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      • KCI등재

        <김현감호>에 나타난 공간양상과 문학적 의미

        김현화(Kim, hyun-hwa) 우리말글학회 2022 우리말 글 Vol.92 No.-

        <김현감호>의 공간양상은 우선 개방공간과 은닉공간의 배치로 나타난다. 흥륜사라는 복회 공간의 개방성으로 인간과 호랑이의 사랑 이야기가 성사된다. 산중 호랑이 처녀의 집은 ‘천창’의 힘이 작동하는 은닉공간이다. 두 번째 공간양상은 이속공간과 비상(非常)공간의 존치다. 흥륜사는 서라벌의 제도적 속박에서 이탈하고자 한 김현과 종족의 정체성에 회의감이 든 호랑이 처녀의 이탈이 빚어낸 특수한 공간이다. 세 번째 공간양상은 대속공간과 구제공간의 병치다. 호랑이 처녀는 자신의 대속공간을 도성이 아닌 산중으로 이동시킨다. 그에 병치되는 호원사는 애정 실현의 의중을 확고히 하는 구제공간이다. <김현감호>의 공간양상은 두 가지 문학적 의미를 띤다. 첫째는 ‘애정지상주의 서사 주체의 탄생’이라는 의미다. 김현의 창사와 발원을 통하여 애정지상주의는 소설적 문법으로 굳건해지고, 호랑이 처녀의 대속 행위는 범우주적 사랑으로 승화된다. 두 번째는 ‘대칭적 애정 공간의 구현’이란 문학적 의미다. <김현감호>의 애정 공간은 대칭적 세계관을 기반으로 한다. 인간과 이류, 이류의 공간과 인간의 공간이 기울어짐 없이 대등하게 대칭된 애정 공간이다. The spatial form of <Kimhyeongamho> appears first, in the form of arranging open and hidden spaces in sequence. Heungryunsa is an open space for all people to pray for good luck. So, Kimhyun and Tiger could meet and fall in love. The house of the tiger maiden in the mountains is a hidden space where the power of ‘sky or god’ works. The second type of space is the coexistence of ‘space outside of daily life’ and ‘special space’. In the third spatial form, a space for atonement and a space for saving others appear at the same time. The spatial form of <Kimhyeongamho> has two literary meanings. The first is the meaning of ‘the birth of a narrative subject of love supremacy’. The second literary meaning is that the space of affection is transmitted in a symmetrical form.

      • KCI등재

        새터민의 남한 사이버 교육경험에 관한 질적 연구

        김현아(金賢娥) 서울대학교 교육연구소 2010 아시아교육연구 Vol.11 No.2

        본 연구에서는 새터민의 남한 사이버 교육 경험을 질적 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 사이버학습 경험이 있는 새터민 10명을 대상으로 심층면담을 통한 질적 연구를 진행하였다. 연구대상자 표집방법은 눈덩이 표집으로, 자료 분석은 Libeblich, Tuval-Maschiach, & Zilber의 내러티브 분석법으로, 3명의 분석자(임상심리학 박사수료 1명, 상담심리학 박사 2명)에 의해 진행되었다. 연구 참여자들의 심층면담을 통한 자료를 근거로 새터민 사이버학습 경험을 분석한 결과 8개 범주, 24개 하위영역, 82개 개념이 도출되었다. 8개의 범주는 낯선 남한의 교육체계, 학습상황에서의 대인관계 특성 새터민 사이버대학생으로서의 고충, 새터민 사이버대학생을 위한 고려사항, 새터민의 학업스타일, 새터민의 학업 동기유발, 새터민의 학습에 대한 지지체계, 새터민 사이버학습의 기대효과이다. 본 연구결과를 중심으로 논의 후, 연구의의와 추후 연구를 제안하였다. Purpose: In this paper, North Korean Defector experience in e-Learning is studied. Based on qualitative research, the main method of research is the in-depth interview. Method: The subjects of the interview are 10 North Korean Defectors. For data analysis, which is proposed by narrative analysis, which is proposed by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Ziber, has been used. To analysis data, 3 experts based on the Judgements of clinical psychologist, counseling psychologists. Results: There were 82 concepts, 24 subcategories and 8 categories extracted from the results of the analysis. Those 8 categories are as follows: North Korean defector"s a strange experience about educational system in South Korean, North Korean Defector"s interpersonal relationship in e-learning environment, difficulty of North Korean cyber university student, condition precedents for improving the effect of North Korean Defectors" e-learning, North Korean cyber university student"s requirement, study style that North Korean Defectors" preferring, North Korean Defector"s learning motivation, North Korean Defector"s social support system in learning environment, the expectation of effect in North Korean Defector"s e-Learning.

      • KCI등재

        중국 한자(漢字)의 베트남으로 유입과 발전, 쇠퇴에 관한 연구

        김현재(Kim Hyun Jae)(金鉉宰),이지선(Lee Jee Sun)(李志宣) 대한중국학회 2017 중국학 Vol.61 No.-

        베트남은 한(漢)나라 때부터 약 1천 년 간 중국의 속국으로서 통치를 받는 동안 정치, 행정, 경제, 문화, 교육, 예술 등 모든 분야에서 한자를 사용했고, 중국으로부터 독립한 이후에도 베트남의 대부분 봉건왕조는 한자를 공식문자로 지정해 공문서를 한자로 작성, 기록했다. 뿐만 아니라, 봉건왕조 시기에는 유교를 통치 이념으로 도입하여 베트남 사회에 한자 숭배사상과 유교사상 또한 깊이 뿌리내리게 했다. 본 논문에서는 한자의 베트남으로 유입, 발전, 쇠퇴의 과정을 시대별로 살펴봄으로써 한자가 베트남의 언어문화에 초래한 영향의 정도와 그 추이를 이해하고자 한다. As a Southeast Asian state belonging to the Culture of Chinese character, Vietnam has infused and radio waves of Chinese characters from the ancient due to geographical proximity bordered by China. In particular, while receiving control as a Chinese nation for about 1 thousand years since the time of Han, he is using Chinese characters in all fields such as politics, administration, economics, culture, education, art, independence from China Even after doing so, most of the Vietnamese feudal dynasties specified Chinese characters as official letters and recorded official documents in Chinese characters and recorded. Not only the Confucianism as the governance philosophy, but also the system of the past, enforcement of the Chinese characters and Chinese studies, this bureaucracy to select, deeply rooted in Chinese characters worship philosophy and Confucian thought in the society of Vietnam. Therefore, in this thesis, by seeing the process of influx, power generation, decline of Chinese characters into Vietnam by age, Chinese characters try to understand the degree and the transition of the influence on Vietnamese language culture. For this reason, after examining the influx process of Chinese characters into Vietnam, we first look at the development process of Chinese characters in Vietnam and the decline and disappearance process of Chinese characters in Vietnam. Finally, in the conclusion, we analyze and show the influence and its implications that Chinese characters gives to Vietnamese society by organizing the causes of the influx, growth, decline and disappearance of Chinese characters into Vietnam.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국 과거제(科擧制)의 베트남으로 전파와 그 영향에 관한 연구

        김현재(金鉉宰) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.66

        Vietnam is the most influenced country by Chinese Confucianism in Southeast Asia. This is because Vietnam was influenced by Chinese culture from the 7th century B.C., when it was the early period of national formation, due to its geographical environment attached to China. In particular, it is largely due to the direct control of China for more than 1,000 years as a subordinate state of China since the reign of Emperor Mu of the Han Dynasty in 111 B.C. Moreover, even after Vietnam gained independence from China in 972, various dynasties established a Chinese-style administrative system and established a legal system, using Confucianism as the basis for governing ideology and morality. And by selecting government officials through the Chinese civil service examination, running the state and ruling the people, Confucianism went through a process of localization, which spread from central to local communities and families. As a result, most Vietnamese today practice family rituals based on the Confucian practice of Confucianism and consider filial piety and support for their parents as the basis for their children. In addition, each school"s classrooms are equipped with the philosophy of “Learn etiquette first, then study later.” of Confucianism as their educational philosophy. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the entire process from origin to development and decline in Vietnam by using the Chinese civil service examination implemented in Vietnam as a research topic to enhance understanding of Vietnamese Confucianism. This is because the Chinese civil service examination was introduced from China during the feudal dynasty of Vietnam and has long been implemented as a means of selecting Confucian scholar studying Confucianism as officials, which symbolizes Confucianism in Vietnam. In addition, the past system was implemented in various forms from central to local communities, which is believed to have played a major role in spreading Chinese Confucianism to various parts of Vietnam and transplanting it into Vietnamese culture. Therefore, in Chapter 2, the main body first reviews domestic prior studies on Chinese Confucianism and civil service examination in Vietnam. After that, in Chapter 3, examines the history of Chinese civil service examination, including its introduction and dissemination to Vietnam. In Chapter 4, draws up and outlines the impact of the Chinese civil service examination on Vietnamese society today. In the final conclusion, I will summarize what we have looked at in each chapter, while also trying to derive the characteristics of Vietnam"s civil service examination and the characteristics of Vietnamese Confucianism today.

      • P-122 : Effects of operating conditions on solution flux and lactate rejection in nanofiltration

        김현한,장용근 한국화학공학회 2007 화학공학의이론과응용 Vol.10 No.2

        Under various operating pressures (100 ~ 400 psig.), the effects of lactate concentration (0.5 ~ 2.0 mol/L), flow rate (1.0 ~ 2.5 L/min), temperature (20 ~ 35 oC), and pH (5.0 ~ 8.0) on the solution flux and lactate rejection were investigated with model ammonium lactate solutions simulating fermentation broth. NTR-729HF membrane was selected since it showed a low rejection to monovalent anions such as lactate, and a high rejection to divalent anions and nonpolar molecules. In all experiments, the solution flux and the lactate recovery rate were observed to be proportional to the operating pressure. The lactate rejection also increased with the operating pressure lowering the recovery yield of lactate. Both of the solution flux and lactate rejection decreased with the lactate concentration, while the lactate recovery rate increased. The solution flux and lactate rejection were not practically influenced by the flow rate. The solution flux and the lactate recovery rate increased with the temperature and pH, while the lactate rejection decreased enhancing the recovery yield of lactate.

      • KCI등재후보

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