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시변 페이딩 채널에서 검파방식에 따른 차분 공간-시간 블록 부호의 성능 비교
강성호,김영주,이인성,Kang, Sung-Ho,Kim, Young-Ju,Lee, In-Sung 한국음향학회 2006 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.25 No.8
동기식 검파방식의 공간-시간 블록부호의 완벽한 채널추정은 비용이나 과부하적인 측면에서 비효율적인 문제점을 안고 있다. 차분 공간-시간 부호는 수신 단에서 채널추정이 필요 없는 비동기식 검파 방식이다. 그러나 동기식 검파 방식에 비해 상대적인 성능이 약 3dB 저하된다. 이 상대적인 성능 저하 문제를 해결하기 위해 다중 블록 차분 검파(MD-STC)는 일반적인 2블록 차분 검파 (D-STC)에 비해 성능이 약 1.5dB정도 우수하다. 지금까지 언급한부호들의 채널 환경은 준정적 플랫 페이딩 채널에서 연구가 진행되었다. 본 논문에서는 802.16e시스템에서 실제 무선 채널 환경과 비슷한 도플러 주파수 $(f_d)$를 고려한 시변 페이딩 채널의 영향을 받는 두 차분검파의 성능을 비교하고, 여러 차분 공간-시간 블록 부호를 수식 및 블록도로 고찰하고 성능을 분석한다. 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 결과로 전송률이 144kbps일 때 이동체의 속도가 200km/hr를 초과하면 다중 블록 차분 검파의 성능이 2블록 차분 검파에 비해 성능이 저하됨을 보인다. 이는 특정 시스템 어플리케이션에서 이동체의 특정 속도를 유추해 봄으로써, 특정 시스템 어플리케이션에서의 이동체 속도의 제한에 따른 알맞은 차분 검파 구조를 선택할 수 있게 된다. We present the performance of differential space-time block decoders. which does not require the channel state information. We suggest the structure of the multiple blocks differential space time decoders. which does not require the channel state information, and analyze the Performances. In quasi-static flat fading channels. the Performance of multiple blocks differential detection (MD-STC) outperforms that of 2 blocks(D-STC) by 1.5dB. But in the time-selective fading channels due to Doppler frequency $(f_d)$, the performance of MD-STC degrades as the vehicular speed is greater than 200km/hr in 802.16e systems, where the data transmission rate is 144kbps.
강성호,임병인,Kang, Sung-Ho,Lim, Byung-In 한국데이터정보과학회 2012 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.23 No.3
본 연구는 가계지출 부담을 주고 있는 사교육비의 증가원인을 여성 전업주부의 영향 관점에서 살펴보고 있다. 주요 결론으로는 첫째, 사교육비 정의를 세 가지 유형으로 나누어 효과를 살펴본 결과, 유형별 모형에 관계없이 여성전업주부는 가구의 사교육비를 증가시키는데 영향을 주고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 5분위 소득계층별로 구분하여 분석한 결과, 1분위를 제외하고는 2분위 이상 소득계층에서는 소득이 많을수록 가구의 교육비부담에 대한 전업주부 효과가 다소 줄어드는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 가구유형을 근로자 가구와 비근로자 가구로 구분하여 살펴본 결과, 사교육비 부담에 대한 전업주부 효과가 비근로자 가구보다 근로자 가구에서 더 강하게 나타났다. 이는 규칙적으로 소득을 벌어들이고 있는 근로자 가구가 비근로자 가구에 비해 전업주부를 통해서 사교육비에 더 많은 투자를 하기 때문이라고 볼 수 있다. Our study examines if the existence of a housewife in a family increases private education fees or not, which have continued to burden the family expenditure in Korea. Main findings are as follows: First, the existence of a housewife in a family have an positive impact on the private education expenses, irrespective of the model. Second, the higher decile the less the effect of the housewife on the private education cost. However, the first decile is an exception. Third, the housewife effect of a laborer family is stronger than that of a non-laborer family. It implies that laborers who earn the income regularly expend more money on their children's private education than nonlaborers.
강성호 ( Sung Ho Kang ),류건식 ( Keon Shik Ryu ) 한국연금학회 2014 연금연구 Vol.4 No.2
Although the importance of retirement income security is increasing in accordance with aging and longevity, public pension faced with financial problems. So the partnership between public and private sectors is needed to secure a stable retirement income. In terms of public pension, the problems such as financial stability and potential non-beneficiary have to be resolved. If we aim to raise the contribution rate gradually up to 15% for financial stability, it will reduce the contribution’s affliction; after all, it will be able to increase the acceptance of the public pension scheme. And to reduce potential non-beneficiary of public pension, we need to pay the public pension contribution even 60 years and over; it can balance the last age of contribution and the starting age of benefit, and so on. When it comes to private pension, the problems are summarized as follow: low rate of coverage, low policy support, week retirement income security function. Strictly speaking, we can reduce potential non-beneficiary by supporting subsidy for low-income class, and an active private pension induction policy should be required for the middle class or higher. And particularly in order to support the low-income class, we suggest that the concerned people should be joining a public pension than private once. And the policy is exactly partnership between the public and the private sectors. This paper suggests that the private pension problems need to be solved by income class.
강성호(Kang Sung-Ho) 한국기독교역사연구소 2018 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.- No.49
이 논문은 1980년대 이후 진행된 미국 남장로회 호남선교에 대한 연구동향을 살펴보았다. 이 논문에서 미국 남장로회의 한국선교정책, 호남선교 전반, 그리고 호남선교 중에서 복음선교ㆍ교육선교ㆍ의료선교ㆍ선교유적 등이 중심적으로 다루어졌다. 초기 연구에서는 호남선교 전반에 걸친 연구에 머물다가, 최근 연구에서는 각 지역, 각 선교사들, 복음ㆍ교육ㆍ의료 선교 등 각 분야에 대한 구체적이고 전문적인 연구들이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 순천노회를 중심으로 하는 전남 동부지역 선교 및 지역교회 발전과정에 대한 연구는 상대적으로 소외되어 있었고 체계적으로 진행되지 못했다. 이 논문은 호남 선교에 대한 연구사적 정리에 기초하여 몇 가지 연구방향을 제시하였다. 첫째, 미국 남장로회 자체에 대한 연구를 심도있게 진행할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 남장로회가 호남지역에 설치한 선교부 사이의 공통성과 차이성을 비교를 통해 총체적으로 파악해나갈 필요가 있다. 셋째, 호남지역에서 활동한 선교사 관련 기록물을 체계적으로 수집하고 보관하고, 이를 디지털 아카이브 시스템으로 구축해나갈 필요가 있다. 넷째, 복음선교에 비해 상대적으로 연구가 부족한 교육선교와 의료선교에 대한 연구를 보충해나가야 한다. 다섯째, 전남 동부지역을 담당했던 순천선교부 관련 연구를 활성화시켜서 호남 선교 역사의 공백을 채워나갈 필요가 있다. This paper examines research trends on missionary works of the Southern Presbyterian of the United States(PCUS) in Honam Region or Cholla Province. I try to treat its mission policy to Korea and the Honam mission of PCUS including evangelistic, educational and medical works. In earlier stage of study, there were researches that studied the Honam Mission in general. In later stage of study, concrete and professional researches that treated various parts of evangelistic, educational and medical missionary works has increased. However, studies on missionary works of PCUS in the Eastern Region of Chonnam have not systematically done. This article suggests several indications for further research. First, we need to investigate PCUS itself more. Second, we need to study differences between 5 mission stations of PCUS in Cholla Province and try to understand the Honam mission in total. Third, we need to put records of missionaries in Cholla Province in digital archive system. Fourth, we need to supplement researches on mission schools and hospitals established by missionaries. Fifth, we need to supplement the missionary activities of PCUS in Sunchon Station.
강성호 ( Sung Ho Kang ) 한국연금학회 2013 연금연구 Vol.3 No.2
In this study, the pension benefit formula was decomposed by intra- and inter-generational redistribution elements to review the effects of intergenerational redistribution. And the purpose of this study is improving equity of public pensions system through the results. According to the analytical results, the effects of intra-generational redistribution do not exist on average, but the effects of inter-generational redistribution do. According to the simulation analysis results, the pension benefit was 2.2 (or 3.3) times larger than contributions for 20 years contribution period in terms of income replacement rate of 40% (or 60%). Meanwhile, when we compare the intergenerational redistribution effects between the National Pension and Government Employees Pension, the longer the contribution and benefit duration causes the more cost-benefit ratio gap between the National Pension and Government Employees Pension. So, in terms of fairness of intra generation, we suggest reducing the benefits of the Government Employees Pension Scheme first. Finally, we looked at the relationships between the redistributions and real economic growth rate to examine the validity of inter-generational redistribution in these public pension schemes. According to the comparison, the degree of intergenerational redistribution is larger than real economic growth rate. Based on this result, we found that the reduction of the intergenerational redistribution need to be reduced. However, because the qualitative part of the intergenerational redistribution should be taken into account in policy making, pension policy changes need to be deliberately.
강성호 ( Sung Ho Kang ),윤상용 ( Sang Yong Yoon ) 한국사회보장학회 2013 사회보장연구 Vol.29 No.2
This study analyze the needed income for the disabled from the point of view of reduction in income and Additional cost. Usually the income of the disabled is lower than the non-disabled. The income gap is caused by the factors of both disability and non-disability. So, we should separate these two factors to estimate the pure income gap occured by the disability. According to the results of the analysis, the reduction in income by severe disability was 47.1%, additional cost amounted to 2.0%. The reduction in income by mild disability was 28.9%, additional cost were 0.5%. Therefore, when considering the reduction in income and additional cost, we found that the needed income for the disabled should be 91.7%, 91.4% compared with the income of non-disabled. However, in reality, the realized income for the disabled was 42.7%, 61.9% of that of non-disabled. So, we assert that there is a need of income support for the disabled. If the income gap should be supported by only the disability pension then the level of disability pension shall be additionally increased 1.32 times(severe disability), 1.26 times(mild disability).