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        Lattice Design of a Carbon-Ion Synchrotron for Cancer Therapy

        강흥식,J. Y. Huang,Jinhyuk Choi 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.53 No.2

        A medical synchrotron for carbon-ion cancer therapy was designed to be compact for a hospitalbased therapy facility. The circumference of the synchrotron is only 60 meter and the lattice is a FODO (focusing-O-defocusing-O)structure of 6 cells. The lattice satisfies the requirements for resonant slow-beam extraction. An acceleration-driven resonant extraction scheme using betatron core is chosen to offer the smoothest spill of particles to the patients. Particle tracking simulations for injection and extraction are carried out to confirm the lattice design. A medical synchrotron for carbon-ion cancer therapy was designed to be compact for a hospitalbased therapy facility. The circumference of the synchrotron is only 60 meter and the lattice is a FODO (focusing-O-defocusing-O)structure of 6 cells. The lattice satisfies the requirements for resonant slow-beam extraction. An acceleration-driven resonant extraction scheme using betatron core is chosen to offer the smoothest spill of particles to the patients. Particle tracking simulations for injection and extraction are carried out to confirm the lattice design.

      • MOSE : Module-Oriented Structure-Editor

        강흥식 인제대학교 1991 仁濟論叢 Vol.7 No.1

        Design phase에서 부터 maintenance를 고려하여 작성된 program을 maintenance하는 것은 그렇치 않은 program을 maintenance하는 것보다 훨씬 쉽다. 이러한 program은 traceability가 크며 따라서 maintainability도 크기 때문이다. 그러므로 traceability을 높이기 위한 tool이 design phase와 maintenance phase에서 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 maintenance를 고려한 설계방법으로서 MOSE(Module-Oriented Structure-Editor)를 소개하는 데 MOSE는 각각의 module과 module interconnection을 설계의 주요 관점으로 삼는다. MOSE는 tracability를 크게하기 위해 intermediate module의 개념을 도입하였다. Intermediate module은 상위 module과 하위 module간의 interface역할만 하는 module로서 software 전체의 module hierarchy를 이해하는 데 도움을 주며 또한 maintenance phase에서의 design phase에 대한 추적을 가능케 하여 system확장을 용이하게 한다. This paper presents Module-Oriented Structure-Editor(MOSE) which provides a design approach to aid maintenance which describes the design in terms of modules and the interconnections of those modules. With modules interconnections as the focal point of the design and documentation, the system maintainer can more readily judge the possible effect of change. MOSE introduces intermediate module which increases the tracability. Intermediate module is only the interface between high-level module and low-level modules, helps to understand the module hierarchy of the software system and makes the system maintenance easy by increasing the traceability.

      • 다양한 시간 제약과 자원 요구에 따른 효율적인 스케쥴링

        강흥식 인제대학교 1996 仁濟論叢 Vol.12 No.2

        In this paper, Scheduling Straitegies that independent Periodic tasks in real-time system couplete their computation in deadlines are lesearched.

      • Distributed System에서의 Deadlock 감지

        강흥식 인제대학교 1985 仁濟論叢 Vol.1 No.2

        In this paper, we present the method of deadlock detection in distributed system. For this, we build up the system model and describe the deadlock with the aid of wait-for graph. Then we present the method of maintaining these wait-for graph in distributed system and detecting the deadlock.

      • KCI등재

        유산바리움에 의한 복막염의 실험적 고찰

        강흥식 대한영상의학회 1979 대한영상의학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Barium sulfate is universally used contrast media in gastrointestinal roentgenology, and spillage of barium into peritoneal cavity can occur. The references on effect of barium sulfate in the peritoneal cavity have been scattered and the results are varied. In 80 rats, body weights of 130gm to 150gm, sterile pure barium, sterile commercial barium, intestinal content, and mixed pure barium and intestinal content were experimentally injected into the peritoneal cavity. Consecutive weekly laparotomy and microscopic examination were done fro 4 weeks. The results are as followings; 1. Mild inflammatory reaction and mild adhesion after sterile pure barium injection. 2. Mild inflammatory reaction and moderate adhesion after sterile commercial barium injection. 3. Acute peritonitis and abscess formation after intestinal content injection. 4. High mortality due to severe acute peritonitis, and severe adhesion in survivors after injection of both pure barium and intestinal content.

      • 하드 실시간 태스크의 스케쥴링에 관한 연구

        강흥식 인제대학교 1996 仁濟論叢 Vol.12 No.2

        In this paper, it is shown that the pre-defined reguirement of real-time system is satisfied by the proper scheduling scheme. A scheduling scheme involves a scheduling algorithm and several schedulability tests.

      • 지역산업의 홍보와 동종 산업체간의 정보공유를 위한 데이터베이스 구축과 정보망 활용에 관한 연구

        강흥식 인제대학교 2003 仁濟論叢 Vol.18 No.1

        본 연구에서는, 지역의 산업체와 이들의 생산품을 널리 홍보하기 위한 방안으로, 이를 위한 데이터베이스를 효율적으로 구축하고 또한 정보망을 이용하는 방안을 연구한다. 또한 이들 산업체에게 긴요한 생산 및 유통에 관한 정보를 입수하고 관리하며 서로 교환하기 위하여 정보망을 이용하는 방안도 연구한다. 우선, 지역의 주요 산업을 조사 선정하여, 각 산업별 또는 각 단위 사업체별로 정보망을 얼만큼 활용하고 있는지, 앞으로의 계획은 어떠한지 등을 조사 분석한다. 또한 이들이 홍보하고자 하는 내용과 얻고자 하는 정보를 조사한다. 아울러 각 사업체별로 정보화를 위한 노력의 진척도를 파악한다. 다음으로는, 다각적인 방법으로 국내 및 국외의 사례들을 수집 분석할 것이며 이를 토대로 데이터베이스 구축과 정보망 활용을 위한 모델을 설정 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        각종 색전자에 따른 신색전증에서의 미세혈관변화에 관한 실험적 연구

        강흥식 대한영상의학회 1984 대한영상의학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Renal arterial embolization was induced experimentally in rabbits using autologous blood clot, Geelfoam. barium sulfate, lvalon (Polyvinyl alcohol) and ethanol. Microvascular changes were studied angiographically, microangiographically and histopathologically. The results were as follows : 1. The microangiographic findings of renal artery embolization were arterial occlusion, irregular arrangement, spiralling, dilatation, narrowing and collateral vessel formation. 2. Recanalization of embolized vessels were noted after injection of autologous blood clot and Gelforam only. 3. Collateral vessel formations were demonstrated in entire cases of renal arterial embolization (36/37) 4. After injection of lvalon, recanalization of embolized vessel was not demonstrated but collateral vessel formations were demonstrated microangiographically in all cases. 5. Afger injection of ethanol, collateral vessels were poorly developed microangiographically than other groups. 6. Embolic effect of ethanol was noted I central vessel but as well as in peripheral vessel. it was considered that ethanol is the most effective agent for permanent renal arterial occlusion.

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