围绕北韩核问题来展开研 究的, 经历了什么样的发展过程, 并在发展过程中出现了什么样的特点等问 题。本文通过研究, 发现中国的学界在不同的发展时期都有核心作者和核心科 研机构围绕北核问题进行了持续的关注; 同时这些研究可以分为准备-早期-加 速-谈判等四个阶段, 每个阶段的学术成果反映了不同时期的客观时事背景, 同 时具有各自的研究特点。

      • KCI등재

        中国社交媒体对埃隆·马斯克人物形象认知的特点分析 : 基于微博博文数据的挖掘

        두보 한국국회학회 2024 한국과 세계 Vol.6 No.2

        Elon·Musk is a business man who attracts the world’s most attention, not only because of its unusual business mind, advanced challenging consciousness and legendary entrepreneurial experience which made him the world's richest man, but also because he is good at using the trend of social network society (SNS) platform to achieve social interaction. This study uses python 3.11 software to capture and filter Musk's Weibo articles on August 18th, 2023, and makes logical analysis based on the chronological related events, so as to extract Musk’s cognitive characteristics of Chinese social media. This paper finds that Chinese social media builds Musk's image cognition through reporting and judging his career development and hot issues, the cognition varies with the dynamic changes of character events; Chinese social media focuses on fields of Tesla intelligent driving, spaceship and brain neural technology, as well as social media; Weibo articles’ cognitive characteristics of Musk's image are extreme, where the extremely positive proportion accounts for more than 60%, and the extremely negative proportion accounts for more than 10%.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis on the Developmental Change of India’s Hedging strategy against The Belt and Road Initiative and its Effect on Indo-Pacific Regional Cooperation

        두보 21세기정치학회 2017 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.27 No.3

        As time goes by, China’s Belt and Road Initiative has been gradually understood by most neighboring countries, and has received their recognition and support. But some have refused to cooperate or been temporarily under consideration of cooperation, of which India is skeptical and holds the negative attitude towards China. Treating China as a competitor, India has been devoted to becoming a country with full of sound and color. After Modi took office, India took steps of hedging strategies to cope with China’s regional cooperation initiative: kept expressing its negative attitude towards China’s Belt and Road Initiative, meanwhile took counter strategies such as the proposal of Monsoon Plan, Spice Road, etc. But as B&RI made progress, India felt more threatened and found their hedging strategy wasn’t effective enough. Under such circumstance, India persuaded Japan to promote Asia-Africa growth corridor with the purpose of combining with other countries to expand the ability of hedging. This paper uses hedge related theories to analyze Indian hedging strategy’s developmental change to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and predicts the strategic change’s effect to Indo-pacific regional Cooperation. Finally, the conclusion puts forward some implication to South Korea.

      • KCI등재


        두보 한국정치사회연구소 2022 한국과 국제사회 Vol.6 No.2

        The emergence of Corona viruses have plunged human society into an unprecedented epidemic disaster, which made the way of communication between countries has changed dramatically. Korean Universities launched a new attempt to implement live streaming Korean language courses (LSKLC) in a purpose of continuing exchanges and cooperation with Chinese Universities. This study noticed that students attend these courses in different ways. In order to investigate whether students' satisfaction is affected by the way of attending the classes, this study was conducted using SPSS 26.0 software and Kruskal-Wallis test method, and the data was extracted from a LSKLC implemented by a Korean University. As results, the satisfaction level of students was high, meanwhile the teaching method satisfaction was the highest, following content setting, and timetable setting, but neither attending way showed any significant difference in course satisfaction. 新冠病毒的出现和进化,使得人类社会陷入了空前的传染病灾难,同时也使得国与国的交流方式产生了巨大改变。韩国高校为了适应“新冠疫情大流行”时代背景和继续开展与中国高校的交流与合作,开辟了网络直播韩语课程的新尝试。这种线上直播的韩语授课方式受到了广大中国合作院校师生的好评,吸引了许多对韩语和韩国文化感兴趣的同学来参与。本研究发现学生在参与课程的听课方式各有不同,有的是个人利用自己的设备在不固定场所听课,有的是在学校规定的场所利用公共设备集中听课,还有的是在规定场所利用个人设备听课。按照分析不同听课方式是否会影响学生的满意度为目标,本研究以韩国某大学针对中国高校师生开展的网络直播韩语课程提取的数据为基础,利用 SPSS 26.0软件和 Kruskal-Wallis检验法来进行了分析和验证。本研究发现参与到课程的学生对于网络直播韩语课程的满意度都较高;其中对于教师的授课方式满意度最高,其次是上课进度、内容设置和授课时间的安排;但是不管采用哪种听课方式,学生对于网络韩语课程的满意度都没有显著的差异。

      • KCI등재

        体育外交对南北韩关系的影响研究 - 以平昌冬季奥运会为中心

        두보,ZHANG MUHUI,사여 동북아시아문화학회 2019 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.58

        South Korea’s Moon government adopted strengthening the Korea-U.S. alliance by jointing military as a response to North Korea's nuclear test. However they didn’t give up the “Sunshine policy”, by putting forward the idea “Berlin vision”, providing humanitarian aid to North Korea and etc. South Korea executed its “Sports diplomacy” to North Korea as the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics draw closer. In late 2017 Moon proposed a postponement of U.S.-South Korea military exercises as his most positive signal, then he received a positive response from North Korea. This paper adopted the literature research method and focused on Pyeongchang winter Olympic games to demonstrate the influence of sports diplomacy of Moon government on two Koreas’ relationship. Moon government used the “pyeongchang Olympics” as an opportunity to engage in “sports diplomacy” in 2017 by sending a positive signal to North Korea, which as a result received a positive response. The two countries held talks in Panmunjom, which kicked off the inter-Korean dialogue that began with the Pyeongchang Olympics. By taking the sports diplomacy as an opportunity, the relationship between two Koreas turned to a better situation. The government of Moon Jaein has deepened the mutual trust between the two Koreas and strengthened the determination of North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons through the Pyeongchang Olympics. However, it is still difficult for South Korea alone to promote the benign development of the situation. The attitude of the United States will continue to affect the future development on the Korean peninsula. In the later stage of Olympics diplomacy, two Koreas still have a long way to go to realize denuclearization and promote the peace process. South Korea and North Korea should make full use of the current situation to continue the dialogue, promote the signing of the agreement to end the war through consultation between the North Korea and the U.S., and finally find the fundamental solution for the peaceful development of the Korean peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Docking between South Korea and China under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiative - Based on the Concept of “Korea ․ China+” Economic Corridor

        두보 21세기정치학회 2019 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.29 No.1

        After Kim Jongun became the supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), he has launched several nuclear pilot tests regardless strongly protest from the international society, resulting in the worse situation on the Korean Peninsula, and indirectly preventing relationship development between China and South Korea. With the temporary end of South Korea’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) System and South Korean President Moon Jaein’s successful visit to China, relationship between South Korea and China has returned to the direction of mutual benefit and win-win, and has provided a good opportunity to realize the docking of the “Belt and Road” Initiative with South Korea. In this Paper, the literature research method is applied to demonstrate and analyze under the current time’s background, the feasibility of docking of the “Belt and Road” Initiative with South Korea and promoting regional cooperation of Northeast Asia through the “Korea․China+” Economic Corridor Concept. Meanwhile, it demonstrates that the Concept will promote regional cooperation between the two countries, and stimulate countries concerned in proactively participating in the construction of the B&R, to bring the Korean Peninsula back to the regular track of peace and development.

      • KCI등재후보

        印度的民族主义和中国-巴基斯坦关系 : 以莫迪政府执政期为中心

        두보 한국국회학회 2023 한국과 세계 Vol.5 No.2

        Modi took office as India’s Prime Minister in 2014, and started second term in 2019. In order to safeguard the party interests of the Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) and the Hindu ethnic groups, Modi administration adopted radical policies to promote Hindu nationalism. These policies led to strong Hindu nationalism, rapidly intensified conflicts with other ethnic groups, and eventually filled India with the sentiment of all ethnic groups. In order to divert the national attention and the energy of nationalism, the Modi administration took aggressive diplomatic measures against the neighboring countries. The Modi administration realized the transformation of domestic religious nationalism into the aggressive diplomacy in China, Pakistan and other countries, but it brought a great impact on India's surrounding diplomatic environment, especially led to significant influence to the relations between China and Pakistan. The Modi administration reversed relations of India-China and India-Pakistan respectively, increased opposition and exclusion between India and these two countries; Indian nationalism broke the fragile balance of the geopolitical situation and posed a danger to peace and development in South Asia, meanwhile China and Pakistan developed a closer partnership. 莫迪于2014年就任印度总理,并在2019年成功连任。莫迪政府为了维护印度人民党的利益和印度教族群的民族利益,采取了一系列推动印度教民族主义思潮的激进政策。这些政策导致印度教民族主义思潮旺盛,同时也导致与其它族群的矛盾迅速激化,并最终使得印度境内充斥着各民族的民族主义情绪。莫迪政府为了转移国民视线并分流民族主义的能量,对周边国家采取了攻击性的外交举措。这些攻击性外交包括两次以中国为攻击目标,分别在洞朗和加勒万河谷地区挑起边境冲突;而对巴基斯坦,则有关闭两国对话渠道,越过印巴控制线进行空袭,并取消印控克什米尔的自治地位等等。莫迪政府实现了把国内宗教民族主义思潮向中巴等国的攻击性外交的转化,但是也给印度的周边外交环境带来了巨大的影响,尤其是与中国和巴基斯坦的关系产生了显著变化。莫迪政府使得印度分别和中国、巴基斯坦这两个国家的关系倒退,印度和两国的对立和排斥情绪上升;印度民族主义打破了地缘政治局势的脆弱平衡,给南亚地区的和平和发展埋下了隐患;同时,中巴两国在对印反制的过程中加深合作,形成了更为紧密的伙伴关系。

      • KCI등재후보


        두보 사단법인 한국민족연구원 2018 민족연구 Vol.0 No.72

        中韩两国自1992年建交以来, 经贸合作和人文交流都取得了长足的发展。 在两国 关系快速向前发展的过程中, 中国的朝鲜族一直以来起到了重要的纽带作用。 韩国 在同中国发展两国关系的20多年来, 逐渐重视和加强了包含中国朝鲜族在内的各国 在外同胞的联系, 并制定了一系列的相关政策。本文集中分析了韩国自1992年以来的 在外同胞政策在不同时期发展变化的背景、实施情况和影响。韩国政府从最初的外 国人研修生制度到雇佣许可制和访问就业制, 以及到后来的在外同胞签证等各种 分阶段的具体措施对不同时期的中国朝鲜族赴韩就业产生了阶段性的重要影响。在 今后, 伴随着韩国在韩同胞政策的发展, 朝鲜族的赴韩就业情况也将随之出现不断 的变化。 Since the establishment of diplomatic relation in 1992, China and South Korea have made great progress in economic-trade cooperation and humanistic & cultural exchanges. In the course of the rapid development of bilateral relations, the Korean ethnic group in China has played an important role as a bond. Over the past 20 years, South Korea has gradually attached importance and strengthened the contact with foreign national Koreans (including the Korean ethnic group of China), and formulated a series of relevant policies. This paper focuses on analyzing the background, implementation and influence of Korea's policies for foreign national Koreans since 1992. South Korean governments’ policies in these periods, such as foreigner industrial trainee system, employment permit system, visiting employee system and other specific policies has important influence to China’s Korean ethnic group to work in South Korea. In the future, the policy of Korean compatriots in South Korea will continue to develop, and the employment situation for China’s Korean ethnic groups will also change constantly.

      • KCI등재후보

        Populist Terrorist Activities and their Impact in Pakistan

        두보,푸빙펑,주윤송,량대통 한국정치사회연구소 2020 한국과 국제사회 Vol.4 No.1

        In Pakistan, there are various types of populist organizations, among which some extreme populist organizations such as those in Baluchistan, Sindh, Gilgit and other regions have become extreme and taken on a certain terrorist nature because of Pakistan's history and politics as well as the long tradition of Pakistan's domestic terrorism. These extremist populist organizations have not only posed a threat to Pakistan's national security and development, but also hindered the strengthening of both China-Pakistan bilateral relations and the cooperation around the Belt and Road Initiative. The specific organizational structure of these extreme populist groups and the impact of their terrorist activities on both Pakistan and the rest of the world deserve attention in the academic community. By adopting a literature review approach, in this paper, Pakistan’s domestic populist organizations are sorted reasonably, the structure of extreme populist organizations is clarified accordingly, and the influence of their terrorist activities is noted emphatically. The conclusion drawn is that Pakistan’s domestic extreme populist groups have not only severely constrained Pakistan’s economic development and lowered the people’s living standards, but also hindered the strengthening of Pakistan’s diplomatic relations with neighboring countries, thus worsening Pakistan’s domestic political environment and impeding its integration into the trend of globalization.

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