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      • 머신러닝을 이용한 의사결정트리 기반의 식품교환표 구성 모델

        김지윤 ( Jiyun Kim ),이상민 ( Sangmin Lee ),전형준 ( Hyeongjun Jeon ),김가은 ( Gaeun Kim ),김지현 ( Ji-hyun Kim ),박나은 ( Naeun Park ),진창균 ( Changgyun Jin ),권진영 ( Jin Young Kwon ),김종완 ( Jongwan Kim ) 한국정보처리학회 2020 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        최근 국내에서는 식품에 대한 관심도가 높아짐에 따라 먹거리에 건강 환경 미래지향적 가치가 부여되고 있으며 식품 산업에서도 신규 식품 개발이 증가하는 추세이다. 식단을 구성할 때 기준이 되는 식품교환표는 개정과정에서 많은 인력과 시간이 소요되기 때문에 식품 섭취 변화를 신속하게 반영하기 어렵다. 본 논문에서는 식품교환표의 활용도를 높이기 위한 식품교환표 갱신 기법을 제안한다. 제안 기법은 의사결정트리 모델을 학습하여 새롭게 추가된 식품의 정보를 바탕으로 식품군을 분류하여 식품교환표를 갱신한다. 이는 영양 관리가 필요한 당뇨병 환자 등에게 실용적이며 기호성·다양성이 높은 식단을 구성하는 데 도움을 준다.

      • KCI등재

        히스테리증자로서의 서발턴 모더니스트: 제임스 조이스, 윤동주, 그리고 우리

        김지윤 ( Jiyun Kim ) 한국비교문학회 2021 比較文學 Vol.0 No.83

        본고는 제임스 조이스의 식민치하 아일랜드와 윤동주의 일제강점기 한국을 병렬함으로써, 서발턴 모더니스트 작가들의 글쓰기 행위가 수동적 제국 모방이 아닌 능동적 저항이었으며, 동시에 “나는 누구인가?”라는 신경증적 질문의 답을 찾기 위한 투쟁이었음을 입증하고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 조이스의 『더블린 사람들』(1914)과 윤동주의 『하늘과 바람과 별과 시』(1948) 중 일부의 내러티브가 자크 라캉의 히스테리 담화에 입각하여 분석될 것이다. 그다음 본고는 동일한 이론적 구조를 조이스의 『젊은 예술가의 초상』(1916), 『피네간의 경야』(1939), 그리고 윤동주의 주요 시작품 전반에 담긴 작가 자신의 의식과 무의식에 적용시켜 두 사실을 밝힌다. 첫째, 이들은 반식민주의적 모더니스트로서 글쓰기를 통해 억압된 정체성을 되찾고자 했다. 둘째, 이들은 히스테리증자로서 타자적 주이상스를 누리고 있었다. 다시 말해서 조이스와 윤동주가 사용한 제국의 모더니스트 기법은 그들이 앓고 있던 “식민지적 히스테리”의 증상이었으며, 그들은 이를 통해 제국주의의 위계질서를 거부하고 실재계에서 자신의 잃어버린 존재를 회복하고자 했다. 이들의 히스테리는 프레드릭 제임슨이 주장한 모더니티―유토피아를 열망하는 인류의 문명에 대한 끊임없는 저항―을 지탱해 온 심대한 정신이라는 점에서 중요한 의의를 띤다. This paper formulates a colonial parataxis between Ireland and Korea, with key literary works of James Joyce and Yun Dong-ju. By investigating the respective works of this colonial duo, the paper proves that the writing of the subaltern modernist does not represent a passive imitation of imperial writers, but rather is a proactive struggle to resist the external oppression, all the while it seeks an answer to the neurotic question of “Who am I?” In the pursuit of this purpose, Joyce’s two short stories―“After the Race” and “A Little Cloud” (both 1914)―and selected poems from Yun’s Sky, Wind, Star, and Poetry (1948) will be primarily analyzed with Jacques Lacan’s hysteria discourse. This paper further applies the same theoretical structure to Joyce and Yun themselves’ writership manifested in Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916), Finnegans Wake (1939), and Yun’s poetries, disclosing that these anti-colonial modernists enjoyed hysteric Autre-jouissance while desperately looking for their oppressed identity. That is to say, Joyce and Yun’s literary style emerged as their symptoms of colonial hysteria to defy colonial order and restore their authentic self. Ultimately, their hysteria will be dealt with as a vital spirit of Fredric Jameson’s modernity: humankind’s eternal and recurring resistance against civilization toward Utopia.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 한국 영화에 나타난 다방 공간의 시대상과 실내 디자인 특성 연구

        김지윤(Kim, Jiyun),김수린(Kim, Surin),장순각(Jang, Soon Gak) 한국실내디자인학회 2020 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.29 No.3

        The Korean tea-house called ‘Da-bang’ played a role of everyday spaces where relaxation, learning, work, and conversation for modern people just as cafes act as everyday spaces for people nowadays. However, there are not many studies on historical meaning and spatial characteristics of Da-bang. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing the meaning of Da-bang around the 1960s when Da-bang became popular and the interior design industry developed. Seven films were selected with the Da-bang scenes. Through the narrative of scenes and the actions and relationships of the characters, the period meaning was identified and the design characteristics of Da-bang by scene were investigated. The spatial meaning according to the phases of the times in the 1960s films can be summarized in three ways. First, they were places where confused people gathered during the modernization period. Second, they were places where private conversations took place. Third, the images of young people wandering by modernization and enjoying the products of modernization appeared at the same time. Also, the spatial meaning according to the characteristics of interior design in the 1960s films can be presented in two ways. First, Interior design tended to appear as the mainstream of modernism, and at the time, various experiments have been made in interior design. Second, the structure of the closed walls appeared and the open structure of the interior expanded. As such, the appearance of Da-bang in the 1960s movie shows that the transitional public appearance at the time and the form of early interior design.

      • KCI등재

        “Be Bold” or “Be Not Too Bold”: A Renaissance Dialectic of Jouissance in the House of Busirane

        김지윤(Jiyun Kim) 한국영미어문학회 2021 영미어문학 Vol.- No.143

        This paper analyzes the silenced tropes of desire in Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene Ⅲ (1590) as a twisted allegory of feminist jouissance in the Renaissance era. Notably, it sheds new light on Britomart’s education in the House of Busirane, revealing how Britomart succeeds in subjectifying her fate based on the ethics of psychoanalysis. In the process, this paper refers to William Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis (1593) and Christopher Marlowe’s Hero and Leander (1598) as part of Britomart’s intertextual learning for the following three reasons. First, these two contemporary poetries formulate Hutcheson Macaulay Posnett’s ‘relativity of literature’ regarding the politics of erotic taboos in the Renaissance era. Second, their original myths derive from Cupid’s mischief and thus must have appeared in Busirane’s tapestries. Third, Shakespeare’s and Marlowe’s narratives serve as a dialectic pair that corresponds to the aporic imperatives of Busirane’s castle: “Be bold” and “Be not too bold.” Thus, this paper investigates their rhetorics to delve into the Renaissance ethos of desire and locate Britomart’s growth within Spencer’s sociohistorical context. Such a line of discussion clarifies that Britomart is eventually reborn as an authentic subject of self-determined desire, not a passively chaste woman.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국판 노인불안도구(K-GAI)의 신뢰도와 타당도

        김지윤(Kim, Jiyun),박명숙(Park, Myung Sook),오두남(Oh, Doo Nam) 대한근관절건강학회 2014 근관절건강학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (K-GAI). Methods: Two hundreds and thirty six elderly were participated to test K-GAI. Goldberg’s short screening scale for anxiety was tested for criterion validity. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was used for measuring sensitivity and specificity. Results: The obtained internal consistency was 0.88. There were significant associations between test and retest results. K-GAI scores was significantly associated with Goldberg’s short screening scale for anxiety (r=.694, p<.001). We found that a score of seven and greater was optimal for a criterion of anxiety among elderly Koreans. At this cut point, sensitivity was 78.9% and specificity was 73.1%. Conclusion: The K-GAI displayed good psychometric properties. This tool would be useful for early detection of anxiety among elderly Koreans with various situations including cognitive disorder, low education, or physical disability.

      • Programmable Materials and Structures for Next Generation Robotics

        Jiyun Kim(김지윤) 한국고분자학회 2021 한국고분자학회 학술대회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.46 No.1

        A robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, mimicking forms and functions of specific living organisms, such as human, cheetah, octopus, etc. Beyond mimicking biomimetic forms, if we are able to directly program the morphology, properties and transformation of a robot body in situ, the boundary between virtual and real world will be dramatically blurred. Therefore, our group aims to develop robotic matters and systems capable of programming its morphologies, physical properties and functions. In this paradigm of robotics, challenges require the innovation in all level of system including materials, components, architectures to integrate them, manufacturing process and operation. In this talk, I introduce recent research outcomes in our group, including programmable smart materials, metamaterial structures, 4D printing methods and soft robotic applications, and try to share my visions for next generation robotics.

      • KCI등재후보

        업사이클링 텍스타일 제품 디자인 개발을 위한 소비자 인식조사 : 심층 인터뷰 중심으로

        김지윤 ( Jiyun Kim ),윤수인 ( Suin Yoon ) 서경대학교 디자인연구소 2020 디자인 이노베이션 연구 Vol.5 No.0

        본 연구는 환경오염의 주범으로 자리잡은 폐섬유에 착안하여 ‘패스트 패션’ 섬유소비량이 많은 20-30대 국내 여성들을 대상으로 폐섬유 업사이클링 디자인 개발 방향을 제안하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해, 업사이클링 디자인의 개념과 업사이클링 제품의 현황 조사, 디자인 사례연구, 소비자 인식 선행연구 조사를 통한 이론적 고찰을 하였으며, 이후 1:1 심층 인터뷰를 실시하여 업사이클링 제품 디자인 개발 방향 요소를 수집하고 결론을 도출하였다. 1:1 심층 인터뷰 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 업사이클링의 정확한 개념인지와 더불어 업사이클링 제품의 인지도를 높일 수 있는 움직임이 필요하다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 디자인이 높은 구매동기를 차지함에 따라 디자인과 더불어 소비자의 니즈를 고려한 제품을 개발할 수 있도록 해야한다. 셋째, 자원의 사용에 있어서는 내구성이 높은 소재와 분해되는데 오랜 시간이 걸려 환경적으로 재활용 가치가 있는 소재를 선호함에 따라 가죽이나 울, 펠트, 소방호스 등의 소재를 사용하여 구매만족도를 높이는 방법을 고려해야한다. 제품군의 선정에 있어서는 의류와 패션소품에 비해 인테리어 소품을 대다수 선호하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통해 소비자가 선호하는 구체적인 소재를 파악할 수 있었지만, 소재의 활용법 및 디자인 스타일에 대한 조사가 후속 연구에서 보완되어 포괄적인 제품디자인 개발 방향에 도움이 되길 희망한다. This study is focused on suggesting the direction of development of lung fiber upcycling design for domestic women in their 20s and 30s with high 'fast fashion' fiber consumption, based on waste fiber, which has become the main culprit of environmental pollution. To this end, theoretical consideration was given through the concept of upcycling design and the status survey of upcycling products, design case study, and consumer awareness prior study, and focused on 1:1 interviews were conducted to collect and draw conclusions on the direction of upcycling product design development. The results of the focused on 1:1 interview are as follows: First, we could see that the correct concept of upcycling, as well as the need for movement to raise awareness of upcycling products. Second, as the design takes up a high incentive to purchase, it should be able to develop products that take into account the needs of consumers along with the design. Third, as the use of resources takes a long time to decompose with durable materials, preferring materials worth environmental recycling, it is necessary to consider ways to increase purchasing satisfaction by using materials such as leather, wool, felt, etc. When it comes to the selection of product lines, we could see that most interior accessories were preferred over clothing and fashion accessories. Although this study has been able to identify specific materials preferred by consumers, it is hoped that research on material utilization and design style will be supplemented in follow-up research to help develop comprehensive product design.

      • KCI등재

        초・중・고 학령인구 감소에 의한 학교 통폐합 잠재성

        김지윤(Kim, Jiyun),김오석(Kim, Oh Seok) 한국지역지리학회 2021 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        연구의 목적은 학령인구 감소로 인해 학교 통폐합의 잠재성이 높은 시・군・구를 파악하는 것이다. 한국 사회는 초저출산으로 인해 학령인구 수가 급감해 왔으며, 이로 인해 소규모 학교의 통폐합이 지속적으로 이루어지고 있다. 지금까지 학교통폐합에 대한 찬반 쟁점이나 폐교의 활용에 대한 연구는 다수 이루어졌으나, 학교 통폐합의 잠재성이 높은 지역을 예측한 연구는 이제껏 시도된 바가 없다. 본고에서는 학교 통폐합 관련 논의를 고찰하고 현시점의 초등학교, 중학교, 고등학교 분포를 지도화하였다. 이후 1세별 장래인구추계를 활용하여 2030년과 2040년의 시・군・구별 초・중・고 학령인구(6~17세)를 도출하였다. 추계 결과에 따르면 대부분의 지역에서 학령인구가 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 상대적으로 학령인구 규모가 큰 지역에서 학교 통폐합이 활발히 발생할 것으로 예상되는데, 이는 인구규모가 큰 만큼 학령인구의 감소폭 또한 크기 때문이다. 본 연구는 향후 교육공동화 현상이 지방뿐 아니라 대도시권에서도 일어날 수 있음을 시사한다. This study predicts which municipalities in South Korea will face many school consolidation cases in the future. In Korean society, the student population is continuously decreasing due to the lowest-low fertility. Numerous local municipalities have seen their schools be merged and closed up to this point. Existing research mainly discusses how to utilize closed schools, but few have attempted to predict where local schools will be merged and closed in the future. This study summarizes the existing discussions on school consolidation and visualizes schools" current geographical distribution in South Korea. With a small-area population projection, the number of student populations (aged 6–17) in 2030 and 2040 is estimated at the municipality level. A correlation analysis is conducted to explain the statistical relationships of decreasing student population and numbers of students and schools. The result suggests that the student population will decrease in most cities and rural counties. The regions with large student populations, accordingly having a high potential of decreasing student population, will encounter many school consolidation cases. This study implies that hollowing out of the local education system, accompanied by school consolidation, will occur even in the metropolitan areas, including Seoul, the capital city of South Korea.

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