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        “The Effectiveness of Korea’s Official Development Assistance: the Cases of KVIP in Can Tho City and Rural Development in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam”

        Ko, Suk Chan(고석찬) 한국아시아학회 2017 아시아연구 Vol.20 No.3

        한국의 공적개발원조 프로그램은 기획재정부(MOSF) 산하 대외경제협력기금(EDCF)을 통해 지원되는 유상원조와 외교부(MOFA) 산하 한국국제협력단(KOICA)을 통해 지원되는 무상원조의 이중구조로 집행되어 왔고, 유상원조 비율이 높을 뿐만 아니라 수원국 개발 프로젝트에 구속성 원조 비율이 높고, 이 또한 지역적으로 편중되어 있어 효과성이 낮다는 평가를 받아 왔다. 본 연구는 한국의 공적개발원조에 관한 이러한 평가의 적절성 여부를 파악하고자 최근 베트남의 껀터시에 조성된 한국-베트남 혁신단지(Korea Vietnam Innovation Park: KVIP) 개발·지원 사례와 꽝찌성 신농촌개발사업 추진 사례(Quang Tri New Rural Development: QTNRD)를 비교·분석하였다. 공적개발원조의 효과성에 관한 이론적 논의와 베트남에 대한 한국의 공적개발원조 추진사례 비교를 통해 본 연구에서는 다음과 같은 결론 및 정책적 시사점을 도출하였다. 외교부 산하 한국국제협력단에 의해 추진된 꽝치성 신농촌개발 사업은 사업목표의 구체성, 수원국 지역사회단체의 참여를 통한 수요 파악, 인적자원 개발 중심의 자금지원으로 인해 산업통상자원부와 한국생산기술연구원에 의해 물리적 개발 위주로 추진된 껀터시 소재 한-베 혁신단지 조성사업에 비해 보다 효과적이었던 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이러한 연구결과는 지금까지 공여국 관점에서 전략적으로 추진된 한국의 공적개발원조 방식이 수원국 구성원들의 요구와 참여를 확대하는 방식으로 전환되어야 함을 시사한다. Korea’s ODA programs have been ineffective due to duplication of projects and policy inconsistency with high percentage of concessional loans, large number of recipients, and regional bias due to fragmented ODA system. This research intended to investigate the effectiveness issue based on two recent projects in Vietnamimplemented by Korean government. Based on the literature on the effectiveness of ODA and the comparative analysis between the Korea VietnamIncubator Park(KVIP) in Can Tho City and the Quang Tri NewRural Development Project(QTNRD), this research found that OTNRD project was more effective than KVIP. OTNRD project was more effective because the project was implemented by MOFA and KOICA with more specific objectives and worked more closely with the recipients. The research implies that the Korea’s ODA practices characterized by the lack of integrated structure, the overlap of aid projects, and the mismatch of demands and needs need to be improved.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 테크노파크 육성을 위한 재원확보 방안

        고석찬(Ko, Suk Chan),김병량(Kim. Byung-Ryang) 한국지역개발학회 2002 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.2

        Financial problems associa with the deVInent of tecbno-parks have been discussed numerously in the literature. pre、rious res얹rches indicate that the transition from a subsi unprofitable techno-park to a professional!y maned and fincia1ly self-suxrting t:fmo-park does not corne easily to many techno-rks. le paper ,!ores and describes the types of financing and management and problns encounter and the constraints inhibiting the growth of techno-parks in Korea. Based on the discussions with the mlagers about the issue and the analysis of data, the tyκ!S and magnitude of managerial and financial problems were examined. This was followed by a look at where the managers go for adce and assistanæ faced by individual park, particularly the key issue of financing. Currently, six techno-ks are under developrnent in Korea, and of these parks are subsidiu by the central governn1t for 5 years. These parks tend to have different characteriscs in terms of site planning, park size, emp!oyrnent growth, and universìty-indusσy rationships deste those parks were crea in the same year. Most of those ks tend to have sìmilar organizational structures and rneth여s of fincing. Local governnlents play a greater role in managing and fincing techno-parks than other institutions such as private firms and universities. The development of fincially self-suIOrtir and sustainable techno-parks will be an important issue because the central government plans to stop providing the funds at the end of 3. In order to prevent those techno-parks from bng left vulnerable to the lack of :erating and fixed capita1 investrnent, the managers adrrúnistrators of technO-rks nxi to devise of diverse means of financing such as utilization of land values, sale of eqty, project financing, and re estate investrnent trusts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서울지역 서비스 분야 외국인직접투자기업의 공간 분포 특성 분석

        고석찬(Ko, Suk-Chan) 한국지역개발학회 2007 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.19 No.2

        Recent1y, numerous local govemments in Korea get involved in a fierce competition with each other to lure more Foreign Direct Investment(FDD firms in their territory because they believe that the attraction of more FDI firms would guarantee the economic well-being of their localities. Therefore, it is necessary to explain exact1y what locational characteristics are important to attract FDI firms. The purpose of this research is to investigate the characteristics of spatial distribution of foreign direct investment firms in service sector located in Seoul Metropolitan City. Through the analysis of data collected from the Ministry of Industη and Resources, KOTRA, and the questionnaire survey, the study found that service sector FDI firms in Seoul tend to cluster according to types of business. Within the same local govemment, those firms tend to locate at a specific Dong-area by the types of business. The study also found that there were significant changes in the location of those firms during the period between 1997 and 2006. The survey res비t 떠so indicates that the majority of FDI firms in Seoul are not satisfied with the business and living environments of their location. These findings suggest that even in the same city, the locational characteristics and factors are different among sub-regions, and therefore the city needs to reevaluate the effectiveness of the strategies for attracting FDI firms.

      • KCI등재

        서울디지털단지 구조고도화와 단지관리 개선방안

        고석찬(Suk Chan Ko) 한국아시아학회 2010 아시아연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 현재의 서울디지털단지가 첨단산업체의 단순한 집적단지로 양적 성장을 이루고 있는지, 아니면 동종 혹은 이종 업체의 교류를 통한 시너지 효과와 함께 산업클러스터 단계의 질적 성장을 이루고 있는지를 파악하는 것이다. 문헌고찰과 국내외 첨단산업단지 현황을 조사하여 구조고도화가 이룩된 합리적인 산업단지 관리의 중요성을 파악하였고, 서울디지털단지 입주업체를 대상으로 설문조사를 통하여 입주 기업의 특성, 입주동기, 관리 개선에 관한 요구사항 등을 분석하였다. 설문조사 결과, 서울디지털단지 입주업체는 주로 강남권을 비롯한 서울남부 권역에서 이전해 왔으며, 서울디지털단지의 행정구역 분리가 업무수행에 지장을 초래하였고, 한국산업단지공단의 입주업체에 대한 지원서비스 제공은 부족한 편이며, 서울디지털단지 내 인프라 부족이 입주기업에게 지장을 초래하고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 서울디지털단지는 국내 국가산업단지 중 유일하게 구조고도화에 성공한 대표적 사례로서 본 연구에서 지적한 문제점을 해소할 경우 국내외에서 구조고도화와 경쟁력을 갖춘 첨단산업단지의 개발모델이 될 것이다. The primary purpose of this thesis is to examine the problems that an industrial complex faces on the process of restructuring. Based on the theoretical review and empirical analyses, the thesis found the followings: First, most high-tech firms in Seoul Digital Complex relocated from the southern parts of Seoul to take advantage of low costs, government`s financial supports, and the image and reputation of Seoul Digital Complex. Second, the tenants of Seoul Digital Complex tend to suffer from the rigid administration system between Geumcheon and Guro provinces which are the localities of three sectors within Seoul Digital Complex. Third, the Korean Industrial Complex Corporation(KICOX) needs to provide better and more diverse services to the tenants in Seoul Digital Complex, especially in the areas of marketing, cooperation between industry and academia, networking among firms, and diffusion of technological information. Fourth, the lack of transportation and business infrastructure in Seoul Digital Complex should be improved to attract more talented work force. Above all, the study demonstrates that the restructuring of industrial complex is neither an easy task nor a short-term project.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        지역 산업구조의 다변화가 실업과 고용불안정 에 미친 영향

        고석찬(Ko. Suk-Chan) 한국지역개발학회 2009 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.21 No.3

        Recent1y the ationsrup between industrial diversification a regiona1 unemployment and employment instability have been the subject of heated debate in Korea due to the speciaJized cluster development and balanced region외 growth policies. Previous reseaπhes have been unable ω cJarify lhe inf1uence of economîc diversification on unemp]oyment and instability in regi on economies of Korea. Thus, this artic1e investigates the effecls of industria1 diversification on regional unemp]oyment and emp!oyment stability ‘ltilizing plausible theory, proper units of ana1ysis, valid measures and more inclusive analytic mels of the diversity- stability relationship The empmcal analysis estimates the inf1uence of industrial diversity, regionaJ employment instability, population size, growth rate, and control variables on unemployment and employment instability in 15 metropolises and provinces during the 1994-2(0) riod. The resuhs from the fixed effecLS mooel using panel data indicate that Tegions with more diverse industries experience lower unemployment rates and Jess stable empoyment. The implication of this par is that industrial diversification of a region does not guarantee lower employment inSL:1biJity and a comprehensive po!icy to lower both the unemployment rale and risk in regiona! labor markets should be devised and imp!ement in Korea

      • KCI등재

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